Authentication between ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI -

I'm currently working on an MVC5 application + WebAPI for some AJAX requests. For the MVC part I use the standard cookie authentication, and token based authentication for the WebAPI part.
I'd like the user to log in using only the MVC site, wthout having to authenticate again with the authorization server to obtain an acess token.
Is it safe to get the access token on the server side, put it in a hidden field on the site and use java script to query for it and use it later for the web api requests? Assuming the connection will be over HTTPS, for obvious security reasons :)

You can pass the security token to the api as a header custom attribute to the api which you can pre-check and cache it for all subsequent call in the api.


Can I secure an MVC Core web application with JWTs only?

I have a Core Web API protected by JWTs, and this service is consumed, via HttpClient, by a WPF application. This all works nicely because once I have a token I pass it in a header with each request.
Now I need to build an MVC Core web application that uses some of the functionality of the API. To avoid CORS issues, I would like to import the API controllers into the web application. However, I don't want to mix cookie and JWT auth.
Normally in the WPF application, for login, I make a request to my API's Token controller, get the token and use it to authorize subsequent requests. Now I can build a login page in the main MVC application that calls into my Token controller with HttpClient and gets a JWT, but then how do I use that token to authorize all other actions in the main MVC app. It also seems very clumsy to have to use HttpClient to pass the JWT header for internal calls.
Is there a way I can secure my MVC application from the start with JWTs without having to use HttpClient. That is, once I have my token, and all actions are secured by tokens, how do I store and pass that token for all other requests to the main MVC app?
It depends on if you are building an SPA. JWT tokens will not automatically be served by a browser, only cookies will. So if you aren't building an SPA where you could explicitly send each request with the token added, then you would need to use cookies or store the JWT in a session and then append it to the outgoing request to the api.
To get around the CORS issue, I would use a tool like refit, which allows you to make an interface into boilerplate webrequests. These have extensibility points to allow you to append a header before the request is made.
Optionally, I method I have used before is to create a proxy controller that handles all requests to a set url structure (like 'api/...') and then forwards those to the API server by copying all the body/headers into a new request and then copy the response into the response object in the controller for returning through the browser. This too will allow you to inject the JWT into the header.

ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI shared token

I have ASP.NET MVC and Angular2 application and I'm using Identity Server 3. Typical workflow for user is to log on MVC application which stores obtained token in a cookie.
After successful login, user can use angular2 application for specific operations and it resides on subdomain. Angular application "talks" to web api.
Is it possible to share access token stored in a cookie between mvc and angular (javascript) client. Currently, I'm extracting access token and store it in local storage for using in ng2. It is working, but in my opinion this is not elegant solution
You can implement Direct Authentication in Angular and use SSO.
User will be logged in to ASP.NET MVC, the Angular will hit the identityserver and will returns the token.
You can use the OIDC.JS library to implement implicit flow in Angular.

Decoupling Authorization Server & Resource SErver using OWIN Middleware and Web API/MVC

the below process which i have followed while implementing single sign on
Decoupled Authorization server & Resource server
Got access-token using client_credentials from Authorization server
i have used mvc 4 application for resource server and can't able to access views(resource) from resource server using mvc controllers with Authorize Attribute
used access-token generated by authorization server
also read the below question:
"I have an un-secured MVC 5/Web API 2 application. It accesses resources using a combination of MVC controllers, and ajax calls to the Web API endpoints.
Eventually I would like to move all resource access into a separate Resource Server. However, for the time being, I would like to get the application into production as a proof of concept for a line of business applications secured using the OAuth 2 framework.
I have configured users in IdentityServer, and added the application to AuthorizationServer using a code flow client. Based on the sample provided with the AS code, I am able to retrieve an access token in the application, add it to the request headers for Web API endpoint calls secured with the Scope attribute.
My questions is how can I utilize this same flow to secure the MVC controllers? I imagine it would entail setting up an OWIN middleware component which will set the authorization headers for each request based on a cookie which contains the token. Am I on the right path, or should I go in a different direction with this?"
please let me know how to access the mvc resource using owin middleware instead of web api.

AngularJS + ASP.NET Web API + ASP.NET MVC Authentication

I am new to AngularJS and trying to evaluate it for my new web application.
I will have one ASP.NET Web API which will be consumed from an Android, an iPhone and from a web application (ASP.NET MVC) too. ASP.NET Identity will be implemented in Web API. All three applications will call the login method of Web API to get the auth token.
My problem is how to get ASP.NET MVC server side authentication work (in sync with Web API so I don't have to login for ASP.NET MVC separately) while Angular makes a call to get the HTML template/view, JavaScript files or other resources. I have went through many articles and blogs on AngularJS but still unable to find a security model which fits in my requirement.
Possible Solution:
Would it be a good idea to make the login call to ASP.NET MVC application instead of Web API directly, and ASP.NET MVC application would call the Web API to login, and once authenticated, save the auth token in session plus create a FormsAuthentication cookie and in cookie data save the encrypted auth token. Moreover set the auth token in ng-init somewhere in HTML to have the token in AngularJS scope. Now when AngularJS tries to make a call to ASP.NET MVC application to get HTML, then authenticate/authorize the user by matching the cookie decryted data with auth data in session. Also, AngularJS will send the auth token in header to call the Web API methods directly for all the subsequent calls for data manipulation through Web API.
I solved the problem with a very strait forward solution. I just made sure I have following two lines of code in the Register method of WebApiConfig:
config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));
That's it. Now my MVC controllers look for the session cookie for authorization whereas my Web API controllers look for the auth token in the header of each request. Moreover, the Web API sends a token (JSON) and a session cookie itself in response to the login/authentication request e.g. http:\\\token.
So now I send my login request to Web API to get the token as well as the session cookie. Session cookie will automatically be sent will each request so I don't have to worry about the authorization of my MVC controllers. For Web API calls I am sending the auth token in the header for each request as Web API controllers don't care about the session cookie being sent with the request.
Also worth a look:
(based on this SO question)
Warning: it's not for the faint-hearted...
HTML5 + AngularJS + $ngRoute
NuGet scaffolding
Yeoman (Grunt/Bower)
Owin framework (OAuth 2.0)
I think you are on the right path. I would store the tokens in an Angular Service to make it easier on yourself ( I'm a little confused on what you mean by "AngularJS tries to make a call to ASP.NET MVC application to get HTML", you shouldn't need to secure the MVC app, it's just running your Angular right? The API is the piece you want to secure as well.

Authenticating basic-auth REST API calls from forms-authenticated web app

I'm developing a service that has two components - a web interface and a REST API. I use ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API, respectively. The two components are hosted on different subdomains of the same domain.
I want the REST API to be used by both external users and the web interface, and I want to simplify authentication as much as possible.
The REST API currently only supports basic authentication.
The web interface uses forms authentication and thus generates an ASPXAUTH cookie. The web interface interacts with the REST API using AJAX calls.
My question to the community is:
How do I authenticate the AJAX calls from the web interface to the
REST API, using the most elegant and secure method?
Some ideas:
Send the ASPXAUTH cookie in the ajax calls (by changing the cookie domain to "" to allow cross-subdomain read) and adding an authentication method in the API that reads the ASPXAUTH. Not sure if this is a great idea, or how to implement this.
Storing the user name and API key in separate cookies. Not really safe unless the values are encrypted/hashed.
Using OAuth in the web interface and rest api, instead of forms + basic authentication?
Ok, I've come up with the following solution:
I've added form authentication to the REST API and made sure not to use IsolateApps in the <machinekey>section of machine.config. This ensures that the REST API can use the same ASPXAUTH cookie. I'm making sure to fall back to basic authentication if no ASPXAUTH cookie is present.
Since there's no way to include the ASPXAUTH cookie in ajax requests to a different subdomain due to the Same-origin policy (even though the cookie's domain is ""), the solution I chose was to add an application (through IIS) to the web interface with the name "api".
The ajax calls now point to "/" instead of "", and the ASPXAUTH cookie is included and works.
Not sure if this is the best solution, but it's both clean and secure. Only tweak is the sharing of machine keys. If running in a web farm you would need to set the same machine key to all machines.
