Testing collections with FSUnit.Xunit - f#

I'm trying to test equality of two collections in F# using FSUnit (specifically its Xunit branch) but failing horribly so far.
I have a function that returns an array of certain structs and would like to test whether the returned array is correct. The code I'm testing is in C# so it so the function can't return native F# lists.
The most promising approach I've tried is following:
let SimpleTest() =
let parser = new ExpressionParser()
parser.ParseExpression "2" |> should equal [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value)]
...but it results in the the test failing because of:
"Message> FSUnit.Xunit+MatchException: Exception of type 'FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException' was thrown.
Expected value: Equals [(2)]
Actual: was [2]
I can see that it's because the type of native F# list doesn't match a native array but have honestly no idea (nor have I found anything in documentation) how to do it differently (other then creating native array beforehand and populating it one by one...).
I've also tried some other approaches but they usually wouldn't even compile.
PS: I'm completely new to both F# and Xunit so I might be missing something absolutely obvious.
EDIT: A workaround that actually works better was suggested in comments (comparing string representations instead of the objects themselves) and while I will use that in my actual code I'd still appreciate a true solution to my problem above.

Although you can't easily return F# lists from your C# code, one option is to return arrays. These have structural equality, so you can simply compare them to determine if they are equal to each other:
open System.Linq
let csharpArray = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToArray()
let fsharpArray = [| 0..9 |]
These two arrays are equal:
> csharpArray = fsharpArray;;
val it : bool = true
If you don't want to return arrays, you can also return IEnumerable<T>, and convert to either lists or arrays in F#:
> let csharpEnumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);;
val csharpEnumerable : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
> csharpEnumerable |> Seq.toList = [0..9];;
val it : bool = true
For a more comprehensive to introduction to unit testing with F#, you may want to view my Pluralsight course on the topic.

Ok, I've found the answer and it's simpler than I thought it'd be. First off the assentation works well the problem was in syntax and me not bothering to read the documentation on how to create an array in F# and just guessing it.
There were two things wrong. First [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value)] doesn't create an array it creates a list. That in itself wouldn't be a problem for FSUnit's should equal but it's enough to make simple structural equality test using = fail.
The second thing that was wrong was that I didn't really compare with [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value)] I compared with [new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value), new ParsedItem("+", ParsedItemType.Operator), new ParsedItem("3", ParsedItemType.Value)] and that actually creates a list containing one touple. And that - unsurprisingly - didn't assert well :).
Simply reading the documentation and learning that an array is supposed to be created [|new ParsedItem("2", ParsedItemType.Value); new ParsedItem("+", ParsedItemType.Operator); new ParsedItem("3", ParsedItemType.Value)|] fixed the issue.
Anyway, thanks for the comments and the other answer. Though they didn't answer my question they increased my knowledge about F# and gave me a new idea how to test :).


Polymorphic type inference in F# [duplicate]

I am having an F# exam in 10 days and as I am currently doing old exam sets, I ran into a problem understanding generics and especially types that have two polymorphic arguments.
The questions should be rather easy to solve, but how it works syntactically, I am not sure.
The old exam question is as follows:
The following type Sum<'a,'b> comprises two different kinds of values
type Sum<'a,'b> =
| Left of 'a
| Right of 'b
Now I need to write two values of type Sum<int list, bool option>, one should be defined using Left and the other Right.
If you define let sum1 = Left "Hello World it evaluates to val sum1 : Sum<string,'a>, but I cannot find a way to create Sum<int list, bool option>.
How would you solve it?
if you were to write
let sum1 = Sum<string,int>.Left "Hello World"
you would get a Sum<string,int>
so if you need a Sum<int list, bool option> then.....
(to be fair, in real life, having a Sum<string,'a> is not really an issue as 'a can become anything and if it needs to be a bool option or whatever, the type inference will usually do the hard work for you and constrain 'a).

F#: How to examine content in a n-tuple and return true or false?

Consider this F# code:
let isSalary employee =
let (fName,lName,Occupation,Department,SalaryType,
HoursPerWeek, AnnualSalary, HourlyWage
) = employee
SalaryType = "Salary"
if(employee.SalaryType = SalaryType) then
Im getting errors in here, any fixes to it?
First things first, please post error messages and a much more specific question. Thanks! But luckily, I can about deduce the error messages from this problem.
Next, if you want to mutate SalaryType after you've deconstructed your employee 8-tuple, you should write using the mutable keyword:
let mutable (fName, lName, Occupation, Department, SalaryType,
HoursPerWeek, AnnualSalary, HourlyWage) = employee
But you shouldn't. This is explained further below.
Next problem: there is no dot notation (no tuple.member) for accessing members of a tuple. It's only possible through deconstruction. So you can't employee.SalaryType.
Here's what looks to be the crux of the problem, and it's a mistake I made many times when I was learning functional programming, and it's a difficult paradigm shift to adapt to. You should not be attempting to mutate data, or in this case, variables. Variables, or values as they are called in F#, shouldn't change, as a broad rule. Functions should be pure.
What this means is that any parameters you pass into a function should not change after leaving the function. The parameter employee should be the same after you return to the calling scope.
There's a few syntactical errors you've made that make it pretty much impossible for me to deduce what you're trying to do in the first place. Please include this in the question.
Also, one last nitpick. As you know, the last expression in an F# function is it's return value. Instead of using an if statement, just return the condition you're testing, like this:
let ...
employee.SalaryType = SalaryType <- but remember, you can't use dot notation on tuples; this is just an example

Double Linked List in Julia

I'm new to Julia language and I wanted to improve my understanding by implementing a double linked list.
Unfortunately it seems that there is no good existing library for this purpose.
The only good one is the single linked list (here).
There is one implementation of a double linked list (here). But this is 2 years old and I'm not sure if it is outdated or not. And it does not allow a real empty list. It is just a single element with a default value.
At the moment I would be able to implement the common stuff like push!, pop!, that's not the problem.
But I'm struggling with implementing a double linked list that could be empty.
My current approach uses Nullable for a optional value of the reference and value.
type ListNode{T}
ListNode(v) = (x=new(); x.prev=Nullable{x}; x.next=Nullable{x}; x.value=Nullable(v); x)
ListNode(p, n, v) = new(p, n, v)
type List{T}
List() = (start=new(Nullable(ListNode{T}())); node=start; start)
List(v) = (start=new(Nullable(ListNode{T}(v))); node=start; start)
But it seems like this is pretty ugly and inconvenient to work with.
My second approach would be to introduce a boolean variable (inside List{T}) which stores if a list is empty or not. Checking this boolean would me allow to simply handle push! and pop! to empty lists.
I tried to google a good solution but I didn't found one.
Can anyone give me a "julia style" solution for the double linked list?
There is now a library containing various data structures, DataStructures.jl Some initial notes regarding the question. As of this writing, type is decrepitated. Instead, mutable struct should be used, for Julia 1.0 and beyond. Nullable is also decrepitated, and a Union of Nothing and the type in question can be used instead.
There exist a package called DataStructures.jl that provides what you need.
You can find a DoubleLinked list containing the functionality you need here:
Code snippets from the link above, defining a DoubleLinked list in Julia >= v 1.1:
mutable struct ListNode{T}
function ListNode{T}() where T
node = new{T}()
node.next = node
node.prev = node
return node
function ListNode{T}(data) where T
node = new{T}(data)
return node
mutable struct MutableLinkedList{T}
function MutableLinkedList{T}() where T
l = new{T}()
l.len = 0
l.node = ListNode{T}()
l.node.next = l.node
l.node.prev = l.node
return l
In addition to the DataStructures package, Chris Rackauckas' LinkedLists.jl is a good resource.
The source code is quite readable and you can always ask questions.

How do I turn this Extension Method into an Extension Property?

I have an extension method
type System.Int32 with
member this.Thousand() = this * 1000
but it requires me to write like this
I'd love to get rid of both parenthesis, starting with making it a property instead of a method (for learning sake) how do I make this a property?
Jon's answer is one way to do it, but for a read-only property there's also a more concise way to write it:
type System.Int32 with
member this.Thousand = this * 1000
Also, depending on your preferences, you may find it more pleasing to write 5 .Thousand (note the extra space) than (5).Thousand (but you won't be able to do just 5.Thousand, or even 5.ToString()).
I don't really know F# (shameful!) but based on this blog post, I'd expect:
type System.Int32 with
member this.Thousand
with get() = this * 1000
I suspect that won't free you from the first set of parentheses (otherwise F# may try to parse the whole thing as a literal), but it should help you with the second.
Personally I wouldn't use this sort of thing for a "production" extension, but it's useful for test code where you're working with a lot of values.
In particular, I've found it neat to have extension methods around dates, e.g. 19.June(1976) as a really simple, easy-to-read way of building up test data. But not for production code :)
It's not beautiful, but if you really want a function that will work for any numeric type, you can do this:
let inline thousand n =
let one = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
let thousand =
let rec loop n i =
if i < 1000 then loop (n + one) (i + 1)
else n
loop one 1
n * thousand
5.0 |> thousand
5 |> thousand
5I |> thousand

Writing F# code to parse "2 + 2" into code

Extremely just-started-yesterday new to F#.
What I want: To write code that parses the string "2 + 2" into (using as an example code from the tutorial project) Expr.Add(Expr.Num 2, Expr.Num 2) for evaluation. Some help to at least point me in the right direction or tell me it's too complex for my first F# project. (This is how I learn things: By bashing my head against stuff that's hard)
What I have: My best guess at code to extract the numbers. Probably horribly off base. Also, a lack of clue.
let script = "2 + 2";
let rec scriptParse xs =
match xs with
| [] -> (double)0
| y::ys -> (double)y
let split = (script.Split([|' '|]))
let f x = (split[x]) // "This code is not a function and cannot be applied."
let list = [ for x in 0..script.Length -> f x ]
let result = scriptParse
The immediate issue that you're running into is that split is an array of strings. To access an element of this array, the syntax is split.[x], not split[x] (which would apply split to the singleton list [x], assuming it were a function).
Here are a few other issues:
Your definition of list is probably wrong: x ranges up to the length of script, not the length of the array split. If you want to convert an array or other sequence to a list you can just use List.ofSeq or Seq.toList instead of an explicit list comprehension [...].
Your "casts" to double are a bit odd - that's not the right syntax for performing conversions in F#, although it will work in this case. double is a function, so the parentheses are unnecessary and what you are doing is really calling double 0 and double y. You should just use 0.0 for the first case, and in the second case, it's unclear what you are converting from.
In general, it would probably be better to do a bit more design up front to decide what your overall strategy will be, since it's not clear to me that you'll be able to piece together a working parser based on your current approach. There are several well known techniques for writing a parser - are you trying to use a particular approach?
