Create scope with .where on both collection and grand-parent - ruby-on-rails

I have three models with grand-parent, parent, child relation: Organization, Category, Post.
I'm trying to create a scope in my Post model, using where first on the passed collection and then on the grand-parent:
scope :ready, -> {
where("next_setup_at < ?", DateTime.current)
.joins(category: :organization)
.where(" = ?", true)
But Postgres is throwing me an error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "next_setup_at" is ambiguous
LINE 1: ...zations"."id" = "categories"."organization_id" WHERE (next_setup...
: SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" INNER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "posts"."category_id" INNER JOIN "organizations" ON "organizations"."id" = "categories"."organization_id" WHERE (next_setup_at < '2016-03-22 15:57:19.971887') AND ( = 't')

Take a look at your .where clauses. The second one does a good job at defining what column to query.
where(" = ?", true)
The first one doesn't.
where("next_setup_at < ?", DateTime.current)
You have to define what table the next_setup_at column references to. Leading to
where("posts.next_setup_at < ?", DateTime.current)
Further imporvement
You can easily specify what table to reference in pure ActiveRecord like so:
where(posts: {next_setup_at: DateTime.current}, categories: {active: true})


How do I count the number of records that have one or more associated object?

I have a Property model that has_many :photos. I want to count the number of properties that have one or more photo.
How do I do that?
I have tried the simple:
> Property.where(' > ?', 0).count
(3.1ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "properties" WHERE ( > 1)
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "photos"
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "properties" WHERE (
: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "properties" WHERE ( > 0)
from /ruby-2.3.0#myproject/gems/activerecord- `async_exec'
Caused by PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "photos"
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "properties" WHERE (
> Property.joins(:photos).where('photos.count > ?', 0).count
(3.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "properties" INNER JOIN "photos" ON "photos"."property_id" = "properties"."id" WHERE (photos.count > 0)
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::GroupingError: ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE
LINE 1: ..."photos"."property_id" = "properties"."id" WHERE (photos.cou...
: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "properties" INNER JOIN "photos" ON "photos"."property_id" = "properties"."id" WHERE (photos.count > 0)
from ruby-2.3.0#myproject/gems/activerecord- `async_exec'
Caused by PG::GroupingError: ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE
LINE 1: ..."photos"."property_id" = "properties"."id" WHERE (photos.cou...
to the more advanced:
>Property.includes(:photos).group(['', '']).order('COUNT( DESC').count
(0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "properties"."id") AS count_id, AS property_id, AS photos_id FROM "properties" LEFT OUTER JOIN "photos" ON "photos"."property_id" = "properties"."id" GROUP BY, ORDER BY COUNT( DESC
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "property"
LINE 1: ...CT COUNT(DISTINCT "properties"."id") AS count_id, property.i...
: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "properties"."id") AS count_id, AS property_id, AS photos_id FROM "properties" LEFT OUTER JOIN "photos" ON "photos"."property_id" = "properties"."id" GROUP BY, ORDER BY COUNT( DESC
from ruby-2.3.0#myproject/gems/activerecord- `async_exec'
Caused by PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "property"
LINE 1: ...CT COUNT(DISTINCT "properties"."id") AS count_id, property.i...
and a few other variations, and they all produce similar errors.
What am I doing wrong?
Note: All I want is the count of properties that have photos.count > 0. I don't want a hash of all the properties and the count of photos. In other words, if there are 5000 properties in my db, I want to build a scope that returns just the properties that actually have photos.
Since all you want is the Propertys with Photos then an INNER JOIN is all you need.
That is it. If you want a scope then
class Property < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :with_photos, -> {joins(:photos)}
To get the count using rails 3.2
Property.with_photos.count(distinct: true)
You could also use: in rails 3.2
Property.count(joins: :photos, distinct: true)
ActiveRecord::Calculations#count Doc
This will execute
INNER JOIN photos ON photos.property_id =
Property.joins(:photos).group('photos.property_id').having('count(photos.property_id) > 1').count
#=> {1234=>2} # 1234 is property id 2 is count of photos
You will get the property_ids with the number of associated photos with it.
Old Answer:
You can get the properties with atleast one photos associated with it
Property.includes(:photos).where.not(photos: { property_id: nil })
As you are using rails 3.2 .not will not work you have to use
Property.includes(:photos).where("property_id IS NOT null")
Property.includes(:photos).where("SELECT count( > 0 FROM photos WHERE property_id =")
As a scope:
scope :with_photos, -> { where("SELECT count( > 0 FROM photos WHERE property_id =") }
You can try like this, I have done in my projects,
You will get property id with photos count
results = { 3314=>3, 2033=>3, 3532=>2, 3565=>6, 3510=>1, 3022=>7, 648=>2, 570=>3, 4678=>3, 3540=>1, 3489=>4, 536=>1, 1715=>4 }
Give this a go:
class Property < ApplicationRecord
has_many :photos
def self.with_photos
self.all.reject { |p| }
More Efficient (Rails 4+):
More Efficient (Rails 5.1+):
According to your requirement you can try this
1) A simple count of the number of properties that have 1 or more
To just get the number of properties which have one or more photo you can do this
As we are not using group the distinct or uniq is necessary. distinct will return ActiveRecord_Relation and uniq will return Array.
2) I would like that set of properties returned so I can
create a scope of just those properties. Also, I do have lots of
properties with more than 1 photo.
To get all the property objects which have one or more than one photo you can use the same query:
or you can use the group_by clause:
The difference will be that when you will use size method on the group query it will return a hash with the property_id as key and number of photos on the property as value.
Performance Update:
If you always require the count of associated object and you want to fetch it efficiently you may use counter_cache like this:
class Photo < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :property, counter_cache: true
class Property < ApplicationRecord
has_many :photos
And then you will have to add a column in the properties table named photos_count and Rails will automatically update the column each time a new photo record is added or a exisisting photo record is removed. And then you can also query directly:
Property.where('photos_count > ?', 1)
This is optional and you can do this if you are facing performance issues with the data fetch.

Joins Great Grandparent Model - Ruby On Rails

I'm sure this is very simple but I cannot get it to work. I have the following associations.
model Category
has_many :category_brands
model CategoryBrand
has_many :category_models
belongs_to :category
model CategoryModel
has_many :products
belongs_to :category_brand
model Product
belongs_to :category_model
In theory, I want to query all D records that have an A record with the name equal to "x". So like this:
#products = Product.joins(category_model: {category_brand: :category}).where(" like ?", "%Incline Motors%")
But I cannot get this to work. Any help would be appreciated.
Current Error:
G::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "category" LINE 1:"."id" = "category_brands"."category_id" WHERE (category.n... ^ : SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "products" INNER JOIN "category_models" ON "category_models"."id" = "products"."category_model_id" INNER JOIN "category_brands" ON "category_brands"."id" = "category_models"."category_brand_id" INNER JOIN "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "category_brands"."category_id" WHERE ( like '%Incline Motors%')
The table name should be pluralised -- note the SQL statement text INNER JOIN "categories"
#products = Product.joins(category_model: {category_brand: :category}).where(" like ?", "%Incline Motors%")

rails get a list of records by checking if association is approved

I've got a organization model and an organization_profile model. The organization_profile model has an approved column. I would like to be able to find all approved users by calling something like: Organization.approved. I found that the best way to handle this is probably through scope. However I can't seem to get it to work. This is what i am trying
scope :approved, -> {joins(:organization_profile).where('organization_profile.approved = ?', true) }
But then Organization.approved gives me all kinds of errors:
Organization Load (8.0ms) SELECT "organizations".* FROM "organizations" INNER JOIN "organization_profiles" ON "organization_profiles"."user_id" = "organizations"."id" WHERE (organization_profile.approved = 't')
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "organization_profile"
LINE 1: ...profiles"."user_id" = "organizations"."id" WHERE (organizati...
: SELECT "organizations".* FROM "organizations" INNER JOIN "organization_profiles" ON "organization_profiles"."user_id" = "organizations"."id" WHERE (organization_profile.approved = 't')
Can anyone tell me the correct code?
Your query is using organization_profile (singular) but your table name is organization_profiles (plural).
A slightly better way to do this (which also avoids using strings), is to turn the where clause into an Arel predicate (might not be the right word):
scope :approved, -> { joins(:organization_profile).where(OrganizationProfile.arel_table['approved'].eq(true)) }
The condition is SQL code that should reflect correctly the name of your tables which are always plural :
where('organization_profiles.approved = ?', true)

retrieve reverse multiple records of rails association

I have two models product and category.
I am able to make successful queries like Category.products etc.
belongs_to :category
has_many :products
Now I want to retrieve only those categories that has at least one existing product.
I tried like this :
#categories = Category.where(Category.products.present?)
# returned error undefined method `products' also changing to product didn't work.
Getting your comment that you need Categories with products and that the product property with_operator to be true, you can do that query in "rails style" using joins and merge:
#categories = Category.joins(:products).merge(Product.where(with_operator: true)).uniq
Which will generate the following SQL:
SELECT DISTINCT "categories".* FROM "categories" INNER JOIN "products" ON "products"."category_id" = "categories"."id" WHERE "products"."with_operator" = 't'
You could also use the rails 4 syntax, as pointed by #yukke:
Category.joins(:products).where(products: { with_operator: true }).uniq
All you need is inner join. It will skip those categories, that has no products. And to add a condition on joined table you can use rails 4 where's syntax:
#categories = Category.joins(:products).where(products: { with_operator: true }).uniq
It will produce next sql query:
SELECT DISTINCT "categories".*
FROM "categories" INNER JOIN "products" ON "products"."category_id" = "categories"."id"
WHERE "products"."with_operator" = 't'

PG::Error: ERROR: column reference "status" is ambiguous in active_admin

Using rails 3.2 with active_admin and seeing PG::Error: ERROR: column reference "status" is ambiguous when using a custom filter on active_admin in Rents.rb:
filter :travel_car_brand, as: :string
filter :travel_car_model, as: :string
The error points to:
: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "rents"."id") FROM "rents" LEFT OUTER JOIN "travels" ON "travels"."id" = "rents"."travel_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "cars" ON "cars"."travel_id" = "travels"."id" WHERE ("cars"."brand" ILIKE '%mazda%') AND ("startDate" > '2014-08-04 10:15:14 +0200' and status = 'paid'):
it's interesting that the above has status = 'paid' since I'm not sure why its using that as a filter.
belongs_to :travel
has_one :car
and both rents table and travels table have a status attribute.
I've seen Lucas' answer but if this is a rails app, the SQL should be generated by the application, not hardcoded. Therefore changing the SQL directly is not the solution.
Instead, I would suggest you find the code that is adding the "paid" filter and modify it to declare the relevant model name.
Somewhere you probably have a scope:
scope :paid, where(status: 'paid')
change that to (for example):
scope :paid, where("model.status = 'paid'")
You need to chose wich table you want your attribute to select, or use both
COUNT(DISTINCT "rents"."id")
FROM "rents"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "travels" ON "travels"."id" = "rents"."travel_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "cars" ON "cars"."travel_id" = "travels"."id"
WHERE ("cars"."brand" ILIKE '%mazda%')
AND ("startDate" > '2014-08-04 10:15:14 +0200')
AND rents.status = 'paid'
or if you require both:
COUNT(DISTINCT "rents"."id")
FROM "rents"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "travels" ON "travels"."id" = "rents"."travel_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "cars" ON "cars"."travel_id" = "travels"."id"
WHERE ("cars"."brand" ILIKE '%mazda%')
AND ("startDate" > '2014-08-04 10:15:14 +0200')
AND rents.status = 'paid'
AND travels.status = 'paid'
Your "status" column is ambiguous. Because SQL can't understand which one table's column you want. Rent.status or Travels.status that SQL can not understand.
