Why is my website images are swapping and the page is hanging on iPhone web browsers only? - ios

I have a website written in ASP.NET MVC (Razor). Recently, a few days ago the images on the website started swapping all over the place. When refreshing the site, it might just hang for quite some time or load all images correctly. So I plugged my iPhone to my Mac and used the web inspector to see whats going on. I found out that at the time of load the browser hangs on certain files. These files are either images or js libraries. The images are very small. Less then 10kb so it is not the size of the image.
This issue only happens on iPhones. I checked on several iPhones.
I have tried multiple Android devices, Mac and Windows computers and they all load fast and every image is in the right place - no issues.
I researched a bit and found out some interesting references to HTTP Pipelining. But if that was is the case, why would these issues start now?
I do not know what to thing anymore.
What am I trying to understand is why would that only happen on the iPhone?
Thank you,
Any clue would be appreciated.

I had the same issue. After months of breaking my head I decided to implement lazy load on all images. After that, swapping never occurred.
Page hanging could happen because of multiple reasons. I would definitely check the code again and in particular look for the way you handled unmanaged resources. More on unmanaged resources


EPiServer Output Cache clearing for no reason

We recently put live EPiServer output caching, this works fine locally and on our staging sites. For some reason since going live yesterday pages don't seem to stay in the cache for long, if at all. I can't see any obvious reason for this aside from genuine traffic?
To implement caching I added [ContentOutputCache] to the get methods of certain controllers. Then updated the Application Settings with the following:
uiUrl="~/EPiServer/CMS/" httpCacheExpiration="12:0:0" httpCacheVaryByCustom="path" httpCacheVaryByParams="id,epslanguage"
Has anyone seen anything like this before. I can't figure out why the cache keeps being dropped. Interestingly chrome tells me that the content is coming from the cache but the page load time is upwards of 20 seconds at times ... other times it's instant (when the caching is working).
I am not logged in to the CMS and no one is publishing anything.
Please let me know if you need any more info as always any help greatly appreciated on this.

IIS 7 over time performance degrading when rendering partial views

I have several websites that are currently experiencing the following problem. Over time, rendering of a specific partial view (asp.net mvc 1) will degrade, and take around ten times longer than it does normally. I currently have a workaround, but it's far from ideal.
Take this node off our load balancer
Stop IIS
Delete all temporary asp.net files
Start IIS
Hit the site to get caches populated and views compiled
Put the node back on the load balancer's rotation.
I know that it's not the restarting of IIS fixing it, it seems that the temp asp.net files have to be deleted for this to work properly. After those steps are completed, performance on the site is much, much better for around three to six hours. After that, it goes back to being terrible. The partial view that's having issues pretty much just renders out some html with cached data. We have not been able to reproduce this issue in our dev environment at all, so we're pretty stumped. We're going to be upgrading our live environment shortly, so I'd just like to know what's causing this problem. If it's configuration related at all, I want to make sure it's fixed with our new setup. Anyone ever seen this before?
There could be many things at play here, an initial check list
confirm app is not deployed in debug mode
what logging do you use and is it being done excessively?
what is the bottleneck on the server when this happens? memory? then you might have to check for a leak
do you regularly recycle your app pools?
Can you give some more details on what this partial view actually does?
The solution for this problem was to clean up the temporary asp.net files. We integrated this step into our deploy process, and the site overall has been running faster.

OpenAL randomly stops playing some sounds, can only fix with reboot

THE APPS: Two Cocos2d universal iOS games with a large customer base.
THE PROBLEM: Several months back (in 2011) reports started coming in, sounds would randomly cut out, only some of the sounds would play in the app, others wouldn’t. This problem can ONLY be fixed by a device reboot.
The SAME code and SAME sound files played fine for over a year with
NO bug reports of this sort. I wish I could pinpoint a date, but I
believe the problem started with an iOS update.
The bug is incredibly hard to reproduce. I have personally seen it
once, but I have had no luck causing it again. Yet we get 1-2
support emails a day with the same issue, some of which come in the
form a bad reviews. If I had to pull a number out of the air, I’d
guess we’re looking at a 1 in 1000 incidence. It seems maybe more
common on the iPad, but I’m not sure.
Restarting the device is the ONLY way to fix the problem.
Restarting the app does nothing, deleting the app and reinstalling
does nothing, has to be a power down and turn back on.
A few weeks ago in an attempt to blindly fix I dumped the Cocos2d
Sound engine and switched one of the apps over to ObjectAL (another
openAL based sound engine), hoping it might have fixed the problem.
It did not, same issue is occurring. As you'd note, both of these
are just interfaces for OpenAL.
The sound files themselves were converted from wavs to cafs using
Apple’s recommend method (
), although we also used the -c 1 flag to make them single channel.
Just to be clear, the bug has nothing to do with the usual sound
issues (mute switch, volume). A portion of the sounds continue
playing fine, but they will never all play again until the device is
powered down and restarted.
If anyone has any ideas I’d all, I’d be very grateful for the help. I’m at wits end here trying to fix a persistent bug I can’t recreate and that appears to be caused by something outside my control.
I've had similar problems with OpenAL, as the commenters stated. We had spurious problems on different hardware and on different OS releases. Really, it was nearly impossible to reproduce. The only reason we even found out about the problem was the significant percentage of users who experienced crashes or other severe audio problems. We tried for months trying to make it work, but in the end the stability problems we experienced just weren't manageable. We ended up going with another library and took OpenAL completely out of the picture. I certainly would not recommend it for new projects.

Application taking too much space in RAM causing the app to close

I'm having a problem with the app I'm building the RAM of the BB 9800 is too small.
I have a html5 application that I use in IOS and Blackberry.
I'm using phonegap plugin to pull data form server by using Sybase.
On IOS everything runs fine but on blackberry I frequently get a message "low on memory, please stop applications" and the only app running is mine. And usually this is followed by "app closing because its too big".
How can I either increase the memory available for my app (unlikely)
or decrease the amount my app is using (tips and guide lines)
I'm using:
Sencha Touch for our interface
Phonegap to access the native api
Sybase to do the sync between our local data and the server data
No toolkits - only one is sencha touch
everything is loaded at index.html - no ajax at all
index.html is a local file - no request loading
Sencha does the DOM stuff - not all screens in one main DOM - the screens are created on demand.
You mention you pull data from Sybase - is that when you get that memory error?
Unfortunately sencha/phonegap/sybase sync/your js will take memory (specially since it's all in one page), and those frameworks are big enough to cause troubles...
My suggestions:
if the error happens only when you load data, the question is how much data are you loading? maybe it's trying to download 1gb of data and trying to do that in memory? I would look into server-side paging to reduce your data-footprint
try to split into multiple .html pages each doing a subset of the work you are now doing in one big file...
Hope this helps

How do I download multiple large files and saving locally -- URLStream or URLLoader?

This is absolutely driving me crazy. While I'm a fan of the availability of asynchronous calls in AIR, I'm finding that being forced to use them for something that should be SUPER simple is a severe limitation. So severe that I may end up abandoning AIR and writing native Android and iOS apps instead of using the shared AIR platform.
OK, now that I have that off my chest, here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I have an app that, when deployed, is relatively small. But once deployed to a user's device that user will log in using a login name/password. Once they log in, content specific to that user needs to be downloaded and saved to the local device. Since the content varies by user I can't include it in the package for deployment.
But I cannot figure out how to accomplish this: say I want to download 10 files and each file is 2-3mb and I want to show a "Downloading, please wait..." view during the download. The application cannot proceed until all 10 files are downloaded. But since from what I've seen URLStream and URLLoader are both async I cannot figure out how to block the app from opening the "View available content" and say on the "Downloading, please wait..." view. Can anyone point me in the right direction??
I am new to AIR/Actionscript, but am a seasoned developer. Perhaps too seasoned in my old ways to think of an elegant solution to the above!
I would take a look at BulkLoader with a combination of dispatching/listening for completion. That way you can update the progress meter if you want, so on. Hope this helps.
