Can't seem to rejectChanges() on an entity where setDeleted() was called - breeze

I'm using Breeze version 1.5.5 and Knockout 3.4.0 in a SPA. I have a function I created to remove an entity from an array of entities. I'm trying to implement an undo using rejectChanges() but the observableArray is not reverting. When I call manager.getEntities() I see that the EntityState is set to 'unchanged'. I'm simplified the function to an inane example:
var removeVehicle = function(data) {
This function does not undelete the entity. However when I modify the function to just make a text change it undoes the change without issue.
var removeVehicle = function(data) {
I'd like to be able to undo the deletion but I'm not sure where to start. I've also tried adding an entity beforehand and rejectChanges does indeed remove it.
EDIT: (2016-03-09) The 'parent' of this entity is an object loaded all at once when the page is activated (Durandal). I'm not sure if it's relevant but apparently Breeze has some trouble with complex objects.
EDIT: (2016-03-11) I forked the breeze.js.samples project and made similar changes to the Todo-Knockout-Require project therein (Breeze Fork for SO35852344.) I still have the same issue. The exact location of the code in question is the removeItem function in the viewModel.js file.


Child navigation properties missing in imported entities in custom initializer

I have a custom entity definition like:
var Card = function () {};
var cardInitializer = function (card) {
// card.fields is defined in the metadata.
// card._cfields is an in-memory only field
// that breeze will not, and should not, track.
// Thus it is being added in the initializer
card._cfields = card.fields.slice();
When the data loads from the server everything is fine. The card.fields array has the corresponding data.
EDITED: Added more info and code of how manager is being set up
But when the data is round-tripped in local storage via .exportEntities and importEntities, the child data defined in the metadata, represented by the property card.fields in this example, is not loaded (the Array has length 0) during the initializer call, though it is subsequently available on the entity after load has completed.
Here is how the manager is being initialized:
var metadataStore = new breeze.MetadataStore();
var queryOptions = new breeze.QueryOptions( {
fetchStrategy: breeze.FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache
var dataService = new breeze.DataService({
serviceName: "none",
hasServerMetadata: false
manager = new breeze.EntityManager({
dataService: dataService,
metadataStore: metadataStore,
queryOptions: queryOptions
entityExtensions.registerExtensions(manager, breeze);
var entities = localStorage[storage];
if(entities && entities !== 'null'){
Wow. You ask for free support from the harried developer of a free OSS product that you presumably value and then you shit on him because you think he was being flippant? And downgrade his answer.
Could you have responded more generously. Perhaps you might recognize that your question was a bit unclear. I guess that occurred to you because you edited your question such that I can see what you're driving at.
Two suggestions for next time. (1) Be nice. (2) Provide a running code sample that illustrates your issue.
I'll meet you half way. I wrote a plunker that I believe demonstrates your complaint.
It shows that the navigation properties may not be wired up when importEntities calls an initializer even though the related entities are in cache.
They do appear to be wired up during query result processing when the initializer is called.
I cannot explain why they are different in this respect. I will ask.
My personal preference is to be consistent and to have the entities wired up. But it may be that there are good reasons why we don't do that or why it is indeterminate even when processing query results. I'll try to get an answer as I said.
Meanwhile, you'll have to work around this ... which you can do by processing the values returned from the import:
var imported = em2.importEntities(exported);
FWIW, the documentation is silent on this question.
Look at the "Extending Entities" documentation topic again.
You will see that, by design, breeze does not know about any properties created in an initializer and therefore ignores such properties during serialization such as entity export. This is a feature not a limitation.
If you want breeze to "know" about an unmapped property you must define it in the entity constructor (Card)... even if you later populate it in the initialized function.
Again, best to look at the docs and at examples before setting out on your own.

Breeze EntityManager not removing imported detached entites?

I'm using Wards excellent example of implementing many-to-many with breeze. (i'm going off the plunk in his post, cant link to it from here dont know why)
Everything is working great, changes are always saved to database correctly.
I am using 2 different (BreezeJS) EntityManagers: one for edits, and one as my "master". On saving the editor Em to database, it then imports all changes into the master Em so it all stays in sync. This has been working wonderfully for all my other functions.
However, when saving the many-to-many mapping, for some reason any deleted mappings are not removed from the master Em. (When I add mappings they correctly show up in the master Em right away).
Do I need to take another step to get my master Em to remove imported detached entities?
(FYI, everything is saving correctly to server, if I do hard page refresh, all my entities show up correctly).
My code for deleting entity on editor Em:myEntity.entityAspect.setDeleted();
Function below will export changed entities from editor Em:
function exportToMasterAfterSavingSuccess(saveResult){
masterEm.importEntities(manager.exportEntities(entities, false));
And the corresponding import function on master em:
function importEntities(entities){
var imported = manager.importEntities(entities,{ mergeStrategy: breeze.MergeStrategy.OverwriteChanges});
Thanks for uncovering a bug. One shouldn't be able to export or import a detached entity. In future, Breeze will throw if you attempt to do either.
Now I'll discuss your issue, your aims, and what I recommend that you do.
Update master EntityManager after saving deleted entities
As I understand it you maintain a masterEm which has only the saved state of entities. You make and save your changes in a separate editEm. You import entities that you will change into the editEm, make changes, save them, and (if the save is successful), you export the saved entities from editEm and import them back into masterEm. This is a common "sandbox editing" pattern.
Trouble arises when you delete an entity in editEm. After save, that entity is "Detached" in the editEm but it's still in an "Unchanged" state back in the masterEm. How do you communicate the fact that the entity is deleted and remove it from masterEm?
This dilemma exists independent of the "many-to-many" scenario that inspired your question.
I can see why your practice of importing the now-Detached entity from editEm to masterEm seemed to work. Doing that in v.1.5.3 caused the corresponding entity in masterEm to change to the "Detached" state ... which is what you wanted. The bug, as you saw it, was that the importEntities method didn't handle update of navigation properties properly when the imported entity is in a "Detached" state. You proposed teaching importEntities to "do the right thing" in that scenario.
What actually happened here is that you discovered a bug. You should never have been able to export a "Detached" entity and you shouldn't have been able to import one either. Breeze should have thrown an exception when you tried to export or import a "Detached" entity.
There are all kinds of reasons why asking an EntityManager to export/import "Detached" entities is a bad idea. I leave explication of those reasons for another day.
Rather than "solve" the problem of importing related "Detached" entities, we will throw an error.
This means that your partial solution will cease to work, leaving you apparently worse of than you are today. Fortunately, I have an alternative approach for you. I've written this utility function and tested it in DocCode:
function updateMasterWithSaveResult(masterEm, sourceEm, saveResult) {
var imports = [];
var deletes = [];
saveResult.entities.forEach(function(entity) {
if (entity.entityAspect.entityState.isDetached()) {
} else {
var exported = sourceEm.exportEntities(imports, {
includeMetadata: false,
asString: false // as JSON
deletes.forEach(function(detached) {
var entity = masterEm.getEntityByKey(detached.entityAspect.getKey());
entity && entity.entityAspect.setDetached();
Updated documentation
I just added this to our "Cool Breeze" documentation almost verbatim.
Please try this with the latest released version of breeze (1.5.3). A very similar bug was fixed there.
And just to be clear, and export can never include 'detached' entities ( only 'deleted' ones). Detached entities are, by definition, no longer attached to an EntityManager so the EntityManager no longer knows anything about them.
I'm having the exact same issue. I'm not doing many-to-many but still doing edits/adds/deletes in a separate entityManager.
I can confirm that the export DOES include Detached entities, and on import into the master entityManager with MergeStrategy.OverwriteChanges, those entities do become detached.
However, the newly detached entities are still associated with any related entities.
Reattaching and detaching seems to get everything back in sync as far as I can tell:
var result = manager.importEntities(imports);
.filter(function (entity) { return entity.entityAspect.entityState.isDetached(); })
.forEach(function (entity) { manager.attachEntity(entity); manager.detachEntity(entity); });
Breeze 1.5.3
Github issue with pull request:

Breeze.JS for SharePoint 2013 error saving changes

The object extraMetadata is undefined and throwing an error on line 247 of breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint.js
rawEntity.__metadata = { 'type': aspect.extraMetadata.type };
I suspect it is because I have not defined the type found in __metadata object on my entity definitions for breeze. Any suggestions on how to define my type correctly would be very welcome! Here is my type definition for one of the objects.
models.Project = {
name: 'Project',
defaultResourceName: 'getbytitle(\'Projects\')/items',
dataProperties: {
ID: {
type: breeze.DataType.Int32
Title: {
nullable: false
StatusId: {
type: breeze.DataType.Int32,
nullable: false
SelectedApproverId: {
type: breeze.DataType.Int32,
nullable: false
Created: {
type: breeze.DataType.DateTime
Modified: {
type: breeze.DataType.DateTime
navigationProperties: {
Status: {
type: "Status",
foreignKeyNames: ['StatusId'],
hasMany: false
SelectedApprover: {
type: "User",
foreignKeyNames: ["SelectedApproverId"]
UPDATE: 11/11/2013
If I run the following query:
return breeze.EntityQuery
.orderBy('Created desc')
.then(function (data) {
return data.results;
the results are an array of simple JavaScript objects, not Breeze Entities, that lack an __metadata properties. I'm trying to figure out why this is the case.
Update: 11/12/2014
I have confirmed that this issue presents itself when I have multiple entities defined under navigationProperties.
Please be sure you are using BreezeJS v.1.4.12 or later.
To be clear, the code to which you refer is on line 147 (not 247) of the breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint.js file in my possession.
It's located within the _createChangeRequest where it is preparing to save a modified entity. I'll assume that you have queried a Product entity, made changes to it, and are saving it back when the error occurs.
I don't believe the problem will be traced to how you defined the metadata for your Product type.
You should NOT define a __metadata property for your type. The __metadata property is something we expect SharePoint (any OData source in fact) to add to the JSON entity data that it sends to the client when you query that OData source for entities.
__metadata wouldn't be defined for results returned by a projection but then your issue concerns a modified entity so I'm assuming that you acquired this entity through a normal query ... one that did not have a select clause.
I'd like to know if you see the __metadata property in the JSON payload of a query that retrieved the entity you were modifying. Please examine the network traffic from the query request. If you don't see it there, we have to find out why the server didn't send it.
The __metadata property on the JSON node is a crucial part of the contract with the SharePoint OData server. That's how the Breeze client learns about the entity's type and its etag.
Look at the jsonResultsAdapter.visitNode and updateEntityNode methods. You'll see how the adapter uses __metadata to determine the EntityType for that data. You'll also see that the adapter moves the __metadata to the adapter result's extraMetadata property. BreezeJS subsequently moves that "extra metadata" from this result object to the entity's entityAspect.extraMetadata property.
Does this seem tortured? It is tortured. OData requires extra information to be carried around with the entity (specifically the etag) without which the server simply will not update or delete the entity. We have to squirrel that info away somewhere, out of your hair, and then bring it back when we make save requests to the server. We put it on the entityAspect in keeping with that property's role as the keeper of the "entity-ness" that has nothing to do with your object's business purpose and everything to do with how it is persisted.
So much for the why. Where is the bug?
The bug
The underlying bug is that this __metadata from the SharePoint OData source has disappeared. We don't know how it disappeared yet. But we're in big trouble without it.
The sharepoint adapter should give a better message when extraMetadata is missing. We actually look for that problem a few lines later; see adjustUpdateDeleteRequest:
var extraMetadata = aspect.extraMetadata;
if (!extraMetadata) {
throw new Error("Missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity");
That test appears too late. I'll make a note to move the test up.
But such a fix will only cause the save to fail with a better message. It won't tell you how to fix it.
So let's work on finding where the __metadata disappeared ... starting with whether it ever arrived in the first place.
I await your report.
Update 17 July 2014
I'm still waiting to hear if you are seeing the __metadata property in the payload of the response to the original entity query.
Meanwhile, I checked the OData specs (plural) for references to the __metadata property. It appears that the __metadata property has always been optional. It follows that an OData provider need not send or honor the etag ... and we know that this is possible because Web API 2 OData didn't support etags ... a defect soon to be corrected.
See the OData v.2 spec where it describes JSON format. Search for the term "__metadata".
The OData v.3 spec also calls for the __metadata property in a JSON response (at least a JSON verbose response).
But ... heavy sigh ... it appears that the __metadata property is gone from the v.4 spec and that the metadata information is supplied entirely through JSON annotations. The DataJS library (used by many but not all BreezeJS OData adapters) may map those annotations into the node's __metadata property but I can't confirm it yet. We have some work to do coping with all of these variations.
In the meanwhile, I think all BreezeJS OData dataservice adapters should take a more defensive position regarding extra metadata and should simply ignore the omission rather than throw exceptions.
We'll make these defensive changes very soon.
Of course the server will reject your update or delete request if the OData service actually requires an etag or other metadata. I don't know what we can do about that just yet.
There hasn't been a post in a while but I am going to share what I found as the problem and how I resolved it for me (because it took me a long time).
Basically the breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint adapter has a function serverTypeNameToClientDefault() that expects the SharePoint custom list type as returned by REST/OData in the __metadata "type" field to be in the exact format of:
SP.Data.**mylistname**sListItem** (notice the "sListItem" suffix; ; Ex. SP.Data.CustomersListItem)
This function does a string regex to extract the Breeze entity name from the SharePoint type and uses that name to look up the entity in the metadata store ("Customer" in the above example). If there is no match, Breeze will not find your entity and will return a basic object instead of a Breeze entity. Therefore your REST JSON result returned from SharePoint, even though it does have the __metadata property is not converted into a Breeze entity that contains the property entityAspect.extraMetadata, among other things. This is what leads to the error "Unable to get property 'type' of undefined or null reference"
For my solution, since in my case I don't care as much what the URL of my custom lists are, I just made sure that when my custom list was provisioned by SharePoint that it resulted in a name according to what Breeze expects. You accomplish this by setting the Url attribute of the ListInstance element like this:
Title="My Customers"
Url="Lists/Customers" <!-- List/Customer will not work -->
Description="My List Instance">
The better solution would be to make the serverTypeNameToClientDefault() function more robust or fix it to my needs locally but hopefully this can be addressed in a future version of the adapter.
Note that I have tested this solution with the following configurations (not all dependencies listed):
Breeze.Client 1.4.9 with Breeze.DataService.SharePoint 0.2.3
Breeze.Client 1.5.0 with Breeze.DataService.SharePoint 0.3.2
Also note that the 0.3.2 version of the adapter now displays a better error message when this happens as mentioned above -- "Missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity"; but it doesn't fix the problem.
Hope this helps someone.
For breeze v1.4.14 and breeze labs sharepoint 2013 v0.2.3 i am using small fix in file breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint.js.
At the end of function
function visitNode(node, mappingContext, nodeContext)
just before
return result;
i just set property extraMetadata like this:
result.extraMetadata = node.__metadata;
This seems to fix problem when i try to save modified entity back to sharepoint.
Sorry folks for the long overdue aspect of this, but I got the bug with the extra "s" resolved today... FINALLY. You can track the issue here:
This all stemmed from a very incorrect assumption I made. It's been fixed in version 0.6.2 of the data service adapter for SharePoint. Note that you MUST use the same name for your entity when creating it in the metadata store as the list where the data is coming from.
I resolved my issue with multiple navigationProperties on an entity by editing line 319 of breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint.js v.0.10.0
I changed:
if (entityType._mappedPropertiesCount <= Object.keys(node).length - 1)
if (entityType.dataProperties.length <= Object.keys(node).length - 1)
It looks like the _mappedPropertiesCount includes the navigationProperties count too. e.g. dataProperties.length + navigationProperties.length
The query node was then thought to not contain a full set of properties for the entity (it was assumed to be the result of a partial projection).
It therefore wasn't being treated as an entity, its metadata wasn't being set, and it ultimately wasn't being added to the cache.
It worked with only one navigationProperty as there were two extra items in Object.keys(node), __Metadata and ID. So it would still pass the test with one navigationProperty, but not two or more.

breeze rejectChanges issue with unmapped properties

In a previous question, it was stated that:
"On the client an unmapped property behaves in other respects like a mapped property"
"rejectChanges() reverts the property to that original value"
I'm experiencing the same issue described in that question: EntityManager.rejectChanges() doesn't revert unmapped properties to the original value, while EntityAspect.rejectChanges() does.
In the responses to that question, it was suggested that this was probably due to a coding error. I've made a plunker demonstrating the issue. Is there an error in my code that is causing this?
Edit - Updated Test Case:
test("reject changes reverts an unmapped property - only unmapped property changed", 1, function () {
var store = cloneModuleMetadataStore();
var originalTime = new Date(2013, 0, 1);
var Customer = function () {
this.lastTouched = originalTime;
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Customer", Customer);
var manager = newEm(store);
// create a fake customer
var cust = manager.createEntity("Customer", { CompanyName: "Acme" },
var touched = cust.lastTouched();
// we change only the unmapped property (uncomment the next line and the test will pass)
cust.lastTouched(new Date(touched.getTime() + 60000));
//cust.entityAspect.rejectChanges(); // roll back name change
manager.rejectChanges(); // would have same effect. Obviously less granular
ok(originalTime === cust.lastTouched(),
"'lastTouched' unmapped property should be rolled back. Started as {0}; now is {1}"
.format(originalTime, cust.lastTouched()));
you can see that in this environment, the test passes with entityAspect.rejectChanges(), but fails with manager.rejectChanges(). if a mapped property is changed along with the unmapped property, the test passes.
Updated answer 2/2/2014
Ok, what you have discovered is actually by design. And.. thanks for the test above, ( it makes understanding the issue much easier).
The issue here is that changes to unmapped properties do NOT change the EntityState of the entity. This decision was made because these changes do not actually ever need to be persisted to the server ( because there is nowhere to put them).
The second issue is that when calling EntityManager.rejectChanges we only process entities that have an Added, Modified or Deleted EntityState. Since an entity whose ONLY change is to an unmapped property does not fall into this category, the entity level rejectChanges call is never made.
There are several workarounds.
1) Call EntityAspect.setModified() after any change to an unmapped property. You can try this on the test above to see that it works. ( A slightly more complicated version of this is to use the EntityManager events to do this automatically).
2) Change any mapped property whenever you change an unmapped one.
3) Write your own EntityManager.rejectChanges that calls EntityAspect.rejectChanges on every entity in the EntityManager instead of just the 'changed' ones. This does have perf implications so I don't really recommend it unless you have a very small cache.
Please feel free to suggest an alternative that makes sense to you. We have considered adding settings to allow you to configure the treatment of unmapped properties. ( among these is whether an unmapped property change will change the entity state).
I can't repro this... and reviewing the code, the EntityManager.rejectChanges simply calls into the EntityAspect.rejectChanges for all entities within the manager.
So there are a couple of possibilities
1) The EntityAspect that you are NOT seeing rejectChanges work properly with is not actually "attached" to the EntityManager.
2) You are not actually comparing the behavior of "rejectChanges" on the SAME entity in both cases.
Take a look at the test cases within the DocCode sample in the Breeze zip. These tests require no UI and are typically very short. If you can paste a simple test here that fails in that environment, I will take a look. Having a UI involved often clouds the picture.

Extending entities on a per view basis with breeze.js in SPA

Trying to figure out how to extend entities that I query from breeze.js on a per-view basis in a single page application. Right now breeze is acting as the gate-keeper when it comes to extending (a.k.a materializing) them and I’m wondering what other options are available to allow me to do this. I initially started with knockout’s mapping plugin but found that it refused to handle child collections for some reason so I moved to using breeze’s constructor function and initializer methodology. The problem with this is that you can only define one custom "model" for an entity. I am looking for approaches that would allow a custom "model" of an entity on a per-view basis. I’ve already ruled out multiple managers. Querying meta-data multiple times is a huge unnecessary hit just to get this working.
This diagram visualizes what I’m trying to achieve. Both View 1 and View 2 ultimately query Entity B and both views require their own specific customization of the "model" of Entity B. Since View 1 loads first it’s custom "model" of Entity B "wins" and View 2 doesn’t have the opportunity to customize it. When View 2 eventually runs it’s query, any entities of type B that were already loaded by View 1 will have the custom "model" that View 1 defined which will make View 2 explode during binding. Any entities not already loaded by View 1 will now have View 2's custom "model" which would eventually crash View 1 if it could even get that far down the road. See this post.
My thought was to manually create my own custom "model" for each view that has an Entity observable and I could then iterate over every entity returned from a breeze query and new up this custom "model" and pass in the current item, assigning it to the Entity property. I don't really want to do this because I now have I'll have tons of iteration code everywhere and I'd much rather use knockout's mapping plugin. Pseudo code:
function view1EntityBModel(entity) {
var self = this;
self.Entity = ko.observable(entity);
self.myCustomProperty = ko.observable();
function view2EntityBModel(entity) {
var self = this;
self.Entity = ko.observable(entity);
self.isExpanded = ko.observable(false);
I was wondering if there are any other solutions available to achieve this same goal?
Or even better does anyone know how to make the knockout mapping plugin working on child collections?
I think the problem here is that by the time the mapping plugin gets a-hold of the breeze data the Children collection has already been converted into an observable array and the mapping plugin doesn't know that it needs to "call" the Children() property in order to get back a list.
var categoryMapper = {
create: function (options) {
return new categoryModel(;
Children: { // this doesn't fire for the children
create: function (options) {
return new categoryModel(;
function categoryModel(data) {
var self = this;
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, self);
Guessing that you've moved on by now, but thought I'd offer a recommendation for others in a similar position.
Our solution to a similar situation borrows from the breeze.js TempHire sample solution which implements a client side repository/uow pattern. The solution uses an EntityMananagerProvider to manage multiple EntityManagers. The EntityMananagerProvider makes a single call for metadata, which is then used to create new child EntityManagers - satisfying your concern regarding multiple metadata calls. You can then use custom models/uow/repositories to extend the child manager for specific views.
