Get latest record for each user with ODATA - odata

Due to the PowerShell methods of getting mailbox statistics from Office365 taking about 2 seconds per mailbox, I am working on getting the data from Office 365 Reporting web service, which takes only a few seconds for each 2000 mailboxes.
The problem I'm running into is that the stats are updated periodically and some historical data is kept, so there are numerous records for each user. I only want to get the latest record for each user, but I haven't been able to find a way to do that. The closest I've come is to use $filter=Date ge DateTime'2016-03-10T00:00:00' where the date is concatenated to a couple of days ago. Theoretically, if I sort by Date desc I should get the latest records first, and if there is a user that has a record for 3/10 and 3/11, the 3/11 record would get pulled first, which would work for me. But regardless of how I do the sort it seems to come back with the older records first.
Ideally, I would like to be able to set criteria so that it only returns the latest record for each mailbox, but I can't seem to figure out or find how to do that. The closest I've been able to come is to just start running queries filtered on specific dates, walking the date back a day on each query.
If I can get the latest records to be returned first, I would be able to work with that because I can just discard a record if I've already received a later one.
&$filter=Date ge DateTime'2016-03-08T00:00:00'&$orderby=Date desc
So the questions are:
Is there a way to specify criteria so that only the latest record for each user is returned?
Is there a way to get it to order by Date descending--what am I doing wrong with the $orderby?

You can use $top=1 to get latest record by applying $orderby on date (desc). $filter and $skip may not require in this case.$select=Date,WindowsLiveID,CurrentMailboxSize&$orderby=Date desc&$top=1
Your query looks fine, here is an another example from Odata sample service to get employee detail with most recent birth date.$select=EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,BirthDate&$orderby=BirthDate%20desc&$top=1


Update several Tbl Fields based on Start/End Dates

Good day to everyone! Hope all is well!
I am looking to run an update query or a group of queries that looks at my Date_Start and Date_End to determine if the Units (quantity of the respective record) fall in my defined current quarter 1/2/3/4 from another table (this table is a master table I’m using to provide the dates that I need to consider for defining the quarters).
I’ve been able to create queries that do this and then join them together to basically display the units out by quarter based on their respective start/end dates. The problem I am running into is this process takes a decent amount of time for the queries to populate that will drastically effect other processes down the line.
Thus we get to my desire. I am trying to no avail to create an update query that will update the quarter fields in my table based off of the queries I built to determine if the records start/end date fall in the respective quarter. I figure that running this update when records change will be an ok run time vs when I’m running reports or running an email script for the reports.
I have tried pulling in the table and query, joining them as equal on ID (the query pulls in the table's IDs), and selecting my field “CQ1” from the table, and setting the Update ether the respective field from the table or the query (which is the same as the field in the table).
All I get are the current values of the field in the data sheet view and an error of “Operation must use an updateable query.”
I have even tried placing a zero to see if that would do it with no luck. I have verified that all the fields are the same data type.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Apologies to everyone.....I think my conscious brain was trying to overly complicate the process and while talking to a buddy about my issue distractedly created a new update query that worked. It all tied down to that I forgot to put a criteria on my quarter filed of is not null I believe. Thanks for anyone that has read this and is responding while I’m typing this or for those of you formulating a response.

Microsoft graph API: getting 5 next instances of recurring meeting

is there a way to query for next 5 instances of given series? I am querying using time-frame:
1. ask for all the meetings for next 7 days for all user events
2. Go over each event fetched and check if event has masterSerieId
3. Return matching instances.
This feels (and is) a bit painful.
Can i request next X instances of master series right away? I can't just simply or 'simply' get them based on recurrence rule, as some might have expired.
I could image I could ask for a year ahead and pass as a query parameter masterSeriesId and limit output with $top. Is that right approach?
Based on this document, you could call /events//instances – given a start time, returns all instances in the requested time frame of the meeting specified by the provided series master ID

Rails: select records with maximum date

In my app users can save sales reports for given dates. What I want to do now is to query the database and select only the latest sales reports (all those reports that have the maximum date in my table).
I know how to sort all reports by date and to select the one with the highest date - however I don't know how to retrieve multiple reports with the highest date.
How can I achieve that? I'm using Postgres.
Something like this?
SalesReport.where(date: SalesReport.maximum('date'))
EDIT: Just to bring visibility to #muistooshort's comment below, you can reduce the two queries to a single query (with a subselect), using the following form:
If there is a lot of latency between your web host and your database host, this could halve execution times. It is almost always the preferred form.
You can get the maximum date to search for matching reports:
max_date = Report.maximum('date')
reports = Report.where(date: max_date)

How to get the daily data of "Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork"?

We need to get the daily data from the "Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork"field (which is detailed in Workload, scheduling and time tracking field references). However I get data from the Analysis database and found that it only records one last new data,and can't get the historical data.
For example the task of ID 3356, who's "CompletedWork" is 3 hours in 2016/8/4, and I get the exact 3 hours-data from the Analysis database in the second day, 2016/8/5, as the pictures in this post show.
Then on the 2016/8/5, I update the "CompletedWork" from 3 hours to 4 hours and I get the exact 4 hours-data from the Analysis database in the second day, 2016/8/6. However the 3 hours-data of 2016/8/4 is lost. Well, How can I get the historical data of "Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork"?
First of all, it's important to understand that the CompletedWork is a cumulatieve data field. So when one user enters 3 and another enters 4, the total number of hours worked on the field is 4 not 7.
The warehouse has a granularity of a day and keeps that data int he cube, though the relational warehouse tables will store all the changes to the reportable fields on a per-revision bases. You can't easily query this data using the qube or Excel Power Pivot and they're lost in the Dim* and fact* tables, but you can write a SQL query against tfs_warehouse and iterate through the tables containing the workitem data (tbl_workitems[are|were|latest]). This is much slower and much harder to build unfortunately.
Your other alternative is to use the TFS Client Object Model and query the WorkItemStore object directly. You'll be able to query all work items of interest and iterate through them and their revisions. The API for workitems is relatively easy to use and is well documented.
If you're on TFS 2015 you can also use the new REST api to query workitem data and revisions.

How to build rails analytics dashboard

I'm looking to build an analytics dashboard for my data in a rails application.
Let's say I have a list of request types "Fizz", "Buzz", "Bang", "Bar".
I want to display a count for each day based on type.
How should I do this?
Here is what I plan on doing:
Add get_bazz_by_day, get_fizz_by_day, etc to the appropriate models.
In each model get all records of type Fizz, then create an array that stores date and count.
format in view so a JS library can format it into a pretty graph.
Does this sound reasonable?
Depending on number of records, your dashboard can soon get performance problems.
Step 1 is misleading. Don't get the data for each day individually, try to get them all at once.
In Step 2 you can have the database do the the aggregation over days, with the group method.
See"date(created_at) as fizzed_day, count(*) as day_count").
In Step 3 you need to take care that days without any fizzbuzz are still displayed, as they are not returned in the query.
