OpenMeetings not loading Office files (pptx, xlsx ...) -

I have Apache OpenMeetings installed and functioning properly.
I am not able to upload Office files to Whiteboard.
I succeeded to upload PDF files.
I installed JODconverter and updated the configuration to match the path.
I installed the OpenOffice to the machine adjust the "Path" environment variable and updated the configuration with the full path to the OpenOffice document.
but still not luck.
am i missing anything?

From openmeetings administration panel, update the office.path configuration too. In this configuration, enter the path of your OpenOffice installation. This should fix the issue.


Latex does not work in Google Drive in Linux via gnome-online-accounts

I installed google drive to Linux Mint 20 via gnome-control-accounts following instructions from here:
I have some Latex files in google drive. When I open them via gnome-control-accounts, the paths look very odd: instead of my original "myfile.tex" it is some abracadabra like this:
When I open the file with TexMaker, it gives an error
Could not start the command.
pdfLatex-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
I believe this happens because of the odd path name under which my tex files are saved.
How to solve this?
Merci beaucoup.
P.S. I also installed google-drive via ocamlfuse following instructions from here: .
It does run the latex files, but it works only in online mode, and you have to mount the disk manually each time you start your computer.

What is the location of the configuration file in Neo4J 3.2?

I just installed Neo4j 3.2.6 on Windows. I am trying to run apoc.load.json. I have moved the plugins folded. They really need to sort this out.
I run it and I'm getting this error:
Failed to invoke procedure apoc.load.json: Caused by:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Import from files not enabled, please set
apoc.import.file.enabled=true in your neo4j.conf
only one problem, there is no neo4j.conf.
Database starts fine. I can run other statement, just not APOC procedures.
Any ideas?
You can take a look in the Neo4j file location docs. According to these docs the neo4j.conf file location in Windows installations is:
<neo4j-home>\conf\neo4j.conf for zip installations
%APPDATA%\Neo4j Community Edition\neo4j.conf for desktop installation (installer)
For Neo4j Desktop:
Desktop\Application\neo4jDatabases\database-{YOUR DATABASE HERE}\installation-{version}\plugins
For Neo4j Desktop,
Click pull down menu of your project
Click "Open Folder" menu
Click "Configuration"
Then new window of explorer will be opened with the path with neo4j.conf file included, for example:
If you are not able to find in other directions, you can try searching in the below path where I found my configuration located:
C:\Users\{user}\.Neo4jDesktop\neo4jDatabases\database-{YOUR DATABASE
Hope it helps.
Even though the Neo4j documentation says that for windows desktop neo4j.conf file location is
%APPDATA%\Neo4j Community Edition\neo4j.conf, I couldn't find the file at that particular location.
I found the neo4j.conf file at below location :
Hope it helps someone!

What is the location of the configuration file in Neo4J 3.0?

I have recently installed Neo4j 3.0, and since I need to enable outside access, I need the configuration file, and where in the 2.3.3 the configuration files were located in within the /var/lib/neo4j/ structure.
I am not able to locate them anywhere in the 3.0 version. I know it have changed name to neo4j.conf.
My folder structure in the above directory is:
I am running Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus).
I have tried the documentation. However, that doesn't describe the location. I also already tried "find -name "neo4j.conf" without luck.
According to the 3.0.0 Operations Manual, the default location of the config file for "Debian" is:

Where is on Windows?

On Windows, where is as described in this documentation?
I can't find it anywhere, and creating it myself in places that seem reasonable have no effect.
I'd like to be able to access the server from a remote IP other than localhost. Thanks.
Neo4j is installed at C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-community.exe
I've created the file at C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\conf\
Here's the complete contents:
#allow any client to connect
However, the settings don't seem to take effect. Am I missing something?
From the Neo4j startup window, click the "options" button bottom left.
This shows an options windows which includes the path to your conf file:
Ok I think I know what's going on: You installed 1.9.4 stable via the new simplified Windows Installer? If so: That seems to be a very limited 'dev' installer. It has a simple MSI, it has a simple GUI to let you select the database, and then you do everything from the web console. This is a departure from previous methods of installing on Windows. I tried it out, and I abandoned it because I need full control of the configuration. The conf files, normally found in a conf folder parallel to the bin folder, are not installed with this installer.
If you want the traditional installer, grab the enterprise download.
That said: I wouldn't waste time on the 1.9.x branch unless you're running in production. If you're still in dev/test, I'd go straight to 2.0 (milestone 6 is now available). You'll get Labels (reason enough to switch), updated Cypher engine, and lots of other improvements. Also: the 2.0 installer is still a traditional configuration, complete with conf folder, where you can make all the configuration changes you need to make.
EDIT The download link for the zip version is now back, so you can choose either the exe or zip version of installation. This means you can install 1.9.4 just like before, and have full access to all the configuration files.
EDIT 2 After a bit of email exchange w/someone at Neo Technology, I found out that, for this particular installer, everything needed is bundled into a single JAR file. if you look in the bin folder after installing, you'll see these files:
If you search the JAR file (via 7zip or something similar), you'll find the default server configuration file:
I suspect you could place the file into the JAR file here as well (though I haven't tried).
The original poster is using the Community version on Windows, as am I. Despite what anyone has said, no one has actually answered the question with verifiable, tested results. I originally said, "This is not an answer". However, I now tend to think it IS the answer, just not the desired result. The answer is, to the best of my knowledge, with my specific tests and results documented below: NOWHERE: YOU CAN'T CONFIGURE current stable 1.9.4 or milestone 2.0.0-M06 Community versions on Windows x64.
I have tried the suggestions under the best answer, which were untested and unverified, and they do not work. See specific quotations below.
Neither of the currently pushed 2.0.0-M06 or stable 1.9.4 Community versions are configurable in any way, shape or form on Windows -- given the current documentation and non-answers. As a first time user to Neo4j with these two versions, this has been very frustrating, to have no clear way to configure the software, and incorrect official documentation.
"Also: the 2.0 installer is still a traditional configuration, complete with conf folder, where you can make all the configuration changes you need to make." #David Makagon
This is a false statement. It is the same as 1.9.4, no conf folders anywhere on disk.
"I suspect you could place the file into the JAR file here as well (though I haven't tried)." #David Makagon
I have tried both Neo4j Community 1.9.4 and 2.0.0-M06 x64 on Windows 7 x64, running as a user, with and without running as administrator.
I've used ProcMon and could not even find any attempt to read any "conf" file at documented location. However, I found other odd locations with a "config" in the name, and have tried there also, out of morbid curiosity, included below.
Summary of config file locations which DO NOT work:
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\conf\ [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\conf\ [1.9.4, 2.0.0-M06]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-community.exe.Config [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\ [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\ [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\conf\ [2.0.0-M06]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar\org\neo4j\server\config\community\
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar\org\neo4j\server\config\community\
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4\org\neo4j\server\config\community\
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4\org\neo4j\server\config\community\
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\ [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\ [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\conf\ [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\conf\ [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\ [1.9.4, 2.0.0-M06]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\ [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\conf\ [1.9.4]
Also note, the jar's config file
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar\org\neo4j\server\config\community\
corresponds directly to (exact same file, no differences)
Yet changing the port in this location also does nothing.
Is there a way to configure this through the webadmin? It is definitely not clear at all.
I'm using the Windows 32 community version 2.0.3. To edit any of the properties, there's "settings" button in the GUI (where you start the database from)?
Download the windows community binary 64bit .zip from 'Other Versions'. You'll need to install the JDK 7 and set the JAVA_HOME path variable. All folders, including Conf, are exposed and you can control the the default port and localhost bindings per documentation.
A bit late, but I spent a while on searching for it today.
The file is at (absolute path example):
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Community\
It is accessible from Neo4j GUI - under the "Setting" button. I have tried it with Community version 2.1.6 and it works fine.
Under ...\<neo4j-community-1.8.2>\conf directory.
The conf file is created under AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Community Edition when you click on edit in server configuration (Options GUI)

Highcharts Export Server Configuration Settings

Highcharts (Highcharts), just released an update to their offering with a bundled export server. This is to enable you to generate charts serverside and include them automatically in emails/pdfs/etc.
Their instructions on how to prepare this is: Github instructions
I'm running XAMPP on Mountain Lion. I have successfully built the war package and opened the demo page.
I am now preparing a war for the production environment (centOS 6). The production site is running the Yii framework.
What I do not understand, the variables that need to be configured: = weburl = weburl = weburl
In a MVC framework environment (such as yii) what should these url's be?
2.After the war is created, the github tutorial says to upload this file. But, what other files are required? The entire exporting-server directory? If so, where on the server should these files be placed? Is the file location the url path that should be referenced in the weburl variables?
Greater clarification on how to setup/deploy the export server would be much appreciated.
The created .war file should be uploaded to an Java application server, such as Tomcat, Jboss, TC-server, Glassfish, etc.
It's not suitable to run in a PHP environment.
