How to create a link to external URL in Angular 2 - hyperlink

I am new to Angular. I am starting with ver. 2.
I need to link to a file://... URL.
I tried normal href:
Note: app is a model object of the web which deals with applications.
<a target="_blank" href="file://{{app.outputPath}}/index.html">no link here</a>.
That doesn't work - the link is there, with correct URL, but Angular seems to block the event somehow. Why?
So I've seen ng-href but that's for Angular 1.x. And there's no *ngHref from what I can tell. So this was just a naive try:
<a target="_blank" *ngHref="file://{{app.outputPath}}/index.html">over a directive</a>.
Also I have seen something with routing but that appears to be intended only for internal links within the application:
<a [router-link]="['/staticReport', {path: app.outputPath}]">see the report</a>.
{path:"/staticReport/:path", redirectTo: 'file:// ???? ' }
What's the way to create an external link?

I assume app is assigned async. You can work around this using the Elvis operator:
<a target="_blank" href="file://{{app?.outputPath}}/index.html">no link here</a>.
to not break the binding when Angular tries to resolve it before app actually has a value.
This worked for example:
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<h2>Hello {{name}}</h2>
<a target="_blank" [href]="'file://' + outputPath + '/index.html'">no link here</a>
export class App {
outputPath:string = '';
constructor() { = 'Angular2';
Actually, your first example works fine as well
<a target="_blank" href="file://{{outputPath}}/index.html">no link here</a>


Angular - href link doesn't work in IOS app

I have a web application in Angular, which is also converted (correct me if I call it the wrong way) to IOS app and I can open it in testflight app. My links which redirect to outer pages in new tabs are not working. Emails too. I have been trying to open app in a simulator but the console doesn't show any problems. My buttons simply don't work, but only on this app. When I open app on my iPhone in safari it works fine. Have you any idea what's going wrong?
As I mentioned, I tried using the simulator to find a possible error in the console. However, nothing of the sort occurs.
An example of my button implementation:
<a [href]="item?.link"target="_blank"class="no-text-decoration">
<app-custom button[color]="CustomButtonColor.Dark"
{{ ''| translate }}
One solution to this issue would be to remove the target="_blank" attribute and use the function to open the links in a new tab. Here is an example of how you can modify your code to achieve this:
<app-custom-button (click)="openLink(item?.link)" [color]="CustomButtonColor.Dark" [id]="'{{item?.name}}Button'" [type]="CustomButtonType.ButtonExpanded"> {{ ''| translate }} </app-custom-button>
openLink(url: string) {, '_blank');
Alternatively, you can also try using the function with the target parameter set to '_blank'.
<a [href]="item?.link" (click)="openLink(item?.link)" class="no-text-decoration"> <app-custom-button [color]="CustomButtonColor.Dark" [id]="'{{item?.name}}Button'" [type]="CustomButtonType.ButtonExpanded"> {{ ''| translate }} </app-custom-button> </a>
openLink(url: string) {, '_blank');
return false;

How to hide a matTooltip after set time interval?

I have looked at Angular official material design tooltip page, however, cannot seem to find anywhere how to hide a matTooltip after set time interval if a user stays on the object for a long period of time? Is there a separate in-built property for that? Or I'll need some kind of workaround?
It is imported into my TS file as described in the documentation and it works as it supposed to, thus I'm not adding that part of the code here.
My HTML is as follows:
<a matTooltip="Info about the action" matTooltipPosition="right">
<i class="fal-settings"></i> Settings
<a #actionInfoTooltip="matTooltip" matTooltip="Info about the action" matTooltipPosition="right" (mouseenter)="hideTooltipIn(actionInfoTooltip, 3000)">
<i class="fal-settings"></i> Settings
import { MatTooltip } from '#angular/material';
hideTooltipIn(tooltip : MatTooltip, ms : number){
setTimeout(() => tooltip.hide(), ms);
Use matTooltipHideDelay to add a delay before the tooltip is hidden. For your case:
<a matTooltip="Info about the action"
<i class="fal-settings"></i> Settings
This will hide the tooltip after 3 seconds.

Open each router link as a new tab in an Electron app

I am using electron with angular 5. Trying to open each router link as a new tab but I am not finding anything that could help me to achieve this. Is it possible to achieve?
Have you tried adding target="_blank" to you tag? You could also try a click navigation function as well.
<a routerlink="someUrl" target="_blank">
<a routerlink="someUrl" (onClick)="navigate(someUrl)">
public navigate(url: string):void {;

Angular 1.5.7 Controller Scope Failing in iOS 9.3+

I've been struggling a bit to successful get the following Angular 1.5.7 app to properly display user data injected into the Scope of my Controller. It works great on all browsers within a Windows Desktop environment but fails to display the data (it merely displays the template bindings) in iOS 9.3.5.
The Router:
.config(function ($routeProvider) {
.when('/user', {
controller: 'userController',
templateUrl: 'app/partials/userPartial.html'
.when('/contacts', {
controller: 'contactController',
templateUrl: 'app/partials/contactPartial.html'
The Controller:
.controller('userController', function ($scope, User) {
//Specify accessible controller attributes
$scope.User = new User();
The Partial:
<div class="user" id="userWrapper">
<h1 class="header">Contact Information</h1>
<span class="userField">Name: {{}}</span>
<span class="userField">Phone: {{}}</span>
<span class="userField">Email: {{}}</span>
<h1 class="header">Address Information</h1>
<span class="userField">Street: {{User.address.street}}</span>
<span class="userField">Suite: {{User.address.suite}}</span>
<span class="userField">City: {{}}</span>
<span class="userField">Zipcode: {{User.address.zipcode}}</span>
See the example here:
Full code is here:
Comments: I've heard that ng-App requires some additional configuration for iOS. Not sure if that's true but I've tried a number of things including directly bootstrapping the application (not sure if I did this correctly), switching to another router library (am using angular-route.min.js), and a couple smaller changes that didn't improve the situation. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
Was an idiot - some unsupported ES6 code and uncommitted changes to router dependencies fixed the issue. To be clear, the code above was fine (the problem lay in the factory and service). One take away, double-check ES6 support in iOS.

Binding lost (after click) in angular js small example

I have a very small application in Angular JS. It's placed inside a bigger rails application, but I don't see too much interaction. The angular application, allows the user to interact with a group of categories. As easy as:
var angular_app = angular.module('angular_app', []);
angular_app.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider, $cookieStore) {
angular_app.controller('CategoriesController', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.isEditing = false;
$scope.categoryName = '';
$http.get('/api/categories').success(function(data) {
//We use this to data-bind with the HTML placed below
$scope.categories = data;
$scope.addNewCategory = function() {
$scope.editCategory = function(index) {
if (!index)
var selectedCategory = $scope.categories[index];
// With ng-show, we make visible the part of the UI
// that should be used for editing
$scope.isEditing = true;
$scope.cancelEditCategory = function() {
$scope.isEditing = false;
$scope.deleteCategory = function(index) {
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['angular_app']);
The idea is that the information is shown in a list, and we have an 'edit' button that allows the user to see other part of the UI that will let him perform changes.
<div ng-controller="CategoriesController">
<div ng-show='isEditing' class="popup_menu">
<li ng-repeat="category in categories">
<a href="#" ng-click='deleteCategory($index)'>[X]</a>
<a href="#" ng-click='editCategory($index)'>[E]</a>{{ }}
<input type="text" id="categoryTextBox" ng-model="categoryName"/>
<button id="submit" ng-click='addNewCategory()'>New category</button>
When I'm clicking the edit button, the corresponding part of the UI gets visible, but just after that, something happens, and the ul that should render the list, looses completely the binding, just showing something like:
[X] [E]{{ }}
When it must be showing:
[X] [E]computer science
[X] [E]politics
[X] [E]news
(Which is what I have in the scope). It happens a few after the click (and works for a sec). No errors on the console, no interactions with other libraries (as far as I can see).
I have no experience with Angular, but perhaps your problem could be to do with Turbolinks - this is a way of Rails loading the <body> tag of a page only - keeping the <head> intact.
Turbolinks is notorious for Javascript on Rails, as each time you reload your <body> without reloading the <head> part of your page, all your JS bindings are going to disappear. The solution to this, in normal JS, is to use JQuery / Javascript delegation, and delegate from the document object:
$(document).on("action", "delegated_object", function(){
Apologies if this does not work - it's a common issue for us, but as I have no experience with Angular, I don't know if it's going to help you or not.
It seems that I should have been more careful with the links:
<a href="#" ng-click='deleteCategory($index)'>[X]</a>
<a href="#" ng-click='editCategory($index)'>[E]</a>{{ }}
Don't know exactly how this works, but seems that if the link has his href attribute, a GET request is made against, breaking in some way the angular code. If you put them like:
<a ng-click='deleteCategory($index)'>[X]</a>
<a ng-click='editCategory($index)'>[E]</a>{{ }}
The problem will be solved. Thanks all for reading and helping!
