Hide tab bar containerview - ios

I have a tab bar controller and in one of my views I want that tab bar hidden. I selected BottomBar - none in interface but when my view appears there is still a white outline at the bottom of this view. I have a container view at the bottom of this view that I want extended all the way to the bottom of the screen. There is also a navigation controller embedded after the tab bar going into this view. Not sure if that makes a difference. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. There are some photos of what I'm talking about below.

try on viewDidLoad
[self.tabBarController.tabBar setHidden:YES];


Change location of Navigation Bar

When using the Navigation Controller it creates a new Navigation Bar on my first view controller. Intead of that bar being at the top of my screen I would like it to be on bottom. Is this possible? If not can I switch to using a different Nav Bar?
Navigation Bars are always at the top of view controllers, and cannot be moved. You could explore a TabBar or ToolBar though, depending on what you want.
Navigation Bar always appear on the top of your UIViewController when embedded in a UINavigationController. You cannot move it to any other position.
Still if you want to achieve such a requirement,
Hide the default UINavigationBar
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isHidden = true
Create a custom UIView of same height(44) as the UINavigationBar and pin it to the bottom of your controller.

Remove the gray bar at the bottom of view controller - iOS

The image shows the View controller and the bar I want to remove. And also the structure of the view controller:
Someone told me how to remove the grey bar present at the bottom of the view controller as shown in the image. Unable to select and delete the bar. When I try to add the tab bar in that place, it goes behind the grey bar and becomes invisible.
What do your simulated metrics look like?
Can you get rid of the bar by changing the bottom setting?
Couple of things - if you are using autolayout, just make a constraint to the bottom of the container, with 0 value for the constraint. That will take it to the bottom. Second thing I would add is a zero size table view footer to the tableview.
This is a toolbar that comes with the UINavigationController that the View Controller is embedded in. Assuming you have a Navigation Controller on the storyboard connected to the view controller, select it and in the attributes inspector deselect "Shows Toolbar". If you want to do this in code you can get and set isToolbarHidden on a UINavigationController instance.

Can't make UITableView appear under translucent navigation bar

I'm trying to use a translucent navigation bar and want to put my table view (in a UITableViewController) under the navigation bar but without success.
I've been searching all over the web but I'm only finding help on how to push the content below the navigation bar which is exactly the opposite of what I'm trying to do.
I have Under Top Bars checked inside my storyboard.
Please help!
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO
in viewDidLoad and then check

Adding a Tab Bar to NavigationController using interface builder, not intuitive at all

I have this ViewController as the root view controller. This VC is embed in a navigation controller. So, the navigation controller is the initial controller.
I have worked millions of times with an app like this.
If I want to add buttons to my nav bar I go to the navigation controller, turn on TOP BAR property to translucent navigation bar and now I can add buttons to the nav bar on my view controller.
But this app is different. I need a tab bar at the bottom too. So, I follow the same logic. I go to the navigation bar, turn on BOTTOM BAR property to Translucent Black Tab Bar, a black rectangle appears at the bottom of my view controller and BOOM, I cannot add buttons to it. Same logic, different behaviors.
If I try to add a tab bar to the black rectangle Xcode will not accept.
I want to add this tab bar to the bottom of the view controller and make it translucent, so the collectionView this controller has will be partially visible thru it.
So the question is: what is the purpose of the BOTTOM BAR property of the navigation controller if it will not accept dragging tab bar items to it? How do I add a tab bar to my navigation controller or to its root view controller using this stuff? Or in other words: how do I add a tab bar to the bottom of a view controller that has a collection view covering the whole are and make that tab bar translucent, so I can see the contents of the collection view passing thru...
The bottom bar of a UINnavigationController is a UIToolbar and if shown the navigation controller should automatically adjust the insets of the collectionView (and other scrollView) to make the content appear under them when you scroll.
I've encountered the problem of adding elements to that bar myself and the only way that I've found is to do that in code accessing the toolbar property of your navigation controller and set the items property with your UIBarButtoItems. As you want to make a segmented controller-like component I suggest an item with a custom view.
I can't answer the first question, but as for the second- drag a Tab Bar Controller onto the canvass the same way you would with a new View Controller. Make this new Tab Bar Controller the initial View Controller. CTRL-drag from the Tab Bar Controller to any of the view controllers (or navigation controllers) for which you want a tab bar button. Select "View Controller" as the segue type. The tab bar button for that segue will appear at the bottom of both the Tab Bar Controller and the View Controller itself, and you can change the text or image by clicking it and opening the Identity Inspector.

UIView is not autoresized after I hide the UIStatusBar

I have a ViewController which need to hide the status bar sometimes. The problem is the view of the UIViewController is not autoresized after the status bar is hidden. (Actually I have another application use the exactly the same View Controller. Which has no problem at all). Can anybody advise which could be the cause of the problem? Thanks
Please refer to my screen shots. The first one is the view before I hide the status bar and the navigation bar. The second one is after I hide the status bar and navigation bar. You can see that the there is obvious black area which previously occupied by status bar.
Seems wantsFullScreenLayout of your view controller isn't set to YES.
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent];
[self setWantsFullScreenLayout:YES];
Try this in your viewDidLoad.
Additionally to full screen layout I think the bar style must be traslucent.
