Implementing PJAX - Configuring Server - ruby-on-rails

My first question here.
I searched thoroughly, and unfortunately, I am unable to find an explanation I can understand.
I am interested in understanding how PJAX works (link below), so that I can consider implementing it. It seems simple enough, but the requirement to configure the server to recognize PJAX requests has me stumped. I am a front-end developer that is completely unfamiliar with back-end development.
For example, how do I configure the server? The PJAX author gives an example in RAILS, so it is a matter of placing that code wherever it goes?
I build custom and implement Wordpress, and I use a Wordpress hosting solution. Does that affect where I would configure the server?
I know these are general questions, which demonstrate how little I know. I would appreciate if someone could explain the concept of configuring the server and perhaps provide an example of what that would look like.
I appreciate your help.


Can I use my web server to host my rails application?

I have now build my first Ruby on Rails site and I want to publish/deploy/show it to the world on internet. I have access to space on a web server trough a university that I am associated with. But after some searching I realized that publishing a Rails site is slightly more complicated than publishing a regular html production.
Is there any way to use the space I have? How can I know if the server I have access to is up for the task? Is there any guides on how to do this via SSH or git or whatever? I have search a lot but not found anything useful. It doesn't have to be easy, I just have to work. And it's good if I can learn and understand what I am doing.
I have tried quite extensively to make it work with Heroku (everybody claims it to be so easy) but failed since it will not accept my push. Probably because I use Rails 4.2.2 (I don't want to change this, too many things stopped working when I tried to update) and Paperclip which seems to be known issues.
Please, I'm getting desperate, any help pointing in the right direction is very appreciated.

Implementing reCaptcha into a Rails 2.3.12 app

I need to implement reCaptcha into a Rails app form for my internship. Unfortunately I am still taking my Web Programming classes and haven't gotten into any server side lessons yet, so I am still a complete noob when it comes to submitting forms and sending requests to servers, let alone not using RoR before I started the internship. I have been trying to find a tutorial to follow, but all that I've found assume more experience with web development.
I have the public/private keys from the site and have installed the plugin, but am completely lost now. Obviously I don't want someone to just tell me what I should code, but if someone could tell me where I need to go after this that would be fantastic. I know that I need to add <%= recaptcha_tags %> where I want reCaptcha to appear, but I haven't been able to find anything pertaining to what I need to code for the helpers or what kind of JavaScript I need to implement. I know I need to do some AJAX calls, but again, NO idea what to do or where to start.
Any tips, pointers or references to tutorials would be fantastical and I would love you forever and a day. Thanks!
look here
or the best place :

Where to get help with Action Script 3 - User groups, etc?

I am developing in rails and have some programming background.
I'm looking for help with Action Script 3, but most of my googling turns up "copy-paste" style answers from designers who don't understand code, and the solutions rarely work.
Where do I go to find Action Script programmers, rather than designers?
To give you an idea of what I'm trying to solve, here's where I'm currently stuck:
Get the flash file to communicate with rails trying with json, I'm not seeing any requests to the rails server, and I can't tell where the block is. I'm not sure if I'm encountering security issues with the browser trying to stop communication, or if I'm missing something somewhere.
Get the flash file to redirect the browserI assume this is difficult because it's a security issue, so what's the solution? put javascript on the page, call the flash from javascript, get flash to communicate with javascript and then get javascript to get the browser to redirect?
I think overall it would be good to get some tools that helped debug the communications, requests in and out of flash. I can use wireshark, but I think what I need is something that can tell what flash is trying to get the browser to do, and how the browser is responding.
I think SO is a good place to get prompt and useful help / guidance. So, I'd ask here.
Other than that, I've been participating in these 2 groups for some time.
You'll find some nice and knowledgeable folks over there. Though I'm under the impression that lately these lists are not as active as they used to be a couple of years ago (but maybe that's just me comparing them to SO, which is a very different beast, with a different dynamic).
I mainly use stackowerflow nowadays, but here's two other forums (or a forum and a mailing list):
I like to use
(this includes the adobe documentation online as well as tie-ins to forums),
(this is a great website for purely Flash AS2/AS3 problems),
and here...
I also do a lot of google searches, but I seem to come back to these three quite a bit more than the others.

Solution for comments for a Rails application

I'm introducing comments into a Rails application, and, being exceptionally lazy, I'm looking for a plugin to do it for me. I came across acts-as-commentable, but I didn't find much else. Acts-as-commentable seems fine, but it doesn't have support for threading.
Of course, it wouldn't be too hard just to home-brew the entire thing, but I think that surely commenting is such a common feature that there should be a canonical plugin to handle it. Can somebody with perhaps more Google Fu than me point me in the right direction?
This is acts_as_commentable_with_threading plugin which help you for threaded comment.
The most lazy approach would be to use third-party commenting system like DISQUS : just copypaste a couple of javascripts and you're done.
Surely, it can't be used if your app has an authentication system of its own.
If you do not want to integrate a third-party service like Disqus, you have Juvia The Comments and Commontator. Also you can count with opinio as alternative. but only with Rails 3 and at the moment and as notice the development seems stalled.

OpenSocial server implementation

What is the preferred method of implementing the OpenSocial platform? I'm aware of Apache Shindig but can't really find any useful information on it. Also, is it possible to use an existing solution like the Rails-based lovdbyless and add OpenSocial features to it?
I've ported shindig over to .NET at and a sample site using it from partuza at
There seems to be a plugin that someone started, Ruby on Rails, OpenSocial Container plugin 0.1.0, the comments have someone from Apache Shindig suggesting it get rolled into there as the Ruby server implementation.
I also found an article on rolling your own, Google's OpenSocial with Ruby on Rails.
I haven't tried, either, yet.
Even some of the guys on the Shindig team admit that the documentation is very sparse, to the extent that they say the source code is the documentation - and, believe me, there's quite a bit of source code to look at.
The most helpful links I've found are these:
and for an example of how to replace the default classes so as to interact with a database:
