Adding year for all records with update_all - ruby-on-rails

I need to update all records in my model by adding another year before the date saved , seek information and an option is with update_all , I really would help an example with dates update_all database: PostgreSQL
An example:
the saved date is this 15/01/16 after executing the action 01/15/17 and so on all records.
or some other option would be very helpful!

If you use the PostgreSQL database you can use the interval from datetime functions:
$ rails console
=> User.last
id: 7,
name: "foo",
email: "",
created_at: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:54:52 MSK +03:00,
=> User.update_all("created_at = created_at + '1 year'::interval")
=> #<User:0x00563c0c9e4f78
id: 7,
name: "foo",
email: "",
created_at: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 19:54:52 MSK +03:00,
If MySQL database you can use the DATE_ADD function.
All of this should work if the column have a right type.


Rails app not following the timezone configured in config/application.rb

I'm new to configuring timezones and confused about a few points. Any advice on the correct configuration would be appreciated.
My understanding is that it's best practice to store all timestamps as UTC in the DB (I'm using PostgreSQL). On the other hand, in the actual app, I'd like to see the timestamps in my local timezone (JST +9:00).
I've configured config/application.rb like this:
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.load_defaults 5.2
config.time_zone = 'Tokyo'
However, I'm not sure it's configured correctly, because I'm getting mixed results in the rails console. and tell me the timezone is set to JST, but the created_at and updated_at timestamps are rendered as UTC when I do User.first.
#=> #<User id: 1, first_name: "Bob", last_name: "Smith", created_at: "2019-04-09 08:54:30", updated_at: "2019-04-09 08:54:30">
But then, the time is rendered as JST if I specifically ask for the created_at time:
#=> Tue, 09 Apr 2019 17:54:30 JST +09:00
Why are the timestamps being rendered as UTC unless I specifically ask for the time itself? Is this normal? The same phenomenon is happening for DateTime columns in my other tables as well.
All your dates seems to be the same, it's just how they are represented on different contexts.
#=> #<User id: 1, first_name: "Bob", last_name: "Smith", created_at: "2019-04-09 08:54:30", updated_at: "2019-04-09 08:54:30">
renders the result of .inspect
#=> Tue, 09 Apr 2019 17:54:30 JST +09:00
is the console guessing you want the date formated with the current time zone.
You could force some representation being explicit
User.first.created_at.to_formatted_s(:db) #should print the same as you see on the inspect
I18n.localize(User.first.created_at) #should localize the date with the default date format
I18n.localize(USer.first.created_at, format: :something) #should localize the date as the format you defined as ":something" on your locale file

is it possible to override built-in Ruby methods?

I am working on a problem where I have to pass an rpsec test. The problem is that the method is using the same name as a built in ruby method .count
given that I cannot change the rspec test, is it possible to override .count to behave differently? if not, is there a better way to get around this?
here is the rspec test I am trying to pass
subject = FinancialSummary.one_day(user: user, currency: :usd)
expect(subject.count(:deposit)).to eq(2)
my code:
class FinancialSummary
def self.one_day(user: user, currency: currency)
one_day_range =
find_transaction(, currency).where(created_at: one_day_range)
def self.find_transaction(user_id, currency)
Transaction.where(user_id: user_id,
amount_currency: currency.to_s.upcase
id: 1,
user_id: 1,
amount_cents: 1,
amount_currency: "USD",
category: "deposit",
created_at: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 18:46:53 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 18:46:53 UTC +00:00>,
id: 2,
user_id: 1,
amount_cents: 2000,
amount_currency: "USD",
category: "deposit",
created_at: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 18:47:43 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Sat, 10 Mar 2018 18:47:43 UTC +00:00>,
id: 7,
user_id: 1,
amount_cents: 1200,
amount_currency: "USD",
category: "withdraw",
created_at: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 02:22:42 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Tue, 06 Mar 2018 18:48:20 UTC +00:00>]
it is printing out, what I believe to be the correct information, up until the test attempts to count the transactions by their category: 'deposit'. Then I get this error message:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: deposit: SELECT COUNT(deposit) FROM "transactions" WHERE "transactions"."user_id" = ? AND "transactions"."amount_currency" = ?
Some Assumptions Were Made in the Writing of this answer and modifications may be made based on updated specifications
Overriding count is a bad idea because others who view or use your code will have no idea that this is not the count they know and understand.
Instead consider creating a scope for this like
class FinancialSummary < ApplicationRecord
scope :one_day, ->(user:,currency:) { where(user: user, currency: currency) } #clearly already a scope
scope :transaction_type, ->(transaction_type:) { where(category: transaction_type) }
then the test becomes
subject = FinancialSummary.one_day(user: user, currency: :usd)
expect(subject.transaction_type(:deposit).count).to eq(2)
SQL now becomes:
"transactions"."user_id" = ?
AND "transactions"."amount_currency" = "usd"
AND "transactions"."category" = "deposit"
Still very understandable and easy to read without the need to destroy the count method we clearly just used.
It's not clear what object the count message is being sent to because I don't know what FinancialSummary.one_day(user: user, currency: :usd) returns, but it seems like you are saying count is a method on whatever it returns, that you can't change. What does FinancialSummary.one_day(user: user, currency: :usd).class return?
Perhaps one solution would be to alias it on that object by adding alias_method :count, :account_count and then in your test calling expect(subject.account_count(:deposit)).to eq(2)
It would be easier if you could post the FinancialSummary#one_day method in your question.

How to extract only year from created_at column

Querying the database for the created_at value gives the following output:
>> kevin.created_at
=> Sun, 21 Aug 2016 07:46:26 UTC +00:00
How can I extract only the year from this information?
I tried to treat kevin.created_at as a string and see if I could get what I want with:
>> kevin.created_at.split[3].to_i
However I get this message:
NoMethodError: undefined method `split' for Sun, 21 Aug 2016 07:46:26 UTC +00:00:Time
Therefore I tried with:
>> kevin.created_at.to_a
=> [26, 46, 7, 21, 8, 2016, 0, 234, false, "UTC"]
So I may have a solution with:
>> kevin.created_at.to_a[5]
=> 2016
Is there any better or more elegant solution to query Postgresql for this information?
You can use .year function from ruby Time class as:
In Postgres, the EXTRACT function can get you just the year from a date:
# SELECT EXTRACT('year' FROM created_at) as year FROM USERS LIMIT 1;
(1 row)
In Ruby, if you already have your record on hand, you can just use the Time#year method:
user.created_at.year # => 2016
Alternately you can use date_part function
SELECT DATE_PART('year' , created_at) AS year FROM USERS
please refer datetime function in postgresql
hope it helps.

Rails and timezone in created_at

ruby-1.9.2-p0 > SalesData.last
=> #<SalesData id: 196347, created_at: "2011-04-05 18:53:15", updated_at: "2011-04-05 18:53:15">
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > SalesData.last.created_at
=> Tue, 05 Apr 2011 20:53:21 CEST +02:00
config.time_zone = 'Copenhagen'
I don't get it - anyone?
I assume you're asking why the created_at datetimestamps appear to differ. In short, they don't.
Rails always stores datetimes in UTC, converting them to your configured timezone on the fly while loading the record. I don't know exactly when that conversion happens, but I'm betting you're just seeing those two states.

Weird created_at behavior

I've set config.time_zone = 'UTC' in environment.rb, and yet still I get some weird behavior with Rails' built-in datetime fields:
=> Sun Jun 21 17:05:59 -0700 2009
>> Feedback.create(:body => "testing")
=> #<Feedback id: 23, body: "testing", email_address: nil, name: nil, created_at: "2009-06-22 00:06:09", updated_at: "2009-06-22 00:06:09">
>> Time.parse(Feedback.last.created_at.to_s)
=> Mon Jun 22 00:06:09 UTC 2009
Any thoughts?
It looks like it's properly setting the timezone in the ActiveRecord object, so I don't think you need to worry too much. If you want to force your timestamp from Rails to use UTC, you can use Time.utc.
=> Mon Jun 22 00:54:21 UTC 2009
