Why is docker-compose ignoring changes to the Dockerfile? - docker

I have made changes in my Dockerfile and yet when I run either
docker-compose up
dock-compose rm && docker-compose build && docker-compose up
an old image is used, as the shown steps states are outdated.
I specifically tell it to build the container in the docker-compose.yml:
build: ./
hostname: my-app
Yet when I build the container just via docker:
docker build .
The right container is built. What am I missing? I have tried this to no avail.

Check what dockerfile is configured in your docker-compose.yml.
My app has two dockerfiles, and docker-compose used a different one than docker itself, as it should:
build: ./
dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
Adapting that dockerfile as well fixed the problem.
And, oh, if you are using multiple dockerfiles, it's nice to add that in the project's documentation.

I had the same question but my answer was different.
I moved from a large nginx image to a slim, Alpine nginx image.
I thought docker compose was ignoring my Dockerfile as the error looked like it had not copied a script. The error was:
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/start.sh: not found
Well, the file was there. The file had the correct permissions. All I needed to do was to resolve the wrong shebang in my script and all worked with docker-compose:
#!/bin/sh WORKED
#!/bin/bash FAILED


Dockerfile its not copying all files

I'm trying to run a discord.py bot on a docker container. But when I'm running the container, docker says that I'm "missing a module". The Dockerfile its not copying all the files/folders from the source code.
This is my directory:
These are the contents of my docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'
build: .
restart: always
- ./.env:/usr/src/app/.env
This is my Dockerfile:
FROM python:bullseye
WORKDIR /usr/app/src
COPY bot bot
CMD ["python", "-m", "bot"]
When I run # sudo docker compose up It fails with the following log:
Checking the docker image files, it seems like its copying all the contents inside of the bot folder, but its not copying the folder itself.
The code works fine if I run it outside of the container, so is not related to this discord bot code.
How can I fix this?
This is my first docker container I'm new really with this.
The correct syntax should be:
COPY bot bot/
By design, COPY always copies the contents of the directory if the source is a directory, and by adding the trailing / to the destination you tell docker that the destination is a directory, so it will create it for you if needed.
See the full documentation.

Docker: How to update your container when your code changes

I am trying to use Docker for local development. The problem is that when I make a change to my code, I have to run the following commands to see the updates locally:
docker-compose down
docker images # Copy the name of the image
docker rmi <IMAGE_NAME>
docker-compose up -d
That's quite a mouthful, and takes a while. (Possibly I could make it into a bash script, but do you think that is a good idea?)
My real question is: Is there a command that I can use (even manually each time) that will update the image & container? Or do I have to go through the entire workflow above every time I make a change in my code?
Just for reference, here is my Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.
FROM node:12.18.3
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
CMD ["npm", "start"]
version: "2"
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
container_name: web
restart: always
- "3000:3000"
- mongo
container_name: mongo
image: mongo
- ./data:/data/db
- "27017:27017"
Even though there are multiple good answers to this question, I think they missed the point, as the OP is asking about the local dev environment. The command I usually use in this situation is:
docker-compose up -d --build
If there aren't any errors in Dockerfile, it should rebuild all the images before bringing up the stack. It could be used in a shell script if needed.
sudo docker-compose up -d --build
If you need to tear down the whole stack, you can have another script:
sudo docker-compose down -v
The -v flag removes all the volumes so you can have a fresh start.
NOTE: In some cases, sudo might not be needed to run the command.
When a docker image is build the artifacts are already copied and no new change can reflect until you rebuild the image.
If it is only for local development, then you can leverage volume sharing to update code inside container in runtime. The idea is to share your app/repo directory on host machine with /usr/src/app (as per your Dockerfile) and with this approach your code (and new changes) will be appear on both host and the running container.
Also, you will need to restart the server on every change and for this you can run your app using nodemon (as it watches for changes in code and restarts the server)
Changes required in Dockerfile.
container_name: web
- /path/in/host/machine:/usr/src/app
- "3000:3000"
- mongo
You may use Docker Swarm as an orchestration tool to apply rolling updates. Check Apply rolling updates to a service.
Basically you issue docker compose up once and do it with a shell script maybe, and once you get your containers running and then you may create a Jenkinsfile or configure a CI/CD pipeline to pull the updated image and apply it to running container with previous image with docker service update <NEW_IMAGE>.

Docker COPY not updating files when rebuilding container

I have a docker-compose-staging.yml file which I am using to define a PHP application. I have defined a data volume container (app) in which my application code lives, and is shared with other containers using volumes_from.
version: '2'
context: ./
dockerfile: docker/staging/nginx/Dockerfile
- 80:80
- php
- app
context: ./
dockerfile: docker/staging/php/Dockerfile
- 9000
- app
context: ./
dockerfile: docker/staging/app/Dockerfile
- /var/www/html
entrypoint: /bin/bash
This particular docker-compose-staging.yml is used to deploy the application to a cloud provider (DigitalOcean), and the Dockerfile for the app container has COPY commands which copy over folders from the local directory to the volume defined in the config.
FROM php:7.1-fpm
COPY ./public /var/www/html/public
COPY ./code /var/www/html/code
This works when I first build and deploy the application. The code in my public and code directories are present and correct on the remote server. I deploy using the following command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml up -d
However, next I try adding a file to my local public directory, then run the following command to rebuild the updated code:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml build app
The output from this rebuild suggests that the COPY commands were successful:
Building app
Step 1 : FROM php:7.1-fpm
---> 6ed35665f88f
Step 2 : COPY ./public /var/www/html/public
---> 4df40d48e6a5
Removing intermediate container 7c0fbbb7f8b6
Step 3 : COPY ./code /var/www/html/code
---> 643d8745a479
Removing intermediate container cfb4f1a4f208
Successfully built 643d8745a479
I then deploy using:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml up -d
With the following output:
Recreating docker_app_1
Recreating docker_php_1
Recreating docker_nginx_1
However when I log into the remote containers, the file changes are not present.
I'm relatively new to Docker so I'm not sure if I've misunderstood any part of this process! Any guidance would be appreciated.
This is because of cache.
docker-compose build --no-cache
This will rebuild images without using any cache.
And then,
docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml up -d
I was struggling with the fact that migrations were not detected nor done. Found this thread and noticed that the root cause was, indeed, files not being updated in the container. The force-recreate solution suggested above solved the problem for me, but I find it cumbersome to have to try to remember when to do it and when not. E.g. Vue related files seem to work just fine but Django related files don't.
So I figured why not try adjusting the Docker file to clean up the previous files before the copy:
RUN rm -rf path/to/your/app
COPY . path/to/your/app
Worked like a charm. Now it's part of the build and all you need is run the docker-compose up -d --build again. Files are up to date and you can run make migrations and migrate against your containers.
I had similar issue if not same while working on dotnet core application.
What I was trying to do was rebuild my application and get it update my docker image so that I can see my changes reflected in the containerized copy.
So I got going by removing the underlying image generated by docker-compose up using the command to get my changes reflected:
docker rmi *[imageId]*
I believe there should be support for this in docker-compose but this was enough for my need at the moment.
Just leaving this here for when I come back to this page in two weeks.
You may not want to use docker system prune -f in this block.
docker-compose down --rmi all -v \
&& docker-compose build --no-cache \
&& docker-compose -f docker-compose-staging.yml up -d --force-recreate
I had the same issue because of shared volumes. For me the solution was to remove shared container using this command:
docker volume rm [VOLUME_ID]
Volume id or name you can find in "Mount" section using this command:
docker inspect [CONTAINER_ID]
None of the above solutions worked for me, but what did finally work was the following steps:
Copy/Move file outside of docker app folder
Delete File you want to update
Rebuild the docker img without updated file
Move copied file back into docker app folder
Rebuild again the docker image
Now the image will contain the updates to the file.
I'm relatively new to Docker myself and found this thread after experiencing a similar issue with an updated YAML file not seeming to be copied into a rebuilt container, despite having turned off caching.
My build process differs slightly as I use Docker Hub's GitHub integration for automating image builds when new commits to the master branch are made. The build happens on Docker's servers rather than the locally built and pushed container image workflow.
What ended up working for me was to do a docker-compose pull to bring down into my local environment the most up-to-date versions of the containers defined in my .env file. Not sure if the pull command defers from the up command with a --force-recreate flag set, but I figured I'd share anyway in case it might help someone.
I'd also note that this process allowed me to turn auto-caching back on because the edited file was actually being detected by the Docker build process. I just wasn't seeing it because I was still running docker-compose up on outdated image versions locally.
I am not sure it is caching, because (a) it is usually noted in the build output, whether cache was used or not and (b) 'build' should sense the changed content in your directory and nullify the cache.
I would try to bring up the container on the same machine used to build it to see if that is updated or not. if it is, the changed image is not propagated. I do not see any version used in your files (build -t XXXX:0.1 or build -t XXXX:latest) so it might be that your staging machine uses a stale image. Or, are you pushing the new image so the staging server will pull it from somewhere?
You are trying to update an existing volume with the contents from a new image, that does not work.
Changes to a data volume will not be included when you update an image.

Host Volumes Not getting mounted on 'Docker-compose up'

I'm using docker-machine and docker-compose to develop a Django app with React frontend. The volumes don't get mounted on Debian environment but works properly on OSX and Windows, I've been struggling with this issue for days, I created a light version of my project that still replicate the issue you can find it in https://github.com/firetix/docker_bug.
my docker-compose.yml:
build: django
- ./django/:/home/docker/django/
My Dockerfile is as follow
FROM python:2.7
RUN mkdir -p /home/docker/django/
ADD . /home/docker/django/
WORKDIR /home/docker/django/
CMD ["./command.sh"]
When I run docker-compose build everything works properly. But when I run docker-compose up I get
[8] System error: exec: "./command.sh": stat ./command.sh: no such file or directory
I found this question on stackoverflow
How to mount local volumes in docker machine followed the proposed workarounds with no success.
I'm I doing something wrong? Why does this work on osx and windows but not on Debian environment? Is there any workaround that works on a Debian environment? Both Osx and Debian have /Users/ folders as a shared folder when I check VirtualBox GUI.
This shouldn't work for you on OSX, yet alone Debian. Here's why:
When you add ./command.sh to the volume /home/docker/django/django/ the image builds fine, with the file in the correct directory. But when you up the container, you are mounting your local directory "on top of" the one you created in the image. So, there is no longer anything there...
I recommend adding command.sh to a different location, e.g., /opt/django/ or something, and changing your docker command to ./opt/command.sh.
Or more simply, something like this, here's the full code:
# Dockerfile
FROM python:2.7
RUN mkdir -p /home/docker/django/
WORKDIR /home/docker/django/
# docker-compose.yml
build: django
command: ./command.sh
- ./django/:/home/docker/django/
I believe this should work. there were some problems with docker-compose versions using relative paths.
build: django
- ${PWD}/django:/home/docker/django

Docker VOLUME for different users

I'm using docker and docker-compose for building my app. There are two developers now for the project hosted on github.
Our project structure is:
Now we have ./dockerfiles/dev/docker-compose.yml like this:
container_name: sup-dev
build: ./build
and ./dockerfiles/dev/build/Dockerfile:
FROM sup:dev
# docker-compose tries to find .profile relative to build dir:
# ./dockerfiles/dev/build
COPY .profile /var/www/
We run container like so:
docker-compose up -d
Everything works fine, but due to different OS we have our code in different places: /home/aliance/www/project for me and /home/user/other/path/project for the second developer. So I can not just add volume instruction into Dockerfile.
Now we solve this problem in this wrong way:
- I am using lsyncd with my personal config to transfer files into the container
- While the second one uses volume instruction into Dockerfile but not commited it.
May be you know how can I write an unified Dockerfile for docker-compose to volume out code into app container from different paths?
The file paths on the host shouldn't matter. Why do you need absolute paths?
You can use paths that are relative to the docker-compose.yml so they should be the same for both developers.
The VOLUME instructions in the Dockerfile are always relative to the build context, so if you want, you can use something like this:
container_name: sup-dev
build: ..
dockerfile: build/Dockerfile
That way the build context for the Dockerfile will be the project root.
Maybe you should keep your Dockerfile at the root of your project. Then you could add an instruction in the Dockerfile:
COPY ./ /usr/src/app/
or (not recommended in prod)
VOLUME /usr/src/app
+ (option while running the container as I don't know docker-compose)
-v /path/to/your/code:/usr/src/app
