Actual UIButton label font size for custom drawing - ios

I was wondering how I would be able to obtain the actual button label's font size that the text gets rendered with... not the one obtained through label.font. The reason I need this is because since I'm allowing for the button label's text to get resized based on the width of the button, the size therefore also changes. However this change isn't reflected upon in the label.font property. This value is needed because I basically draw the text myself (and set the default text to transparent), so I'd need to be able to get the actual font size so that the text I render fits the button's bounds. Thanks, and I hope you understood my question.


Label not displaying properly

I am beginner in iOS app development, I am working on a project that was done by someone else. So my problem is the label is not fully showing its contents:
check the second column under 'customer name'.
I did some basic alterations to the label but it makes no change at all. This is a collection view, there is another view inside the collection view cell which holds the title label and description label.
I searched everywhere but didn't get any proper answer please help.
Label in iOS does not change its size to suit the contents, you need to adjust it in your code. Your options are either decrease the font size to suit the description label size, or adjust the description label's height/width to make room for current content. I'd do a combination of both (slightly reducing the font size of the label's text, and at the same time making all the cells a bit wider and taller).
Oh, there is also a way to automatically shrink the font size if the contents doesn't fit the space. So, you'd need to check the option for your description label. Here's how you might do it: how to make UILabel autosize text in storyboard (or interface builder), NOT programmatically

determining height to be set based on font size in iOS

In IOS, we have height and font size for UI label.
When I add a uilabel to the screen, I see a default height and font for it and height is always bit more than the font size to take care of ascenders and descenders. But when I increase the font size in design time, the height still remains at where it was when it was added to the screen. So, how to I decide during design time what is the appropriate height to be set if I change the font size to what I want.
Edit the text of the label and press enter, it will take it's size
Click your label in the canvas so that you get its resize handles. Then, from the menu bar, choose Editor > Size to Fit Content. The default shortcut is ⌘=.

Stop UITextField from expanding horizontally

I have a UITextField positioned in a view next to a button. It has a trailing constraint of 8 to the button (which has a trailing constraint of 8 to the superview) and when I type long text in it, it simply scrolls along, which is I want. However, in order to retain the text typed in the field if the view is switched to another one (it's in a tab controller), I save the text in a holder variable and when it switches back to that view, I set the text in the field to the saved text.
The problem is that this causes the field to expand horizontally if the text is long enough, sometimes pushing the button off-screen, even with the trailing 8 constraint. I have tried to save the original frame of the field in a holder variable, and then after setting the text, set the frame to the saved original frame like so:
fieldFrame = messageField.frame
messageField.text = holderMessage
messageField.frame = fieldFrame
However, the field still expands, and it printed out 502.0 twice. My current thought is that the frame hasn't registered the change in width after the setting of the text in time for the println, but I'm not sure if this is correct.
Also, I've read some similar questions that suggested using a width constraint. If I use a less than or equal to width constraint on the field, will it still expand if on a device that's thinner? That is to say, since I'm currently using an any width and any height storyboard, it's wider than, say, an iPhone 6. So if I set a less than or equal to width constraint on the current width of the field, it seems possible that the field can still expand on a smaller device and not break that constraint.
Is there a better way to do such a width constraint? If not, how else can I keep the field from expanding and pushing the button offscreen?
Here's the problem. The text field has a tendency to size itself horizontally to its contents. The button has a tendency to size itself horizontally to its contents. Thus you have an ambiguity: those tendencies have the same priority, so the runtime doesn't know which one to collapse as the text field's text gets too long.
The solution is to adjust those priorities. You must lower the horizontal compression and hugging priorities for the text field - one point lower should be sufficient. Now the button will have a stronger tendency to match its own size to its contents, and the text field will clip its contents.
You can also lower the Content Compression Resistance programmatically (this also works if you are using a UIViewRepresentable in SwiftUi):
uiTextField.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.defaultLow, for: .horizontal)
For more info on this topic please refer to:
Selecting the Text view, then within Size inspector:
1) Set "Layout Margins" to "Fixed".
2) Under "Content Compression Resistance Priority", set the "Horizontal" to be "Low (250)".

UILabel that has unnecessary padding in a cell

I'm trying to make a Facebook clone for practicing iOS and I can't see why a label I have on my news feed gets unnecessary padding.
It only occurs on some labels, others on my news feed turn out fine. However for a select few there's a block of white pace above and below. At first I thought it was an alignment issue so I changed the labels background to green to show that the constraints hold out.
Anyone know as to why it's placing the padding, only for a select few?
By default UILabel will center its content vertically. Therefore, if label.bounds.size.height is greater than size of the text, the label's instinct is to center the content vertically, which will results in the vertical padding that you see in the attached image. Ensure that the label's height is being set according to the height of the text it contains and the problem should go away.
As dbart pointed out your label's frame is likely higher than the text needed. You can fix this by calling -sizeToFit. You can also check the amount of space the label is actually using for text by using +textRectWithBounds:maximumNumberOfLines:
If your cell is using autolayout to determine the height of the label you should set the preferredmaxlayoutwidth to an appropriate value (for example table width) before laying out the cell.

Multiline UILabel with auto layout does not work

I'm trying to set constraints to get a multiline label in a static table view cell, but apparently this does not work for me, the label is still in one single line. I've set the numberOfLines property to 0 and also the height constraint to greater than or equal. And I'm setting the height for the cell correctly in tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath. Please have a look at my screenshot to see the settings in IB.
In the comments above you mentioned you're not currently setting preferredMaxLayoutWidth. This property tells your label that it should lay out its text over the width of that property's value. In UILabel.h:
If nonzero, this is used when determining -intrinsicContentSize for multiline labels
In other words, if you don't set that, the label's intrinsic content size is whatever width the label needs to draw its text. If you set this property to the label's bounds, it will start drawing on the next line (or else it will cut the text off if numberOfLines is 0).
In your case, I would probably do that in tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:.
You can set the preferredMaxLayoutWidth in code, but when designing your user interface in storyboard, you still see a long one-line label that gets cut off at the edges. An alternative is to manually insert line breaks anywhere in your text right within the storyboard using Option-Return. You then just set the number of lines to more than your text will fit. Then select your label, hit Cmd-=. This will calculate the intrinsic content size for your label with the line breaks exactly where you want them to be.
Theoretically, I think setting the preferredMaxLayoutWidth is the more correct way to go about this, especially using Autolayout. However, I found it more practical to use the method I described above because it lets you see the layout at design time right in the storyboard, and you have total control of your line breaks. This usually works better for labels with text that don't change often. If you are dynamically changing the label text, setting preferredMaxLayoutWidth is the preferred way.
