Spotfire v7.5 : Edit Existing Data table join - join

In Spotfire, I have inserted columns From an Excel File in an existing Data Table on Spotfire (See example shows at the End) but I have made a mistake in the join property. Could I change it without re creating the complete Data Table or using calculated columns/Filters?

You can only edit it by deleting the inserted columns and adding them again.


PowerBI - Join DirectQuery and Imported tables in DAX

I have a DirectQuery table (Weather) which is sourced from an Azure SQL server. I would like to join this with an Imported table (Buckles) from an Excel sheet sourced from SharePoint Online.
Both tables have a UID field that is made up of a concatenation between a SiteID and timestamp. The UID field is named differently for each table.
I have created a One-To-Many relationship between the two tables.
I have tried to create a new DAX table using a NATURALINNERJOIN on Weather and Buckles but I get this error:
"No common join columns detected. The join function 'NATURALINNERJOIN' requires at-least one common join column."
I am confident it is not a problem with the underlying data because I've created a new imported Excel table (Test) with a selection of the data from Weather and I'm able to successfully create the join on Test and Buckles.
Is the joining of DirectQuery and Imported tables supported? I feel like this may be a type casting issue, but as far as I can see, both UID fields are set as Text.
The UID field is named differently for each table.
I suspect this may be the issue. NATURALINNERJOIN looks for matching column names
and if the two tables have no common column names, an error is returned.
Note that if you create a calculated DAX table using a DirectQuery source, I don't think that table will still act like DirectQuery. If I understand correctly, it will materialize the calculated table into your model and DAX that references that calculated table no longer points back to the SQL server (and consequently will only update when the calculated table gets rebuilt).

Flutter - How to update the table structure in Sqflite?

My app is in production and I want to manage user data when user updates the app without loss of their data, how can I achieve this with sqflite. Explicitly I want to add a column and delete another.
You can probably add a column using raw sql, but sqlite (and thus sqflite) doesn't support dropping a column. For that you would need to do the following:
increase the database version number
in onUpgrade copy the old database columns to a temporary table
delete the original table
create a new table using the original table name but with the right schema
copy the data from the temp table
delete the temp table
Sorry, this isn't a full answer, but it is the direction I would go if I were in your situation.
I have the same problem and found this article which seems to be a good solution.

Join tables in Spotfire in a third new table

I have two data tables tab1 and tab2 that I want to join.
I know how to do it with the insert columns property, however it is not what i really need. I want the result to be stored in a third new table tab3.
Add new data table, add from current analysis (scroll down). Select table 1. Name it table 3. Now insert columns to table 3 from table 2. At the end of this you will have 3 tables.
you can Add New Data Table From... Current Analysis>>[your existing data table] to create a reference or "virtual" table. any structural changes made to your referenced (original) table will propogate to the referenced (new) one.

How to delete specific table's column using FMDB?

I am trying to delete column last_name from Persons using FMDB,
let query = "ALTER TABLE Persons DROP COLUMN last_name;"
try FMDBHelper.database.executeUpdate(query, values: nil)
But comes with error
DB Error: 1 "near "DROP": syntax error".
sqlite does not support DROP COLUMN in ALTER TABLE.
You can only rename tables and add columns.
If you need to remove columns, create a new table, copy the data there, drop the old table and rename the table to its intented name.
Please note that I flagged that your question could be duplicated, I will provide an answer to make it more clear.
I think that you are missing a point, which is: The FMDB is (as mentioned in their repo description):
This is an Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
Keep in mind that since FMDB is built on top of SQLite, it is not a limitation from the library itself; it is related to how SQLite ALTER TABLE works.
The SQLite ALTER TABLE statement is limited to rename a table and add a new column to the desired table:
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE
command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new
column to an existing table.
For achieving what are you looking for:
You could check the answers of Delete column from SQLite table.

DB grid : How to use a column of the current row of one as an index into another?

I am not sure if the question title is clear enough, please feel free to edit it.
Basically, I have two DB grids which reflect two database tables, each grid showing one.
When the user selects a row in the first table (let's call it oders), I want to update the second with details of any rows matching a column of the selected row of the first table.
Say, for instance that table orders has a column customer_id and I want to populate the second table (let's call it order_details) with details of all orders from that customer, one order per row.
I can connect up 2 # datasource, query and connection to the two TDbGrids, but I am stuck as to how to code order_details SQL.
The SQL for orders is just SELECT * from orders, but the other?
I want something like SELECT * from order_details WHERE cutomer_id=<orderQuery>.currentRow.FieldByName("customer_id").AsInteger - but I don't know how to do that ...
Can someone help me with some Delphi code?
Also, once I set up that relationship, will selecting a new row in the orders DB grid automatically update the order_details DB grid? Or do I need to add code for that.
P.s I know that there is no books tag anymore (more's the pity), but can someone recommend a good book which explains the fundamentals of programming DB aware controls? I obviously need one. Thanks
Use a parameterized query for the detail (child) database:
SELECT * FROM Order_Details od WHERE od.CustomerID = :CustomerID
Then set the child query's MasterSource to the parent (Order) datasource, and the MasterFields to CustomerID. (If there are multiple columns that link the two, separate them by ;, as in CustomerID;OrderNumber.)
Every time you scroll the parent (change the selected record in the parent DBGrid), the child query will be executed with the ID of the parent row passed as a parameter automatically.
