How to save and retrieve nested objects in neo4j using spring data - neo4j

I have a model where User will have a list of Roles and Role has a list of Permissions. However, even when i save all of them at once - with depth -1 I am unable to retrieve the child nodes from the parent nodes.
ex: user.getRoles() - 2 [role1,role2]
role1.getAssociatedFeature() - 0
But if i get the Role from the DB
Ex : findByRoleName('role1') -> [Role: role1,Display Role,associatedFeatures[2]]
public class User {
#GraphId Long id;
private String name;
private String loginUserName;
private Set<Role> associatedRoles = new HashSet<Role>();
public class Role {
#GraphId Long id;
private String roleName;
private String displayRoleName;
private Set<Feature> associatedFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>();
public class Feature {
#GraphId Long id;
private String featureName;
private Set<Permission> permissions = new HashSet<Permission>();
public #Data class Permission {
Long id;
String permission;
I am using Spring data jpa to use the CRUD operations:
<> - This will bydefault implement save,update,delete,find
public interface RoleRepository extends GraphRepository<Role>{...}
public User create(User u) {
In my Junit- I am creating a new User entity, and populating the data all the way to permission. But when i fetch the user -> i only get the roles but not the features, permission along the chain.
In the neo4j DB browser, I see that all the nodes are created with appropriate dependency. Any pointers on how to save and traverse through the graph?

The default load depth is 1. This means you'll get the user and the associated roles, but not the role's features or anything deeper in the graph.
You can specify the load depth if the default is not what you want:
userRepo.findOne(user.getId(), 3);


Neo4j spring - Create a 2 way relationship between same type of entities

Type of relation we want is as follows
CREATE (jack:Person {name:"Jack"})-[:KNOWS]->(jill:Person {name:"Jill"})
WITH jack, jill
CREATE (jack)<-[:KNOWS]-(jill);
How do we model this in the following?
public class User {
private UUID id;
private String name;
private String phoneNumber;
private String email;
private boolean isActive;
#Relationship(type = "Knows", direction = Relationship.Direction.OUTGOING)
private Set<Knows> knows;
#Relationship(type = "Knows", direction = Relationship.Direction.INCOMING)
private Set<Knows> knownBy;
public User() {
public void knows(Knows to) {
if (knows == null) {
knows = new HashSet<>();
public void knownBy(Knows from) {
if (knownBy == null) {
knownBy = new HashSet<>();
public class Knows {
private String as;
private Instant createdAt;
private User User;
snippet to save the users
User user1 = userRepository.findById(id1);
User user2 = userRepository.findById(id2);
Knows knows = new Knows("as",, user1);
Knows knownBy = new Knows("as",, user2);
With this, we are getting StackOverflow while saving the User entity.
We want to understand is this the correct way to model it or is there a better way?
First things first: There is a bug in SDN when it comes to map bidirectional relationships to the database.
Ticket to track is
It will be very certain in the next release.
Giving you scenario I would suggest cleaning up the relationships and only create the OUTGOING relationships like
public class User {
// ... id etc.
private List<Knows> knows;
When it comes to setting the value, both sides need to get populated:
Given the fact that the bug is present until SDN 6.0.3 gets released, I would suggest to either work either unidirected, only connect the Users in one direction or link the Users directly.
As a consequence you would have no access to the properties on the relationship.
public class User {
// ... id etc.
private List<User> knows;

Neo4j-ogm "Filter" to search an parent entity by some of parent property and its child property

public class User {
private Long id,
private String email,
#Relationship(type = "hasOne", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
private Profile profile
public class Profile {
private Long id;
private String firstName
I just need to load user objects where email = "abc" and firstName="xyz".
I am using spring-data-neo4j 4.2.3.RELEASE.
How effectively use ogm filter on this query (I dont need native query)?
You can use the nested Filters as following:
Filter emailFilter = new Filter("email", ComparisonOperator.EQUALS, "");
Filter firstNameFilter = new Filter("firstName", ComparisonOperator.EQUALS, "krishna");
new Filter.NestedPathSegment("profile", Profile.class);
return session.loadAll(User.class, emailFilter.and(firstNameFilter));
You can use Spring Data derived finders.
In your UserRepository create a method like this:
User findByEmailAndProfileFirstName(String email, String firstName);
Note that you can use only 1 level of nesting in derived finders.

Spring Neo4j - Bolt driver fails to load a relationship while the Http driver does it successfully

While coding a poc with Spring Neo4j using spring boot I came across what it seems to be an inconsistent behavior between the Bolt driver and the Http driver. Basically after saving a rich relationship between 2 nodes the test fails to load it when using the Bolt driver, however the exact same test succeeds when trying with the Http driver.
The sample project can be downloaded from github
It's a very basic/straight forward test, the only pre-requisite is that you will need to have Neo4j 3 installed with the Bolt connector enabled.
As suggested by Andrej please find below the relevant sections of the code:
#NodeEntity(label = "Person")
public class Person {
private Long id;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
#Relationship(type = "HAS_CONTACT", direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
private Contact contact;
// getters and setters here .........
#NodeEntity(label = "BankAccount")
public class BankAccount {
private Long id;
private Integer balance;
#Relationship(type = "HAS_CONTACT")
private List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<>();
// getters and setters here .........
#RelationshipEntity(type = "HAS_CONTACT")
public class Contact {
public Contact() {
public Contact(BankAccount bankAccount, Person person) {
this.bankAccount = bankAccount;
this.person = person;
private Long id;
private BankAccount bankAccount;
private Person person;
private String email;
private String phoneNumber;
// getters and setters here .........
public interface ContactRepository extends GraphRepository<Contact> {
#Query("MATCH (a:BankAccount)-[r:HAS_CONTACT]->(:Person) " +
"WHERE ID(a)={accountId} " +
Iterable<Contact> findByAccountId(#Param("accountId") Long accountId);
After saving 1 account, 1 person and 1 contact relationship between them the below query is the one that fails:
Iterable<Contact> contacts = contactRepository.findByAccountId(accountId);
// this assertion will Fail for the BOLT driver, however, it will Succeed for the HTTP driver
// if the accountRepository.findOne(accountId) statement is executed before calling
// contactRepository.findByAccountId(accountId) then the test will also succeed for the BOLT driver
assertThat(size(contacts), is(1));
See below the response from the neo4j team about the issue:
The reason the relationship entity cannot be mapped is because the start and end node are unavailable with this query:
#Query("MATCH (a:BankAccount)-[r:HAS_CONTACT]->(p:Person) " +
"WHERE ID(a)={accountId} " +
"RETURN r,")
Iterable<Contact> findByAccountId(#Param("accountId") Long accountId);
You need to return these nodes to be able to construct a valid
relationship entity, like this:
#Query("MATCH (a:BankAccount)-[r:HAS_CONTACT]->(p:Person) " +
"WHERE ID(a)={accountId} " +
"RETURN r,a,p")
Iterable<Contact> findByAccountId(#Param("accountId") Long accountId);
It's a side effect of the HTTP endpoint that allows this to pass- the
start and end node are returned by this endpoint anyway. Please see
for more info.

Prevent Multiple Relationships between two nodes in Neo4J

I am building an application using Spring-Data-Neo4J (4.0.0.RELEASE). The application has two entities, a Person entity, and a Group entity. There is also a relationship entity, Member_Of, which says that a person is a member of a group. The entities look like below
public class Person {
protected String uuid;
protected String fullName;
protected String email;
#Relationship(type = RelationshipNames.MEMBER_OF, direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
protected List<GroupMembership> groupMemberships = new ArrayList<GroupMembership>() ;
public class Group implements Serializable{
protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected Long id;
protected String uuid;
protected String name;
#Relationship(type = RelationshipNames.MEMBER_OF, direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
protected List<GroupMembership> groupMemberships = new ArrayList<GroupMembership>() ;
#RelationshipEntity(type = RelationshipNames.MEMBER_OF)
public class GroupMembership implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#GraphId Long id;
#Property String uuid;
#StartNode Person member;
#EndNode Group group;
Date date;
There is a method which adds members to a group. The method is annotated with #Transactional. The sample code is given below.
public ResponseEntity<GroupVO> addMembersToGroup(String groupUuid, String personUuid, List<String> personsToAdd){
Group group = groupRepository.findGroupByUuid(groupUuid);
List<Person> personsToAdd = IterableUtils.toList(personRepository.findPersonsByUuid(personUuids));
personsToAdd.forEach(personToAdd -> {
GroupMembership existingGroupMembership = getActiveMembership(group.getUuid(), personToAdd.getUuid());
GroupMembership newGroupMembership = new GroupMembership(personToAdd, group, GroupRoleNames.MEMBER, member.getUuid(), new Date());
What it tries to do is that, it searches for a existing relationship between the personToAdd and the group. If it returns null, that is, no relationship exists, it adds it to the group.
The problem is sometimes the same person is added multiple times to the same group. This is happenning when two people are running the application and both of them tries to add the same person to the same group.
How do I prevent this from happenning? I need to have a single relationship between a person and the group and not multiple ones.
There will be only one relationship created between two given entities provided all properties on the relationship entity are equal. You have a timestamp which is the culprit here- SDN realises that the two relationships differ because they have different values for a property and goes ahead and creates the second one.
At the moment, SDN does not have configuration to allow you to specify a merge vs create for relationship entities.
You'll probably have to manage some synchronization at the application level.
I had the same issue, and was able to "solve" it by using a custom cypher query. Given that you have added successfully Person and Group entity you can run the following query:
#Query("MATCH (group:Group) " +
"MATCH (person:Person) " +
"WHERE person.uuid={0} AND group.uuid={1} "+
"MERGE (person)-[r:MEMBER_OF]->(group) " +
"SET r.uuid ={2} ,{3} " +
GroupMembership isMemberOf(String personUuid,String groupUuid, String uuid, Date date);
by calling it like this:
However, don't take it for granted. I haven't done extensive tests to ensure that this approach is thread-safe.
This answer by William Lyon on atomic execution of MERGE may be an extra step that you have to take.

Neo4j. How to store additional parameters to entity already saved?

I need to have different parameters for Device\Software from Entity to Entity.
Device\Software will be stored at DB, and once new Entity created - it will make a relationship with some Device\Software which already stored, but their parameters could vary for different Entities(either the amount of parameters or their values).
I tried to save additional Parameters directly in the edge of the graph (in RelationshipEntity between Entity and Device\Software), but seems like it could add complexity during implementing some network comparison algorithm.
Does anyone had similar scenario? What is the best practice\approach?
public class Entity {
protected Long id;
protected String title;
* More fields here
#RelatedTo(direction = Direction.BOTH, type = "has_devices")
protected Set<Device> devices = new HashSet<>();
#RelatedTo(direction = Direction.BOTH, type = "has_software")
protected Set<Software> software = new HashSet<>();
public class Device {
protected Long id;
protected String identifier;
* More fields here
#RelatedTo(direction = Direction.BOTH, type = "has_parameter")
protected Collection<ParameterEntity> parameter = new HashSet<>();
public class Software {
protected Long id;
protected String identifier;
* More fields here
#RelatedTo(direction = Direction.BOTH, type = "has_parameter")
protected Collection<ParameterEntity> parameter = new HashSet<>();
ParameterEntity is just Key-Value object.
Not really sure what you mean with parameters. But saving them on the relationship should work. You can ignore the params in your algorithm if you don't need them.
It really depends if you parameter just quantify the relationship or if they are real entities in their own right.
