Dynamic table name when writing to BQ from dataflow pipelines - google-cloud-dataflow

As a followup question to the following question and answer:
I'd like to confirm with google dataflow engineering team (#jkff) if the 3rd option proposed by Eugene is at all possible with google dataflow:
"have a ParDo that takes these keys and creates the BigQuery tables, and another ParDo that takes the data and streams writes to the tables"
My understanding is that ParDo/DoFn will process each element, how could we specify a table name (function of the keys passed in from side inputs) when writing out from processElement of a ParDo/DoFn?
Updated with a DoFn, which is not working obviously since c.element().value is not a pcollection.
PCollection<KV<String, Iterable<String>>> output = ...;
public class DynamicOutput2Fn extends DoFn<KV<String, Iterable<String>>, Integer> {
private final PCollectionView<List<String>> keysAsSideinputs;
public DynamicOutput2Fn(PCollectionView<List<String>> keysAsSideinputs) {
this.keysAsSideinputs = keysAsSideinputs;
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
List<String> keys = c.sideInput(keysAsSideinputs);
String key = c.element().getKey();
//the below is not working!!! How could we write the value out to a sink, be it gcs file or bq table???
c.element().getValue().apply(Pardo.of(new FormatLineFn()))

The BigQueryIO.Write transform does not support this. The closest thing you can do is to use per-window tables, and encode whatever information you need to select the table in the window objects by using a custom WindowFn.
If you don't want to do that, you can make BigQuery API calls directly from your DoFn. With this, you can set the table name to anything you want, as computed by your code. This could be looked up from a side input, or computed directly from the element the DoFn is currently processing. To avoid making too many small calls to BigQuery, you can batch up the requests using finishBundle();
You can see how the Dataflow runner does the streaming import here:


How to solve Duplicate values exception when I create PCollectionView<Map<String,String>>

I'm setting up a slow-changing lookup Map in my Apache-Beam pipeline. It continuously updates the lookup map. For each key in lookup map, I retrieve the latest value in the global window with accumulating mode.
But it always meets Exception :
org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline$PipelineExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate values for mykey
Is anything wrong with this snippet code?
If I use .discardingFiredPanes() instead, I will lose information in the last emit.
.apply(GenerateSequence.from(0).withRate(1, Duration.standardMinutes(1L)))
Window.<Long>into(new GlobalWindows())
.apply(new ReadSlowChangingTable())
Example Input Trigger:
t1 : KV<k1,v1> KV< k2,v2>
t2 : KV<k1,v1>
accumulatingFiredPanes => expected result at t2 => KV(k1,v1), KV(k2,v2) but failed due to duplicated exception
discardingFiredPanes => expected result at t2 => KV(k1,v1) Success
Specifically with regards to view.asMap and accumulating panes discussion in the comments:
If you would like to make use of the View.asMap side input (for example, when the source of the map elements is itself distributed – often because you are creating a side input from the output of a previous transform), there are some other factors that will need to be taken into consideration: View.asMap is itself an aggregation, it will inherit triggering and accumulate its input. In this specific pattern, setting the pipeline to accumulatingPanes mode before this transform will result in duplicate key errors even if a transform such as Latest.perKey is used before the View.asMap transform.
Given the read updates the whole map, then the use of View.asSingleton would I think be a better approach for this use case.
Some general notes around this pattern, which will hopefully be useful for others as well:
For this pattern we can use the GenerateSequence source transform to emit a value periodically for example once a day. Pass this value into a global window via a data-driven trigger that activates on each element. In a DoFn, use this process as a trigger to pull data from your bounded source Create your SideInput for use in downstream transforms.
It's important to note that because this pattern uses a global-window side input triggering on processing time, matching to elements being processed in event time will be nondeterministic. For example if we have a main pipeline which is windowed on event time, the version of the SideInput View that those windows will see will depend on the latest trigger that has fired in processing time rather than the event time.
Also important to note that in general the side input should be something that fits into memory.
Java (SDK 2.9.0):
In the sample below the side input is updated at very short intervals, this is so that effects can be easily seen. The expectation is that the side input is updating slowly, for example every few hours or once a day.
In the example code below we make use of a Map that we create in a DoFn which becomes the View.asSingleton, this is the recommended approach for this pattern.
The sample below illustrates the pattern, please note the View.asSingleton is rebuilt on every counter update.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create pipeline
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation()
// Using View.asSingleton, this pipeline uses a dummy external service as illustration.
// Run in debug mode to see the output
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);
// Create slowly updating sideinput
PCollectionView<Map<String, String>> map = p
.apply(GenerateSequence.from(0).withRate(1, Duration.standardSeconds(5L)))
.apply(Window.<Long>into(new GlobalWindows())
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<Long, Map<String, String>>() {
#ProcessElement public void process(#Element Long input,
OutputReceiver<Map<String, String>> o) {
// Do any external reads needed here...
// We will make use of our dummy external service.
// Every time this triggers, the complete map will be replaced with that read from
// the service.
// ---- Consume slowly updating sideinput
// GenerateSequence is only used here to generate dummy data for this illustration.
// You would use your real source for example PubSubIO, KafkaIO etc...
p.apply(GenerateSequence.from(0).withRate(1, Duration.standardSeconds(1L)))
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<Long, KV<Long, Long>>() {
#ProcessElement public void process(ProcessContext c) {
Map<String, String> keyMap = c.sideInput(map);
c.outputWithTimestamp(KV.of(1L, c.element()), Instant.now());
LOG.debug("Value is {} key A is {} and key B is {}"
, c.element(), keyMap.get("Key_A"),keyMap.get("Key_B"));
public static class DummyExternalService {
public static Map<String, String> readDummyData() {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
Instant now = Instant.now();
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:MM:SS");
map.put("Key_A", now.minus(Duration.standardSeconds(30)).toString(dtf));
map.put("Key_B", now.minus(Duration.standardSeconds(30)).toString());
return map;

Apply not applicable with ParDo and DoFn using Apache Beam

I am implementing a Pub/Sub to BigQuery pipeline. It looks similar to How to create read transform using ParDo and DoFn in Apache Beam, but here, I have already a PCollection created.
I am following what is described in the Apache Beam documentation to implement a ParDo operation to prepare a table row using the following pipeline:
static class convertToTableRowFn extends DoFn<PubsubMessage, TableRow> {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
PubsubMessage message = c.element();
// Retrieve data from message
String rawData = message.getData();
Instant timestamp = new Instant(new Date());
// Prepare TableRow
TableRow row = new TableRow().set("message", rawData).set("ts_reception", timestamp);
// Read input from Pub/Sub
pipeline.apply("Read from Pub/Sub",PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributes().fromTopic(topicPath))
.apply("Prepare raw data for insertion", ParDo.of(new convertToTableRowFn()))
.apply("Insert in Big Query", BigQueryIO.writeTableRows().to(BQTable));
I found the DoFn function in a gist.
I keep getting the following error:
The method apply(String, PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>) in the type PCollection<PubsubMessage> is not applicable for the arguments (String, ParDo.SingleOutput<PubsubMessage,TableRow>)
I always understood that a ParDo/DoFn operations is a element-wise PTransform operation, am I wrong ? I never got this type of error in Python, so I'm a bit confused about why this is happening.
You're right, ParDos are element-wise transforms and your approach looks correct.
What you're seeing is the compilation error. Something like this happens when the argument type of the apply() method that was inferred by java compiler doesn't match the type of the actual input, e.g. convertToTableRowFn.
From the error you're seeing it looks like java infers that the second parameter for apply() is of type PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>, while you're passing the subclass of ParDo.SingleOutput<PubsubMessage,TableRow> instead (your convertToTableRowFn). Looking at the definition of SingleOutput your convertToTableRowFn is basically a PTransform<PCollection<? extends PubsubMessage>, PCollection<TableRow>>. And java fails to use it in apply where it expects PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>.
What looks suspicious is that java didn't infer the OutputT to PCollection<TableRow>. One reason it would fail to do so if you have other errors. Are you sure you don't have other errors as well?
For example, looking at convertToTableRowFn you're calling message.getData() which doesn't exist when I'm trying to do it and it fails compilation there. In my case I need to do something like this instead: rawData = new String(message.getPayload(), Charset.defaultCharset()). Also .to(BQTable)) expects a string (e.g. a string representing the BQ table name) as an argument, and you're passing some unknown symbol BQTable (maybe it exists in your program somewhere though and this is not a problem in your case).
After I fix these two errors your code compiles for me, apply() is fully inferred and the types are compatible.

How to create read transform using ParDo and DoFn in Apache Beam

According to the Apache Beam documentation the recommended way
to write simple sources is by using Read Transforms and ParDo. Unfortunately the Apache Beam docs has let me down here.
I'm trying to write a simple unbounded data source which emits events using a ParDo but the compiler keeps complaining about the input type of the DoFn object:
message: 'The method apply(PTransform<? super PBegin,OutputT>) in the type PBegin is not applicable for the arguments (ParDo.SingleOutput<PBegin,Event>)'
My attempt:
public class TestIO extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<Event>> {
public PCollection<Event> expand(PBegin input) {
return input.apply(ParDo.of(new ReadFn()));
private static class ReadFn extends DoFn<PBegin, Event> {
public void process(#TimerId("poll") Timer pollTimer) {
Event testEvent = new Event(...);
//custom logic, this can happen infinitely
for(...) {
A DoFn performs element-wise processing. As written, ParDo.of(new ReadFn()) will have type PTransform<PCollection<PBegin>, PCollection<Event>>. Specifically, the ReadFn indicates it takes an element of type PBegin and returns 0 or more elements of type Event.
Instead, you should use an actual Read operation. There are a variety provided. You can also use Create if you have a specific set of in-memory collections to use.
If you need to create a custom source you should use the Read transform. Since you're using timers, you likely want to create an Unbounded Source (a stream of elements).

Using MySQL as input source and writing into Google BigQuery

I have an Apache Beam task that reads from a MySQL source using JDBC and it's supposed to write the data as it is to a BigQuery table. No transformation is performed at this point, that will come later on, for the moment I just want the database output to be directly written into BigQuery.
This is the main method trying to perform this operation:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Options options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().as(Options.class);
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);
// Build the table schema for the output table.
List<TableFieldSchema> fields = new ArrayList<>();
fields.add(new TableFieldSchema().setName("phone").setType("STRING"));
fields.add(new TableFieldSchema().setName("url").setType("STRING"));
TableSchema schema = new TableSchema().setFields(fields);
p.apply(JdbcIO.<KV<String, String>>read()
"com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://host:3306/db_name")
.withQuery("SELECT phone_number, identity_profile_image FROM scraper_caller_identities LIMIT 100")
.withRowMapper(new JdbcIO.RowMapper<KV<String, String>>() {
public KV<String, String> mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception {
return KV.of(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getString(2));
But when I execute the template using maven, I get the following error:
Test.java:[184,6] cannot find symbol symbol: method
location: class org.apache.beam.sdk.io.jdbc.JdbcIO.Read<com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.values.KV<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>>
It seems that I'm not passing BigQueryIO.Write the expected data collection and that's what I am struggling with at the moment.
How can I make the data coming from MySQL meets BigQuery's expectations in this case?
I think that you need to provide a PCollection<TableRow> to BigQueryIO.Write instead of the PCollection<KV<String,String>> type that the RowMapper is outputting.
Also, please use the correct column name and value pairs when setting the TableRow.
Note: I think that your KVs are the phone and url values (e.g. {"555-555-1234": "http://www.url.com"}), not the column name and value pairs (e.g. {"phone": "555-555-1234", "url": "http://www.url.com"})
See the example here:
Would you please give this a try and let me know if it works for you? Hope this helps.

How to Get Filename when using file pattern match in google-cloud-dataflow

Someone know how to get Filename when using file pattern match in google-cloud-dataflow?
I'm newbee to use dataflow. How to get filename when use file patten match, in this way.
I'd like to how I detect filename that kinglear.txt,Hamlet.txt, etc.
If you would like to simply expand the filepattern and get a list of filenames matching it, you can use GcsIoChannelFactory.match("gs://dataflow-samples/shakespeare/*.txt") (see GcsIoChannelFactory).
If you would like to access the "current filename" from inside one of the DoFn's downstream in your pipeline - that is currently not supported (though there are some workarounds - see below). It is a common feature request and we are still thinking how best to fit it into the framework in a natural, generic and high-performant way.
Some workarounds include:
Writing a pipeline like this (the tf-idf example uses this approach):
DoFn readFile = ...(takes a filename, reads the file and produces records)...
.apply(the rest of your pipeline)
This has the downside that dynamic work rebalancing features won't work particularly well, because they currently apply at the level of Read PTransform's only, but not at the level of ParDo's with high fan-out (like the one here, which would read a file and produce all records); and parallelization will only work to the level of files but files will not be split into sub-ranges. At the scale of reading Shakespeare this is not an issue, but if you are reading a set of files of wildly different size, some extremely large, then it may become an issue.
Implementing your own FileBasedSource (javadoc, general documentation) which would return records of type something like Pair<String, T> where the String is the filename and the T is the record you're reading. In this case the framework would handle the filepattern matching for you, dynamic work rebalancing would work just fine, however it is up to you to write the reading logic in your FileBasedReader.
Both of these work-arounds are non-ideal, but depending on your requirements, one of them may do the trick for you.
Update based on latest SDK
Java (sdk 2.9.0):
Beams TextIO readers do not give access to the filename itself, for these use cases we need to make use of FileIO to match the files and gain access to the information stored in the file name. Unlike TextIO, the reading of the file needs to be taken care of by the user in transforms downstream of the FileIO read. The results of a FileIO read is a PCollection the ReadableFile class contains the file name as metadata which can be used along with the contents of the file.
FileIO does have a convenience method readFullyAsUTF8String() which will read the entire file into a String object, this will read the whole file into memory first. If memory is a concern you can work directly with the file with utility classes like FileSystems.
From: Document Link
PCollection<KV<String, String>> filesAndContents = p
// withCompression can be omitted - by default compression is detected from the filename.
// uses imports from TypeDescriptors
.into(KVs(strings(), strings()))
.via((ReadableFile f) -> KV.of(
f.getMetadata().resourceId().toString(), f.readFullyAsUTF8String())));
Python (sdk 2.9.0):
For 2.9.0 for python you will need to collect the list of URI from outside of the Dataflow pipeline and feed it in as a parameter to the pipeline. For example making use of FileSystems to read in the list of files via a Glob pattern and then passing that to a PCollection for processing.
Once fileio see PR https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/7791/ is available, the following code would also be an option for python.
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.io import fileio
with beam.Pipeline() as p:
readable_files = (p
| fileio.MatchFiles(‘hdfs://path/to/*.txt’)
| fileio.ReadMatches()
| beam.Reshuffle())
files_and_contents = (readable_files
| beam.Map(lambda x: (x.metadata.path,
One approach is to build a List<PCollection> where each entry corresponds to an input file, then use Flatten. For example, if you want to parse each line of a collection of files into a Foo object, you might do something like this:
public static class FooParserFn extends DoFn<String, Foo> {
private String fileName;
public FooParserFn(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
public void processElement(ProcessContext processContext) throws Exception {
String line = processContext.element();
// here you have access to both the line of text and the name of the file
// from which it came.
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> inputFiles = ...;
List<PCollection<Foo>> foosByFile =
new Function<String, PCollection<Foo>>() {
public PCollection<Foo> apply(String fileName) {
return p.apply(TextIO.Read.from(fileName))
.apply(new ParDo().of(new FooParserFn(fileName)));
PCollection<Foo> foos = PCollectionList.<Foo>empty(p).and(foosByFile).apply(Flatten.<Foo>pCollections());
One downside of this approach is that, if you have 100 input files, you'll also have 100 nodes in the Cloud Dataflow monitoring console. This makes it hard to tell what's going on. I'd be interested in hearing from the Google Cloud Dataflow people whether this approach is efficient.
I also had the 100 input files = 100 nodes on the dataflow diagram when using code similar to #danvk. I switched to an approach like this which resulted in all the reads being combined into a single block that you can expand to drill down into each file/directory that was read. The job also ran faster using this approach rather than the Lists.transform approach in our use case.
GcsOptions gcsOptions = options.as(GcsOptions.class);
List<GcsPath> paths = gcsOptions.getGcsUtil().expand(GcsPath.fromUri(options.getInputFile()));
List<String>filesToProcess = paths.stream().map(item -> item.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
PCollectionList<SomeClass> pcl = PCollectionList.empty(p);
for(String fileName : filesToProcess) {
pcl = pcl.and(
p.apply("ReadAvroFile" + fileName, AvroIO.Read.named("ReadFromAvro")
.apply(ParDo.of(new MyDoFn(fileName)))
// flatten the PCollectionList, combining all the PCollections together
PCollection<SomeClass> flattenedPCollection = pcl.apply(Flatten.pCollections());
This might be a very late post for the above question, but I wanted to add answer with Beam bundled classes.
This could also be seen as an extracted code from the solution provided by #Reza Rokni.
PCollection<String> listOfFilenames =
(FileIO.ReadableFile file) -> {
String f = file.getMetadata().resourceId().getFilename();
return f;
Above PCollection<String> will have a list of files available at any provided directory.
I was struggling with the same use case while using wildcard to read files from GCS but also needed to modify the collection based on the file name.The key is to use ReadFromTextWithFilename instead of readfromtext In java you already have a way out and you can use:
String filename =context.element().getMetadata().resourceId().getCurrentDirectory().toString()
inside your processElement method.
But for Python below technique will work:
-> Use beam.io.ReadFromTextWithFilename for reading the wildcard path from GCS
-> As per the document, ReadFromTextWithFilename returns the file's name and the file's content.
Below is the code snippet:
class GetFileNameFromWildcard(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs):
file_path, content = element
schema = ["id","name","mob","email","dept","store"]
store_name = file_path.split("/")[-2]
content_list = content.split(",")
out_dict = dict(zip(schema,content_list))
yield out_dict
def run():
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions()
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
# saving main session so that it can load global namespace on the Cloud Dataflow Worker
init = p | 'Begin Pipeline With Initiator' >> beam.Create(
["pcollection initializer"]) | 'Read From GCS' >> beam.io.ReadFromTextWithFilename(
"gs://<bkt-name>/20220826/*/dlp*", skip_header_lines=1) | beam.ParDo(
GetFileNameFromWildcard()) | beam.io.WriteToText(
