Fetching gmail emails using .NET MVC - asp.net-mvc

I'm trying to create a little web application to act as a web mail client for Gmail...
I've used the following code to fetch the emails from my inbox:
public ActionResult Index()
using (var client = new ImapClient())
using (var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource())
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (o, c, ch, er) => true;
client.Connect("imap.gmail.com", 993, true, cancel.Token);
// If you want to disable an authentication mechanism,
// you can do so by removing the mechanism like this:
client.Authenticate("********#gmail.com", "****", cancel.Token);
// The Inbox folder is always available...
var inbox = client.Inbox;
inbox.Open(FolderAccess.ReadOnly, cancel.Token);
m = new List<string>();
// download each message based on the message index
for (int i = 0; i < inbox.length; i++)
var message = inbox.GetMessage(i, cancel.Token);
m.Insert(i, message.TextBody);
client.Disconnect(true, cancel.Token);
return View(m.ToList());
The reason why I dislike this is way of doing is that this part of code:
for (int i = 0; i < inbox.length; i++)
var message = inbox.GetMessage(i, cancel.Token);
m.Insert(i, message.TextBody);
It takes so long to fetch all the emails, approximately 40 emails are fetched each 5 seconds... So if someone has 2000 emails, it'd take 20 minutes to load all the emails...
Is there any faster way to load all the emails into my MVC application? :/
P.S. I've tried doing it with email which has 10000 emails, and it takes forever to fetch all the emails....

If all you want is the text body of the message, you could potentially reduce IMAP traffic by using the following approach:
var messages = inbox.Fetch (0, -1, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure);
int i = 0;
foreach (var message in messages) {
var part = message.TextBody;
if (part != null) {
var body = (TextPart) inbox.GetBodyPart (message.UniqueId, part);
m.Insert (i, body.Text);
} else {
m.Insert (i, null);
What this does is send a batched FETCH request to the IMAP server requesting an "outline" (aka body structure) of the message and its unique identifier.
The loop that follows it then looks through the structure of the message to locate which MIME part contains the message's text body and then fetches only that particular sub-section of the message.
In general, you do not watch to download every message over IMAP. The purpose of IMAP is to leave all of the messages on the IMAP server and just fetch the least amount of data possible that you need in order to display whatever it is you want to display to the user.
It should also be noted that you don't actually need to use a CancellationTokenSource unless you are actually planning on being able to cancel the operations.
For example, your code snippet could be replaced with:
public ActionResult Index()
using (var client = new ImapClient())
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (o, c, ch, er) => true;
client.Connect("imap.gmail.com", 993, true);
// If you want to disable an authentication mechanism,
// you can do so by removing the mechanism like this:
client.Authenticate("********#gmail.com", "****");
// The Inbox folder is always available...
var inbox = client.Inbox;
m = new List<string>();
var messages = inbox.Fetch (0, -1, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure);
int i = 0;
foreach (var message in messages) {
var part = message.TextBody;
if (part != null) {
var body = (TextPart) inbox.GetBodyPart (message.UniqueId, part);
m.Insert (i, body.Text);
} else {
m.Insert (i, null);
return View(m.ToList());
Since you are writing your own webmail front-end to GMail, you may find the following suggestion useful:
When you look at the GMail webmail user interface or Yahoo Mail!'s user interface, you've probably noticed that they only show you the most recent 50 or so messages and you have to specifically click a link to show the next set of 50 messages and so on, right?
The reason for this is because it is inefficient to query the full list of messages and download them all (or even just the text bodies of all of the messages).
What they do instead is ask for just 50 messages at a time. And in fact, they don't ask for the messages at all, they ask for the summary information like so:
var all = inbox.Search (SearchQuery.All);
var uids = new UniqueIdSet ();
// grab the last 50 unique identifiers
int min = Math.Max (all.Count - 50, 0);
for (int i = all.Count - 1; i >= min; i--)
uids.Add (all[i]);
// get the summary info needed to display a message-list UI
var messages = inbox.Fetch (uids, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId |
MessageSummaryItems.All | MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure);
foreach (var message in messages) {
// the 'message' will contain a whole bunch of useful info
// to use for displaying a message list such as subject, date,
// the flags (read/unread/etc), the unique id, and the
// body structure that you can use to minimize your query when
// the user actually clicks on a message and wants to read it.
Once the user clicks a message to read it, then you can use the message.Body to figure out which body parts you actually need to download in order to display it to the user (i.e. avoid downloading attachments, etc).
For an example of how to do this, check out the ImapClientDemo sample included in the MailKit GitHub repo: https://github.com/jstedfast/MailKit


Graph API: What is the correct way to interrupt Pagination

I am using this script to fetch Chats. I need 100 chats maximum but it may happen that a chat do not have 100 messages. How can I handle that case in this script?
I am using Node Package Microsoft Graph Client.
const { Client, PageIterator } = require('#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client');
async getChatList(GroupChatId) {
let messages = [];
let count = 0;
let pauseAfter = 100; // 100 messages limit
let response = await this.graphClient
let callback = (data) => {
return count < pauseAfter;
let pageIterator = new PageIterator(this.graphClient, response, callback);
await pageIterator.iterate();
return messages;
As I answered on the GitHub issue you opened, the iterator should stop all by itself if it runs out of items to iterate before hitting your "maximum". However, I think you're hitting a bug in the specific API you're using /chats/id/messages.
The problem is that this API is returning a nextLink value in it's response even if there are no next pages. It shouldn't be, and I'm reporting that to the Teams folks. That's causing the pageIterator to try to get the next set of results, which returns 0 items and a nextLink. You're stuck in an infinite loop.
So because of this, using the pageIterator just won't work for this API. You'll need to do the iteration yourself. Here's some TypeScript code to show it:
let keepGoing: Boolean = true;
// If there are no items in the page, then stop
// iterating.
keepGoing = currentPage.value.length > 0;
// Loop through the current page
currentPage.value.forEach((message) => {
// If there's a next link follow it
if (keepGoing && !isNullOrUndefined(currentPage["#odata.nextLink"]))
currentPage = await client
} while (keepGoing);
You need to check with a conditional statement if the message has value or not.
The pseudo code is given below:
let callback = (data) => {
if(data != "" || data != null)
return count < pauseAfter;

Twitter4j get followers and following of any user

As a part of my final year project in university I'm analysing Twitter data using graph entropy. To briefly outline the purposes:
I want to collect all tweet from a certain area (London) containing keywords "cold", "flu" etc. This part is done using Streaming API.
Then I want to access each of the user's (who tweeted about being ill, collected in previous section) list of followers and following to be able to build a graph for further analysis. And here I'm stuck.
I assume for the second part I should be using Search API, but I keep getting error 88 even for a single user.
Below is the code I use for the first part:
final TwitterStream twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory(cb.build())
StatusListener listener = new StatusListener() {
public void onStatus(Status status) {
User user = status.getUser();
long userid = user.getId();
String username = status.getUser().getScreenName();
String content = status.getText();
GeoLocation geolocation = status.getGeoLocation();
Date date = status.getCreatedAt();
if (filterText(content)) {
try {
} catch (TwitterException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// London
double lat3 = 51.23;
double lat4 = 51.72;
double lon3 = -0.56;
double lon4 = 0.25;
double[][] bb = { { lon3, lat3 }, { lon4, lat4 } };
FilterQuery fq = new FilterQuery();
private static boolean filterText(String tweet) {
return tweet.contains("flu")
|| tweet.contains("cold")
|| tweet.contains("cough")
|| tweet.contains("virus");
And this is what I'm trying to complete the second part with:
private static void getConnections(long id) throws TwitterException {
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
long lCursor = -1;
IDs friendsIDs = twitter.getFriendsIDs(id, lCursor);
for (long i : friendsIDs.getIDs())
System.out.println("follower ID #" + i);
Any suggestions?
When you receive error 88, that's Twitter telling you that you're being rate limited:
The request limit for this resource has been reached for the current rate limit window.
The search call is limited to either 180 or 450 calls in a 15 minute period. You can see the rate limits here and this documentation explains the rate limiting in detail.
As for how to get around it, you may have to throttle your search calls to the API. Twitter4J provides ways to inspect current limits/exhaustion which may help - see Twitter#getRateLimitStatus().

Why is this iteration of an Outlook Folder only processing a maximum of half the number of items in the folder?

Outlook rules are putting all Facebook originating mail into a Facebook folder, an external process is running as detailed here to separate the contents of that folder in a way that was not feasible through Outlook rules process, originally I had this process running in VBA in outlook but it was a pig choking outlook resources. So I decided to throw it out externally and as I want to improve my c# skill set, this would be a conversion at the same time. Anyway the mail processing is working as it should items are going to correct sub-folders but for some reason the temporary constraint to exit after i number of iterations is not doing as it should. If there are 800 mails in the Facebook folder ( I am a member of many groups) it only runs through 400 iterations, if there are 30 it only processes 15 etc.
I cant for the life of me see why - can anyone put me right?
private void PassFBMail()
//do something
// result = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to run the 'Allocate to FB Recipient' process", vbOKCancel, "Hold up")
//If result = Cancel Then Exit Sub
var result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to run the Are you sure you wish to run the 'Allocate to SubFolders' process","Sure?",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel,MessageBoxIcon.Question,MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)
OutLook._Application outlookObj = new OutLook.Application();
OutLook.MAPIFolder inbox = (OutLook.MAPIFolder)
OutLook.MAPIFolder fdr = inbox.Folders["facebook"];
OutLook.MAPIFolder fdrForDeletion = inbox.Folders["_ForDeletion"];
// foreach (OutLook.MAPIFolder fdr in inbox.Folders)
// {
// if (fdr.Name == "facebook")
// {
// break;
// }
// }
//openFacebookFolder Loop through mail
Redemption.SafeMailItem sMailItem = new Redemption.SafeMailItem();
int i = 0;
foreach ( Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._MailItem mailItem in fdr.Items.Restrict("[MessageClass] = 'IPM.Note'"))
//temp only process 500 mails
if (i == 501)
// eml.Item = em
// If eml.To <> "" And eml.ReceivedByName <> "" Then
// strNewFolder = DeriveMailFolder(eml.To, eml.ReceivedByName)
// End If
sMailItem.Item = mailItem;
string strTgtFdr = null;
if (sMailItem.To != null && sMailItem.ReceivedByName != null)
strTgtFdr = GetTargetFolder(sMailItem.To, sMailItem.ReceivedByName );
// If fdr.Name <> strNewFolder Then
// If dDebug Then DebugPrint "c", "fdr.Name <> strNewFolder"
// eml.Move myInbox.Folders(strNewFolder)
// If dDebug Then DebugPrint "w", "myInbox.Folders(strNewFolder) = " & myInbox.Folders(strNewFolder)
// Else
// eml.Move myInbox.Folders("_ForDeletion")
// End If
if (fdr.Name != strTgtFdr)
OutLook.MAPIFolder destFolder = inbox.Folders[strTgtFdr];
//allocate to subfolders
//Process othersGroups
//Likes Max 3 per day per user, max 20% of group posts
//Comments one per day per user, max 10% of group posts
//Shares one per day per user, max 10% of group posts
catch(System.Exception crap)
MessageBox.Show("MailCamp experienced an issues while processing the run request and aborted - please review the error log","Errors during the process",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error,MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
Do not use a foreach loop it you are modifying the number of items in the collection.
Loop from MAPIFolder.Items.Count down to 1.

Access gmail inbox messages using Blackberry API

Blackberry has the ability to receive gmail messages and they show up in the list of incoming messages along with other email accounts, text messages, etc.. Im trying to access these gmail messages programatically using the Store class but these messages are nowhere to be found.
Below shows basically what I'm trying to do. Why don't gmail messages show up in the inbox folders, but yet they do show up in the mail application?
Store store = null;
Folder[] folderList = null;
Messages[] messageList = null;
int messageCount = 0;
store = Session.waitForDefaultSession().getStore();
folderList = store.list(Folder.Inbox);
for(int i = 0; i < folderList.length; i++){
messageCount += folderList[i].getMessages().length;
catch(Exception e{

OData Service not returning complete response

I am reading Sharepoint list data (>20000 entries) using Odata RESTful service as detailed here -http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericwhite/archive/2010/12/09/getting-started-using-the-odata-rest-api-to-query-a-sharepoint-list.aspx
I am able to read data but I get only the first 1000 records. I also checked that List View Throttling is set to 5000 on sharepoint server. Kindly advise.
#Turker: Your answer is spot on!! Thank you very much. I was able to get the first 2000 records in first iteration. However, I am getting the same records in each iteration of while loop. My code is as follows-
...initial code...
int skipCount =0;
while (((QueryOperationResponse)query).GetContinuation() != null)
//query for the next partial set of customers
query = dc.Execute<CATrackingItem>(
//Add the next set of customers to the full list
var results = from d in caList.Skip(skipCount)
select new
Actionable = Actionable,
}; Created = d.Created,
foreach (var res in results)
structListColumns.Actionable = res.Actionable;
structListColumns.Created= res.Created;
skipCount = caList.Count;
}//Close of while loop
Do you see a <link rel="next"> element at the end of the feed?
For example, if you look at
you will see
<link rel="next" href="http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers/?$skiptoken='ERNSH'" />
at the end of the feed which means the service is implementing server side paging and you need to send the
query to get the next set of results.
I don't see anything particularly wrong with your code. You can try to dump the URLs beign requested (either from the code, or using something like fiddler) to see if the client really sends the same queries (and thus getting same responses).
In any case, here is a sample code which does work (using the sample service):
DataServiceContext ctx = new DataServiceContext(new Uri("http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc"));
QueryOperationResponse<Customer> response = (QueryOperationResponse<Customer>)ctx.CreateQuery<Customer>("Customers").Execute();
foreach (Customer c in response)
DataServiceQueryContinuation<Customer> continuation = response.GetContinuation();
if (continuation != null)
response = ctx.Execute(continuation);
response = null;
} while (response != null);
I had the same problem, and wanted it to be a generic solution.
So I've extended DataServiceContext with a GetAlltems methode.
public static List<T> GetAlltems<T>(this DataServiceContext context)
return context.GetAlltems<T>(null);
public static List<T> GetAlltems<T>(this DataServiceContext context, IQueryable<T> queryable)
List<T> allItems = new List<T>();
DataServiceQueryContinuation<T> token = null;
EntitySetAttribute attr = (EntitySetAttribute)typeof(T).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EntitySetAttribute), false).First();
// Execute the query for all customers and get the response object.
DataServiceQuery<T> query = null;
if (queryable == null)
query = context.CreateQuery<T>(attr.EntitySet);
query = (DataServiceQuery<T>) queryable;
QueryOperationResponse<T> response = query.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse<T>;
// With a paged response from the service, use a do...while loop
// to enumerate the results before getting the next link.
// If nextLink is not null, then there is a new page to load.
if (token != null)
// Load the new page from the next link URI.
response = context.Execute<T>(token);
// Get the next link, and continue while there is a next link.
while ((token = response.GetContinuation()) != null);
return allItems;
