Archive validation failed with errors Due to Unknown Reasons - ios

Archive validation failed with errors
Because of these kinds of errors
Show in imageError

This has been happening recently, its either a bug with xcode or apple, but if you archive and then click export (next to validate), then select "For Apple Store Deployment", this will create an IPA file from your app. Next, in Xcode, go to the top bar under the Xcode menu select "Open Developer Tool" and select the Application Loader. Then select Deliver your App and choose the ipa file you just created and this will send it to the store if it is a valid ipa.
Check in your info.plist (open as source) and make sure you have this key
Also make sure your bundle identifier matches what you have listed on the store.


App Installation Failed and lost Device Management in iPhone device after solving the provisioning profile problem

Although this seems to be an issue with Apple, I've been able to find a temporary solution which has worked for me:
Open your project in XCode.
Select your project from the project navigator and then select your target from the column.
Click on the General tab and under the Signing section, make sure "Automatically manage signing" is enabled.
Click on the Capabilities tab and turn On both the "App Groups" and "Keychain Sharing" settings. This might raise an "Automatic signing failed" popup error, just click cancel to make it go away.
This should generate a entitlements file for you named nameProject.entitlements in the project folder of your project navigator.
Move this entitlements file outside of the folder, just below your project file.
Select your target again and return to the Capabilities tab to turn Off both the "App Groups" and "Keychain Sharing" settings. This again might raise an "Automatic signing failed" popup error, just click cancel to make it go away.
Now select your project above the target and go to Building Settings tab.
Scroll down to the Code Signing Identity setting under the Signing header and select iOS Developer from each drop down.
Under the above Signing header, double click the text field beside the Code Signing Entitlements and enter the name of your entitlements file, nameProject.entitlements.
You should now no longer have the Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "Project" target's entitlements. error. Hopefully this helps!
This is by #Zameer.
I have done this to solve the provisioning profile problem but now having I have 'App Installation Failed' problem and I couldn't install the app on my iPhone device.
This whole issue is such a mess due to certification issues over at Apple. There's a fair chance that after installation you'll get an error saying that the device denied a launch request, but if you're up for some attempts at a workaround you can either:
Create new user on your Mac
Go into the keychain and under System, All Items -> delete certificate Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority
The idea behind it is that you get a new certificate (which is necessary to install and launch apps on the iDevice. YMMV because the whole crux of the issue is that distribution of valid certificates is impaired at the moment.

Error publishing on appstore - Storyboard file 'MainStoryboard_iPad~ipad.storyboardc' was not found

I have the error: "ERROR ITMS-90029: "Storyboard file 'Main_iPad~ipad.storyboardc' was not found. Please ensure the specified file is included in the bundle with any required device modifiers appended to the filename.", When I try to submit to the app store from xcode.
I've tried all solutions that I found posted in stackoverflow with no luck.
I've removed the value for the key Main storyboard file base name in the project's info.plist file. and also I've delete the entry since it's no design for ipad, but it did not work.
I generated the IPA file and try to submit with aplication loader but produces the same error.
I was having the same issue and I resolved it by doing this:
Remove Main_iPad~ipad.storyboardc from info.plist (you already did this)
Remove your Apple ID in account Xcode->Preferences->Accounts
Close and reopen Xcode.
Add your Apple ID again (If you were using a #me account, change it for #icloud).
Clean, build, archive.
Upload to iTunes from Xcode or export the IPA and then use Application loader. In my case it worked unchecking the bottom left corner option ¨send bit code".

ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - iOS Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision."

When I upload to Application Loader I receive the following message:
ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - iOS Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision."
I have this contained in my app folder. When I compress no matter how obvious I make the provisioning profile, I receive this error trying to upload my app for Apple.
If you are using Ionic / Cordova like I am see this announcement...
It's just one setting, then re-run your Archive to Submit to the Apple Store like normal.
Go to "File" > "Project Settings..."
then select "Legacy Build System"
To upload a archive to AppStoreConnect I had to change the default build system in xcode10 within "File > Project / Workspace Settings" and change it to the Legacy Build system.
This worked for me
1 - Certificates, IDs & Profiles
2 - Provisioning Profiles
3 - Distribution
4 - Add Button
5 - Distribution -> App Store -> Continue
6 - Choose Apple Id -> Continue
7 - Select certificates -> Continue
8 - Set Profile Name -> Continue
9 - Download
10 - In Xcode -> Product -> Archive, In Re-sign "App Name" make option Manually manage signing -> choose the Distribution certificate and import your provisioning profile downloaded on step 9.
Sorry for my English, I'm from Brazil
If you submit your build to the AppStore in an IPA archive format (example: Game.ipa), make sure that the Payload folder is at the root of the archive, otherwise you'll get the error: Missing Provisioning Profile - - Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision.
in .plist add
Application requires iPhone environment , Yes !
I tested this , really worked !
I've faced same problem and solved by following below points.
For our clarification, please re-download your distribution provisional profile.
Please make sure you are generating ipa by setting "Generic iOS Device" in xcode.
Clean and build your project.
Place your product file in "Payload" folder and compress this folder and change .zip to .ipa
Now upload your ipa. It worked for me.
Hope this helps.
For those that are using the command line to build, and were using the flag (UseModernBuildSystem=0) to avoid this problem, seems that since the release of package cordova-ios 5.0.0, it's no longer needed. So if you update your Ionic / Cordova App dependency, will work normally.
I can confirm your solution works. To summarize the hacks so far:
1. While building, we need to do (if using ionic) ionic cordova build ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
2. When you open it in Xcode, you can continue using "Automatic Sign" for the project, but when you upload the archive to App Store (for TestFlight or App Store) , you need to select "manually manage signing". When you select manual signing you will see there is no associated provisioning profile (huh...) so select one, and the right distribution profile.
I've managed to upload and distribute successfullly.
To locate the embedded provisioning profile in the app binary:
In Xcode, select your project in the project navigator.
Click the disclosure triangle next to the project to reveal the contents.
Click the disclosure triangle next to Products to reveal the binary.
Control-click the binary file, and choose “Show in Finder” from the shortcut menu to go to the Xcode build location in the Finder.
In the Finder, Control-click the binary file, and choose Show Package Contents from the shortcut menu.
For iOS apps, a provisioning profile called embedded.mobileprovision appears in the Finder window.
For Mac apps, the embedded file is called embedded.provisionprofile.
To verify the entitlements of the embedded provisioning profile
Launch Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities), and enter this text (do not press Return):
security cms -D -i
In the Finder, drag the provisioning profile in the app binary to Terminal.
Press Return.
This command outputs a property list in XML format.
If you don't have an embedded.mobileprovision file, that seems to be the problem and you probably did not build the app properly for app store distribution.
I redid the 'Upload to App XStore..." and it worked the second time.

After Upgrading, XCode gives "The Package Does Not Contain an Info.plist" error when Archiving

I have an iOS 7 app in the app store which has many in-app purchases. The in-app purchases are simply new .json data structures that I have hosted with Apple. The IAPs used to submit perfectly, but I just upgraded to XCode 6.1 when I upgraded my machine from Mountain Lion to Yosemite. Now whenever I archive a new IAP package or rearchive an old one that submitted properly last week, I get:
"Unable to validate your application. The package does not contain an Info.plist".
When I click on my target (in the Navigator pane), Build Settings | Packaging shows:
Info.plist File as "north_carolina.pittsburgh/ContentInfo.plist". (Debug and Release subheadings show the same information).
Product Name is "north_carolina.pittsburgh".
The ContentInfo.plist file is in the Supporting Files folder of my target (in the Navigator pane). In it I have keys for
ContentVersion (value set to 2.0)
Bundle versions string, short (value set to 2.0)
Finally, in the Products folder of the Navigator, I have north_carolina.pittsburgh next to the red target icon, and the words are in red.
How can I get this archive to validate properly?
The error message is incorrect. What it's really erroring out on is that your "version" and "bundle" number strings probably aren't both set. Make sure you specify both in the Identity section.
This seems to be XCode 6.1 bug. However you can actually ignore the error and proceed to export as an installer package (.pkg file will be created). Use this .pkg in the Application Loader.
I ran into the same issue with the Xcode Archiver but I was able to submit using the Application Loader. Here are the steps I followed:
Open Application Loader and select New In-App Purchase and click the Choose button
A new pop-up opens with your app list from iTunes Connect. Click on the app for which you're adding the in-app purchase, and then click the Manage button.
You should see the list of in-app purchases you've created for your app. Select the in-app purchase you're uploading. Then click the Hosted Content tab at the bottom of the pop-up window.
The window should update with a new section that says Hosted Content Package. Click the Choose... button and find the .pkg file you exported from the Archiver. Then click the Next button.
You should get the message Validation completed. Your package has validated correctly. Click Deliver and you should see the message Uploaded package to the iTunes Store.
If you go to your in-app purchase in iTunes Connect you should see the package you just uploaded under the Hosting Content With Apple section. Hope this helps!
Set "Bundle OS Type code" as "APPL" it solved my problem , but you have to ensure that its in your project directory , include short and version string.
I had the same problem, it turned out to be a problem with spaces in the .app name. Make sure the product name does not have any
In fact, it appears that the organizer does not provides the information if there is an error.
The best is to:
- export the file as an ipa
- use application loader
Then you will have a DETAILLED explanation about the issue
In my case, the error was that the architecture was Arm7 (on an old project) while the request now is to be 'standard (arm7/arm8/arm64) as well a CFBundlePackageType entry.

Can't read PKZip signature validating app for App Store

I am attempting to submit a new version of my app to the App Store.
I am using Xcode 6 GM. The previous version of this app was submitted with Xcode 5.1 without issue.
After I generate the app archive, I click "Validate..." in the organiser. Xcode takes me through the process of selecting my developer team and verifies the provisioning profile that will be used.
It then starts to generate the package before failing with the message
ditto: Couldn't read PKZip Signature
Unable to extract archive. Please make sure /var/....path to .pkg is a valid zip or ipa archive.
I have navigated to the directory and tried zip on the command line - this gives an error. If I rename the file to .zip then Finder is happy to unzip it, but Zipeg also returns an error.
What I have tried:
Recreated the provisioning profile
Recreated my signing certificate
Checked all of the "code signing" settings are the same as for my other projects that work
I have also looked into the log files that are created by the packaging process and there is nothing untoward listed until the error about the invalid zip file.
Has anyone seen this?
I have received details of a work-around from Apple developer support.
Open your target's Info.plist
Select an entry in the plist and then select "Show raw keys & values" from the Editor menu
Ensure the key "LSRequiresIPhoneOS" has the value "YES" (add it if necessary)
Regenerate your archive and submit
