What is this iOS view called? - ios

When you click on a url from a native app such as the Twitter or Facebook app, a new panel comes up to display the page. When you X out the panel, you are still in the app at the location from where you launched the url. How is this done as opposed to launching the url in an instance of Safari ?

You can use either WKWebView or SFSafariViewController
SFSafariViewController is now widely used to view websites and it looks just like Safari.app (the user can access his saved passwords/cards, and he can use reader view), the problem is that you don't have any control over it.
WKWebView is a replacement for UIWebView and you will have a better control over it but you'll have to add your own navigation and refresh buttons and title bar.

UIWebView. Here is a link to apples developer reference


Website wrapped in iOS App - Catching hyperlink click events

I have a iOS app that wraps a website. When the user clicks a link in the wrapped website, I want to trap the event in my app and be able to get information about the link that was clicked. Is this something that can be done in Swift?
I'm relatively new to iOS app development and I'm working on an app that has been around for a while.
The short answer is "Yes". There are a couple of views that you can use in iOS to display web content. One such view is WKWebView.
If you look at the documentation at that link, close to the bottom of the page you will find a header for "Managing Navigation Through your Web Content".
What you do is create a WKNavigationDelegate that you attach to your WKWebView. That delegate is notified when the user wants to navigate through the web content (for example, when they click on a link) and lets your application code participate in the navigation process. It can allow navigation, deny navigation, find out when it starts and stop, things of that nature.

iOS PWA standalone: how to force opening in a new window

I have a PWA saved on the home screen, this opens up standardly without search bar nor the bottom buttons (share, tabs, etc..).
So every link gets opened inside the PWA, and that is expected.
I have a problem when showing pdfs as they normally open in Safari with the "share" button and all the bottom bar, but in the PWA they open up without bottom bar and without any share button.
So my idea is to open the PDF link (http://www.mywebsite.com/download/pdf/12345) in a new safari window,.
I tried putting target="_blank" on the PDF link but this did not solve the problem.
I also tried forcing the iOS behavior by opening the app in safari with safari://http://www.mywebsite.com/download/pdf/12345 but with no luck.
How do I open a New Safari window to a link?
OK, the ONLY working solution is to tell iOS you are going onto another domain.
PWA stays in your app frame ONLY if you stay in the same domain.
To open a link within your domain in an EXTERNAL window (or inside the PWA but with Safari standard controls) you have to send it to an external/different domain.
So the PWA is on https://www.mywebsite.com/ and you want to open a PDF with all Safari control buttons, you just create a SUB domain and point the link to it, like https://media.mywebsite.com/download/pdf/12345 at this point the PWA thinks you are on a different domain and does the correct rendering! 🎉
You can try to use window.open(url).
But, remember to put it in an element with onclick event attribute.
For example,
<button class='btn' onclick='window.open("https://www.google.com", "_blank");'>Open Google search</button>
Reference: window.open(url, '_blank'); not working on iMac/Safari
You can set a scope in manifest.json to customize where to open an external link.
You can refer https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-app-manifest on the property scope.

How to open url inside the app with Keno Mobile similiar to UIWebView in iOS

I want to open a url that does not exit the app when it is deployed via Cordova / Phone Gap.
Sample UIWebViewImage
I want to do something similar retain the top NavBar of the app, but without the address bar. When I currently visit a url it will open the whole screen into the app, without back/forward buttons or any of the navbar or tabbar navigation.
You need to use the InAppBrowser of PhoneGap.

FaceBook JavaScript API in native app UIWebview

I am creating an app which is reusing some of the HTML pages from my site. In one of the pages, there is a share event in facebook functionality. This is not working in UIWebview as there is no concept of "pop ups" in uiwebview. FB.Login() opens a new tab in an actual browser, but in UIWebview, it loads on top of the existing page.Hence after login, while the actual browser tab closes itself and transfers the control to the callback function in the original tab, UIWebview page just turns blank as it probably cannot find the original call back function anymore. Any solutions?

Navigating to XAML page from WebView Windows Store application

I am developing an application, where I need to open a full-screen WebView over my existing XAML page.
Now I've added a AppBar over this WebView. The requirement is that, appBar button click should navigate me to different application Page.
e.g. WebView is opened on MainPage.xaml and on clicking the AppBar button added on this webView I have to navigate to SeconsPage.XAML
I am not able to do this now and seeing an exception thrown by COntrol_webview,exe
Can I do such navigation? If Yes, pleas help me to find out what I am I missing?
Thanks in advance!!
go for a native app - it saves you a lot of trouble. Filip Skakun already described the first crazy thing about the webview (with the webviewbrush).
if not, you can use the script notification to communicate back and forth between your webapp and your store app. here's a good link: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wsdevsol/archive/2012/10/18/nine-things-you-need-to-know-about-webview.aspx
