Ui-grid: how can I create multiple ui grids dynamically - angular-ui-grid

I need to display multiple ui grids in my screen. The number of grids are dynamic.
Scenario: I am adding some people in a list and proceeds to next screen where I need to display their details in a separate ui grid. How can I create grid options dynamically?

Wrap up the code and html inside a directive, pass the table data to the directive.See the answer from user CMR here...I hope this helps.
Custom directive for Ui Grid


Recommended way to do the search and populating the grid in ASP.NET Core MVC 6

I am creating a project where I need to create a view with search textboxes and a dropdown which would be populated from the server. Same view also have a grid which would be populated based on the search criteria enter/selected by user.
I want to know what would be the design of the page in terms of showing both on same page. Should I create a partial view for the grid or Search panel or add both in the single view?
Note that dropdown list would need to be populated from the ViewModel. So what is the common practice in the situation. I am new to this I have done few pages but with lot of code, session and ViewBags and I think I am not following recommended practice.
Actually, the design for your web application is according to your requirement.
For example, if you want grid to work with other datasource or view, you could build it as a component, then if you want to use it, you could directly use this component to avoid write the same codes for multiple time.
If you want to use same grid to show in some other page, you could build it a partial view, then you could directly call this view to show something.

jqGrid: edit form in the subgrid area accordion

We are using Jqgrid but we need to perform a custom editing.
In particular we want to view/edit the detail of a row inside the accordion of a subgrid area (instead of real subgrid)...
Basically we are looking for a way to redirect the content of the edit popup to the subgrid area.
Anyone have some ideas about how to do it?
If I understand correct the problem you may look at this demo in case you use Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript. In your case the html file can contain template form, where you can get the values from the row and put it in the form.
If you have difficulties we can prepare a online demo.

display multiple checkbox in a single row of kendo UI Grid

I am working on Kendo UI. How to display multiple checkbox in a single row of Kendo UI Grid ?
each Kendo component accepts a template which is in kendo's own format. You could setup that grid cell any way you want with as many checkboxes as you want.
have a look here for an example on how to do it :
You might want to use telerik's forums for this kind of questions, they are very good at answering and you get replies from the people who actually created it.

UI MVC Grid with custom command

I have a grid which displays a list of branches. I also have a ContactDetails button on each row which is a custom command popping a Kendo window displaying the details. It all works fine. However, I want these details to be editable. How should I approach this? I cannot seem to be able to access the model through the window.
I am using the code from their custom command demo: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/grid/custom-command
Ultimately, what I want is the grid to pass in the model representing the relevant row into the window so that the model can be modified and then persisted on the database.

Kendo Grid Hierarchical View: How to avoid auto open first row

I have a hierarchical grid. How can I avoid that the first row is expanded when the site is loaded?
Your kendo hierarchical grid expands the first row and since you have not shared your code, lets assume that you are binding the grid with jQuery.
Now to not to allow the grid to expand the first row, all you have to do is remove
from the dataBound event.
Here is a working example. See the commented code in the example.
