ActiveAdmin with IE8 - ruby-on-rails

I have a client from which we have to develop a Rails app which requires the admin to work in IE8.
I usually develop websites with the git version of ActiveAdmin but I've noticed here and here that IE8 is not supported.
My questions are:
can I use it anyway?
if so, how much do I lose?
what's the last version of ActiveAdmin to support IE8?

I'm the guy that has written the noticed.
There is no strict point where active admin break with IE8. We only say, we don't support IE8, we don't give any guaranty that it will be work and we don't accept changes to fix IE8 problems.
You can use it, but you should test every JS/CSS related thing on IE8!
BTW: IE8 is no longer supported by Microsoft, so you customer should update his systems for security reasons. Would you dring 7 years old milk? ;)


Seer working in everything but latest IE browsers

I'm maintaining an old rails 2.x app that is slated for retirement after this summer.
It uses the Seer gem to create a simple barchart and has always worked like a champ in every browser.
Now, however, it won't work in the most recent versions of IE. The code itself hasn't changed in two years. It works in every other browser.
It WILL work in IE in compatibility mode. The javascript is sent to the browser but the browser won't render it.
Seer is an old gem and this is an old app....I understand this is a bit of a hail mary.
Anyone else run into this problem? I would post the code but I believe this is one of those questions that will either be instantly recognizable to someone if they've seen it before.
EDIT: the gist of the js is here:
That gem uses the old and deprecated "barchart" package for drawing charts. Since that package predates the arrival of IE9, I suspect that it is trying to create VML code in IE 9+, which is probably the cause of the code not working. The fix for this is to use the modern "corechart" package instead.

Is More (Less CSS plugin for Rails) still recommended?

The Less gem has been superseded by less.js, which runs on the server with Node.js. More, the "official" Less plugin for Rails, hasn't been updated since June 14, 2010.
In light of all that, what is the recommended way to use Less with Rails these days? I suppose I could always just use client-side JS for this, which everyone seems to be embracing. But I'm not crazy about relying on client-side JS just to transform a stylesheet, especially considering that I'd like to degrade gracefully. I realize that Less.js is considered very fast, but as a matter of principle, I don't want my CSS to be utterly dependent on the browser's JS engine.
Assuming I want to compile Less server-side, what is the best practice these days for use with Rails? I know you can run Less using Node.js, but I'm looking for nice Rails integration such as we once had with More.
I'm looking for something that will work on Linux and Mac. Ideally, it would be a gem or a Rails plugin, not a standalone app.
Update: I'm looking into whether The Ruby Racer can be used to embed Less.js into a Rails app. Does anyone have opinions on that?
Update 2: This question is really old, but for anyone who's still interested, I just wanted to point out that Rails 3 comes with SCSS integration out of the box. SCSS is a LESS competitor, and I'm quite happy with it.
Try out for Mac OSX.
Use it on your local dev to generate the CSS.
My only complaint is that the parsing sometimes gets tripped up on IE specific CSS rules that are invalid CSS but were handled fine by the more gem.
Also it doesn't handle the less partials (_file.less) that more does.
Bryan here, developer of
You can handle ANY IE-specific code in Less just by using the escape function, which takes a string. Thus, you could write: e("filter:alpha..."); in your LESS file and it will compile to the expected IE-specific (though non-standard) CSS.
See for more info. The bit about the e() function is all the way at the bottom of the docs.
May be not helpful at all, but the approach we currently use (PHP/node dev) is client-side .less during development, and delivering compiled .css on deploy, using lessc. That can be integrated into build scripts or commit hooks, no bundled magic :)

i am developing a website with Ruby on Rails, mongoDB , JSON on a Linux. is there going to be any platform based issues for windows/Mac users?

i am developing a website which is going to use Ruby on Rails alongwith mongoDB and JSON on a Linux based platform. should i be worried for Windows/Mac users? what steps should i take to avoid any platform issues ?
And the CSS is compatible with IE7 and IE8. For a web developer, the platform of deployment most certainly will not affect your users. Its always the platform of your user that matters.
No just make sure any javascript is compatible with IE7.

Distributing Rails Applications as Native Applications

I would like to distribute a rails application as a double clickable application. When someone double clicks on the app, I think that mongrel should be started and then the user's browser should be started and open to something like localhost:3000 I'm trying to work through what I will need to do this, I think I'm going to need to include a copy of rails in the project, and a copy of the gems. Do I need to distribute ruby? Initially I'm looking to target the mac and linux for distribution. Does anyone have any experience packaging rails application like this?
The Application I'd like deploy is a media center server for a user's media. Unfortunately this means I can't have a public server serving out the media. I've built up the server using ruby on rails and rake tasks to import and manage the media. Is there a good way to make this easy for users to install? The idea was with a double clickable application it would be easy for users to bring up and down the server.
I've decided to use jruby and look into packaging the application as a java app.
The ill-fated Joyent Slingshot did exactly that, it allowed you to embed your Rails application as a standalone executable under Windows and Mac. It even provided a simple but straightforward method to allow data synchronization with an online version. Alas, it hasn't seen any activity in a long time.
Spiceworks is a desktop-deployed Rails app, or at least it was a couple of years ago. It's a free (ad-supported) download.
Appcelerator Titanium natively supports building client-based/desktop applications using Ruby.
Hey, take a look at shopify and their theme designer app.
Is pretty much exactly what your talking about. All they have done is written a stub for both platforms that launches the rails project. You can take a look at the code that checks for the rails project browsing through the vision app package contents.
I agree with the previous posters regarding desktop apps but I find myself writing web apps for the desktop (mostly widgets using Fluid) so I understand the issue. Has anyone had a look at Titanium Desktop from Appcelerator ( I tried it initially and there was a little fiddling required, but the end result was more or less a desktop app.
If you want to write desktop apps, write desktop apps, if you want to write web apps, write web apps.
In the future, I think MacRuby will provide an excellent way to run web-apps on the desktop (well I mean OS X desktop) - you could in theory, spin up a Rails app and then have a WebView point to the Rails app. Currently, they're still focusing on making MacRuby a first-class citizen of the OS X ecosystem but Rails support is on the roadmap.
MacRuby is also exciting because of the work on the AOT compiler, with which you can compile Ruby code to machine code.

Coming back to Rails

So I've decided after a few years away, that I want to get back into Ruby on Rails for some of my personal projects. What I'm wondering is what are the best resources to find out what the new features are in rails? I haven't really even touched Rails since 1.2 was new.
Oh yeah, and is TextMate still the defacto editor for RoR on the Mac, or has something better come along?
Check out the official Rails Guides. These should provide a nice overview of Rails (if you are rusty) and are kept up-to-date with the latest versions.
You may want to check out Ryan Daigle's Edge Rails posts which covered features as they were added to the new versions. Use the dates to determine where to start and go through each one. He also has a PDF for $9 which covers upgrading to Rails 2.1.
I have also covered the changes on Railscasts. Check out the various tags for each version to see them: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.
Update: Thoughtbot blog has posted about upgrading to Rails 2.1 and 2.3.2.
I found the book Agile Web Development With Rails (3rd edition) to be the most helpful to get me going again earlier this year. In particular it notes some concepts that have changed as well as introducing the new items.
Regarding editing, Textmate still seems to be #1 among the MacRails folks, the text-editing ones, at least.
Beyond that, there are some IDEs around now, if that's your preference. They're starting to become fairly not-awful, which is pretty impressive really. There are plenty of questions here that touch on the topic: try searching for "ruby rails ide"
The Ruby Toolbox is a great and fairly new resource for seeing what gems/plugins/tools are popular for various aspects of your application such as authentication, testing frameworks, search, etc. It's based on the number of watchers and forks each project has on GitHub, which is a reasonably good way of judging popularity.
As for a newer editor ...
I have found that sublime text is a great editor for ruby and rails projects, it has great syntax highlighting out of the box, Vim keybindings available (vintage mode), a sweet package system to add functionality for other languages like SASS or Coffeescript and an excellent file browser that helps with complex folder structure that can happen in a rails project.
Also, it is highly extendible and configurable, I switched to it from Vim.
