I have an electron application for which I use electron-packager to compile and grunt-electron-installer to generate the Windows installer package.
Upon installation I handle the squirrel events like so:
switch (squirrelCommand) {
case '--squirrel-install':
case '--squirrel-updated':
and the createShortcuts function just spawns a child process to call the Update.exe (Squirrel.exe) with the --createShortcut=myapp.exe arguments
This works, however, when the shortcut it generated it is named Electron instead of myapp.
I don't see any other ways to specify the output name of the shortcut, so how would I change the generated shortcut to say myapp?
Here is the snippet of the squirrel logs:
2016-03-20 10:34:35> ApplyReleasesImpl: Creating shortcut for myapp.exe => C:\Users\zeus\Desktop\Electron.lnk
2016-03-20 10:34:35> ApplyReleasesImpl: About to save shortcut: C:\Users\zeus\Desktop\Electron.lnk (target C:\Users\zeus\AppData\Local\myapp\Update.exe, workingDir C:\Users\zeus\AppData\Local\myapp\app-0.0.3, args --processStart myapp.exe)
Upon further investigation into electron-packager I found a more detailed explanation about the resource editing here.
using the electron-packager command line I pass these arguments to update the embedded electron exe information:
electron-packager ... --version-string.CompanyName="Company Inc." --version-string.ProductName="Product" ...
The grunt-electron-installer will look for this embedded application information to generate the name for the shortcut.
If you use electron-forge, you may want to try a config that looks like this:
"electronPackagerConfig": {
"icon": "Icon",
"ProductName": "My App",
"CompanyName": "My Company"
More info here:
Try to use electron-builder if you get painful with Squirrel. You can use the command as below to make your installer for Windows:
electron-builder path/to/your-electron-packager-output --platform=win --out=path/to/your-installer-output --config=path/to/builder.json --target=win
Sample content for builder.json:
"win": {
"title": "My Production Name",
"icon": "path/to/your-icon.ico",
"version": "1.0.0",
"publisher": "Your Company Name"
P.s: You must install NSIS and add NSIS path into PATH environment before you run the above command.
I'm building an electron app using Next.js and electron-next package so Electron can handle the "ouput" folder from Next.js.
The app works great (simple html "hello world" test for all) for development; however, when I'm packaging the app with electron-builder, the page doesn't load and the DevTools is saying that it cannot load local files. I can see the files generated by electron-builder and nowhere I can find the static html files. Is there something I'm missing? Are the static files are included in the *.asar file?
This is for Electron under Windows 10.
Below I'm showing the package.json file setup for electron-builder, as well as the call to open the initial HTML file on the app entry file (index.js)
// ---------package.json----------
"scripts": {
"start": "electron .",
"build": "next build renderer && next export renderer",
"dist": "npm run build && electron-builder"
"build": {
"files": [
// --------index.js----------
// I can confirm that /renderer/out/start.html file is created
const devPath = "http://localhost:8000/start"
const prodPath = path.resolve('renderer/out/start.html')
const entry = isDev ? devPath : ('file://' + prodPath)
This is the error I get:
Not allowed to load local resource: file:///C:/Users//Desktop/text_exc_app/dist/win-unpacked/resources/renderer/out/start.html
I found from another post that you can also do this (using app.getAppPath()):
const prodPath = path.join(app.getAppPath() ,'renderer/out/start.html')
This solved my problem!
I'm still not sure as to what is the difference between the two ways of accessing the files is, and why one works and the other one doesn't.
I've this structure of my project(example):
In each one of these folders I've my dependencies to services install fine.
How can I use the simpleSC to install service if dependencies?
I know the statement:
SimpleSC::InstallService [name_of_service] [display_name] [service_type][start_type] [binary_path] [dependencies] [account] [password]
and I already try this, but isn't working:
SimpleSC::InstallService "LprService" "LprService" "272" "2" "$INSTDIR\GeneteLPRService.exe" "Dependencies" "" ""
P.s.: Using InstallUtil.exe, it works
SimpleSC dependencies is a list of other services that have to be started before your service can start.
The Wiki page has an example:
; Depends on "Windows Time Service" (w32time) and "WWW Publishing Service" (w3svc):
SimpleSC::InstallService "MyService" "My Display Name" "16" "2" "$InstDir\MyService.exe" "w32time/w3svc" "" ""
Pop $0
If you don't have any service dependencies then you can just use a empty string like the other unused parameters.
Files required by your service can be installed normally with File or File /r.
I am trying to set up VsCode to run my spec tests in debug mode.
I have added the following launch.json file to the project. I am using rvm and have installed the necessary gems in that location such as rspec.
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "RSpec - all",
"type": "Ruby",
"request": "launch",
"program": "<home>.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.5/gems/rspec",
"args": [
When I run in debug mode the following displays in the console.
Uncaught exception: cannot load such file --
I've installed the necessary extension based on the documentation I found.
ruby, solargraph, and rubicon
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Set the output from which rspec command as "program" parameter.
The problem is that the path "home-directory/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.5/gems/rspec" is not a valid path. You can test that theory by simply pasting into your console and executing.
In order to locate the actual rspec binary, you can use run which rspec. However, while it is possible to hard code this path into your launch config, you don't want to do that because when you upgrade the version, the path will change and you'll have problems running your tests again.
A better way is to use the environment variable that points to the GEM_HOME that includes rspec.
Here are the settings that worked for me, on ruby 3.0.3 managed by rvm on OSX.
Gemfile includes:
group :development do
gem 'ruby-debug-ide'
gem 'debase', "~> 0.2.5.beta2"
(the stable version of debase didn't support ruby v3, hence the beta)
Launch config use the GEM_HOME environment variable to specify the rspec binary:
"name": "RSpec - all",
"type": "Ruby",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${env:GEM_HOME}/bin/rspec",
"args": [
According to GitHub JSHint,
Configuration File Support For Rhino Wrapper #704 issues was closed and support for configuration file was provided [https://github.com/jshint/jshint/issues/704]
I am using Rhino1_7R4 and jshint-rhino-2.5.2.js
Trying to execute this cmd line -
java -jar rhino.jar jshint.js samplefile.js --configure=config.json
but none of the options I specified in the config file seems to take effect.
This is my config.json file:
"maxerr" : 150,
"asi" : true,
"expr" : true
Also, when trying to specify multiple options via command line, only the first one seems to take effect.
java -jar rhino.jar jshint.js samplefile.js asi=true expr=true
Thanks for your help!
What is the best strategy to deploy a Dart Web-ui app manually ?
pub deploy doesn't work for me and I have raised bug report. So am thinking what is the best way to manually deploy.
This is how I started:
1) From project root I compile the webui components (dwc.dart)
2) change directory to web/out then run dart2js
3) copy all .js files into that scripts/js public folder on server
4) copy appname.html to server changing css and script paths to option 3
5) Make sure dart.js is also in the same directory as item 3
this is as far as I got. So what else do I need to do ?
A few questions:
1) Do I manually change the file paths in the generated .js files to point to public folders on server for the files they are referencing and make sure those files are on server also ?
2) Do I need to copy all packages to server also ?
3) Any preferred file structure on server?
Any tips on this really appreciated.
I wrote a Grunt script for it (since I had no time to look up how to properly write code for Grunt, I did not share the code since it's a mess) but I basically do this:
compiling a list of files with dwc to a given out dir
compile it to javascript
clean up all non-deployable files
change some paths inside the HTML to match the server paths (for some reasons, this gets changed by the compilation process)
remove all packages except the ones I really need (JS interopt and browser)
Since I'm only using the JS version, I remove all dart packages. Since the paths inside the HTML files are up to you, you can already use a structure that suits you/your server.
I can provide you with a Grunt script to understand the order of tasks. Practically the order I use is this one:
Create the build directory. I usually use /build/web. I usually create these files (index.html, main.dart, /css and so on into the /web dir). I create the rest of components into /lib directory.
Compile the .dart file that contains the main() function ("main.dart" in my case for simpler projects) file to Javascript and put it into /build/web directory
Copy the other needed files and folders to the /build/web directory. Also, during this process you'll be copying the packages that your project needs. You'll see in the example provided below.
Remove all empty folders from the project
You can create a Grunt task to open the /index.html file in the browser once the building process has ended (I will not provide this example)
The structure of the dart test project:
- gruntfile.js
- package.js
- index.html
- main.dart
So, the Grunt example script to cover steps from 1 - 4 looks like this (copy it to gruntfile.js):
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// 1.
// create build web directory
mkdir: {
build: {
options: {
create: ['build/web']
// 2.
// compile dart files
dart2js: {
options: {
// use this to fix a problem into dart2js node module. The module calls dart2js not dart2js.bat.
// this is needed for Windows. So use the path to your dart2js.bat file
"dart2js_bin": "C:/dart/dart-sdk/bin/dart2js.bat"
compile: {
files: {'build/web/main.dart.js': 'web/main.dart'}
// 3.
// copy all needed files, including all needed packages
// except the .dart files.
copy: {
build: {
files: [
expand: true,
src: [
dest: 'build'
// 4.
// remove empty directories copied using the previous task
cleanempty: {
build: {
options: {
files: false
src: ['build/web/packages/**/*']
grunt.registerTask('default', [
So this is the Grunt script example.
Create a /gruntfile.js file into your project's root directory and copy/paste the script to it.
Create a /package.json file into your project's root directory and copy/paste the following script:
"name": "testApp",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "SomeDescriptionForTheTestApp",
"main": "",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "YourName",
"peerDependencies": {
"grunt-cli": "^0.1.13"
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "^0.4.5",
"grunt-cleanempty": "^1.0.3",
"grunt-contrib-copy": "^0.7.0",
"grunt-dart2js": "0.0.5",
"grunt-mkdir": "^0.1.2",
"matchdep": "^0.3.0"
Open Command Prompt in Windows, Terminal in Linux, navigate to your project's root directory and use this command:
npm install
Wait untill all Grunt modules needed will be downloaded to your local project. Once this is finished, issue this command in Command Prompt or Terminal:
node -e "require('grunt').cli()"
You can use this to initiate Grunt default task without having Grunt installed globally on your system.
Now, to know the exact build structure for your project (including the packages that the project needs), make a build using Pub Build. Then you will be able to instruct Grunt to create the same dir structure.
You can add other tasks (like minification) if you want.
Hope this will help you all to understand the process and get you started with a test app first. Add your comments to make this even better and simplify it even more.