Couldn't get Xamarin projects working with Rider-EAP on OSX - ios

I was really excited, when JetBrains launched the Project Rider-EAP. First thing I've tried was to get a Xamarin-iOS project to run in Rider-EAP, but it doesn't work out of the box.
Update 1: This issue is now listed as critical bug with fix in EAP 2:
1. Problem (fixed) Projects didn't load with the exception that Xamarin.iOS.targets could not be found.
I fixed this with a simple Symlink:
ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/ “/Applications/Rider”
2. Problem
References are not loaded correctly. Therefore the whole syntax highlighting and everything beyond is broken.
See screenshot: References are not loaded correctly
I get the following error as well:
Error:null: Error initializing task MakeDir: Could not load file or assembly '/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Tasks.dll' or one of its dependencies
Switching the xbuild to mono 4.2.2 removes the error but not solves the problem.
PS: It seams that the references are loaded correctly for Xamarin Android projects.

Basic Xamarin Support like open and build is added with EAP 8 of Project Rider.
More advanced features will come with the next Builds and are tracked here:


Xamarin.iOS - Linker behavior: Link All - Assets images removed

Has anyone experienced the images loaded in the Assets Catalog of a Xamarin.iOS project being removed when using the Linker behavior: Link All?
I have the following solution structure (simplified):
MyApp.csproj (shared code)
MyApp.iOS.csproj (iOS project)
And I compile with the following mtouch arguments:
--linkskip=MyApp --linkskip=MyApp.iOS
Besides the fact of the images not showing up, the rest of the app works flawlessly.
I am using Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2.5; Xamarin version
Interestingly, if I replace the Xamarin.Forms.Image implementations for FFImageLoading.CachedImage, the images are not affected by the LinkAll configuration.
Well, trying to create a reproducible sample I came across the problem.
Basically, the following line CachedImageRenderer.InitImageSourceHandler(), introduced when using FFImageLoading, was messing up with Xamarin.Forms.Images when the linker was set to LinkAll.
The documentation of FFImageLoading is not super clear on what this line is for, but removing it fixed the problem.

Build failed - Check imports - Dart Angular Tutorial - angular_tour_of_heroes - part 2

While following tutorail - Angular-dart tutorial - Tour of Heroes - part 2
with using IntelliJ IDEA in Windows 10 while using chrome, I got following error(s) -
[SEVERE] build_web_compilers|entrypoint on web/main.dart (cached):
Unable to find modules for some sources, this is usually the result of either a
bad import, a missing dependency in a package (or possibly a dev_dependency
needs to move to a real dependency), or a build failure (if importing a
generated file).
Please check the following imports:
import 'package:angular_app/app_component.css.shim.dart' as import0; from angular_app|lib/app_component.template.dart at 12:1
[SEVERE] Failed after 1.3s
Serving web on http://localhost:53323
I have checked multiple times & I have replaced all - 5 files - namely
lib/app_component.css, lib/app_component.dart, lib/app_component.html, lib/src/hero.dart & lib/src/mock_heroes.dart from Review the app structure but I am still getting the above mentioned error & -
I could not find any app_component.template.dart
Nor could found any instance of imported package:angular_app/app_component.css.shim.dart or shim using IntelliJ Find in Path (Ctrl+Shift+F)
I have tried to delete build and rebuild.
I have also re-installed dart 2.1.0 using windows package manager & changed the location of dart-sdk accordingly in IntelliJ IDEA Settings/Dart, as for brief period I was getting dart-sdk error, but that is fixed.
This my first time asking question on stacksoverflow, but I have checked similar questions, could not resolve that issue.
the most likely reason for that build failure is due to the stylesUrls files not being found. This could be because the name in that array doesn't match the name in the file system or is not the expected place in the file system.
To confirm, I started from scratch, downloaded the to get the project structure.
And followed the steps all the way through the step you were stuck on.
The only time I was able to generate that error while following the steps is when I added thestyleUrls: ['app_component.css'], to app_component.dart prior to creating the file.
I got the same:
[SEVERE] build_web_compilers|entrypoint on test/app_test.dart.browser_test.dart:
Unable to find modules for some sources, this is usually the result of either a
bad import, a missing dependency in a package (or possibly a dev_dependency
needs to move to a real dependency), or a build failure (if importing a
generated file).
Please check the following imports:
import 'package:angular_app/app_components.css.shim.dart' as import0; from angular_app|lib/app_component.template.dart at 12:1
Once i created the css file, the error went away and everything worked fine.
I completed the entire step you were up to and my app was working fine.
I then did as you did and copied each file from the step and replaced my work with it, still worked.
So confirm my hunch, i changed the name of the css file, and received the same error.
regarding app_component.template.dart that file is auto generated by dart and can be found in your project under .dart_tool/build/generated/angular_app/lib
I had a very similar problem. I ran webdev build and then webdev serve and it fixed it right up.

Angular dart on WebStorm. Debug is no more working

It is a week now that I have problems debugging angular dart applications in WebStorm. If I use debug on a console (server) application everything works fine.
I tried to roll back to angular 4.0.0 (on dart 1.24.3), but this didn't help.
I really don't know what kind of info could be useful.
Please, let me know if there is some configuration file that I can print or that could be important in order to fix the problem. I tested a lot of configurations, but, at present, I'm not able to work properly. After filling up my code with print statements, there are some cases where also this practice is not enough.
I have tried to create a sample project. With no DDc and target chrome, the debugger stops but not on all breakpoints. With no DDc and target Dartium, it does not stop.
Edit 2:
I was running my application with target dartium, because with target chrome I had an annoying error that I was not able to catch. Now I got it, and running the project with target chrome, revives the debugger. This is a good new. Just a question, is a problem of release 1.24.3 (Dartium has not been released for this release) or something else? Anyway, if this is a known problem, it wouldn't be better to disable the target dartium on WebStorm when the release is 1.24.3?
Edit 3:
Now the debugger is working, but only on the project you are developing. The imported packages are not stopping on breakpoints. As my project is divided in a lot of packages, I cannot debug approximately 80% of my code.
Am I doing something wrong?
What you are hitting here isn't functionality directly in an Angular Dart or Dart issue, but in the JS Debugger in WebStorm.
Open an issue on YouTrack here:
Include not only the version of Angular and the Dart SDK, but also the version of WebStorm, and an example of where breakpoints are not working.
Finally, there is some information in this issue that might help:

Xamarin building_problem after update to IOS 11

I have updated my system to IOS 11. Visualstidio for Windows with all newest xamarin updates, Mac os Sierra is up to date and Xcode is the newest Version.
My Problem:
If I want to debugging on the simulator, the following error occurs:
Error error HE0046: Failed to install the app 'ch.ABC' on the device 'iOS 11.0 (15A372) - iPhone 6 Plus': lstat of /Users/administrator/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/ABC/a3481f272dab3f68e6e828203695f442/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/ failed: No such file or directory
The exist in this path on Mac.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The file '/Users/administrator/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/ABC/a3481f272dab3f68e6e828203695f442/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/build-signature/signature' was not found on the Mac
File name: '/Users/administrator/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/ABC/a3481f272dab3f68e6e828203695f442/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/build-signature/signature'
at Xamarin.Messaging.Ssh.MessagingFileManager.d__11.MoveNext() in C:\d\lanes\5126\bd7e3753\source\xamarinvs\src\Messaging\Xamarin.Messaging.Ssh\MessagingFileManager.cs:line 171
this signaturefile is also on the right path.
My attempts to fix the error:
-Clean & rebuild has no effect.
-Delete the bin and obj Folder has no effect.
-I made the provisioning completely new has no effect.
-New projects work.
-This project work wehn i build it in Visual studio for mac
Has anyone an idea what could be the problem here?
I think that it is a general Xamarin problem. Old projects (before IOS11) can not run after update to IOS 11 in the simulator.
So, I decided to do the whole exercise of step by step mutating a newly created project (which deploys fine to the iOS 11 simulator) into my project (which does not) by using Beyond Compare to change file by file until no difference remains.
That took a good four hours (big project). All of that was to no avail however. :)
Because it turns out that what made the difference in the end was removing the iOS project from the solution and then adding it back (using the "add existing project" command).
This changes three things in the solution file:
Updates it to the latest VS solution format version.
Moves the iOS project to the bottom in a few places.
Fixes up some weird build configuration and/or platform configuration inconsistencies.
Naturally, I thought the last one would be the trick, so I tried only applying that delta in isolation, but that actually didn't fix the issue! I don't fully understand why, but actually performing the action of removing and re-adding the project does.
Very curious to see whether this works for others.

Application not getting deployed on Blackberry simulator

I am tried deploying .cod,.alx.jar files on blackberry simulator 8100;the application is not getting deployed on phone.I am using Blackberry plugin for Eclipse.
How can I solve this issue?
Please help
Thanks for your reply.
I am trying to run the application the way you suggested.
Do I need to setup new run configuration every time I run any project?
What should be default value for build configuration ? [Debug,Private,or Release]
Copying the .cod files into the simulator's directory (where all the other .cod files are) and restarting the simulator will work.
Probably though you want to automatically deploy from Eclipse. If this isn't working for you, there are a couple of things to check:
Check that the project has been activated for BlackBerry - from the right-click menu for the project, make sure that Activate For BlackBerry is checked.
If that's already checked (as it is by default when you create a new BB project), then sometimes explicitly building the project will do the trick: From the Project menu, choose Build Active BlackBerry Simulation
EDIT: In response to some comments below I thought of something else. The configuration you choose may have something to do with your problems (BlackBerry -> Build Configurations). The configuration in the JDE Plug-in doesn't affect the code generated, but it does affect which projects are activated for BlackBerry. If you switch configurations, your project may become un-activated.
Since it doesn't affect the code, I usually just pick one configuration and stick with it throughout debugging and release.
You might be missing 'jar' in your PATH. If so, the eclipse BB plugin silently fails and your application won't be pushed to your simulator plugin directory. To see this failure within eclipse, choose 'Project > Build Active BlackBerry Simulation'.
If you don't have jar in your path, then you will see:
I/O Error: Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified rapc executed for the project
So, if your JDK is here:
Then append it to your system environment's PATH variable, then re-run 'Build Active BlackBerry Simulation' and you should see:
rapc executed for the project [YOUR PROJECT]
Here are a couple of ideas:
1) If you have any build errors then the application won't deploy to the Simulator. The Eclipse compiler (that underlines compile errors in red) is different to the "rapc" one that creates the binary for the Simulator. I have heard of situations where the Eclipse build seems to work, but the rapc compile fails - check the Console for the detailed rapc output (this might not look like a normal Eclipse build error).
2) In the Eclipse menu, open BlackBerry -> Configure BlackBerry Workspace.
Under BlackBerry JDE choose Code Signing and make sure the three RIM checkboxes are selected. I had compile errors when these weren't selected.
Under BlackBerry JDE choose Installed Components. Choose to use the Component Package 4.7.0 as I have heard of problems with the 4.5.0 Simulator.
You should delete all these extra answers you posted, or you might get downvotes - they should be comments instead of answers.
Check if your simulator is set up to clean the file system / configuration before launching the simulator. Simulators can be set up like this. If you deactivate it, the application should not disappear.
For future readers, there is another possibility for this issue. Check your workbench project directory (folder) for a ProjectName.err file. This may provide a clue as to why your build is silently failing and thus not deploying. In my case, it was an "Error!907", a new icon I added to my project was too big. There was absolutely no other indications in Eclipse 3.4.1 that there was a problem in my build.
Just ran through the same kind of problem : project compiled fine but didn't deploy on any device or on any simulator, even though the debugger said it was attached !
The problem came from a .zip file that was located in the ./src directory of the project, deleting or moving it somewhere else resolved this case.
I wish I hadn't spend 2+ hours on such a stupid problem :/
I know this is old, but you have to do the "generate ALX" option from right clicking the project menu as well or it won't deploy, at least it doesn't for me.
I ran into the same problem again and none of answers posted here worked for me.
I played around and finally made it work. The problem was that the output file name contained a hyphen ('-'). Changing this name in the Build section of BlackBerry app descriptor did the trick.
I mean, how stupid a developer must be to slip that kind of bug. No error reported and why reject the names with hyphens in the first place? Give me back my two hours RIM "developers"!
I had the same problem. The reason was using 'ü' character in the title.
I have been facing this problem today, but with a MIDlet project. It turned out to be that I forgot to specify the "Name of main MIDlet class" in the BlackBerry Application Descriptor (BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml). Once I specified it the application appeared on the simulator correctly.
