Swift: How to arrange UIViews inside UIViewControllers? - ios

Real simple (and I've reviewed articles for 30 minutes with no match), I have a UIViewController in a swift storyboard.
I needed to add a background image to the screen, so I added a UIImageView, set my background image, worked great.
I also added a UIView called ButtonsView "above" (meaning below in the storyboard editor) the UIImageView so that when I programmatically add images to the UIViewController so they appear over the background.
Now I need to my code that previously used the addSubview to the main VC.view to add to the newly created VC.view.ButtonsView in the storyboard.
I can't seem to get the compiler to see my UIView ButtonsView regardless of what identifier or accessibility I use in the editor. I also can't find any documentation on this specific process.
How doe one programmatically reference a UIView inside a UIView inside a UIViewController?
I'm 100% storyboard for all the above.

You are describing an outlet. Give CategoryViewController an #IBOutlet property (let's call it buttonView) that is an Optional UIImageView, and hook it in the storyboard to the actual ButtonView.


Make UIView subview as default UIView for UIViewController with Storyboard

I have a multi-viewcontroller app.
The main view of the main VC is subclassed so I can use Core Graphics animations. It's called "animations" class.
On the storyboard, I add a UIView called "MainArea" as a subview of the "animations". I have a VC called "MainAreaVC". As you know it has a property of "view". How can I make the "MainArea" subview the default UIView of my "MainAreaVC"?
The other option is to just make the "MainArea" view a property of my "MainAreaVC" and use this. I just don't want the "MainAreaVC"'s default "view" property just hanging out doing nothing.
The view in a UIViewController is the bottom view: it is always the one at the root of the tree hierarchy, and appears behind everything else, possibly clipping subviews.
You can change the view Class, but no matter what you do, by design it must be at the root. If, somehow, you managed to point to one of your subviews, that subview would in essence become the root.
You do not have to add a view of type animations containing another view of type mainArea. You can have 'MainAreainherit fromanimations, and drag suchMainArea` in the storyboard.

How to draw using Quartz 2D to my ViewController

This is sort of a beginner-level question. I have inherited an iOS project and it is implemented with a few ViewControllers with associated XIB files. The XIB files contain various widgets that are controlled by code in the ViewControllers (which I think is the standard way of constructing an app).
However, I need to do some custom drawing (rectangles, lines, circles, text) in between the widgets, and I'd like to use the Quartz 2D library to do this. I've never used Quartz2D, and most of the sample code I find is centered around the View, not the ViewController.
Most of it seems to do with implementing the "drawRect" method of your View. However, my ViewController does not have a "drawRect" function, as far as I can tell. Is there a way I can implement a "drawRect" function on my ViewController or whatever View it is controlling?
*** addendum:
I have researched and reminded myself that the operational UIView is a property of the UIViewController, and it seems like UIView is created automatically by the application and bundled together with my XIB and ViewController (I think we selected "also create XIB" when we were creating a ViewController, so the UIView is implied?). I don't see where this default UIView instantiation occurs. But I assume the way to draw to it is to subclass it?
If so, what is the cleanest way to subclass this UIView and get access to drawRect while maintaining the connection to the existing ViewController and XIB (or storyboard)? I inherited the project and this change needs to be low-impact.
Thanks for any help/thoughts.
Make a subclass of UIView and override -drawRect: to do your custom drawing. In the xib, select the view of your view controller, go to the Identity Inspector (third tab in the right sidebar in Xcode), and replace UIView with your custom subclass.

Cannot create outlet connections to subviews in Interface Builder (Xcode 5)

I know this appears to be a duplicate of some other questions, but the answers are not working for me.
I have created a single view app.
In the storyboard I added a subview to my main view.
I have a label on my main view and another label on my subview.
I have created a class of type UIView and added it as the custom class for the subview.
I can ctrl-drag my label on my main view to the main view controller class. But when I try to ctrl-drag my label on my subview to my custom class, I cannot get the connection to occur.
I have even typed the property information and tried to make the connection manually to no avail.
Things have changed a bit in the latest version of Xcode's Interface Builder. Can somebody tell me what I am missing? There is literally no code here. I am just testing trying to connect outlets to a subview with a custom class.
The first image shows that I have set up the custom class and added a property but I cannot make the connection.
The second image shows the main view label is connected in the main view's controller.
The third image shows that there are no outlet connections for the subview's label.
You can manually write the IBOutlet property declaration in the #interface of the custom view subclass, and assuming you've defined the base class of your subview in IB, then you can drag from the outlet circle in the code back to the control in the scene.
Or, as you point out, Warren Burton suggested both this technique and another in his answer to this other question, Can't Wire to Subview in IB.
The issue has to do with the File Owner of the View Controller. It is probably set up as being IOViewController, thus you can only make property connections in that .h file.
What you can do, is create another .nib file for the subview and put the subview in there. Then in that .nib file, make the file owner IOSubview. Property connections will work just fine there. Then just add the subview to your IOViewController programatically. Just remember to load the nib file from bundle first.
This is what I did (in Swift):
I Created a new ViewController (e.g. class MyViewController: UIViewController {})
In StoryBoard, I expanded the 'Scenes' (i.e. the tree view of all UI components) and selected 'MyViewController'
Using the 'identity inspector' I assigned the 'MyViewController' class (as oppose to the default UIViewController)
After that I was able to assign an action.
I suspect that for Obj-C it is similar process.
You don't create outlets in the subclass, you create the outlet on the view controller it is on. You need to #import the subclass into IDViewController.h and create an outlet there.
#import "IDSubclass.h"
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet IDSubclass *outletName;
Zoom your storyboard to 100%. If you zoom out, to say 50%, then the outlet connection won't work.

How do I make a reusable UIView

So I want to make a UIView that have a image and two text labels inside, but I want to make it on storyboard and make it reusable, because they will appear in another situations.
What is the best way to make a non-intrusive custom UIView?
So for storyboard you will still need to use a .xib. I use storyboard but have found no other way just to make a custom UIView.
Create a new view in xCode and delete the view controller.
Draw a UIView over into the workspace
Setup the identifier and tie it to your UIView class.
Add your text boxes and what not.
Save your newly created .xib
Call in your custom view into your code
Here is a bit more detail with step by step process. http://nathanhjones.com/2011/02/20/creating-reusable-uiviews-with-a-drop-shadow-tutorial/

Create a swipe feature within an UIImageView

In my current test app I have a UITabBarController, linked to a UINavigationController that leads to a UIViewController with 6 buttons in it and a second UIViewController with a UIImageView. I've created a segue for each button, wich works.
I want to be able to create a swipe pictures feature inside that UIImageView. The source pictures are inside the app's folder.
I'm not sure about your question.
If you need to create a sort of slider of images, you could create a UIViewController with a UIScrollViewas the main view (or as a subview of UIViewController's view).
Once set up, you could create a for-loop where you create UIImageView elements to wrap the image you are loading from your app folder and add each UIImageView to the scroll view.
To make possible to snap photos within the UIScrollView set its property pagingEnabled to YES.
For further info you could take a look at Scrolling sample provided by Apple.
Hope this helps.
