I am trying to install this 3rd party Heroku buildpack for ImageMagick: https://github.com/ello/heroku-buildpack-imagemagick
I tried running this command:
heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/ello/heroku-buildpack-imagemagick
Then I repushed my app to the server, and did a restart. The app didn't work. So I tried restarting the dyno using this command:
heroku ps:scale web=1
I get this response, and cannot run the app unless I remove the ImageMagick buildpack:
Scaling dynos... failed ! Couldn't find that formation.
Any idea how I can get ImageMagick properly installed?
I ran into this yesterday. I don't know about your specific instance but in mine, I had added this build pack after my others. It needed to be before.
In addition, I needed to purge the cache. My remote is called production, so I did the following:
heroku plugins:install https://github.com/heroku/heroku-repo.git
heroku repo:purge_cache --remote production
heroku buildpacks:remove https://github.com/ello/heroku-buildpack-imagemagick --remote production
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 https://github.com/ello/heroku-buildpack-imagemagick --remote production
Then I pushed my repo to --remote production and it worked.
I am using gem Watir in my web application. When my user triggers an action the watir webdriver is opened and there's scrapping and posting on websites involved. I dont want my users to see the browser during the action so I am using watir with a ghostdriver using phantomJS as is explained here : http://watirmelon.com/2013/02/05/watir-webdriver-with-ghostdriver-on-osx-headless-browser-testing/
This works perfectly locally, however when I try using it on heroku deploy I get the following error:
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError (Unable to find phantomjs executable.):
Then I tried to add nodeJS & phantomJS buildpack as specified here
Is there a working nodejs/phantomjs Heroku buildpack?
I ran the following command line in the console :
➜ tennis-match git:(master) heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs.git --app we-tennis-staging
Buildpack set. Next release on we-tennis-staging will use https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs.git.
Run `git push heroku master` to create a new release using this buildpack.
➜ tennis-match git:(master) heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 https://github.com/stomita/heroku-buildpack-phantomjs.git --app we-tennis-staging
Buildpack added. Next release on we-tennis-staging will use:
1. https://github.com/stomita/heroku-buildpack-phantomjs.git
2. https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs.git
Run `git push heroku master` to create a new release using these buildpacks.
then pushed on my staging app
➜ tennis-match git:(master) git push staging master
Everything up-to-date
But I still get the error. Do you have any idea on how to fix this ?
This worked for me.
Note: After following the above instructions, make sure you have a Procfile with the code mentioned below:
web: bin/rails server -p $PORT -e $RAILS_ENV
I recently started collaborating in a project on Heroku using Ruby on Rails. I was added as a collaborator and added the remote to my environment. After some development, I pushed some changes and had no problems:
$ git push staging
Where staging is the name of my remote.
Later, when trying to run "rake test" on Heroku, I recieved an error:
$heroku run rake test --app staging
Running `rake test` attached to terminal... failed
! You do not have access to the app staging.
Which is odd, as I was perfectly able to push my own changes. I checked the Heroku dashboard and saw that my push was logged there. I then tried to view the logs using the console, and the same problem occured.
$ heroku logs --app staging
! You do not have access to the app staging.
Finally, I tried to access the console, but it failed as well.
$ heroku run rails console --app staging
Running `rails console` attached to terminal... failed
! You do not have access to the app staging.
At this point I updated my Heroku toolbelt installation, and used "heroku auth" to verify that my email was showing up, but the error persists. I'm currently contacting Heroku support but I'm hoping someone with a similar issue could aid me in parallel.
So just in case anyone is having a similar problem, this occurs because I was mixing the name of my Heroku Apps with the name of my git remotes. So when I was calling --app staging (the name of my remote), I should have been using the actual name of the app, as found in Heroku.
Be sure to run heroku login before using Heroku toolbelt commands for the first time. It will not tell you that you have not signed in before.
This happen also when you haven't added heroku git remote repository.
You can add it with this command:
git remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/<your project>.git
You can also type
heroku git:remote -a AppName
I had the same problem because I had created multiple remotes on heroku (e.g. a remote called "staging" for staging, and the default remote "heroku" for prod).
Use these two options to let heroku know which app and remote you're referring to:
-a your_app_name, and
--remote name_of_remote
For example, for the remote called staging:
heroku run env -a your_app_name --remote staging
or like this for the production remote:
heroku run env -a your_app_name --remote heroku
Extra Info
The above code runs the simple command env, but you can replace that with whatever commands you want to run on heroku.
Replace the name of the remote. By default, heroku creates one remote called heroku, which is typically the production remote. You can get your remotes with the command: git remote.
This was caused of your ssh key is no more permited to access. Make sure your ssh key is same. You can also regenarate your ssh key and add this to heroku.
You can also run:
heroku run rake test --remote staging
Not sure what happens under the hood, but locally the CLI tool figures out which app you mean based on your git remote.
I had the same problem in my case I was not pushing from master so I had to use this:
git push heroku :main
I had the same problem. It was cause I was not login in Heroku.
First I type:
heroku login
then i type:
heroku git:remote -a restserver-node-jngs
and it works.
I hope it be helpfull for someone.
I'm a novie in heroku. When I was performing my CS169.1x homework2 (deploying an application) I ran into a problem with database filling using the following command: heroku run rake db:migrate. Here is terminal dump:
saasbook#saasbook:~/Documents/hw2_rottenpotatoes$ git pull heroku master
From heroku.com:afternoon-cove-7289
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
saasbook#saasbook:~/Documents/hw2_rottenpotatoes$ git push heroku master
Everything up-to-date
saasbook#saasbook:~/Documents/hw2_rottenpotatoes$ heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku run rake db:migrate: command not found
What may be wrong? If there is error dump on heroku to check?
Have you installed the heroku gem? If you have heroku in the gemfile, you may need to do
bundle exec heroku run...
just to make sure you have heroku installed, what happens when you run:
$heroku help
I'm running two apps on Heroku, one being myapp-production and the other one being myapp-staging.
For some reason however, the staging app uses the production environment configuration rather than the staging configuration, which I have defined in staging.rb.
The way I set up the staging app was by running
heroku create --stack cedar --remote staging
and afterwards
heroku config:add RACK_ENV=staging --app myapp-staging
Yet myapp-staging is still using the production configuration. Any ideas why and how to address that?
It's important to add RAILS_ENV=staging too
heroku config:add RAILS_ENV=staging --app myapp-staging
Did you restart your dynos (heroku restart) after making this change to your configuration?
After three evenings on this problem and reading all the posts about this, I have to ask this question finally!
I want to deploy the most simple Rails app to Heroku:
rails new test_appli
cd test_appli
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
heroku create
git push heroku master
Everything's OK, the application works well on Heroku. After that, I'll create a SQLite3 database:
rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string
rake db:migrate
Everything's OK on the local machine. I can see localhost:3000/users well. Then I want to put the DB on Heroku. First I modify my Gemfile:
group :production do
gem 'pg'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3'
Then I send the whole thing to Heroku:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "with Database"
git push heroku master
heroku rake db:migrate
Then there are no errors in the batch, everything is OK, the DB is sent, but the page heroku.com/users gives the error
Rails 500, "We're sorry, but something went wrong"
I don't know more what to do. Can you help me?
I suspect you're trying to deploy a Rails 3.1 application to the bamboo stack (heroku create defaults to the 1.9.2 bamboo stack and doesn't run Rails 3.1 out of the box.). The Cedar stack is much better suited to Rails 3.1 sites -
heroku create --stack cedar
when creating your application on Heroku and repush it up. Also note your rake command on Heroku will become
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku run rake db:schema:load
I had the same issue. It works for me after git push heroku master
Don't do the git init in the second set of commands - you only need to initialise your Git repo once.
Other than that this looks fine - are you seeing any errors anywhere?
Why would you use the pg gem in your production group, but the sqlite3 gem in your development group? Seems to me that your problem is likely due to the fact that you're developing with a different database then you're using in the production environment. If I were you, I would stick to one, which would make it much easier to debug.
If you really want/need to get the application running ASAP, then just run it in production with sqlite... Gemfile:
gem 'rails'
gem 'sqlite3'
Also, a quick way to figure out what the error is would be to run heroku logs from the unix console.
Which version of Rails?
Can you try creating the application running on the Cedar stack?
heroku create myapp --stack cedar
Given the application is running on cedar you need to modify the commands a bit, for example:
heroku run rake db:migrate
In any case you really need to checkout your logs, because your problem might not even be database related, but assets related.
Do you have the heroku shared 5mb database instance added?
When you create your heroku app (on cedar) it doesn't necessarily create the database automatically.
airlift:projects $ heroku create --stack cedar testapp9
Creating testapp9... done, stack is cedar
http://testapp9.herokuapp.com/ | git#heroku.com:testapp9.git
airlift:projects $ heroku addons --app testapp9
When you view your heroku config, you get nothing:
heroku config
airlift:projects $ heroku config --app testapp9
airlift:projects $
To add a database:
heroku addons:add shared-database:5mb
airlift:projects $ heroku addons:add shared-database:5mb --app testapp9
-----> Adding shared-database:5mb to testapp9... done, v3 (free)
airlift:projects $ heroku config
No app specified.
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app <app name>
airlift:projects $ heroku config --app testapp9
DATABASE_URL => postgres://blah:blah#blah.compute-1.amazonaws.com/blah
SHARED_DATABASE_URL => postgres://blah:blah#blah.compute-1.amazonaws.com/blah
airlift:projects $
Then you should be able migrate your db.
Hey #redronin thanks for helping me find a way to connect to my postgres database on Heroku, however as a newbie to Heroku and postgresql I had to reverse engineer what "blah" was. So I figure I would break it down to help others as you helped me.