I have a very loooong list of YouTube videos (in Google sheets) and want to get their duration.
You can pull it using importxml:
=IMPORTXML("youtube url","//*[#itemprop='duration']/#content")
the format comes back as PT7M54S which means 7 min 54 seconds so if you want to transform it you can do this:
=REGEXREPLACE(IMPORTXML("youtube url","//*[#itemprop='duration']/#content"),"(PT)(\d+)M(\d+)S","$2:$3")
Im new to yt api and i was wondering how can i get for example top 50 channels by subscriber count with defined date, or in interval like 2018-2019?
I'm wondering if it is possible to create something on Google Sheets that can take the last 30 videos from a content creator and find the total views of the last 30 uploads
"where Col1 contains '/watch?v='"),"limit 30"))
"//*[contains(#class, 'watch-view-count')]"),0)," view(s)?",""))
So youtube data api 3 has video duration parameter : short (less than 4 min), medium (4 to 20 mins) and long(more than 20 minutes)
any ideas how i can retrieve results having custom video duration lets say i would like to get results for my query string of video duration of 3 to 6 minutes only
thanks a lot
This is currently not possible. There's a related request here.
I can get daily data easily using this link:
But when I try to change "1d" to "1y" I still get 1 day's data.
I am trying to get 2 years' worth.
Is there a way to do this? yahoo or bing finance would be fine too.
You need to use '1Y', not '1y' on your query to get a time period stretching back 1 year. However, you will also need to change the granularity of your query, as minute data is only available for the previous 5 days.
This query will provide you with minute data for the previous 5 days.
The following query will provide you with the last two years of prices at the close.
google API "getprices" is NO more fetching intraday data of any interval (say 1 minute or 5 minute or 60 minutes .....). It is now fetching data in 1 day interval only irrespective of interval set.
I tried getting intraday data before, the furthest back I can get is 15 days, i.e. 15d
Using 2w or 1y did not work for me.
Update [2020]
Google and Yahoo deprecated their APIs so only direct website access works. However, the max resolution you can get is 1 day (end-of-day).
For historical high-resolution data Tickdata.com is a good source for tick-level data.
If 1-min bars are sufficient FirstRateData.com has 1-min data for most stocks and fx going back 20 years.
Is there some way I can retrieve more than 100 results using YouTube API?
I can retrive upto 100 results using this query string:
But when I try
I get:
http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:openSearch='http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/' xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005' gd:etag='W/"C0YFQHg9fyp7I2A9WhBVGUk."'>tag:youtube.com,2008:videos2013-04-26T01:51:51.667Zhttp://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind' term='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video'/>Videos matching: footballhttp://www.youtube.com/img/pic_youtubelogo_123x63.gifhttps://www.youtube.com'/>http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed' type='application/atom+xml' href='https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?v=2'/>http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#batch' type='application/atom+xml' href='https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/batch?v=2'/>https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=football&start-index=101&max-results=10&orderby=relevance&v=2'/>https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?alt=atom-service&v=2'/>https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=football&start-index=91&max-results=10&orderby=relevance&v=2'/>YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/http://gdata.youtube.com'>YouTube data API10010110
From what I understand, you can get 999 results using YouTube search API. Why is this limited to 100 here? Is there a workaround for me to get more than 100 results?
I can't speak to whether or not something has changed internally that is now capping totalResults at 100, but it seems to be a pretty common problem across the board today. However, if you were to try using v3 of the API, this wouldn't be an issue: for example, this query:
Will give you many, many more total results. With v3, you can set the maxResults parameter up to 50 videos returned for each response, and then paginate through the responses by setting the pageToken parameter to whatever the "nextPageToken" attribute of a given response is.
Try like this https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=football&orderby=relevance&v=2
It will take the default size. When you use the start index and size you are using the pagination mechanism. I guess thats the problem here. And misfortune is that Google youtube API supports only max of 50 videos per query. Its there in the docs. 999 videos are the total videos that can be in a video feed. Not the number of videos it would query out. Dont mistakenly take it as it would return you all the videos. You have to use pagination with start index and size inorder to go through all the videos.
you can use this url
and you easily get more than 100 results
I'm confused by this same issue - video search queries with start-index > 100 do not return any results:
and queries with a start-index < 100 return only the number of videos up to 100:
gives you 10 videos.
Shouldn't you be able to access results beyond the first 100 returned by the search?
There's a caching/escalating issue for pagination.
Check this answer here.
The correct way to page through a feed is to make the first request
for the feed without a start-index, and then check to see whether
there's a <link rel="next'...> and if so, use that URL to retrieve the
next page of a feed.
I discovered that if you put a small pause between each pagination call to API, it returns 400 results, it's mean 1 call per page putting 2 second between each call. It works for my. If you wuould like get more it, you have to close the connection to API and try again one or two minutes later.