iOS APP Crash For Unknown Log - ios

The following is the crash log I get.But,I don't konw what caused this crash.I'm using 7.2.1 version of Xcode and iOS 9.2.1,device is a iPod touch.I call a third SDK's init method,then the app crashed.Thanks
The init method:
[m_SoHaSDKClass initWithGameDelegate:self application:application];
The device log:
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection invalid
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection invalid
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: UNNotificationRegistrarConnectionListener connection invalidated
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9[1] (UIKitApplication:vn.sohagame.sg69[0x1782][11313]) <Warning>: Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.51.1
[11312] <Warning>: 1 +0.000000 sec [2c30/0f07]: error: ::read ( -1, 0x1f2189ec, 18446744069414585344 ) => -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.51.1
[11312] <Warning>: Exiting.
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 gputoolsd[11309] <Notice>: schedule invalidation <DYTransport 0x176862b0, error: explicit invalidation (6)>
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 gputoolsd[11309] <Notice>: schedule invalidation <DYTransport 0x17617560, error: lost transport connection (31)>
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 gputoolsd[11309] <Notice>: terminating daemon 0x17524f20
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 11313: No such process
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 11313: No such process
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 11313: No such process
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9[1] (UIKitApplication:vn.sohagame.sg69[0x581f]) <Error>: The DisableASLR key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:vn.sohagame.sg69[0x1782]' exited voluntarily.
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:vn.sohagame.sg69[0x581f]': No such process (err 3)
Mar 10 11:51:27 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1d380bc0; vn.sohagame.sg69; pid: -1>
Mar 10 11:51:28 ceshi-9 UserEventAgent[23] <Warning>: 45831112213045: id=vn.sohagame.sg69 pid=11313, state=0
Mar 10 11:51:28 ceshi-9 SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:vn.sohagame.sg69[0x581f]' exited voluntarily.


ios app goes background when launched in ios9.3 after killed. but works fine in ios 10

Jan 23 09:34:06 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName]
Jan 23 09:34:06 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName]
Jan 23 09:34:06 ipad4 kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[944] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B079D4E8-6E3B-4742-975F-F2FE38F78C1E (sandbox)
Jan 23 09:34:06 ipad4[1] <Error>: assertion failed: 13G36: launchd + 85529 [083E000D-4C31-3B98-A2C4-6FADB4D1940F]: 0x3
Jan 23 09:34:07 ipad4 DealerApp[944] <Warning>: -[AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]:65 [Debug] Configured Web Service URL: \\\\\\\\\\
Jan 23 09:34:07 ipad4 DealerApp[944] <Warning>: Initializing Manager Class!!!!!
Jan 23 09:34:07 ipad4 DealerApp[944] <Warning>: -[AppDelegate applicationDidBecomeActive:]:147 [Debug] APP DELEGATE: applicationDidBecomeActive
Jan 23 09:34:26 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: Forcing crash report of <FBApplicationProcess: 0x196f7ad0; DealerApp; pid: 944> (reason: 1, description: App failed to scene-create after 19.77s (launch took 0.23s of total time limit 20.00s))
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 syncdefaultsd[941] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "" topic as "enabled" on <APSConnection: 0x1556ab60>
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 ReportCrash[945] <Error>: assertion failed: 13G36: libsystem_trace.dylib + 15927 [E82A6F2D-873A-39AD-8014-EDEB52248157]: 0x0
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 Unknown[945] <Error>:
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 ReportCrash[945] <Warning>: os_activity_diagnostic_for_pid() failed!
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: Finished crash reporting.
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection interrupted
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection invalid
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4[1] (UIKitApplication:—————[0x9b4][944]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:————[0x9b4]' exited abnormally via signal.
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 UserEventAgent[23] <Warning>: 4288342351487: id=———pid=944, state=0
Jan 23 09:34:27 ipad4 ReportCrash[945] <Warning>: Saved type '109(109_DealerApp)' report (1 of max 25) at /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DealerApp-2017-01-23-093427.ips
Jan 23 09:34:07 ipad4 DealerApp[944] : Initializing Manager Class!!!!!
Jan 23 09:34:07 ipad4 DealerApp[944] : -[AppDelegate applicationDidBecomeActive:]:147 [Debug] APP DELEGATE: applicationDidBecomeActive
Jan 23 09:34:26 ipad4 SpringBoard[46] : Forcing crash report of (reason: 1, description: App failed to scene-create after 19.77s (launch took 0.23s of total time limit 20.00s))
The first two lines show you were you've been and the last line told you why it crashed: the launch took too long. You would need to provide more context, e.g. the app delegate code to get an answer for why this is happening.
PS: Please use the code feature here, otherwise it's pretty hard to read

HW kbd failed to set (null) as keyboard focus iOS Xamarin.iOS

I have looked at other thread on same topic but couldn't get any answers there and hence created a new thread.
I am running into subjected error. It started when I upgraded my iPad to iOS 9.3.5 and it happens only on UITextField field. Here are logs but not able to find the root cause. This is occurring in Xamarin.iOS which is latest and greatest.
Nov 26 13:16:09 rb-iPad SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Nov 26 13:16:09 rb-iPad SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 219: No such process
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 219: No such process
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 219: No such process
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad SpringBoard[46] <Warning>: Application '[0xbad8]' exited voluntarily.
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad UserEventAgent[23] <Warning>: 89823664133: pid=219, state=0
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad mobile_installation_proxy[194] <Error>: 0x1f197000 handle_connection: Could not receive request from host.
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.124[218] <Warning>: 1 +0.000000 sec [00da/0a0b]: error: ::read ( 6, 0x64dd7c, 1024 ) => 0 err = No such file or directory (0x00000002)
Nov 26 13:16:10 rb-iPad PROJECT:debugserver-340.3.124 [218] <Warning>: Exiting.
Has anyone faced the same issue? Not sure what am I going wrong.
This turned out to be an issue with code. But surprisingly code was working fine until I upgraded to latest build.
Lesson learnt, debug the code as you never know what part of code will start failing after you upgrade the Xamarin.

In-app Restore works fine on Debug but crashes on AdHoc in iPhone sdk

My app is getting crashed when I clicked on Restore button clicked(AdHoc version) but same app is working fine in debug mode. My code:
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];
Crash report:
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 backupd[1815] <Warning>: INFO: Account changed (enabled=0, accountID=(null))
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1815 sel: 23 ret: e00002f0)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 profiled[1816] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 itunesstored[90] <Warning>: Could not load library [22]
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Notice>: item SecDbItemDoUpdate replaced O,genp,EEF8647C,L,cku,apple,1272,acct,svce,v_Data,20131106174027.105945Z,F7768B61 with O,genp,EEF8647C,L,cku,apple,1272,acct,svce,v_Data,20131106174904.733739Z,0A75C458 in <SecDbConnection rw open>
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:04 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:05 LHD-iPod5 accountsd[83] <Notice>: 2013-11-06 23:19:05.058 accountsd[83:28531]: ACDClient {Name: itunesstored, Bundle ID: (null), PID: 90} is trying to verify account credentials for account:
Nov 6 23:19:05 LHD-iPod5 accountsd[83] <Warning>: NSScanner: nil string argument
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] clearing all local changes that had been scheduled for push
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] reseting sync anchor to 0, and scheduling pull from server
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] target sync date from client: 2013-11-06 17:49:11 +0000 (in 4.98 sec)
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] setting target date to: 2013-11-06 17:49:11 +0000 (in 62708451053.69 sec)
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] scheduling sync (via BackgroundTaskJob) 4.982637 seconds from now...
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] clearing all local changes that had been scheduled for push
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] reseting sync anchor to 0, and scheduling pull from server
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] target sync date from database: 2013-11-06 17:49:11 +0000 (in 4.93 sec)
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] scheduling sync (via BackgroundTaskJob) 4.934034 seconds from now...
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: {MediaLibrary} Rolling back transaction.
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] clearing all local changes that had been scheduled for push
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] reseting sync anchor to 0, and scheduling pull from server
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] target sync date from database: 2013-11-06 17:49:11 +0000 (in 4.87 sec)
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] scheduling sync (via BackgroundTaskJob) 4.870597 seconds from now...
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: {MediaLibrary} Rolling back transaction.
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] clearing all local changes that had been scheduled for push
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] reseting sync anchor to 0, and scheduling pull from server
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] target sync date from database: 2013-11-06 17:49:11 +0000 (in 4.83 sec)
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] scheduling sync (via BackgroundTaskJob) 4.832559 seconds from now...
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 accountsd[83] <Error>: TASK-ASSERT: cfurlcache - ProcessCacheTask - FAILED to get task-assertion, going commando with 1 items to process.
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: {MediaLibrary} Rolling back transaction.
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 voiced[1814] <Warning>: Error (hex)80000008 (int)-2147483640 at /SourceCache/VoiceServices/VoiceServices-225.1/Daemon/VSSpeechServer.m:1286 (destroying TTS instance)
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 medialibraryd[1586] <Warning>: {MediaLibrary} [MediaLibraryService] Cancelling any active or suspended import operations in progress for process <unknown process> (process ID = 1814)
Nov 6 23:19:06 LHD-iPod5 medialibraryd[1586] <Warning>: {MediaLibrary} [MLWriter] Cleaning up any remaining transactions for ended process <unknown process> (process ID = 1814)
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Notice>: item SecDbItemDoUpdate replaced O,genp,D374AF13,L,dku,apple,1233,acct,svce,v_Data,20131106174029.101178Z,5E4CDDCE with O,genp,D374AF13,L,dku,apple,1233,acct,svce,v_Data,20131106174907.148855Z,02E51650 in <SecDbConnection rw open>
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Error>: CFPropertyListReadFromFile file file:///Library/Keychains/accountStatus.plist: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 securityd[78] <Notice>: item SecDbItemDoUpdate replaced O,genp,09A5666B,L,ck,apple,1234,acct,svce,v_Data,20131106174029.147905Z,0B3CA9DB with O,genp,09A5666B,L,ck,apple,1234,acct,svce,v_Data,20131106174907.195573Z,02078191 in <SecDbConnection rw open>
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 backupd[1815] <Warning>: INFO: Account changed (enabled=0, accountID=(null))
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 backupd[1815] <Warning>: INFO: Account changed (enabled=0, accountID=(null))
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1815 sel: 23 ret: e00002f0)
Nov 6 23:19:07 LHD-iPod5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 1815 sel: 23 ret: e00002f0)
Nov 6 23:19:10 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452950.172733]: Client itunesstored set type to normal application
Nov 6 23:19:10 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452950.173567]: BG Application: Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: apsd networkd sharingd
Nov 6 23:19:10 LHD-iPod5 voiced[1817] <Warning>: {MediaLibrary} Database validation succeeded
Nov 6 23:19:10 LHD-iPod5 ReportCrash[1818] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 1806
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5 ReportCrash[1818] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process DentistGame[1806]
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5[1] (UIKitApplication:com.dentistgame.tooth[0xd1fe][1806]) <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.dentistgame.tooth[0xd1fe]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5 backboardd[28] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.dentistgame.tooth[0xd1fe]' exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault: 11
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDPlaybackPositionStorageController] running synchronizeImmediatelyWithCompletionHandler: now
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5 ReportCrash[1818] <Notice>: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DentistGame_2013-11-06-231910_LHD-iPod5.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452951.855255]: Client itunesstored set type to background application
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452951.856724]: BG Application: Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: itunesstored apsd networkd sharingd
Nov 6 23:19:11 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452951.857583]: Already connected to LHD_wifi.
Nov 6 23:19:12 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [StoreBookkeeper] [SBKTransactionController.m:457] Transaction Failed: <SBKSyncTransaction: 0x17da6dd0> SYNC: anchor=0 -- Error: <SBKStoreError:0x17ec2220> "Error Code = SBKStoreErrorCodeStoreAccountSessionExpired (-1004)"
Nov 6 23:19:12 LHD-iPod5 storebookkeeperd[1585] <Warning>: [UPP-SBDJobScheduler] Could not synchronize domain '' (<SBKStoreError:0x17da5c30> "Error Code = SBKStoreErrorCodeStoreAccountSessionExpired (-1004)"). Synchronization will be re-attempted when the network connectivity, or account status has changed.
Nov 6 23:19:13 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452953.410312]: Client itunesstored set type to normal application
Nov 6 23:19:13 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452953.412261]: BG Application: Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: apsd networkd sharingd
Nov 6 23:19:13 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452953.577018]: Client itunesstored set type to background application
Nov 6 23:19:13 LHD-iPod5 wifid[15] <Notice>: WiFi:[405452953.577765]: BG Application: Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: itunesstored apsd networkd sharingd
Any help?

Issue with iOS low memory crash but using very low memory - checked with instruments

I have a sample App that works fine on the simulator, but crashes on the device. I get the following output on the console from Organizer. It crashes within a short time.
Using instruments, memory leak, I see that the memory usage is about 2-3 mb. Using memory allocations, I see around 8-9mb for memory allocations and nothing in VM tracker.
The console output is given below. Can anyone kindly suggest what to do?
pr 26 11:46:37 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: Memory level is not normal (2). Delaying auto-relaunch of '' for 30 seconds.
Apr 26 11:46:44 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: No valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application 'SampleApp': (null). Notifications will not be delivered.
Apr 26 11:46:44 unknown SampleApp[14834] <Warning>: unique id: //someID
Apr 26 11:46:45 unknown SampleApp[14834] <Warning>: Failed to get token, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000 "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application" UserInfo=0x2322ae {NSLocalizedDescription=no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application}
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown UserEventAgent[12] <Notice>: jetsam: kernel termination snapshot being created
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown[14833] <Warning>: 1 [39f1/1303]: error: ::read ( 4, 0x2ff389d4, 1024 ) => -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown[1] <Notice>: ( Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown[1] <Notice>: ([0x2344]) Bug: launchd_core_logic.c:3730 (25147):3
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown[1] <Notice>: ([0x2344]) Assuming job exited: <rdar://problem/5020256>: 10: No child processes
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown[1] <Warning>: ([0x2344]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown[1] <Notice>: ( Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 26 11:46:46 unknown[1] <Notice>: ( Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 26 11:46:47 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[14836] Builtin profile: mediaserverd (sandbox)
Apr 26 11:46:48 unknown lockdownd[21] <Error>: 2ffd4000 _receive_message: walk away - non-SSL 1
Apr 26 11:46:48 unknown[21] <Notice>: receive secure message timeout!
Apr 26 11:46:48 unknown ReportCrash[14838] <Error>: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/LowMemory-2012-04-26-114648.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
Apr 26 11:46:49 unknown mediaserverd[14836] <Error>: 11:46:49.618590 /SourceCache/GameKitServices/GameKitServices-344.3/AVConference.subproj/Sources/AVConferenceServer.m:1862: AVConferenceServerStart aborting - device doesn't support conferencing
Apr 26 11:46:49 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: Application 'SampleApp' exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault: 11
Apr 26 11:46:52 unknown atc[14835] <Warning>: Error: Connection invalid
Apr 26 11:46:53 unknown wifid[27] <Error>: WiFi:[357158813.1212122]: Client itunesstored is background application
Apr 26 11:47:07 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: Memory level is not normal (2). Delaying auto-relaunch of '' for 30 seconds.
Apr 26 11:47:37 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: Memory level is not normal (2). Delaying auto-relaunch of '' for 30 seconds.
Apr 26 11:48:07 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: Memory level is not normal (2). Delaying auto-relaunch of '' for 30 seconds.
Apr 26 11:48:37 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: Memory level is not normal (2). Delaying auto-relaunch of '' for 30 seconds.
Apr 26 11:48:49 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Notice>: Posting '' notifyState=0
ok, so it seems like everything was fine, I just needed to delete the app from the iPad and reinstall it... pretty weird... !!!

iOS app is frozen for 10 seconds on launch on line "setupAutoMigratingCoreDataStack"

First of all I have no idea what causes the issue and I can reproduce it only after device hardware restart. The app is fine after that.
I use MagicalRecords lib.
setupAutoMigratingCoreDataStack]" is called inside "application:
After a few inner method calls and
it's freezes for 10–15 seconds.
This is a log from Console where you can see call's details and timings. I just noticed that it's frozen by some strange (for me) low level calls.
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: start
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: DATA > migration
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: --- MR_coordinatorWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreNamed
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: --- MR_setDefaultStoreCoordinator
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: --- MR_contextWithStoreCoordinator
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: +[NSManagedObjectContext(MagicalRecord) MR_contextWithStoreCoordinator:](0x3ed04728) Creating MOContext *** On Main Thread ***
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: +[NSManagedObjectContext(MagicalRecord) MR_contextWithStoreCoordinator:](0x3ed04728) Creating context in Context Private Queue Mode
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: --- MR_setDefaultContext
Apr 11 17:39:21 unknown librariand[132] <Notice>: changing log level to 5
Apr 11 17:39:22 unknown[1] <Warning>: ( Exited with code: 10
Apr 11 17:39:22 unknown[1] <Warning>: ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown librariand[132] <Error>: client process 130 does not have a valid entitlement
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown librariand[132] <Error>: error in handle_container_path_request: LibrarianErrorDomain/9/The client process does not have a valid entitlement
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown librariand[132] <Error>: client process 130 does not have a valid entitlement
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown librariand[132] <Error>: error in handle_container_path_request: LibrarianErrorDomain/9/The client process does not have a valid entitlement
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: --- setupCoreDataStackWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreNamed END
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: DATA > prefilling
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: UI
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown librariand[132] <Warning>: items added, refreshing item updates for file://localhost/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/
Apr 11 17:39:33 unknown MY_APP[130] <Warning>: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: end
I don't really know if users face this problem. But if the do it may probably crash on start for many of them.
I know the problem is difficult to analyze, but if you have at least any related thought or just an idea, please share. Also please ask for any details.
thanks in advance.
So, it looks like iCloud is trying to initialize there. I've heard this has been a problem, however, Apple suggests calling the URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier: on NSFileManager. This is what's going on under the covers in that method, but it seems that method is also choking at some point...not sure what to do other than in the NSManagedObjectContext category method MR_observeiCloudChangesInCoordinator, comment out the lines that call isICloudEnabled...that is most likely your solution for now :(
