Layout changing when running the app - ios

I've been trying for days to make one layout of my app to work well, and after days of learning and mistakes I still can't get the table cell layout to look how I want it to be.
This is how my cell .xib looks like in the editor:
And this is how my app looks like when running with suggested constraints:
Why is that? How I can find my mistake and make the layout like it supposed to be, in the view?

Suggested constraints are rarely what I actually wanted to see.
For each label with fixed text, lock the horizontal and vertical positions either to the view or to the next adjacent item.
For imageViews, choose the size you want and lock the height and width.
For labels that you will be dynamically changing the text on, pick a size that will hold the longest string and lock the width. You'll need a vertical position constraint.

You have many options to simplify your layout.
you can use the stakview or create a static UITableView and insert your component inside the cells and enter the Constraint. excellent tutorial


How can I make a custom grid inside a CollectionViewCell using autolayout?

I have a UICollectionViewCell in which I want to display some UIButtons with in some custom grid, like this:
As you can see I have different kind of arrangements for the grid, I actually have these possibles types of arrangements that depends on the data I have:
I'm trying to know how to accomplish this, I don't know what's the best way to have this different types of grid arrangements inside the cell. One first though was to make a different UICollectionCiewCell for each arrangement but since there's also other views inside the cell like the white rounded view, the title and the subtitle, I think that's not the best way to solve this. Then I though about using XIB files or maybe a ContainerView but I really don't know what's the best way to do this.
But the biggest problem here is also how to set the constraints for this type of view, I was trying with the constraints in storyboard but that didn't help a lot, maybe I should set the constraints programmatically or maybe even do a XIB file for each arrangement and each device haha.
This is what I had in my Storyboard that didn't work as I though:
All the buttons are inside a view with a constraint of aspect ratio, bottom, left and right constraint to 11 each one.
I have the buttons with aspect ratio constraint, the red views are just spacer views with width or height of 2 as a constraint, and all the buttons have top, left, right and bottom constraint to 0 with its closer view.
But as I said before this didn't work well.
Please comment or answer any idea or question you have.

UICollectionView horizontal layout row breaking

I am trying to achieve specific layout inside UICollectionView.
I need to adjust my phone layout to work well with iPad, so I used horizontal scrolling direction for "default" flow layout.
But unfortunately I am doing something wrong. Please look at following sketch:
These are elements view:
So far, I will not have too much cells, but maybe they will not fit (so I need to use UIScrollView derivate).
One cell is double in size (plus one margin space), a very first one.
Other cells are all same size (square)
As can be seen in sketch, row is not "breaking" in right moment (even after I played with contentSize) and 1st cell in 2nd row occupy two places.
If nothing helps, I will start with writing own UICollectionLayout descendant, but maybe it's something simple and can be done with "standard" flow layout.
Thank you.
Sample file
I needed to subclass UICollectionView.
I have followed tutorial from Raywenderlich, and converted vertical scrolling from their example to my horizontal layout.
I avoided using custom layout for long, but luckily it's not too bad at the end.

Fill UIScrollView with its content using autolayout in iOS

I am making a form based UIScrollView, which will contain some labels and text fields.
My ScrollView Height will increase as per the iOS device height.
PS: I do not want to add constraint to each and every element of the Scrollview, because in my case there could be 100 form fields.
What I want is, the inner content to fully occupy my scrollView like this:
Till now there a are no special constraints, the button is tagged with the bottom edge and the scroll view is pinned from the top edge. Also, the vertical spacing between scrollview and button is defined.
This is the autolayout constraint screenshot.
If the number of labels is variable, I recommend doing them in code, rather than in Interface Builder.
In code, you can use a loop to set every label to have the same width/height as the one above it. You may want to set their height to be >= a minimum value. Be sure to anchor the first label with the top, and the last label with the bottom.
But this can be cumbersome, why not just use a UITableView? you may modify the row height to let the cell fully occupy the view.
- tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
- tableView:estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:
I just face the same issue and already write a pod called TLFormView that do exactly that: a form based on UIScrollView.
It also has some nice features like:
declarative form taxonomy with TLFormModel Just extend it, add the properties you want and that's it. No delegate, no event handling, no boilerplate.
a nice way to handle different layouts for iPhone and iPad
conditional visibility with an NSPredicate that can access all the values in the other fields (e.g: show field A when field B has certain value)
in place help with a popover
all the fields are TLFormFields that extend UIView so you can place whatever you need.
You can try it right from the command line with pod try TLFormView.
If you want to know more I wrote some blog post about it here.
Please let me know your thoughts about it here or as a comment in the blog posts. Also any contribution is extremely welcome in the GitHub repo

Complex AutoLayout for Cell with dynamic size

I have a cell that contains a container with 10 subviews (two of them are simply bounds and the others are labels). The scheme looks like this.
Dynamic labels may contain huge text so the cells should conform the appropriate size to fit the content. The question is how to set up all the constraints manually... I've tried a dozen of times to do it myself but seems I'm not that good at this. The table view supports auto dimension for row height and uses custom estimated height.
In Storyboard it looks this way.
Where blue views are a subviews of View C. A grey view behind is a View B. Bold labels are static and the others are dynamic.
Demo project.
How to setup constraints?
Thank you very much in advance!
I managed to setup your constraints so that you get the result you needed. This is what I get:
I hope this is how you wanted it to look like.
Here is a link with the project.
I will try to explain how I added the constraints so that it makes more sense.
First of all, you have view B which needs to be as big as the contentView. For this you add top/bottom/left/right constraints to the superView. Because you are using automatic dimensions, if you add all constraints with priority 1000(the maximum one), you will get some error with the constraints while running. This is because, before the cell size can be calculated automatically it is zero, so the constraints crash. Therefore, I set the priority for top and trailing space with a priority of 999 so that you don't see the error log anymore. The result is the same.
Then views C needs (top or bottom)/left/right and height constraint
Then you need to add the constraints for the labels. Since you need the right ones to have multiple lines, the constraints need to specify the vertical layout for this particular case. So, you have as follows: first label: top/left to name label and right to super view. All the other have top to the previous one,and bottom to the next one.
for the labels that don't need to resize you just need leading space to parent,horizontal space to the right label and static width. Also, you will need a constraint to align the top with the label on the right.
This is the result I get:
Hope my explanation made sense, just let me know if you have questions. Good luck with your project!

How to make a fluid layout in iOS?

What is the proper way to make a fluid layout in iOS, in the sense that hidden elements do not take up space anymore?
I have a table view with in each cell a customized detail-type of view with title, subtitle and a row with some extra information:
The extra information can be up to three pairs of an icon and a label with a value. The layout of all views inside the cell is done using AutoLayout with no missing or ambiguous constraints.
What I would like to achieve is that when the value is 0, the icon and the label are not displayed and the views on the right are shifted to the left.
If I just use the setHidden: method, the width of the hidden parts are not changed, so that there is just whitespace, but no views are moved. Example:
It should look like this:
The following questions are related but do not seem to fit my case:
Fluid UI layout on iPhone
AutoLayout with hidden UIViews?
I have tried to follow the approach with creating layout constraints for the four frames that need to be set to zero: the width of the heart-shaped icon, the width of the label containing the value, the whitespace in between those and the whitespace between the label and the next icon. This did not work because I could not bind the layout constraints to the outlet in the code, and besides it seems a cumbersome method for something that should be a common scenario.
EDIT: I fixed the problem with the outlets to constraints: to do this it is necessary to create a subclass for the table cell and creating outlets for the constraints there.
With "common scenario" I refer to doing something similar in web design, where setting the display style to none is simple and has the desired effect. I expect that there is something similarly simple for this in iOS.
I have been thinking of using a collection view with reusable cells, but then I need to set up a delegate and a datasource and everything, and before I would go this way I wanted to make sure that that is the way to do it.
There is no need to remove a hidden view. Connect the constraint to an outlet in the code, and when you determine a view is hidden, subtract from the constraint's constant. Then, in the cell's prepareForReuse, remember to return the constraint's constant to the correct value.
Hidden views maintain their frame, so auto layout will have no reason to adjust the view. The correct way to do this would be to remove the views from the superview. The last thing you must do is double check the constraints. Since you will be removing views, you cannot use those views for auto layout. This will require quite a bit of constraint setting on your UI.
