AS3: What resolvePath should I use for my AIR application? - ios

I am working on an simple AIR app.
And used:
Here, I have kept my external images into a folder called "INTERFACE".
After publishing, I have removed the image folder.
And images are not loading in my APP.
So like to know, What
shoud I use for my AIR application?
PS: I am using MAC, I am not sure about WINDOWS.

Your images wont load because you are targeting
but you dont have the directory there, because you have deleted that. So your app must create "INTERFACE" directory in userDirectory and then access it. You can read More about the file handling at, It have explanation for both platform


Transfer file from iOS app to computer while debugging

For a native iOS application we are integrating a C++ library which is writing some logs to disk to json file.
During debugging, we would like to access to this logs, but currently we can only do it by downloading the whole app container to the macOS machine and searching for the file there.
Since this a very time consuming operation we were hoping that there would be some solution that would allows us to get this file quickly. I did take a look to the lldb commands, but none of them seem to let you extract a file from the phone.
Is there anyway to do this in a quick way?
Thank you
Couple options...
1 - Add debug-only code in your app to share the log file (via AirDrop would probably be a good option).
2 - During debug, set these two keys (in project settings / info) to Yes:
Application supports iTunes file sharing
Supports opening documents in place
Once you've done that, you can open / copy files from your app's Documents directory (assuming that's where the logs are being written) from Finder on your Mac.

MergJSON LiveCode External for iOS standalone setup

Currently we are only testing LiveCode 7.0.4 to see how it works and if we want to even use it. In our apps we need JSON from our server and have setup the mergJSON library/External in Livecode. So far, this is working very nicely in standalone tests for both MacOS and Windows. Today I started doing some simple tests on iOS and I am having a hard time with it.
I found answers where we need to use the Copy Files section in Standalone Settings, and that we need to copy the *.lcext file for mergJSON. Also watched the youtube how-to video that had mergSettings. There are no .nib files for mergJSON. Only .so, .dylib, and .dll, and the .lcext. I tried to add the .bundle file like the video, but the app will not launch, only black screen. Are other files required for mergJSON? And where do we put them? Do they stay in the same Externals folder structure or in project folder. Also, does an IOS runtime folder need to be created like in Widows/Mac? The app runs, no errors, but no JSON results are returned. I guess I am just a little confused on the Externals setup for iOS.
Just quick notes of our environment. We have Xcode 6.2 and the iOS Sdk 8.2. Live Code is 7.0.4 GPL (just testing and learning this way for now, will purchase commercial once I learn more.) I think the mergJSON I have is 1.0.15, downloaded from (which appears to be offline today) I have only tested on the simulator.
Thanks for any help.
You only need to include the lcext file in the copy files section of standalone settings. No need to setup a runtime folder for iOS etc.

FlashDevelop - Loading external swfs on iOS

My application needs to load external swfs with ABC. I checked that this feature is available in AIR 3.7 and later. I managed to get the new SDK - 3.8 with the latest version of FD (4.4.3).
Now I am following this link:
According to this post, "During IPA packaging, ADT extracts the ABC code from all child SWFs, adds it to the final executable and generates stripped SWFs in the “externalStrippedSwfs” folder created in the current working directory. The directory structure within the “externalStrippedSwfs” folder remains the same as specified within the text file. The generated stripped SWF’s should then be externally hosted on a web server of developer’s choice."
However, firstly, I could not find any such folder called "externalStrippedSwfs".
Secondly, even if this works, this means that everytime I have a new external swf to load, I will have to get it stripped off the code, put it in the main swf, and then upload the stripped swf (with assets). So everytime I do this, I need to "reupload" my app to Apple.
Are these assumptions right? My app architecture will need to be modified accordingly.
Yes, your assumptions are correct: You can't load an external .swf containing AS3 and have the app execute the byte code.
If we ignore the fact that it would most likely not be approved by Apple it can't technically work. The reason is because the Adobe AIR app doesn't contain a virtual machine capable of interpreting the byte code in the .swf:
When you build your application for iOS, there is no interpreted code
and no runtime in your final binary. Your application is truly a
native iOS app.
You can do it! :) You just need to upgrade to AIR SDK3.8+ and follow the painful process.
The only limitation is that each external swif that you will be loading at run time, must be stripped by your ADT.
But you are right: you will need to update your app everytime your external content needs to be updated.
"externalStrippedSwfs" is arbitrary (name it as you wish I believe), you have to create that folder in your bin and run the command line from there.
Looks like Apple is not ready to lose the leash yet...

Is it possible to embed an existing SWF into an Air for iOS app?

One of my customers has many SWF and he would like to port them to iPad. However, he only has the SWFs, not the FLAs.
I 'd like to know if it is a way to run the SWFs inside an Air for iOS app. I´ve read you can import then with a Loader, but they will only run as an animation ignoring all the code inside them.
Thanks, any help is welcome!
[UPDATE] I´ve read something about using SWC, but still not sure if they will run the code.
Update, Oct 2012:
In Adobe AIR 3.5, adl is introducing a feature called "multiple SWF support" that allows the use of Loaders to load SWFs delivered in the .ipa (local files, not from servers) to have code in them. The adl compiler AOT compiles SWFs that are included in the .ipa, allowing them to be loaded and work under iOS.
AIR 3.5 is currently in beta at the time of this writing, available on the adobe labs site:
AIR 3.5 on Adobe labs website
AIR 3.5 release notes
Note that this feature requires -swf-version=18 or greater of the root SWF (not necessarily the assets being loaded) and AIR namespace ending in 3.5 in the application xml file.
Older answer:
The reason external SWFs with code in the doesn't work is that Air's ADT compiler cross-compiles your root SWF (and only your root swf) into objective-c code consumable by an iOS device. Both [embedded] SWFs and those included in the .ipa (prior to AIR 3.5) are not cross-compiled.
I created a workaround for this problem for embedded assets:
private var gameLevel:Class;
addChild(new gameLevel());
In this scenario, if gameLevel.swf has code in it, it typically wouldn't work in iOS, because new gameLevel() would create a Loader and interpret SWF bytecode. But, if you first run the above SWF through my tool called SWFMerge, it will take your embedded SWF and merge it into your root SWF. The result is that ADT will compile your embedded code into objective-C, it will work on iOS, and note: new gameLevel() now results in an instance of your asset - NOT a Loader.
The SWFMerge tool is here:
LMK if this workaround works for you or if you have trouble. Cheers!
Yes you can,
Apple does not allow your application to download SWF's using Loader from the internet but you ARE allowed to embed and include them inside of your .ipa
To do this you would use the embed tag
[Embed("myswf.swf", mimeType="application/octet-stream")] private var mySwf:Class;
You can then use
swf = new mySwf();
swf.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
And interact with the swf inside that complete handler
I wanted to add to this that it is possible to compile a SWF that is not able to be loaded

Can PhoneGap be used in apps built with theos?

I want to use PhoneGap to make a Cydia app, however the iOS instructions on their website only show how to use it with Xcode.
I don't have a Mac, but I'd like to be able to make my app for Cydia, with theos. Is this possible with PhoneGap, or is it only usable with Xcode?
I've never done this, but YES it should be entirely possible. The Xcode instructions set it up for you to have a specific template with all of the phonegap files already in the proper locations. So it's easy to get going. But it doesn't do anything else that is particularly special. Theoretically you could simply setup all of the files in a theos project.
To do this you will need to 'reconstruct' exactly what goes into a phonegap template. I have no experience with theos, but a rough idea of what you will need to be able to do includes the following:
Import PhoneGap.framework
Reconstruct AppDelegate code
Import Supporting Files (PhoneGap.plist)
Additionally you will need to configure the folder structure with the www folder (that the webview loads from) including the index.html file and the phonegap-1.0.0.js file.
So yes, it should be possible. Let me know if you are successful. Good luck!
