How to move cursor in Xcode smoothly? - ios

For example like below gif
First he is type QL1("") and his cursor's position is locate after double quotes
Then how to move cursor's position between double quotes?
I know i can use arrow key,but i don't want to move my hand on keyboard
So is there have convenient way to move cursor?
Just like we can press Tab to move cursor to different parameter

You don't need to do anything. Xcode is already automatically putting that.
Just put a single double quote(")
Write whatever you want to write
Press the next arrow key (->) and the second single double quote(") will be automatically added.
Hope this helps!


Buttons in UITextView

I want to create a View very similar To the iOS notes application. The main function is to allow the user to get a check box in front of a line of Text.
My first attempt is this:
I have a UITextView where i try to insert buttons on the left side of the View, the Problem is i dont get the right y Position for each line and the whole text is offsetted even if there is no Button in Front of the line.
Is there a better approach, maybe much simpler or even built in functionality in UITextView i couldnā€˜t find?
If not, how do i get the exact y position of the line the cursor is currently in, so i can set the Buttons in the correct positions?

How to get red distance lines in storyboard Xcode?

Watching a tutorial and it looks like the guy is holding down a button to show the distance between his selected view and what's around it.
I've tried command, option, control, and every other button I can think might work. What button needs to be held to get these lines?
By pressing option key only on your keyboard.
Select an element, and move the mouse while pressing the option key, it will show the red lines with the distances.
Hovering over another element will show you the distance between the selected element and that element.

tapping space two time not replacing with full stop after if append some text in textView swift

I don't know why but if I write something in text view and after that if I tap space two-time then it will put a full stop afterward.but if I append some text in text view then if I tap space two-time it will add two space not replacing it with the full stop.
This is just an iOS-Feature for easy writing. With that you don't have to write space dot every time, you can just tap double space at the end of a sentence.
So when you try that between two words, the system will not recognize that this is the end of a sentence and it will just use double space instead of full stop.

Using GREP in TextWrangler to search all plaintext, or text outside angle brackets

I'm looking for a way to search any and all plaintext appearing outside of angle brackets, to replace it with blank so that only code appearing within angle brackets remains.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I assume the objective is to remove everything outside of the <tags> without affecting the <tags> themselves in an efficient way, inside TextWrangler. My solution is limited, in that it only matches text that is <tags>inside the tags<tags>. Which means that it will not remove any text that appears before or after the tags. i.e. Only text inside the tags gets removed. It is easy enough once this is done to select/delete the remaining text.
Assuming the file you want to edit is open.
Type: "command f" to open the find window.
Under "Find" enter (>.*?<)
Under "Replace" enter ><
I would post a picture, but I'm new so not allowed.
To see what will be replaced, click "Next".
To replace one occurrence at a time(slow), click "Replace & Find".
To replace all occurrences, click "Replace All"

Set cursor position in Edit Text android

How can i set the cursor position in android edit text? Im making a button which would make the cursor one character forward ie. an arrow key like
You can length of the string entered in edit text.
You have to use setSelection(int position) method of edittext.
Like edt.setSelection(0)
