How do I run all Spinach features which use a specific step? - spinach

When changing Spinach step defined in a Spinach steps file, it is useful to run all those features which use that step.
I have step 'I have an empty array' do..
defined in features/steps/test_how_spinach_works.rb
I would like to run spinach for every .feature file which includes:
I have an empty array.

Assuming you use bash:
Install ack.
Update your ack.rc to include Spinach features:
Add the following to your bashrc:
function ack-spinach() {
ack --spinach --print0 -l '$1' | xargs -0 spinach
You may now run all the features with:
$ ack-spinach 'I have an empty array'


How to grep a matching filename AND extension from pattern file to a text file?

Content of testfile.txt
Content of pattern.txt
Bash Command
grep -i -f pattern.txt testfile.txt
This is a working solution, but currently the $ in the pattern is manually added to each line and this edited pattern file is uploaded to users. I am trying to avoid the manual amendment.
Alternate solution to loop and read line by line, but required scripting skills or upload scripts to user environment.
Want to keep the original pattern files in an audited environment, users just login and run simple cut-n-paste commands.
Any one liner solution?
You can use sed to add $ to pattern.txt and then use grep, but you might run into issues due to regexp metacharacters like the . character. For example, abc.txt$ will also match abc1txt. And unless you take care of matching only the basename from the file path, abc.txt$ will also match /some/path/foobazabc.txt.
I'd suggest to use awk instead:
$ awk '!f{a[$0]; next} $NF in a' pattern.txt f=1 FS='/' testfile.txt
pattern.txt f=1 FS='/' testfile.txt here a flag f is set between the two files and field separator is also changed to / for the second file
!f{a[$0]; next} if flag f is not set (i.e. for the first file), build an array a with line contents as the key
$NF in a for the second file, if the last field matches a key in array a, print the line
Just noticed that you are also using -i option, so use this for case insensitive matching:
awk '!f{a[tolower($0)]; next} tolower($NF) in a'
Since pattern.txt contains only a single pattern, and you don't want to change it, since it is an audited file, you could do
grep -i -f "$(<pattern.txt)'$' testfile.txt
instead. Note that this would break, if the maintainer of the file one day decided to actually write there a terminating $.
IMO, it would make more sense to explain to the maintainer of pattern.txt that he is supposed to place there a simple regular expression, which is going to match your testfile. In this case s/he can decide whether the pattern really should match only the right edge or some inner part of the lines.
If pattern.txt contains more than one line, and you want to add the $ to each line, you can likewise do a
grep -i -f <(sed 's/$/$/' <pattern.txt) testfile.txt
As the '$' symbol indicates pattern end. The following script should work.
file_pattern='pattern.txt' # path to pattern file
file_test='testfile.txt' # path to test file
while IFS=$ read -r line
echo "$line"
grep -wn "$line" $file_test
done < "$file_pattern"
You can remove the IFS descriptor if the pattern file comes with leading/trailing spaces.
Also the grep option -w matches only whole word and -n provides with line number.

using grep command to get spectfic word [LINUX]

I have a test.txt file with links for example:
and this code
xargs -0 -n1 -a FUZZvul.txt -d '\n' -P 20 -I % curl -ks1L '%/?=DarkLotus' | grep -a 'DarkLotus'
When I type a specific word, such as DarkLotus, in the terminal, it checks the links in the file and it brings me the word which is reflected in the links i provided in the test file
There is no problem here, the problem is that I have many links, and when the result appears in the terminal, I do not know which site reflected the DarkLotus word.
How can i do it?
Try -n option. It shows the line number of file with the matched line.
Best Regards,
I'm not sure what you are up to there, but can you invert it? grep by default prints matching lines. The problem here is you are piping the input from the stdout of the previous commands into grep, and that can lack context at grep. Since you have a file to work with:
$ grep 'DarkLotus' FUZZvul.txt
If your intention is to also follow the link then it might be easier to write a bash script:
for line in `grep 'DarkLotus FUZZvul.txt`
link=# extract link from line
echo ${link}
curl -ks1L ${link}
Then you could make your script accept user input:
for line in `grep ${word} FUZZvul.txt`
and then
$ my_link_getter "DarkLotus"
And then you could make the txt file a parameter.

How can i make grep show a line ignoring the words i want?

I am trying to use grep with the pwd command.
So, if i enter pwd, it shows me something like:
But, for purposes of a script i am making, i need to use it with grep, so it only prints what is after hrq/, so i need to hide my home folder always (the /home/hrq/) excerpt, and show only what is onwards (like, in this case, only my-project).
Is it possible?
I tried something like
pwd | grep -ov 'home', since i saw that the "-v" flag would be equivalent to the NOT operator, and combine it with the "-o" only matching flag. But it didn't work.
$ pwd
$ echo "$PWD"
Depending on what it is you really want to do, either of these is probably what you really should be using rather than trying to use grep:
$ basename "$PWD"
$ echo "${PWD#/home/foo/}"
Use grep -Po 'hrq/\K.*', for example:
grep -Po 'hrq/\K.*' <<< '/home/hrq/my-project/'
Here, grep uses the following options:
-P : Use Perl regexes.
-o : Print the matches only (1 match per line), not the entire lines.
\K : Cause the regex engine to "keep" everything it had matched prior to the \K and not include it in the match. Specifically, ignore the preceding part of the regex when printing the match.
grep manual
perlre - Perl regular expressions

Clean composer output from non readable characters in Jenkins' console output page

I have a Jenkins job to tweak, but no administration right on Jenkins itself.
I'd like to clean composer output from non readable characters, e.g:
the command is composer update --no-progress --ansi which outputs
in Jenkins'console.
I didn't exactly get the the reason why Jenkins cannot output some characters correctly.
As per, I perhaps could have tried to specify -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 for java, but as I said I don't have rights for Jenkins administration.
How could I get rid of these 'squares' characters ?
By pasting output lines into Notepad++, i noticed that these characters were backspaces. Hereafter how I've managed to embellish the output for Jenkins console :
# run the command, redirect the output into composer.out file
bin/ update --no-progress --ansi >composer.out 2>&1
# getting rid of backspaces
composer_out=$(cat composer.out | tr -d '\b')
# adding line feeds instead of numerous spaces
composer_out=$(echo "$composer_out" | sed -r 's/\)\s*(\w+)/\)\n\1/g')
echo "$composer_out"

what's means of the sysctl_apply in rpm's spec

rpm spec
%sysctl_apply openstack-keystone.conf
What is the meaning of sysctl_apply? Where can I find this document?
Lets expand it:
$ rpm --eval '%sysctl_apply foo'
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl foo >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
Now see man systemd-sysctl for more informations and you will learn that is sets kernel parameters using sysctl.
For more informations and similar macros see:
