Realtime Subscriber Count - youtube

i've been wondering if there's a way to count a youtuber's subscriber count in realtime.
I'd like to try and build my own counter if its possible.

May be this can help you : application


Avoid auto sorting in Google Sheets Query

I am facing the issue, that during a query I get auto sorting of the group of results. The code is following:
=QUERY('Sheet1'!A1:H;"select A, sum(H) where A is not null group by A ";1)
I would like to keep the original order of elements and not want to get a sorted list.
I would appreciate any help in this topic.
Thank you in advance.
An easier way is this. You can use Filter, Unique and Sumif.
Ciao #Terio
In my video I learn how these functions are used with SUMIF. But it's in Italian 😊:
This do what you want
maybe I can simplify them, but work and not apply a sort to A,
ask for more if you need

Range of Times COUNTIF?

I'm wondering whether it's possible to have two columns of start and end times and be able to do some kind of count if to count available time slots?
Here is my test as an example:
I want to be able to count all the times between the written times as well as the times written. Hopefully that makes sense... Any help would be appreciated.

Youtube API : CommentThreads.list how to get last comments?

By reading the docs : when listing the commenthreads related to a channel, by default, I get the last 20 comment threads ordered by "time". IMHO this is not accurate : is it the time of creation or update or ... ?
While using the API, I found that it was the last 20 created threads. Am I right ?
Considering that, I would like to get the last 20 updated threads. Is it possible ? (to get the last comments on this channel which are not necessarily part of the last comment threads)
Thanks in advance,

accumulated totals of data in grafana / influx

I've got a requirement to report on jira status information - and I'm not sure how to approach it.
Each issue has a status, and this status can change to any number of values.
What I want to be able to determine is how many issues where at any particular status at any particular time.
Previously, we had a system that polled for changes, and when one was detected, it recalculated totals. This is obviously very old-hat and inefficient.
Another approach is to intercept when a status changes, get the before value. post a -1 to the before key. Then post a +1 to the new key
If you then read over the data starting at the beginning and added up the + and -, you can get a count at any point in time. This is also obviously very old-hat and inefficient.
I was thinking that perhaps grafana / influx could handle this - however, I just can't seem to get it to work.
It must be something to do with aggregates or accumulations .
Has anyone done something similar and is willing to share ?
Edit: gentle bump : has anyone got some clues ?

Is there a way to find the deleted transactions by list Id?

My goal is to find the deleted transactions during a period of the time for a list of jobs. The period of the time can be different from job to job. I am currently using TxnDeletedQueryRq but the request only provides filter on date range. I tried to look into other requests, but no luck so far. I am wondering if anyone knows a way to achieve this.
Thank you.
The only way that I can think of would be to create an audit trail report and parse for the state "Deleted". This allows you to set an entity filter for the name, plus you could set the modified date range an the report period to maybe help narrow down the information you would need to parse:
IGeneralDetailReportQuery report = MsgRequest.AppendGeneralDetailReportQueryRq();
