I am using Google YouTube .NET API version 3. I added following nuget packages
As given in the Youtube developer example, I can search in content or title but i can't search in video tag. Can i search by specific tag ? Have any examples or codes?
Old question answer:
According to their documentation
Is it possible to make a request like you would in a swagger.io html page in the redoc API page? Or is redoc just to display the details of the API?
I'm the author of ReDoc.
At the moment there is no API console functionality implemented in ReDoc. But we have this in the roadmap.
Hopefully this will be implemented in 4-5months
update: https://redoc.ly/docs/api-reference-docs/console-overview/
From the docs:
The Try it feature is not available in Redoc's "community edition".
You will need access to Redocly's Reference docs or Developer portal
to use the Try it feature.
Update Oct 2020:
As per maintainer: https://github.com/Redocly/redoc/issues/53#issuecomment-576377856
Open source version of ReDoc wont have API console functionality.
If you want you can get the paid version.
As for me, I will go find an alternative :)
After wasted few days, I understand redoc only have making request feature on their commercial version, so I switch to its alternatives.
If you use react, you can try openapi-react, similar to redoc, but it has function to issue http request.
Check https://www.npmjs.com/package/openapi-react
I have downloaded and browsed to the Swagger-UI dist/index.html file and it has loaded the sample Petstore APIs. However, I am not able to figure out how some features are functioning and hence not able to bring that to my own definition.
The sample Petstore shows a "VALID {...}" button at the bottom right hand side. However I don't see that when I navigate to my own API definitions. How do I enable it?
When I look up the petstore API specifications being rendered by Swagger-UI http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.jsonI am not able to figure out how are they plugging in the section below the Swagger Petstore description.
Contact the developer
This is a mailto link with an email address and subject line
Find out more about Swagger http://swagger.io doesn't show up either in the petstore json definition or the one that I am using.
Where is the sample picking this up from?
When I use the Swagger editor, it interprets the specification in a different way - most significantly showcasing the terms of use and license information appropriately. Does Swagger-UI not support those properties? Do I need to enable something in Swagger-UI to make them appear?
You need to be using the latest version of Swagger, Swagger Core 1.5 at least, to have these neat features in your own Swagger project.
The UI at version > 2.0 comes with the schema validation (the VALID button on the bottom of the page) built-in.
2+3. The Info object contains all the information needed for rendering Contact the developer, license and "More Info" links by the UI.
I want to scroll the reader page like page curl in ibook.i used the following link to curl page in single page mode.[https://github.com/xissburg/XBPageCurl][1]
But I want to do in iOS like android implementation as in the following link [https://github.com/harism/android_page_curl][2] i'm no familiar with android can anyone help me . Thanks in advance.
Here is an Apple Guide for supporting this feature.
Documentation on Paging:
Alternatively, there is a third party resource for implementing this effect. Here is a link to their documentation:
I'm attempting to get Recaptcha for .NET working with ASP.NET MVC 4.0 on an https site that is using SSL. I've been reading up on it and the problem seems prolific, but I'm having a hard time finding a solution.
I've seen this related topic here Stackoverflow Question and it did not solve the problem. I am following the documentation here : RecaptchaNET Documentation
I have made an ad-hoc solution work by running the page in non HTTPS and just copying and pasting the raw HTML code, and changing the various URLS. But I'd like to make this work with the actual HTML helper. Can anyone help? Has this changed since that original topic?
There are a few posts about this out there for the change google made to the api. Basically, RecaptchaNET wasn't supporting google's latest api endpoints for this.
If you check your version, this is fixed in version 1.3.
Try downloading the latest version from CodePlex and using that dll.
or the nuget here.
I have a web application which uses twitter api. It was working fine.But suddenly it stopped work. I started googling & came to know about that twitter upgraded their api. So I need to use the library which supports v1.1
Have anybody worked with v1.1 library please help me
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at this project on GitHub. Don't be confused by the title - it has been updated since Twitter's API update to 1.1.
The jQuery plugin on the page has been re-purposed to be a Rendering engine, i.e. it helps with rendering your feeds.
The important part, however is in the "Server-Side Examples and Setup" directory. Go there, read and follow the directions in the SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS document. When you are done, if you are using PHP, use the file in the "Plug_And_Play" directory as a start point. If you are using C#, you can use this library. It is still under development, but it is updated regularly and mimics the Twitter API's specifications as closely as possible.
P.S. I am the author of both of those projects, so if you need any help, let me know. Good luck! :)