Cordova: What is the right location to store recorded Audio files in iOS? - ios

I am using media plugin to record sounds.
var my_media = new Media('test.wav');
my_media.stopRecord() // after few seconds
my_media.release();;//works fine
// But when I try to Check if test.wav file exist I always get false as status.
//File name of our important data file we didn't ship with the app
var fileName = "test.wav";
function init() {
console.log("Checking for data file.");
//Check for the file.
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(fileName, onSuccess, onFail);
function onSuccess() {
console.log("Great! This file exists");
function onFail() {
console.log('Sorry! File not Found');
// I always get this message: Sorry! File not Found
What is right way to do this? After recording I want user to be able to see list of available recorded sounds and user should be able to play it. For that I need to check if file exists or not.
So how should we implement that?

You can display list of recorded files as:
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getDirectory(YOUR_PATH, {
create: true
}, function(directory) {
root_path = fileSystem.root.toURL();
var directoryReader = directory.createReader();
directoryReader.readEntries(function(entries) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
//Get file URL as: entries[i].toURL()); & display using creating dynamic tag.
}, function(error) {
}, function(error) {
alert("can't even get the file system: " + error.code);


Titanium add photo to specific gallery

So I have the following which works real nice as is:
button.addEventListener("click", function(e){
if(e.mediaType === Titanium.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO){
var imageView = Titanium.UI.createImageView({
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
top: 50,
zIndex: 1
} else {
alert("Only Photos aloud");
alert("There was an error");
alert("The event was cancelled");
allowEditing: true,
saveToPhotoGallery: true,
saveToPhotoGallery just adds the taken photo to the default gallery in the iOS Photos App.
I need to add the photo to a specific folder in the iOS Photos App though.
Has anyone an idea how I could do this from with Titanium ?
I have been searching the intewebs but have not found anything on how to add a taken photo to a specific folder.
Thank for the help guys
But, let me specify that the file can be save in the Application Directory only in IOS but in android you can save it in the externalStorage. You can have look at the documentation through the below link :!/guide/Filesystem_Access_and_Storage
You can easily save the file to your folder using the following code :
var f12 = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.externalStorageDirectory);
} else {
var f12 = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory);
var galleryImg =;
var fileToSave = null;
var fileName = 'IMG' + todayDate + "HB" + Ti.App.Properties.getInt('imgCounter') + '.jpg';
fileToSave = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(f12.resolve(), fileName);
} else {
fileToSave = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(f12.resolve(), fileName);
If you want to create a subDirectory then use the following code :
var dir = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory,'mysubdir');
dir.createDirectory(); // this creates the directory
But, let me specify that the file can be save in the Application Directory only in IOS but in android you can save it in the externalStorage. You can have look at the documentation through the below link :!/guide/Filesystem_Access_and_Storage
You Could do it this way :
// get the TiBlob
var blob = img_view.toImage();
// try to save the image the image
success: function(e){
if (callback == undefined) {
alert('Saved image to gallery');
} else {
error: function(e){
alert("Error saving the image");
Good Luck, Cheers

Cordova iOS Video tag Local File Source

I have problem playing local video on iOS on my Cordova based app. At the beginning I want to stress out that this problem is happening only when I'm using WKWebView, and if UiWebView is used, video plays fine. This is scenario I have:
-User comes to screen to which video url is passed
-Via FileTransfer I download it to phone and store it at desired location
-Using JS video is loaded to <video> tag and played.
Basically I'm doing everything as described in answer to this SO question.
The problem with UiWebView was that if relative path was set to src, video for some reason couldn't be loaded (no matter which combination I used), so this solution worked great for me, because it is based on this line of code:
This returns full path of the downloaded video which is great, at least for the UiWebView.
The problem for WkWebView is that entry.toURL() returns smth. like this:
And WKWebView doesn't work with file:// protocol. Also, neither WKWebView works wit relative paths :(
Can anyone help me to fix this ?
I got this working today with the following but only when deployed to my device in Release mode. When deploying the app in Debug mode to my device it would not work.
iOS 9.3.2
Cordova 4.0.0 (iOS 3.8.0)
Telerik WKWebView Polyfill 0.6.9
Video list load method:
var path = window.cordova.file.documentsDirectory, //iTunes File Sharing directory
href = 'http://localhost:12344/Documents', //WKWebView default server url to documents
list = [];
function fsSuccess(dir) {
var reader = dir.createReader();
reader.readEntries(function (entries) {
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
list.push({ name: entries[i].name, path: href + entries[i].fullPath });
function fsError(error) {
console.log('error', error)
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(path, fsSuccess, fsError);
Video list click handler:
var video = $('#video')[0],
source = $('#source');
function play(index) {
source.attr('src', list[index].path);
Video player markup:
<video id="video" autoplay controls loop webkit-playsinline>
<source id="source" type="video/mp4" />
I was banging my head on my desk a la Ren Hoek while debugging until I attempted a release buid and it worked.
Sample snippet that uses cordova file opener plugin to open the download file from device.(Not tested in WKWebView though)
var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
var cdr;
if (sessionStorage.platform.toLowerCase() == "android") {
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, onFileSystemSuccess, onError);
} else {
// for iOS
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, onError);
function onError(e) {
navigator.notification.alert("Error : Downloading Failed");
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
var entry = "";
if (sessionStorage.platform.toLowerCase() == "android") {
entry = fileSystem;
} else {
entry = fileSystem.root;
entry.getDirectory("Cordova", {
create: true,
exclusive: false
}, onGetDirectorySuccess, onGetDirectoryFail);
function onGetDirectorySuccess(dir) {
cdr = dir;
dir.getFile(filename, {
create: true,
exclusive: false
}, gotFileEntry, errorHandler);
function gotFileEntry(fileEntry) {
// URL in which the pdf is available
var documentUrl = "http://localhost:8080/testapp/test.pdf";
var uri = encodeURI(documentUrl);, cdr.nativeURL + "test.pdf",
function(entry) {
// Logic to open file using file opener plugin
function(error) {
function openFile() {
cdr.nativeURL + "test.pdf",
"application/pdf", //mimetype
error: function(e) {
navigator.notification.alert("Error Opening the File.Unsupported document format.");
success: function() {
// success callback handler

Downloaded image not shown in iOS gallery while shown in android phone gallery

I used telerik app builder platform to create application. I created download image functionality. This functionality is working on android device, but not on iOS. I don't know why it is not working.
When the user downloads an image using application in android device, then cordova filesystem creates directory and saves image into that directory and image was also shown in gallery. While user performs same action in iOS then it does not create any directory and the image is not shown in gallery. I haven't found where to save this image.
Please give suggestion on how to save downloaded image in iOS gallery.
My code is below
function onDeviceReady() {
var that = this,
App = new downloadApp(),
fileName = "sample.png",
uri = encodeURI(""),
folderName = "test";
navigator.splashscreen.hide();, fileName, folderName);
downloadApp.prototype = {
run: function (uri, fileName, folderName) {
var that = this,
filePath = "";
document.getElementById("download").addEventListener("click", function () {
function (fileSystem) {
that.getFolder(fileSystem, folderName, function (folder) {
filePath = folder.toURL() + "\/" + fileName;
that.transferFile(uri, filePath)
}, function () {
console.log("failed to get folder");
function () {
console.log("failed to get filesystem");
getFilesystem: function (success, fail) {
window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, success, fail);
getFolder: function (fileSystem, folderName, success, fail) {
fileSystem.root.getDirectory(folderName, { create: true, exclusive: false }, success, fail)
transferFile: function (uri, filePath) {
var transfer = new FileTransfer();
function (entry) {
var targetPath = entry.toURL();
function (error) {
Try to download by using plugin. It will download a picture from a given URL and save it to IOS Photo Gallery.
Cordova plugin add
How to use:
declare var CordovaImageSaveToGallery: any;
//download success
//error on download

Cordova / Ionic - Download file from InAppBrowser

The scenario goes like this: I open a website in InAppBrowser, after the user ends with the work over there, the site generates a .pdf for the user to download, the problem is that the pdf does not download, it opens it in the browser.
Is there a way to make it download from the InAppBrowser? I'm currently working on an iOS app, so the solution would be better for iOS.
Thanks in advance.
Following #jcesarmobile advices this is what I came up with:
First I had to install the cordova-plugin-file-transfer
Open URL
var url = "";
var windowref =, '_blank', 'location=no,closebuttoncaption=Cerrar,toolbar=yes,enableViewportScale=yes');
Create a listener on that windowref for a loadstart event and check if what's being loaded is a pdf (that's my case).
windowref.addEventListener('loadstart', function(e) {
var url = e.url;
var extension = url.substr(url.length - 4);
if (extension == '.pdf') {
var targetPath = cordova.file.documentsDirectory + "receipt.pdf";
var options = {};
var args = {
url: url,
targetPath: targetPath,
options: options
windowref.close(); // close window or you get exception
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
setTimeout(function() {
downloadReceipt(args); // call the function which will download the file 1s after the window is closed, just in case..
}, 1000);
Create the function that will handle the file download and then open it:
function downloadReceipt(args) {
var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
var uri = encodeURI(args.url);
uri, // file's uri
args.targetPath, // where will be saved
function(entry) {
console.log("download complete: " + entry.toURL());, '_blank', 'location=no,closebuttoncaption=Cerrar,toolbar=yes,enableViewportScale=yes');
function(error) {
console.log("download error source " + error.source);
console.log("download error target " +;
console.log("upload error code" + error.code);
The problem i'm facing now is the path where it downloads, I just can't open it. But well, at least file is now downloaded. I will have to create a localStorage item to save the paths for different files.
Many validations are missing in this steps, this was just an example I made quickly to check if it works. Further validations are needed.
Open you window using IAB plugin and add an event listener
ref =, "_blank");
ref.addEventListener('loadstop', loadStopCallBack);
In the InAppBrowser window call the action using https://xxx.pdf">documentName
Implement the loadStopCallBack function
function loadStopCallBack(refTemp) {
if(refTemp.url.includes('downloadDoc')) {
rtaParam = getURLParams('downloadDoc', refTemp.url);
if(rtaParam != null)
function getURLParams( name, url ) {
try {
if (!url)
url = location.href;
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
var results = regex.exec(url);
return results == null ? null : results[1];
} catch (e) {
return null;
After create a download method
function downloadFileFromServer(fileServerURL){
try {
var Downloader = window.plugins.Downloader;
var fileName = fileServerURL.substring(fileServerURL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var downloadSuccessCallback = function(result) {
var downloadErrorCallback = function(error) {
// error: string
//TODO cordova.file.documentsDirectory for iOS
var options = {
title: 'Descarga de '+ fileName, // Download Notification Title
url: fileServerURL, // File Url
path: fileName, // The File Name with extension
description: 'La descarga del archivo esta lista', // Download description Notification String
visible: true, // This download is visible and shows in the notifications while in progress and after completion.
folder: "Download" // Folder to save the downloaded file, if not exist it will be created
};, downloadSuccessCallback, downloadErrorCallback);
} catch (e) {
you can get the plugin here
it Works and was too easy

How to return a FileContent with FileReader from function in PhoneGap iOS?

If, for example, i will that fileReader must return a content value of file, i get back only empty string. Global variable for me impossible to use, only local. Is it possible?
What do i wrong?
function onDeviceReady() {
console.log("==> DEVICE READY");
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFSSuccess, fileErrorMSG);
function onFSSuccess(fs) {
fileSystem = fs;
function readlocalFile(fileName) {
var core = "";
fileSystem.root.getFile(fileName, {create: false}, function(f) {
f.file(function(e) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(evt) {
var res = $.parseJSON(;
core = res;
}, fileErrorMSG);
return core;
function loadDefaultCore(url) {
if (url) {
var myCore = readlocalFile(url);
console.log(myCore); // **output - empty string!!!!!!!!**
} else {
alert('can not load default core');
Well there a bunch of things to consider. In brief:
First, to read a file you need to get the file system.
Second, on success you need to get the file entry using the file system.
Third, on success read the file using the file entry.
The three have to be chained via the functions callbacks.
You are getting empty as you file is not being read.
I follow the chain an after the onFSSuccess function the chain is broken, the readLocalFile function is not being called, just add it after you assign your file system to the fileSystem variable which I assume is a global variable. Or call your function loadDefaultCore, I am not sure which one you really want to call first.
It will help you if you add more console log messages in each function so you can actually debug the problem easily.
Also, did you have your document even listener attached to the device ready function?
Any messages, errors warnings in the console?
From the phonegap file api, follow this and you will be safe. Check the doc for the phonegap version you are working on.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// Wait for Cordova to load //function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); }
// Cordova is ready //function onDeviceReady() { window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail); }
function gotFS(fileSystem) { fileSystem.root.getFile("readme.txt", null, gotFileEntry, fail); }
function gotFileEntry(fileEntry) { fileEntry.file(gotFile, fail); }
function gotFile(file){ readDataUrl(file); readAsText(file); }
function readDataUrl(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(evt) { console.log("Read as data URL"); console.log(; }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }
function readAsText(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(evt) { console.log("Read as text"); console.log(; }; reader.readAsText(file); }
function fail(evt) { console.log(; }
