Closing application and notifying renderer process - electron

I have an Electron application that needs to save some data when it's closed by the user (e.g. just after the user clicked on the "Close" button).
The data is available at the renderer process, so it should be notified before the application dies.
The Electron API for Browser Window mentions a close method, but it seems this is done by the main process, not the renderer one (if I'm not mistaken).
I tried using WebContents.send from the main process to notify the renderer process, but it seems that, because the message is asynchronous, the application is closed before the renderer process has the time to actually perform the operations.

You can just use the normal unload or beforeunload events in the renderer process:
window.addEventListener('unload', function(event) {
// store data etc.

So far, the simplest solution that worked for me consists in doing the following:
On the main process, the BrowserWindow listens on the close event, and when it happens, it sends a message via webContents to the renderer process. It also prevents the application from being immediately closed by calling event.preventDefault();
The renderer process is always listening on IPC messages from the main process, then when it receives the close event notification, it saves its data, then sends the main process an IPC message (e.g. closed);
The main process has previously set a hook to listen to the renderer IPC messages (ipcMain.on), so when the closed message arrives, it finally closes the program (e.g. via app.quit()).
Note that, if I understood it correctly, calling app.quit() sends another close event to the BrowserWindow, so it will loop unless you prevent it somehow. I used a dirty hack (quit the second time the close event is called, without calling event.preventDefault()), but a better solution must exist.

On the Main process:
const ipc = require('electron').ipcMain;
let status = 0;
mainWindow.on('close', function (e) {
if (status == 0) {
if (mainWindow) {
ipc.on('closed', _ => {
status = 1;
mainWindow = null;
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
On the renderer process:
const electron = require('electron');
const ipc = electron.ipcRenderer;
ipc.on('app-close', _ => {
//do something here...


callback function attached to window event not executed after opening the iOS Control Center

In my ionic application for IOS I am listening to a window event generated by a cordova plugin.
Here is the code that I use for listen to the event and perform an action.
window.addEventListener('event', (event) => {
console.log("event received");
doSomething(){console.log("perform an action");}
Everything work and I am able to receive the event until I open the IOS Control Center (swipe up from the bottom). After I close the Control Center again I can see that the event is logged ("event received") but the function doSomething() is never called.
Someone encountered a similar situation?
Since the event is generated outside angular, I needed to call in order to let angular know that something happend and so trigger the change. I thid it this way
constructor(private zone: NgZone) {}
window.addEventListener('event', (event) => { => {
do stuff;

ReactJs PWA not updating on iOS

I'm building a ReactJs PWA but I'm having trouble detecting updates on iOS.
On Android everything is working great so I'm wondering if all of this is related to iOS support for PWAs or if my implementation of the service worker is not good.
Here's what I've done so far:
Build process and hosting
My app is built using webpack and hosted on AWS. Most of the files (js/css) are built with some hash in their name, generated from their content. For those which aren't (app manifest, index.html, sw.js), I made sure that AWS serves them with some Cache-Control headers preventing any cache. Everything is served over https.
Service Worker
I kept this one as simple as possible : I didn't add any cache rules except precache for my app-shell:
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest || []);
Service-worker registration
Registration of the service worker occurs in the main ReactJs App component, in the componentDidMount() lifecycle hook:
componentDidMount() {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then((reg) => {
reg.onupdatefound = () => {
this.newWorker = reg.installing;
this.newWorker.onstatechange = () => {
if (this.newWorker.state === 'installed') {
if ( {
// a version of the SW is already up and running
code omitted: displays a snackbar to the user to manually trigger
activation of the new SW. This will be done by calling skipWaiting()
then reloading the page
} else {
// first service worker registration, do nothing
Service worker lifecycle management
According to the Google documentation about service workers, a new version of the service worker should be detected when navigating to an in-scope page. But as a single-page application, there is no hard navigation happening once the app has been loaded.
The workaround I found for this is to hook into react-router and listen for route changes, then manually ask the registered service worker to update itself :
const history = createBrowserHistory(); // from 'history' node package
history.listen(() => {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then((reg) => {
if (!reg) {
return null;
Actual behavior
Throwing a bunch of alert() everywhere in the code showed above, this is what I observe :
When opening the pwa for the first time after adding it to the homescreen, the service worker is registered as expected, on Android and iOS
While keeping the app opened, I deploy a new version on AWS. Navigating in the app triggers the manual update thanks to my history listener. The new version is found, installed in the background. Then my snackbar is displayed and I can trigger the switch to the new SW.
Now I close the app and deploy a new version on AWS. When opening the app again :
On Android the update is found immediately as Android reloads the page
iOS does not, so I need to navigate within the app for my history listener to trigger the search for an update. When doing so, the update is found
After this, for both OS, my snackbar is displayed and I can trigger the switch to the new SW
Now I close the app and turn off the phones. After deploying a new version, I start them again and open the app :
On Android, just like before, the page is reloaded which detects the update, then the snackbar is displayed, etc..
On iOS, I navigate within the app and my listener triggers the search for an update. But this time, the new version is never found and my onupdatefound event handler is never triggered
Reading this post on Medium from Maximiliano Firtman, it seems that iOS 12.2 has brought a new lifecycle for PWAs. According to him, when the app stays idle for a long time or during a reboot of the device, the app state is killed, as well as the page.
I'm wondering if this could be the root cause of my problem here, but I was not able to find anyone having the same trouble so far.
So after a lot of digging and investigation, I finally found out what was my problem.
From what I was able to observe, I think there is a little difference in the way Android and iOS handle PWAs lifecycle, as well as service workers.
On Android, when starting the app after a reboot, it looks like starting the app and searching an update of the service worker (thanks to the hard navigation occuring when reloading the page) are 2 tasks done in parallel. By doing that, the app have enough time to subscribe to the already existing service worker and define a onupdatefound() handler before the new version of the service worker is found.
On the other hand with iOS, it seems that when you start the app after a reboot of the device (or after not using it for a long period, see Medium article linked in the main topic), iOS triggers the search for an update before starting your app. And if an update is found, it will be installed and and enter its 'waiting' status before the app is actually started. This is probably what happens when the splashscreen is displayed...
So in the end, when your app finally starts and you subscribe to the already existing service worker to define your onupdatefound() handler, the update has already been installed and is waiting to take control of the clients.
So here is my final code to register the service worker :
componentDidMount() {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then((reg) => {
if (reg.waiting) {
// a new version is already waiting to take control
this.newWorker = reg.waiting;
code omitted: displays a snackbar to the user to manually trigger
activation of the new SW. This will be done by calling skipWaiting()
then reloading the page
// handler for updates occuring while the app is running, either actively or in the background
reg.onupdatefound = () => {
this.newWorker = reg.installing;
this.newWorker.onstatechange = () => {
if (this.newWorker.state === 'installed') {
if ( {
// a version of the SW already has control over the app
same code omitted
} else {
// very first service worker registration, do nothing
Note :
I also got rid of my listener on history that I used to trigger the search for an update on every route change, as it seemed overkill.
Now I rely on the Page Visibility API to trigger this search every time the app gets the focus :
// this function is called in the service worker registration promise, providing the ServiceWorkerRegistration instance
const registerPwaOpeningHandler = (reg) => {
let hidden;
let visibilityChange;
if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support
hidden = 'hidden';
visibilityChange = 'visibilitychange';
} else if (typeof document.msHidden !== 'undefined') {
hidden = 'msHidden';
visibilityChange = 'msvisibilitychange';
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== 'undefined') {
hidden = 'webkitHidden';
visibilityChange = 'webkitvisibilitychange';
window.document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, () => {
if (!document[hidden]) {
// manually force detection of a potential update when the pwa is opened
return reg;
As noted by Speckles (thanks for saving me the headache), iOS installs the new SW before launching the app. So the SW doesn't get a chance to catch the 'installing' state.
Work-around: check if the registration is in the waiting state then handle it.
I've made an (untested) example of handling this. - a mod to the default CRA SW.

How to find if electron app is in foreground?

I have a requirement where I want to perform an action inside the electron app only when it is in foreground.
It is an electron-react application. On mounting of a component, I want to schedule a periodic task which only runs when the app is in focus or is being used by the user. And pause the task when the app goes in background.
How can we detect the Electron app being in foreground?
You can use the isFocused method from BrowserWindow. To get your own BrowserWindow, you can do this :
This will return all your app's windows. So to get the first / primary window, you could deconstruct the array like this :
const [yourBrowserWindow] = remote.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();
You can use the focus / blur events on your BrowserWindow to be notified when the app is focused / unfocused.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({})
mainWindow.on('focus', () => {
console.log('window got focus')
mainWindow.on('blur', () => {
console.log('window blur')
You may want to update the component's state within these event handlers or use any other method to keep track of the current focus status.
This assumes that you have a single application window. If you have multiple, you'll need to extend the check to cover all of your windows.

How to buffer stream events?

I have a web component which subscribes to a stream.
Since the web component is re-created each time it's displayed, I have to clean up the subscriber and redo it.
Right now I am adding all subscribers to a list and in removed() life-cycle method I'm doing :
subscriptions.forEach((sub) => sub.cancel());
Now, to the problem: when the web component isn't displayed, there's no one listening to the stream. The issue is that the component is missing data/events when it's not displayed.
What I need is buffering. Events need to be buffered and sent at once when a listener is registered. According to the documentation, buffering happens until a listener is registered:
The controller will buffer all incoming events until the subscriber is registered.
This works, but the problem is that the listener will at some point removed, and re-registered, and it appears this does not trigger buffering.
It appears that buffering happens only initially, not later on even if all listeners are gone.
So the question is: how do I buffer in this situation where listeners may be gone and back?
Note: normally you shouldn't be able to resubscribe to a Stream that has already been closed. This seems to be a bug we forgot to fix.
I'm unfamiliar with web-components but I hope I'm addressing your problem with the following suggestion.
One way (and there are of course many) would be to create a new Stream for every subscriber (like html-events do) that pauses the original stream.
Say origin is the original Stream. Then implement a stream getter that returns a new Stream that is linked to origin:
Untested code.
Stream origin;
var _subscription;
final _listeners = new Set<StreamController>();
_addListener(controller) {
if (_subscription == null) {
_subscription = origin.listen((event) {
// When we emit the event we want listeners to be able to unsubscribe
// or add new listeners. In order to avoid ConcurrentModificationErrors
// we need to make sure that the _listeners set is not modified while
// we are iterating over it with forEach. Here we just create a copy with
// toList().
// Alternatively (more efficient) we could also queue subscription
// modification requests and do them after the forEach.
_listeners.toList().forEach((c) => c.add(event));
_subscription.resume(); // Just in case it was paused.
_removeListener(controller) {
if (_listeners.isEmpty) _subscription.pause();
Stream get stream {
var controller;
controller = new StreamController(
onListen: () => _addListener(controller),
onCancel: () => _removeListener(controller));
If you need to buffer events immediately you need to start the subscription right away and not lazily as in the sample code.

Launching multiple async futures in response to events

I would like to launch a fairly expensive operation in response to a user clicking on a canvas element.
mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
print("entering event handler");
var future = new Future<int>(expensiveFunction);
future.then((int value) => redrawCanvas(value);
print("done event handler");
expensiveFunction() {
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++){
//do something insane here
redrawCanvas(int value) {
//do stuff here
print("redrawing canvas");
My understanding of M4 Dart, is that this future constructor should launch "expensiveFunction" asynchronously, aka on a different thread from the main one. And it does appear this way, as "done event handler" is immediately printed into my output window in the IDE, and then some time later "redrawing canvas" is printed. However, if I click on the element again nothing happens until my "expensiveFunction" is done running from the previous click.
How do I use futures to simply launch an compute intensive function on new thread such that I can have multiple of them queued up in response to multiple clicks, even if the first future is not complete yet?
As mentioned in a different answer, Futures are just a "placeholder for a value that is made available in the future". They don't necessarily imply concurrency.
Dart has a concept of isolates for concurrency. You can spawn an isolate to run some code in a parallel thread or process.
dart2js can compile isolates into Web Workers. A Web Worker can run in a separate thread.
Try something like this:
import 'dart:isolate';
expensiveOperation(SendPort replyTo) {
var result = doExpensiveThing(msg);
main() async {
var receive = new ReceivePort();
var isolate = await Isolate.spawn(expensiveOperation, receive.sendPort);
var result = await receive.first;
(I haven't tested the above, but something like it should work.)
Event Loop & Event Queue
You should note that Futures are not threads. They do not run concurrently, and in fact, Dart is single-threaded. All Dart code runs in an event loop.
The event loop is a loop that runs as long as the current Dart isolate is alive. When you call main() to start a Dart application, the isolate is created, and it is no longer alive after the main method is completed and all items on the event queue are completed as well.
The event queue is the set of all functions that still need to finish executing. Because Dart is single threaded, all of these functions need to run one at a time. So when one item in the event queue is completed, another one begins. The exact timing and scheduling of the event queue is something that's way more complicated than I can explain myself.
Therefore, asynchronous processing is important to prevent the single thread from being blocked by some long running execution. In a UI, a long process can cause visual jankiness and hinder your app.
Futures represent a value that will be available sometime in the Future, hence the name. When a Future is created, it is returned immediately, and execution continues.
The callback associated with that Future (in your case, expensiveFunction) is "started" by being added to the event queue. When you return from the current isolate, the callback runs and as soon as it can, the code after then.
Because your Futures are by definition asynchronous, and you don't know when they return, you want to queue up your callbacks so that they remain in order.
A Stream is an object that emits events that can be subscribed to. When you write canvasElement.onClick.listen(...) you are asking for the onClick Stream of MouseEvents, which you then subscribe to with listen.
You can use Streams to queue up events and register a callback on those events to run the code you'd like.
What to Write
main() {
// Used to add events to a stream.
var controller = new StreamController<Future>();
// Pause when we get an event so that we take one value at a time.
var subscription =
(_) => subscription.pause());
var canvas = new CanvasElement();
canvas.onClick.listen((MouseEvent e) {
print("entering event handler");
var future = new Future<int>(expensiveFunction);
// Resume subscription after our callback is called.
print("done event handler");
expensiveFunction() {
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++){
//do something insane here
redrawCanvas(int value) {
//do stuff here
print("redrawing canvas");
Here we are queuing up our redrawCanvas callbacks by pausing after each mouse click, and then resuming after redrawCanvas has been called.
More Information
See also this great answer to a similar question.
A great place to start reading about Dart's asynchrony is the first part of this article about the dart:io library and this article about the dart:async library.
For more information about Futures, see this article about Futures.
For Streams information, see this article about adding to Streams and this article about creating Streams.
