Custom View for scroll in UITableView - ios

I need to create a custom view for scroll the UITableView/ ScrollView.
Here I attached the picture,
While scroll the color I need to scroll the tableView and up/down arrow button press also the same function.
How can I implement the scroll.

Create a UIView subclass that has controls for moving the page and the scroll bar.
Then you can update the scroll bar from the scrollViewDidScroll method.
Similarly, when the buttons are pressed you can tell the scroll view to setContentOffset.


Rounded button above the UISCROLLVIEW

I have been working in a project which has a uiscroll view where the uiscroll view size is set programatically with height 225 and width is self. I have created two uiimageView where it displays two images and I have animated it by moving using a page view controller. Finally the image moves atomically like a slide show with page view controller. I have removed the navigation controller do I need to keep a back button for navigation when I place a unbutton above uiscrollview it was stating like scrollview ambitious scrolling content. I need to place a rounded back button above scroll view. I have attached the image of my storyboard. When I tried to place a button it is not visible in stimulator header scroll view is the UISCROLLVIEW where the animated image is placed

UIScrollView scroll strangely when UISearchBar begin editing

I have a view with a search bar and a scroll view.
My views layout like below.
UITableView(the first page)
UITableView(the second page)
The scroll view scroll strangely by steps below.
Make the scroll view scroll to second page
Touch the search bar
While showing search display controller,the scroll view scroll to first page strangely.
How to make the scroll view stay in second page?
Oh,no!!I hope I had enough reputation to post image.😂

Scrollview scrollsToTop doesn't work when containing multiple side by side tableviews? Have searched repeatedly

I looked in this thread and tried everything I saw, and I can't seem to get it working.
Scroll to top of UITableView by tapping status bar
I have a UINavigationController and a UITabBarController. The application first opens to a UICollectionView.
When the user makes a selection, it brings up a ScrollView run by a custom UIViewController ("ScrollViewController"). The ScrollViewController makes four TableViewControllers and puts their TableViews in the ScrollView side by side with paging enabled, and has a floating UIPageControl as well.
Tapping the top bar scrolls the CollectionView to the top, but once I bring up the ScrollView, I can't scroll up from anywhere. I have tried setting all the TableViews' scrollsToTop to NO, no change.
Any suggestions?
That's correct. You can only have one scroll view controlled by the tap of the status bar. If you have multiple scroll views on the screen (either hidden or visible) you can set one of them to be controlled by the status bar tap by disabling the auto scroll on all of the other scroll views using scrollsToTop = NO, that includes anything that uses a scroll view within it, like a table view or a pager.
self.myTableView.scrollsToTop = NO;
According to Apple's documentation:
On iPhone, the scroll-to-top gesture has no effect if there is more than one scroll view on-screen that has scrollsToTop set to YES.

UITableView scroll to top when tapping status bar at top of the screen

I inserted a UITableView inside another UIViewController's view.
but when I tap the status bar at the top of the screen; the table view doesn't scroll to the top which is the expected behavior within iOS apps.
I tried :
[self.tableView setScrollsToTop:YES];
but the tableview still not scroll to top when tap the top of the screen.
You have to set scrollsToTop to NO on all the other scroll views in your hierarchy. If more than one scroll view has scrollsToTop set to YES, none of them will scroll to top when the status bar is touched. This is mentioned in the documentation of the scrollsToTop property.
Keep in mind that this also applies to any subclasses of UIScrollView in your view hierarchy, and that UITableView, UIContainerView, and UITextView are subclasses of UIScrollView.
Thanks for all,
i resolved this problem by removing all other UITableView from the parent ViewController, and then auto scroll to top was working for this UITableView..

How do I bring the subview over the scroll view on iOS?

In iOS development, I want to add a subview in a viewbased application. I am having scrollview above that am having views containing labels and I used Interface Builder to design these views.
How do I bring the subview over the scroll view?
The way I do do this in IB is set the View Mode in the document window to Outline View (2nd button). Then I drag the view from the library on top of the scroll view and it will be inserted as a subview of the scrollview.
If you get a disclosure triangle next to your scrollview it will have had the new view inserted as a subview.
If you mean in the xib, drag the scroll view in first then drag your other subviews onto the scroll view.
If you mean programmatically, this should work:
[scrollView addSubview: mySubview];
