cant get List[String] from Future[List[String]] scala - spray

i tried
i tried that but i doesn't work
it gives me error
Main.scala:101: Cannot find JsonWriter or JsonFormat type class for scala.concurrent.Future[Option[UserObject]]
[error] complete(Themodel.get().toJson )
i tried
complete(collection.find(emptyQuery).cursor[BSONDocument].collect[List]() map{ t => OK -> t})
but it gives me an error
found : scala.concurrent.Future[(akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.Success, Option[UserObject])]
[error] required: spray.httpx.marshalling.ToResponseMarshallable
[error] complete(Themodel.get() map{
[error] ^

well i found onComplete directive on sprayJson
hope to help any one who was on trouble like me

I do not analyze you code. just title (List[String] from Future[List[String]]
). Your code probable is not for the production.
val futureList: Future[List[String]] = Future(List("v","d","f"))
val someOperationOnFuture: Future[List[String]] =
to get result you can use:
val res: List[String] = Await.result(futureList, 40.seconds)
but it do NOT the best way it is just example.
Read some information Scala Future
If you use spray-json It will help. I think


Lua Coroutines resume : bad argument #-1 to 'resume' (expected bool)

I'm kind of very new to lua and just inherited a lua code base where I see an error happening occasionally on resuming a coroutines
--coroutine creation
self._active_test_worker =
return self._active_test:worker(timestep)
--coroutine resume
local temp = type(self._active_test_worker) //thread
local temp2 = type(timestep) // number
local statsu = coroutine.status(self._active_test_worker) // suspended
local success,action = coroutine.resume(self._active_test_worker, timestep)
The 'resume' function raises the following error intermittently
factory.lua:478: bad argument #-1 to 'resume' (expected bool)
Can someone please help me in understanding the error? What is argument -1? ( what does negative mean here?) What might raise this error? I couldn't find much online or in the docs about this error. Any help would be welcome.

Comprehension pattern and neo4j-embedded

I have a problem when using comprehension with a neo4j-embedded (version 3.5.3).
For exemple, this kind of query works perfectly fine with neo4j enterprise 3.5.3, but does not work with neo4j-embedded :
MATCH (myNode:MyNode {myId:'myid'})
MATCH path = ( (myNode) -[*0..]- (otherNode:MyNode) )
ALL(n in nodes(path) where [ (n)<--(state:MyState) | state.isConnected ][0] = true)
RETURN myNode, otherNode
The error I get when using neo4j-embedded is difficult to understand, and looks like an internal error :
org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.DatabaseException: This expression should not be added to a logical plan:
VarExpand(myNode, BOTH, OUTGOING, List(), otherNode, UNNAMED62, VarPatternLength(0,None), ExpandInto, UNNAMED62_NODES, UNNAMED62_RELS, Equals(ContainerIndex(PatternComprehension(None,RelationshipsPattern(RelationshipChain(NodePattern(Some(Variable( UNNAMED62_NODES)),List(),None,None),RelationshipPattern(Some(Variable( REL136)),List(),None,None,INCOMING,false,None),NodePattern(Some(Variable(state)),List(LabelName(MyState)),None,None))),None,Property(Variable(state),PropertyKeyName(isConnected))),Parameter( AUTOINT1,Integer)),True()), True(), List((Variable(n),Equals(ContainerIndex(PatternComprehension(None,RelationshipsPattern(RelationshipChain(NodePattern(Some(Variable(n)),List(),None,None),RelationshipPattern(Some(Variable( REL136)),List(),None,None,INCOMING,false,None),NodePattern(Some(Variable(state)),List(LabelName(MyState)),None,None))),None,Property(Variable(state),PropertyKeyName(isConnected))),Parameter( AUTOINT1,Integer)),True())))) {
LHS -> CartesianProduct() {
LHS -> Selection(Ands(Set(In(Property(Variable(myNode),PropertyKeyName(myId)),ListLiteral(List(Parameter( AUTOSTRING0,String))))))) {
LHS -> NodeByLabelScan(myNode, LabelName(MyNode), Set()) {}
RHS -> NodeByLabelScan(otherNode, LabelName(MyNode), Set()) {}
Any idea ?
It was quite a complicated issue but here is the full explanation.
First, I found that it was not specific to neo4j-embedded. The internal error exception was raised because of an assert in Neo4J, witch would trigger an exception only if the flag -ea (enable assertions) is set. And this flag is set only when running tests with maven or any IDE.
Drilling down Neo4J's code on github, I found also that this assert whas added because of some concerns on recursive comprehension pattern. (The commit is here :
In my case, I do use comprehension pattern but not recursively, so I think everything should be fine, except when unit testing :)
I submitted the problem to Neo4J's support, and they will provide a fix in a future release.

What is this Elixir message means

I am writing Elixir to get record from remote nodes, I have write a module,
defmodule Connect do
def connect do
node_ap_dev_ejd = :''
fbUsersFun = fn(x) -> :binary.part(x,{0,3}) == <<"*ab">> end
f = fn()-> :mnesia.dirty_select(:'cz_map',[{{:cz_map, :'$1', :'_',:'_',:'_'},[],[:'$1']}]) end
fbUserList =,:mnesia,:activity,[:async_dirty,f])
list = Enum.filter(fbUserList ,fbUsersFun)
I can run the code if I put it in iex shell line by line, however if I compile the code and run Connect.connect , this error appear, I have no idea of it, please suggest
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Enumerable not implemented for
{:badrpc, {:EXIT, {:undef, [{#Function<1.96315226/0 in Connect.connect/0>, [], []}, {:mnesia_tm, :non_transaction, 5, [file: 'mnesia_tm.erl', line: 738]}]}}}
(elixir) lib/enum.ex:1: Enumerable.impl_for!/1
(elixir) lib/enum.ex:112: Enumerable.reduce/3
(elixir) lib/enum.ex:666: Enum.filter/2
second_function.ex:10: Connect.connect/0
It means that the Enumerable protocol is not implemented for the data {:badrpc, ...}.
Most likely, that error comes from this line:
list = Enum.filter(fbUserList ,fbUsersFun)
In that line, you're trying to filter fbUserList which I guess is {:badrpc, ...} instead of an enumerable. Tuples are not enumerables; lists and maps (and other things) are.
The solution probably lies in a case expression which checks the result returned by in order to defend from errors:
case, :mnesia, :activity, [:async_dirty, f]) do
{:badrpc, _} -> raise "bad rpc error"
fbUserList -> Enum.filter(fbUserList, ...) # and so on
I'm having the same issue working mnesia with erlang, the error is because of the anonymous function "f", the thing is that the remote node does not recognize that function because it was created in another node.
I managed to solve the problem in erlang, I will show you how I did it in erlang, I don't know much about elixir but I´m sure if it can be done in erlang it will in elixir.
So this segment
f = fn()-> :mnesia.dirty_select(:'cz_map',[{{:cz_map, :'$1', :'_',:'_',:'_'},[],[:'$1']}]) end
fbUserList =,:mnesia,:activity,[:async_dirty,f])
In erlang is like this
f = fun()-> mnesia:dirty_select(cz_map,[{{cz_map, '$1', '_', '_', '_'},[],['$1']}]) end,
fbUserList = rpc:call(node_ap_dev_ejd, mnesia, activity, [async_dirty, f])
Instead declaring an anonymous fun you have to do something like this
fbUserList = rpc:call(node_ap_dev_ejd, mnesia, activity, [async_dirty, mnesia:dirty_select/2, [cz_map, [{{cz_map, '$1', '_', '_', '_'},[],['$1']}]]])
You can find a clear explanation here what kind of types can be sent on an erlang message?
I hope this information helps you.

grails changelog preconditions not doing anything

I am trying to make changes to the database using the changelog. Since I cannot guarantee that the values currently exist for the specific code, but could exist, I need to be able to check for them in order to either do an insert or an update.
Here is what I have been testing, which doesn't appear to do anything. Any words of advice are welcome.
databaseChangeLog = {
changeSet(author:'kmert', id:'tubecap-insert-update-1') {
preConditions(onFail="WARN",onFailMessage:"Tube cap does not exist,skipping because it cannot be updated."){
sqlCheck(expectedResult='1', 'SELECT * FROM [ltc2_tube_cap] WHERE code=11')
grailsChange {
change {
UPDATE [ltc2_tube_cap]
SET [name] = 'White'
WHERE [code] = 11;
rollback {
UPDATE: I got the changelog script running, but I am now getting this error. I found the code from an online source. I cannot find a lot of documentation on preconditions...
| Starting dbm-update for database hapi_app_user # jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=LabTraffic;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000
problem parsing TubeCapUpdate.groovy: No signature of method: grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.sqlCheck() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [1, SELECT * FROM ltc2_tube_cap WHERE code=11] (re-run with --verbose to see the stacktrace)
problem parsing changelog.groovy: No signature of method: grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.sqlCheck() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [1, SELECT * FROM ltc2_tube_cap WHERE code=11] (re-run with --verbose to see the stacktrace)
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.sqlCheck() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [1, SELECT * FROM ltc2_tube_cap WHERE code=11]
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.invokeMethod(DslBuilder.groovy:117)
at Script1$_run_closure1_closure2_closure3.doCall(Script1.groovy:13)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.invokeMethod(DslBuilder.groovy:117)
at Script1$_run_closure1_closure2.doCall(Script1.groovy:12)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.invokeMethod(DslBuilder.groovy:117)
at Script1$_run_closure1.doCall(Script1.groovy:11)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.GrailsChangeLogParser.parse(GrailsChangeLogParser.groovy:84)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.handleIncludedChangeLog(DslBuilder.groovy:747)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.createNode(DslBuilder.groovy:139)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.createNode(DslBuilder.groovy:590)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.DslBuilder.invokeMethod(DslBuilder.groovy:117)
at Script1$_run_closure1.doCall(Script1.groovy:6)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.GrailsChangeLogParser.parse(GrailsChangeLogParser.groovy:84)
at liquibase.Liquibase.update(
at DbmUpdate$_run_closure1_closure2.doCall(DbmUpdate:26)
at _DatabaseMigrationCommon_groovy$_run_closure2_closure11.doCall(_DatabaseMigrationCommon_groovy:59)
at grails.plugin.databasemigration.MigrationUtils.executeInSession(MigrationUtils.groovy:133)
at _DatabaseMigrationCommon_groovy$_run_closure2.doCall(_DatabaseMigrationCommon_groovy:51)
at DbmUpdate$_run_closure1.doCall(DbmUpdate:25)
Your syntax is incorrect for the sqlCheck preCondition.
sqlCheck(expectedResult:'1', 'SELECT * FROM [ltc2_tube_cap] WHERE code=11')
Notice in your code the first argument is an assignment statement expectedResult=1 and it should be a map entry expectedResult:1.
I found the answer buried on this Jira page. which ironically is about adding lots of examples to the DB migration DSL to the documentation.
Make sure the following
grails dbm-gorm-diff add-your-file-forupdate.groovy -add
then inside your-file-forupdate.groovy is expected to see
databaseChangeLog = {
changeSet(author:'kmert', id:'tubecap-insert-update-1') {
Then ,the Big deal is either you have included this as migration script file to be executed as follow:
just manually add a line like the following to the end of grails-app/migrations/changelog.groovy:
include file: 'your-file-forupdate.groovy'
The changelog.groovy is always run from beginning to end, so make sure that you always add newly created migrations to the end.
Cheers! for more info see this

Shell.Exec in FAKE

I found this function Exec here
Target "UpdateTools" (fun _ ->
Exec "cmd"
But I keep getting this error, when I try to run it: "The value or constructor 'Exec' is not defined".
I'm new to FAKE and have not used F#, so forgive me if this should be obvious.
Can someone tell me why this api is not accessible like that?
The documentation is documenting class Shell. That means, you need to call it like:
Target "UpdateTools" (fun _ ->
ignore(Shell.Exec "cmd")
or, if you need to work with the error code further:
Target "UpdateTools" (fun _ ->
let errorCode = Shell.Exec "cmd"
//do something with the error code
Hope it is a bit clearer now.
