Update select2 option text on-the-fly? - jquery-select2-4

I want to change an option's text on the fly. The HTML can be changed easily by:
$('option[value=custom-pub]').text("New Text For Pub");
How can I force select2 to refresh the text? I don't want to destroy() and create the select2 object from scratch, because I want the user selection to stay selected.



how to set setNextFocusDown in TextArea

I am try to use setNextFocusDown method in TextArea eg:
But in keyboard it does not show next button so how to set setNextFocusDown in TextArea ?
This will only apply if you do it in the beginning and only for TextArea subclasses. Notice this hint will not apply for every case.

data-placeholder and jQueryUI autocomplete

Is there a simple way to have a default text in the textbox using jQueryUI's autocomplete ?
I have tried using data-placeholder but it doesn't seem to work.
I have searched online, and people suggest using the textbox value to display the text, and clear it on focus. But then I would need to change the font style just for the default text, and check onKeyUp when the text is manually erased etc...
Is there no easier way to do this ? or am I missing something ?
A lot of people will use a span that is positioned to be over the text box. When the text box gets focus then you hide the span. When the text box blurs and has a value, you don't show it. If it doesn't have a value then you can show it again.
You can style the span however you want independently of the text box so you would not have to change the font style on the text box itself. You would have to subscribe to the focus and blur events, but it would be much easier if you created a jQuery plugin to do this. In fact, I'm sure there are ones that already exist that do this.

JqueryUI tagit - how can I suppress the new entry text field from appearing?

For the JqueryUI tag-it widget, I'd like to completely prevent the new extra text entry field from appearing. I'm pre-populating with existing tags, and I'd just like to allow people to delete tags but not enter them.
I can make the new field read-only, but the field remains visible in IE and in both IE and Firefox clicking in the area of the widget causes the cursor to focus on that field.
What I'd like to do is get rid of the extra input field altogether.
There doesn't seem to be a tagit property for this associated with the .tagit() method. Is there something else I can do to prevent the extra field from being created?
Try this:
}).ready(function() {
$(this).find('.tagit-new').css('height', '13px').empty();
Using firebug we can see that the input field created by tagit is in a li element with class tagit-new. We need to set the height otherwise the tag container will squash to a slither when the last tag is deleted, and then we can empty() this to get rid of the tag input field.

angularjs same textarea to edit multiple elements

I have this case where I set a current item from a list and I need to use a textarea to edit that element's value.
Because of some constraints I have to use a keyup event but I don't think that's a problem.
Check this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/terebentina/Euj2C/
click on first/second buttons - it works, it changes the text in the textarea to the value of each element.
change the text in the textarea to something
click on the first/second buttons again - the textarea is not updated anymore. If you look in console, you can see that it switches between the elements, it's just that the textarea is not updated anymore.
Any suggestions? this is driving me nuts!
I know there is a better way modifying your directive to do this but as a quick fix for now you can try binding your textarea to a ngModel value that is just a copy of the current text in the selected element:
<textarea keyup="" ng-model="keyupText"></textarea>
With this in as your current function:
$scope.current = function(idx) {
$scope.current_element = $scope.elements[idx];
$scope.keyupText = $scope.current_element.value;
console.log('current is', $scope.current_element.value);
See this fiddle for an example.

How to change the color of some text in textbox - Silverlight 3?

I have a usual TextBox. I know in order to change the color of some text I can use Run tag. But when I try to use it imperatively instead declaratively (because I need to do that dynamically) I have the text in TextBox like
AAA<Run...>Text to be changed in color</Run>
and sure nothing in color changes.
How can I change the color of some text in some program way?
I'm fairly sure you have to use a RichTextBox for that, TextBox only works with plaintext.
