Calling async function in lazy var property - ios

Is there a way to call an async function from a lazy or computed property?
struct Item {
lazy var name: String = {
API.requestThing({ (string: String) in // Xcode didn't like this
return string // this would not work here
class API {
class func requestThing(completion: String -> Void) {

Your completion handler in API.requestThing returns a String, yet it is supposed to have no return value:
(completion: String -> Void)
I got this to work:
struct Item {
lazy var name: String = {
API.requestThing({ (string: String) in
return string
class API {
class func requestThing(completion: String -> String) -> String {
return completion("string")

There is no good reason to use "lazy" in this case. lazy is for initialization. Just create a normal func and pass a completion handler.

First, requestThing returns () (ie void) and not String. So the type of the following expression is also () and not String:
API.requestThing { string in
return string
Second, the call to requestThing is asynchronous, so even if you defined name as a lazy var, the call to the var body function is still synchronousand will return immediately.
So if you can transform name into a function like this:
func name(completion: String -> ()) {
API.requestThing { string in
// Later you call it in this way { name in
// use the value of name
If in addition you want to cache the retrieved value you can modify Item to a class and use the following code
class Item {
private var nameValue: String?
func name(completion: String -> ()) {
if let value = nameValue {
// return cached value
return completion(value)
} else {
// request value
API.requestThing { string in
// cache retrieved value
self.nameValue = string
// return retrieved value

There's probably no compelling reason to do this, but the following approach seems to be reasonable:
Instead having a variable of type String - we sometimes require a "Future" of that thing, e.g. Future<String>. A future represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation - that is exactly what's given in your question.
The future itself is a "normal" variable and can be lazy evaluated, too. It just doesn't yet have its eventual value. That means, the underlying task will only be started when explicitly requested (e.g. lazily). From a design or architectural point of view, this may make sense.
func fetchString() -> Future<String> { ... }
lazy var name: Future<String> = fetchString()
Later in your code, you obtain the variable as follows: { string in
If this is the first access to the lazy property, it will start the underlying asynchronous operation which calculates the string. Then, when the variable is available, the mapping function as provided in the map function will be called with the variable as an argument - possibly some time later, too.
Otherwise (if this is not the first access), it will just provide the string in the parameter when it is available, possibly immediately.
Since operations may fail, a "Future" also provides means to handle this: { string in
}.onFailure { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
See also:
There are implementations for Futures in Swift and Objective-C, also often called "Promise".


Difference between return of Any vs Void in Async Block

Between these 2 codes
( returns -> Void)
static func dropboxWorkoutList ( userCompletionHandler: #escaping ([String]) -> Void) {
let client = DropboxClientsManager.authorizedClient
var files: [String] = []
_ = client?.files.listFolder(path: "/workouts")
.response { response, error in
if let result = response {
for entry in result.entries {
if let file = entry as? Files.FileMetadata {
let ext = ( as NSString).pathExtension
switch ext {
case "txt", "mrc", "zwo":
// print("filename:\( ext:\(ext) path:\(file.pathLower)")
files = files.sorted(by: { $0 < $1 } )
// print("Contents of Workout Folder:\(files)")
} else if let error = error {
calling it
dropboxFunc.dropboxWorkoutList() { (value) in
print("value[0] : \(value[0])")
print("value.count : \(value.count)")
results in:
value:["/1-01.txt", "/1-17.txt"]
value[0] : /1-01.txt
value.count : 5
however when changing it
from Return -> Void
to Return -> Any
trying to execute the below will have swift telling me:
"Missing return in a closure expected to return 'Any'"
dropboxFunc.dropboxWorkoutList() { (value) in
print("value[0] : \(value[0])")
print("value.count : \(value.count)")
I can only allowed to execute 1 print statement. Just want to understand the difference.
Note: Asked this
Return list of files from function call
and was given this as possible answer
How I can return value from async block in swift
Specifying a closure of ([String]) -> Any means that the closure is going to return something, and it is of type Any. But in your examples, (a) your closures are not returning anything at all; and (b) the dropboxWorkoutList does not appear to need/use an object returned by the closure supplied by the caller, anyway. This is a “completion handler closure” pattern, and completion handler closures almost always have a Void return type.
I actually want to use the return values from dropboxWorkoutList to populate a tableview which I've not coded yet
OK, then I think you may be conflating the closure parameter (what dropboxWorkoutList will be supplying back to the caller) and the closure’s return value (the far less common scenario, where the caller needs to supply dropboxWorkoutList some value based upon the closure’s parameter). In this case, you want the former (the closure parameter), not the latter (the closure’s return value).
You likely do not want to change the closure to be ([String]) -> Any, at all, but rather leave it as ([String]) -> Void. The caller should just take the parameter of the closure and use that. For example:
dropboxFunc.dropboxWorkoutList { values in
self.strings = values // update whatever model object your table view data source is using
self.tableview.reloadData() // and tell the table view to reload the data
In short, your question here (and in that other post) was, effectively, “how do I return a value using a closure?”, to which the answer is that you should not think of it as “returning” a value. Rather, in asynchronous routines with completion handler closures, results are supplied as parameter(s) to the closure. Essentially, dropboxWorkoutList is calling a function (in this case, a closure) to say “hey, here is your data”. It is providing data to that closure, not returning data from that closure.

Optional cast to protocol's associated type is failing (returning nil)

I have a protocol in my open source library (link in-case code samples aren't enough).
Said protocol has two associated types, one for a function "send" type, and one for a "return type" defined like so:
/// A protocol which can be adopted to define a function that can be performed on any given camera
public protocol CameraFunction {
/// An associated type which is taken as an input when calling this function on a `Camera` instance
associatedtype SendType
/// An associated type which is returned from the camera when calling this function on the `Camera`
associatedtype ReturnType
/// The enum representation of this given function
var function: _CameraFunction { get }
In a function implementation (performFunction declared on another protocol):
func performFunction<T>(_ function: T, payload: T.SendType?, callback: #escaping ((Error?, T.ReturnType?) -> Void)) where T : CameraFunction {
switch function.function {
case .getEvent:
let packet = Packet.commandRequestPacket(code: .getAllDevicePropData, arguments: [0], transactionId: ptpIPClient?.getNextTransactionId() ?? 0)
ptpIPClient?.awaitDataFor(transactionId: packet.transactionId, callback: { (dataResult) in
switch dataResult {
case .success(let data):
guard let numberOfProperties =[qWord: 0] else { return }
var offset: UInt = UInt(MemoryLayout<QWord>.size)
var properties: [PTPDeviceProperty] = []
for _ in 0..<numberOfProperties {
guard let property = offset) else { break }
offset += property.length
let event = CameraEvent(sonyDeviceProperties: properties)
callback(nil, event as? T.ReturnType)
case .failure(let error):
callback(error, nil)
ptpIPClient?.sendCommandRequestPacket(packet, callback: nil)
I create a CameraEvent object and attempt to downcast (unsure if that's the correct terminology) to T.ReturnType. At the point that is called, event is non-nil, however casting it to T.ReturnType gives a nil result even though it should match!
Event.get (.getEvent) is defined like so:
/// Functions for interacting with the event API on the camera
public struct Event: CameraFunction {
public var function: _CameraFunction
public typealias SendType = Bool
public typealias ReturnType = CameraEvent
/// Gets the current event
public static let get = Event(function: .getEvent)
It's important to note as well that another implementation of the second protocol I talk about (The one defining the performFunction function) successfully does very similar logic and I don't get nil back! There must be something I'm doing wrong here, but I have no idea what it could be!
Screenshots in case that helps!
Calling the protocol's function
Implementation of the protocol's function
This was... just the debugger being a pile of rubbish! Decided to add in a print statement to make absolutely sure it was nil. Turns out that wasn't the case! Prints fine, but lldb seems to think it's nil for whatever reason.

Swift Type Erasure with Generic Enum and Generic Protocol

I have had to use type erasure in Swift a few times however it always involved a generic protocol. In this case, it involves both a generic enum and and generic protocol and I'm stumped.
Here is my generic enum and generic protocol with the necessary extension:
enum UIState<T> {
case Loading
case Success([T])
case Failure(ErrorType)
protocol ModelsDelegate: class {
associatedtype Model
var state: UIState<[Model]> { get set }
extension ModelsDelegate {
func getNewState(state: UIState<[Model]>) -> UIState<[Model]> {
return state
func setNewState(models: UIState<[Model]>) {
state = models
And here is my type erased generic class:
class AnyModelsDelegate<T>: ModelsDelegate {
var state: UIState<[T]> {
get { return _getNewState(UIState<[T]>) } // Error #1
set { _setNewState(newValue) }
private let _getNewState: ((UIState<[T]>) -> UIState<[T]>)
private let _setNewState: (UIState<[T]> -> Void)
required init<U: ModelsDelegate where U.Model == T>(_ models: U) {
_getNewState = models.getNewState
_setNewState = models.setNewState
I'm getting the following errors (they are marked in the code sample):
Error #1:
Cannot convert value of type '(UIState<[T]>).Type' (aka 'UIState<Array<T>>.Type') to expected argument type 'UIState<[_]>' (aka 'UIState<Array<_>>')
I have been working on this for awhile and there have been quite a few variations on this code that "almost worked". The error always has to do with the getter.
The problem that causes this error, as #dan has pointed out, is that on this line you're trying to pass a type as an argument, instead of an instance of that type:
get { return _getNewState(UIState<[T]>) }
However, I would question your use of an argument to this function in the first place, surely a getting function should have no argument at all? In this case you'll simply want your _getNewState function to have the signature () -> UIState<[T]>, and call it like so:
get { return _getNewState() }
Also, if your getNewState and setNewState(_:) functions in your protocol extension only exist in order to forward the getting and setting of your state property to the type-erasure – you can simplify your code by getting rid of them entirely and use closure expressions in the type-erasure's init instead:
_getNewState = { models.state }
_setNewState = { models.state = $0 }
(These work by capturing a reference to the models argument, for more info see Closures: Capturing Values)
Finally, I suspect that you mean to refer to UIState<T> rather than UIState<[T]> throughout your code, as T in this case refers to an element in the array that your .Success case has as an associated value (unless you want a 2D array here).
All in all, with the above proposed changes, you'll want your code to look something like this:
enum UIState<T> {
case Loading
case Success([T])
case Failure(ErrorType)
protocol ModelsDelegate: class {
associatedtype Model
var state: UIState<Model> { get set }
class AnyModelsDelegate<T>: ModelsDelegate {
var state: UIState<T> {
get { return _getNewState() }
set { _setNewState(newValue) }
private let _getNewState: () -> UIState<T>
private let _setNewState: (UIState<T>) -> Void
required init<U: ModelsDelegate where U.Model == T>(_ models: U) {
_getNewState = { models.state }
_setNewState = { models.state = $0 }

Initialiser Inheritance confusion

I am trying to build some mocking infrastructure, I want to be able to return a stubbed value and count the times the value was accessed. I have something simple like this:
class BasicMock<T> {
var callsCount = 0
private let backing: T
var result: T {
return backing
init(result: T) {
self.backing = result
class MockTimeDefinitionSerialiser: BasicMock<[String: [AnyObject]]>, TimeDefinitionSerialiserProtocol {
func serialiseTravelTime(travelTime: JSSTravelTime) -> [String: AnyObject] {
return result
However trying to build it:
let mockTimeDefinitionSerialiser = MockTimeDefinitionSerialiser(result: ["": ""])
Emits the error 'MockTimeDefinitionSerialiser' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initialisers
My interpretation of the Swift docs is that I should automatically inherit the initialiser as I have set all stored properties.
What am I doing wrong?
Please remove any unnecessary code when asking a question. I was able to reduce your problem to this:
class Base<T> {
init(t: T) {}
class Sub: Base<Int> {}
Sub(t: 0) // error: 'Sub' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initialisers
It seems like even though you specified the T in the subclass, the compiler cannot infer what the initialiser uses for T. I couldn't find a way to get the initialiser to be inherited, you'd have to use a workaround:
class Sub: Base<Int> {
override init(t: Int) {
super.init(t: t)

Swift: Capture inout parameter in closures that escape the called function

I tried to write an "editor" class that could retain a reference to a property on a different object for later mutation. I first wrote the editor class to receive a closure for reading, and a closure for writing. This worked. I then tried to pass the parameter in question by (inout) reference, and then generate the getter / setter pair from that. This did not work. The Swift docs does say (paraphrasing) that Swift figures out when to copy, and when to not. I think I am up against unpredictability of that limitation, but thought I'd pose the question just the same.
Alternatively, is it possible to get a curried function for the individual getter and setter?
My code is:
class SomeModel : Printable {
var a:String
init(a:String) {
self.a = a
var description:String {
return "\(self.a)"
class Editor {
var getter:()-> String
var setter:(String)->()
init(getter:()-> String, setter:(String)->()) {
self.getter = getter
self.setter = setter
convenience init(inout bindTo:String) {
getter:{ return bindTo },
setter: { v in bindTo = v })
func read() -> String {
return self.getter()
func write(value:String) {
func testBindTo() {
var readModel = SomeModel(a:"Did not capture by reference");
var bindForReading = Editor(bindTo: &readModel.a)
readModel.a = "captured by reference!"
var writeModel = SomeModel(a:"Did not capture by reference");
var bindForWriting = Editor(bindTo: &writeModel.a)
bindForWriting.write("captured by reference")
func testExplicitGetterSetter() {
var readModel = SomeModel(a:"Did not capture by reference");
var bindForReading = Editor(
getter: { readModel.a },
setter: { v in readModel.a = v })
readModel.a = "captured by reference!"
var writeModel = SomeModel(a:"Did not capture by reference");
var bindForWriting = Editor(
getter: { writeModel.a },
setter: { v in writeModel.a = v })
bindForWriting.write("captured by reference")
The results are:
Did not capture by reference
Did not capture by reference
captured by reference!
captured by reference
I don't think this is possible. And it shouldn't be possible, if you think about it, because it would be super unsafe.
Because closures can outlive the scope they were created in, captured variables must be stored with the block. But in order to be able to assign to the captured variable and share the state of that variable between the (one or more) block(s) that captured it and the original scope, the blocks cannot just capture the value of the variable (which would create independent copies of the variable), but capture a kind of "reference" to a shared copy. This means that assignable variables that are captured by blocks must be stored specially. In Objective-C, this is declared with __block. In Swift, this __block behavior is implicit.
However, in order for the block to modify an inout variable (potentially at a later time) as it is seen in the function caller's scope, that would mean that the passed variable in the caller's scope would also need to be stored in a way that can outlive the stack frame. But the caller function doesn't know this. All it knows from the type of the called function is that one of its parameters is inout; it doesn't know that the function plans to capture that inout variable in a block. So it doesn't know to prepare this __block storage for this passed variable.
It can be done as follows. )Notice that the closure and the inout param have the same lifespan.)
/// A class providing access to a resource with an inout parameter in an escaping closure.
class ProtectedResource<ValueType> {
private var protectedResourceArray = [ValueType]()
private var protectedResourceArrayLock = NSRecursiveLock()
private let opq = OperationQueue()
func performWithResource(block: #escaping (inout [ValueType]) -> ()) {
opq.addOperation { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
/// Some other class using that in out parameter.
func run() {
func updateArray(array: inout [String]) {
print("Performing on \(array)")
protectedResource.performWithResource(block: updateArray)
protectedResource.performWithResource {
print("Performing on \($0)")
