Catch scan of external barcode scanner while app not running - ios

Currently I'm writing an application which will work with external barcode scanners over Bluethooth. I'm currently trying several different scanners and it seems they all simulate keyboard input if they scan a code. But now I've found a Socket Mobile scanner, which is certificated by apple and delivers a SDK.
What I need is a way to scan a code while the iPhone is in my pocket without the display unlocked (maybe in background if thats possible?).
So I want to know if it's even possible what I'm trying and if it is, can I achieve this with a Keyboard simulation or is the SDK thing a better way?
I would like to post some code at this point, but I've absolutely no idea where to start and I try to find something on google for 2 days now.
Thanks for help.


Connecting to Bluetooth device via NFC Swift/iOS

I am working on an App to attempt to automatically connect to a bluetooth device after tapping an NFC button. My original thought of implementing it was to grab the device UUID from NFC, and then attempt to connect in the background. However, if there are any encrypted characteristics this could cause issues as a pairing request would pop up, and I want to avoid that and make the connection as seamless as possible. Is this even possible on iOS, and is there any documentation on this? I have found almost no resources to help, but it seems as there are speakers/headphones out there that have implemented this.
Any idea on where to begin looking would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Detecting outgoing emergency call vs Developing custom dialer app

My goal is to listen only and not modify the outgoing call event and send GPS coordinates to server from background. I'm not even interested in phone number being dialed, what I only need to know is whether the current call is Emergency call.
I've accomplished this easily in android, by following this tutorial.
However some googling showed that, this is a big pain in the ios world.
The only solution I think is to write dialer app from scratch and manage all the events by myself (if that's even possible), but I think it's too overcomplicated
I'm completely new to ios and please let me know, how would you solve this problem guys?
There is no way this will be possible on iOS unless you were planning to release and app for jailbroken phones (and even then I'm not sure it is). The Core Telphony framework has the methods you can use:

Is it possible to show image or video in IOS platform when outgoing or incoming call?

I want to develop application to show user video or image when someone is calling me. I know it is possible on android, but i don't know about ios platform. Is it possible to do such an application ?
Apps can only modify things within their own sandbox. The incoming call screen, is part of the phone app and therefore can't be modified. The only way to do this would be on a jailbroken iPhone, and it would be quite difficult.

Using barcode scanner (like Grabba) from with-in my iOS application

My objective is simple: Read the data from a barcode scanner.
I know that there's an option for scanning the barcode using camera, but in my experience the results are not very accurate in less than ideal situation i.e. bad lighting. So, I'm exploring if an external device can be easily connected with the iPhone/iPad and which can provide the barcode data just like an external keyboard.
So, can I read the barcode, which is scanned using an external device? If so, can I do it without writing any code, or will I have to specifically add some kind of support in my application?
Any iOS compatible Bluetooth scanner that supports HID mode. For instance, any Socket CHS. Once connected, it will behave exactly as you said "just like an external keyboard".
HID: Using any scanner as a keyboard, you are limited to inputting scanned data into open input fields where the user can modify the scanned data and there are limited options for post-processing and validation.
Because the scanner appears to iOS as a keyboard, iOS hides the onscreen keyboard - which makes sense... if the scanner were an actual keyboard. Some scanners (incl. Socket CHS 7Ci & 7Xi) provide a mechanism to force the keyboard (On our CHS double-click the power button) or the app can force the keyboard (see: related stackoverflow questions)
SDK: Developing an app using the SDK provides a more robust setup and handles more complex use cases: Scan into the application even if an input field is not active, enforce a particular scan order (Scan a UPC followed by a VIN number, not vice versa), or parse the scanned data (Breaking a timedate stamp into year, month, day, time).
Conclusion: Personally, I'd use HID mode as a quick and dirty way to get started, but would switch to the SDK for the final product. Obviously, it depends on how much control you need/want.
Disclaimer: I work for Socket Mobile
You can download the demo from the link
Just run LineaDemo after unzip it. It's scanning using Linea Pro Scanner[External device]

Scan QrCode from windows phone 7

Windows phone 7.5 can scan QrCodes if you use the search button.
I'd like to scan QrCodes in my own app, is there a way to call the windows phone scan functionality?
Or, if not, how can I implement one myself?
Update: see this project
For one walk thought of how to do this, try:
With source code published on:
