Rails nested resources not working - ruby-on-rails

I was trying to add Stripe to my Rails application following this tutorial, but couldn't figure out what went wrong:
Assigning Charges To Resources With Stripe Checkout
Below is my code,
resources :people, :path => "" do
member do
put :activate
put :deactivate
resources :listings do
member do
put :close
put :move_to_top
put :show_in_updates_email
resources :charges
and in the.haml
= form_tag listings_charges_path(#listings) do
but there is error like below:
undefined method `listings_charges_path' for #<#<Class:0x007f0690ea1788>:0x007f06b1864b88>
= form_tag listings_charges_path(#listings) do
Is it because the charges is nested inside listings resource, and listings is also nested in another one? It's weird cause it's totally working fine if I changed the code back to none nested resources.
= form_tag charges_path do
Any help is really appreciated.
This worked, but there is something new:
= form_tag person_listing_charges_path(#person, #listing, #charges) do
New error:
No route matches missing required keys:{:action=>"index", :controller=>"charges", :id=>"111-abc", :listing_id=>nil, :locale=>nil, :person_id=>#<Listing id: 111, ..........} [:listing_id]

Your path is people_listing_charge_path(#people, #listing, #charge) if you want to do this. Or maybe person_listing_charge_path(#person, #listing, #charge) depending on how Rails helper works. As you can see, it gets pretty cumbersome to handle.
If you check Rails guide on nested route, it suggests some ways to handle the nesting. I highly suggest you follow these suggestions.

You probably should do (if your people singular is person)
person_listing_charge_path(#person, #listing, #charge)
To know your routes, you can do rake routes
FYI: According to ruby on rails guides
Resources should never be nested more than 1 level deep.


Polymorphic Routes in Rails 4.1.4

I have a polymorphic association between Posts and Postables, right now with Projects being my only Postables. In my routes, I have:
resources :projects do
member do
resources :posts
I know how to retrieve the right ids from the parameters, and all of my controller specs pass just fine, but when I try to write links in my views, they don't work. Running rake routes, I see a little weirdness:
post SHOW /projects/:id/posts/:id(.:format) posts#edit
And so on for the rest. If I'm not mistaken, the path should be 'new_project_post', and the first parameter should be :project_id.
Now, in my show view for Projects, I have the index of posts for that particular project. But the links don't work. Lets assume I have a project with an ID of 2, and a post for that project with an ID of 1.
If I try link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(#project, post), the link comes out as .../projects/1/posts/1/edit, so both :ids get the post's id. If I swap post and #project, both :ids will be the project's id.
If I try passing them as an array, link_to 'Edit', post_path([post, #project]), the resulting link will be .../projects/1%2F2/posts/1%2F2/edit. %2F is a URL-encoded slash character, so I'm not sure what the hell Rails is trying to do here.
If I try using polymorphic_path([#project, post]) for my links, all it does is spit out paths that don't exist: undefined method 'project_post_path'
I've tried several other combinations of parameters without success. So if anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be extremely grateful.
The appropriate syntax for nested resources in Rails is:
resources :projects do
resources :posts
In member block you could only declare additional actions to work with project instances.
You are using nested resource inside member and it is incorrect. Read more about this here: http://thelazylog.com/posts/polymorphic-routes-in-rails

rails 4 nested resource routing error

I have a routes file (Rails 4.0.4 App):
resources :products do
resources :variants, except: :index
rake routes gives:
product_variants POST /products/:product_id/variants(.:format) variants#create
new_product_variant GET /products/:product_id/variants/new(.:format) variants#new
edit_product_variant GET /products/:product_id/variants/:id/edit(.:format) variants#edit
product_variant GET /products/:product_id/variants/:id(.:format) variants#show
PATCH /products/:product_id/variants/:id(.:format) variants#update
PUT /products/:product_id/variants/:id(.:format) variants#update
DELETE /products/:product_id/variants/:id(.:format) variants#destroy
So as proposed I'm using
<%= form_for [#product, #variant] do |f| %>
but this generates (note the URL):
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/variants/1" class="edit_variant" id="edit_variant_1" method="post">
And I get (of course) the routing error saying no route matches with PATCH /variants/1
Same strange behaviour when I redirect to in an Api Controller living namespaced under api/:
redirect_to [:api, #product, #variant]
Got me: no route matches with /api/variants/1
I checked all routes
I know how to nest resources and namespace them
I thought I know how to generate the URL's ;-)
Somehow the #products is ignored when generating the urls
Has anyone a clue where to look any further?
Take a look at your variants controller. Are you instantiating #product?
It may be helpful to post the code for controller too.
Hope this helps!
Okay the problem really lies in the different controllers. I somehow instantiated #products in a before action, but obviously did it wrong.
Seems to be a leck of energy drink problem. thanks for pointing me to the right solution!

Rails always routes an action to show action, and the action it self becomes the id

There's a strange behavior in rails I found recently related to routes and actions, specifically, it's on rails 2.3.5. I have a controller, let's call it Users. In the routes, I declare Users as a resources.
map.resources :users
And within the controller, I have the standard action: index, show, edit, update & destroy. Also, I added other action to fullfil certain requirements.
def generated_pdf_report
# do something
The problem is, when I go to page /users/generated_pdf_report, I get this on the console:
Processing UsersController#show (some timestamps) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"generated_pdf_report", "controller"=>"users"}
As you can see, the server route the request to method show rather than to method generated_pdf_report. What's interesting, is that I have other controllers having similar action and is working fine.
The solution to the above problem is easy enough, make sure the added feed is above the resources:
map.feed 'users/generated_pdf_report', :controller => 'users', :action => 'generated_pdf_report'
map.resources :users
My question is: Anyone knows why rails behaves like that? The above solution is kind of sloppy, what do you think the best practices for such problem like one mentioned above.
As outlined in the Rails 2 routing guide, you can add collection routes like so:
map.resources :users, :collection => { :generated_pdf_report => :get }
When rails looks at
That is exactly the path it would use to show a user whose id was generate_report, so that is what it does, assuming you haven't told it otherwise.
A shorter alternative to what you wrote is
resources :users, :collection => {:generate_report => :get}
Which tells rails to map a GET to /users/generate_report to your generate_report action

Rails 3 Finding the right :id in a controller using a specific route

I have my routes arranged so that when visiting the site the :id is displayed before the slug like so
match "/causes/:id/:slug" => "causes#show", :as => :cause, :via => 'get'
But I also have a nested attribute called "post" that belongs to causes like so
match "/causes/:id/:slug/posts" => "causes#posts", :via => 'get', :as => :posts
When I use this, everything works great for the causes, but not for the posts.
If I use
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
in causes or posts controller it always looks for the ID of the causes, and not the :id of the posts. So if the post :id is 9, and the cause :id is 1, and I use
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
it will always look for post[1] and not 9 or whatever the post id really is.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to make this work in the routes, or maybe a different way to find the id of a nested object in the controller?
I need the route to be the way I have it set up, :id/:slug...
rake routes information:
cause GET /causes/:id/:slug(.:format) causes#show
edit_cause GET /causes/:id/:slug/edit(.:format) causes#edit
PUT /causes/:id/:slug(.:format) causes#update
posts GET /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format) causes#posts
POST /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format)
PUT /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format) causes#update_post
DELETE /causes/:id/:slug/posts(.:format) causes#destroy_post
causes GET /causes(.:format) causes#index
POST /causes(.:format) causes#create
Any help would be great.
To solve your immediate problem, you'll want to add something like this to routes.rb
# config/routes.rb
match "/causes/:cause_id/:slug/post/:id" => "causes#update_post", :via => 'put', :as => :update_post
And then you can generate the URL in your views like this...
link_to 'Update this post', update_post_path(#cause, #post)
...and access the parameters in your controller as params[:id] (for the post) and params[:cause_id] (for the cause).
More generally, though, the way you are specifying your routes is pretty cumbersome, and I suspect you're making your life harder than it needs to be. If this were me, I would do something like
# config/routes.rb
resources :causes do
resources :posts
This would accomplish something pretty close to what you have now, the main difference being that it wouldn't contain slugs. I'm not sure why you need to have both slugs and IDs, maybe you could just identify your causes by their slugs? Stringex is a good gem for generating slugs, and you can set it so that slugs are guaranteed to be unique.
Here is the section of the Rails guide on nested resources
And here is a Railscast about using slugs with nested resources
Hope this helps.
This is because you're using the id of the cause, and if you're doing /causes/:id/posts shouldn't you be doing #posts = #cause.postsanyway?
I would look into the new router syntax for rails 3 if I were you, as there is a nicer way to nest resources http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
use the friendly_id gem and nest your resources, to avoid confusion follow REST best practises that resource in question is at the end so

autogenerate paths in rails 3?

From the looks of some railscasts (this one in particular), it seems like there is some autogeneration of "*_path" variables that not happening for me. in this rails cast, the edit_mutliple_products_path seems to be generated automagically (i don't normally like using that word). When I follow through the same steps and try to access a similar path, i get this:
undefined local variable or method `edit_multiple_distributions_workflows_path' for #<#<Class:0x132b18a68>:0x132af3290>
This is rails 2.X. Rails routes changed in Rails 3. in order to get this route add below to routes.rb:
resources :products do
collection do
post 'edit_multiple'
put 'update_multiple'
You will be able to access this paths with
instead of edit_multiple_distributions_workflow_path. Btw where did you get this path from? I did not see it in the railscast.
In the given tutorial, which looks like it's from an older Rails, this is the line which would generate the path methods:
map.resources :products, :collection => { :edit_multiple => :post, :update_multiple => :put }
In rails 3, you can see its usage in the docs here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#resource-routing-the-rails-default
