Newbie in ios development [closed] - ios

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a beginner in ios programming. How to start learning ios? Can start learning lastest ios 9 or should I start with ios 4 or ios 5 than gradually come to lastest version?

Can start learning lastest ios 9 book or should I start with ios 4 or ios 5 than gradually come to lastest version? There are some books on swift programming also.
You should start with the latest iOS version. Install the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store and then start with Apple's Getting Started documentation. At this point, you should learn Swift instead of Objective-C because that's the direction that Apple is going; you may need to read some Objective-C code, but once you've got the basics of Swift down it's not hard to read Objective-C.
Books are definitely a good way to expand your knowledge, but I think Apple's online documentation (much of it also available inside Xcode) is a good starting point that'll get you started without a big investment. Once you get the ball rolling, you'll be in a much better position to evaluate books for yourself.

Unless you need to develop for an older version - start with the latest version.
A lot of things has changed since iOS 4 or 5, and it's better if you learn swift than objective-c.
A good book to start with is "The Swift Programming Language", by Apple -


Will Swift 2 apps works after Swift 3 released? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have released several apps written in Swift 2.0 and 2.1. Now Apple just open source Swift and announced that Swift 3.0 will be released next year. So will my apps still works after Swift 3.0's release?
I think you are asking two separate questions here.
Will your app execute on the new OS when Swift 3 is launched?
Will your app work on the new OS when it is launched?
In regards to the first question, yes your app will execute even though it was compiled against Swift 2. Swift apps have the Swift runtime libraries embedded in their bundles so you are safe in this regard. You will notice that Swift bundles are always about 4-5 MB larger than their Objective-C counterparts and this is precisely why.
In regards to the second question, as with any new OS release there is no guarantee that your apps will work as they did on previous versions of the OS. Although, from my experience Apple has done a pretty decent job of keep things backwards compatible over the last couple of OS releases, though your mileage may vary.
If you're asking if your code written in Swift 2.0 / 2.1 will compile under Swift 3.0, it's possible that it won't. Quoted from Swift Programming Language Evolution:
Full source compatibility: Swift 3.0 will not provide full source compatibility. Rather, it can and will introduce source-breaking changes needed to support the main goals of Swift 3.0.
But like #Randy said, your previously-compiled app will still run.

What's the state of developing iOS apps in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I thought this would be the appropriate community to ask this question.
Back when Apple had their developer's conference over the summer, I was aware that they were going to make Swift open source.
I was under the impression that Xcode would not be ported to Linux, but I was under the understanding that some entity would create a development program to imitate Xcode.
Therefore, I am wondering about new developments in this situation.
Does anyone have any more current knowledge about this topic or any experiences with this?
There's a misunderstanding here.
Swift the programming language is open source.
It doesn't mean that iOS or OS X frameworks, like Cocoa, UIKit, etc, are available in Linux - Apple didn't announce that.
When you make an app for iOS using Swift, you have to import UIKit and other libraries - those are the iOS parts.
Swift is just the language - you can already make an iOS app with Ruby, Objective-C, JavaScript, etc, using these same libraries.

Is learning to make iOS apps from iOS Programming (The Big Nerd Ranch, 4th Edition) a good idea now? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So the story is, my friend has given me a copy of iOS Programming (The Big Nerd Ranch, 4th Edition). The book uses Xcode 5 and iOS 7. Now that Xcode 6 and iOS 8 is here, would it be wrong of me to learn from this book, and will the concepts be relevant to the new Xcode/iOS, or will it be too outdated and obsolete.
XCode 5 and iOS 7 is still pretty relevant, and the fundamentals haven't changed. There will be some differences in the specifics, and features of iOS that won't be covered (e.g. widgets) but most of those things would be more at the intermediate/advanced level. For the fundamentals, you should be fine with that book. Note the book will not cover Swift at all, which might be a better language to start learning, instead of Objective C. Depends on what you need to learn.
I would suggest finding other free online tutorials / books / videos to supplement your learning as you go along as well.

Learning to code on iOS - swift vs Objective C dilemna [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have just finished a year of university and learnt how to write nice applications with C++, OpenGL and Qt.
I was just about to start learning Objective C and Cocoa. This seemed optimal to develop iOS & Mac apps since Objective C was, like C++, a variant of C, Cocoa would allow me to make nice UIs and I could continue using my good OpenGL knowledge to do 3d graphics.
However, Apple has recently announced that many things are changing. Most importantly, they have announced that there is a new language called "Swift", and that they are replacing (from what I understand) OpenGL with "Metal"
My question is, taking into account the lack of good books/comprehensive tutorials (I had found a great one for Objective C and Cocoa).
At this stage, should I wait for the release of XCode6 and iOS8 in fall, along with what I hope will be new books and tutorials on learning this new language and do something else in the meantime to avoid learning a defunct language, or should I learn Objective C anyway and then learn Swift when it comes out (and all these new things like Metal etc).
Is it worth deepening my OpenGL understanding in light of all this new stuff being announced?
I would advise learning Swift. It is proving to be popular, and there are some tutorials out already, such as this one ( Learning Objective-C will probably only be useful for a couple months, as Apple will probably push Swift as the main language. You can also get a good tutorial book by Apple on the iBooks store for free. Also, if you are a registered developer, you can get Xcode 6 and ios 8 now.

What is the minimum Xcode / iOS versions I should start with? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Giving that there are many new features specially in memory management, I have iOS 4 / 5 books and there are links to tutorials everywhere for them.
What is the minimum that I should read to take advantage of new features and do not have to 'unlearn' stuffs found in newer versions?
There are some good books about iOS 4/5. Should I avoid them?
Start with the newest SDK and developer tools, Xcode 5. Learn about what's possible with iOS 7 and iOS 6. Don't spend too much time on iOS 4 and 5. Focus on learning about frameworks and not on particular OS versions.
You should still learn about old-style memory management, release and retain methods to understand how ARC is dealing with them for you. However, don't spend too much time on reading. Start coding. Nothing will replace a hands on experience and you learn much quicker when you deal with real projects and real problems.
Focus on iOS 7. There is a quite a bit different in iOS 7 from previous versions, spending time on previous versions is only going to confuse you and make it harder to learn.
Focus on a project and get it built, thats the best way to learn.
