I'm using Mobile First Platform 7 hybrid Mobile app, but I'm not using MFP server instead of that WebSphere Liberty profile, and I can send and received the apple push notification, but during the implementation of Localized Formatted Strings, I have this issue, when the notification arrives the alert message does not display the Localized string according to the key. and it shows "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT" instead of “Jenna and Frank have invited you to play Monopoly”.
Reference.. Localized Formatted Strings https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/Chapters/TheNotificationPayload.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH107-SW7
The service is sending the follow structure.
aps = {
alert = {
"action-loc-key" = Open;
"loc-args" = (
badge = 12;
sound = default;
And I added the key and value "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT" = "%2$# and %1$# have invited you to play Monopoly"; in the message.string files
and I added in any of the folders located over the image fr.lproj, es.lproj, en.lproj.. etc.
I also check that my device has the proper configuration in settings -> general -> language®ion -> English
I also notice that Localizable.strings is the file in native ios app and the file located in the hybrid app is messages.strings
Is there any step that I miss?
I'll appreciate any suggestion
After researching I found the way to add Localization.string file and the language, This link help me to understand more about it https://www.raywenderlich.com/64401/internationalization-tutorial-for-ios-2014, I followed the steps and then I compared whit my hybrid app then
Then I added the folders and the files in strategic position and that works.
The structure is below,
We have been using firebase dynamic link on android for a while.It was working fine in android.
We have decided to build our project on IOS platform also.Now we are facing some problems in dynamic link.
On pressing the link our application does not open.We also following the tutorial to integrate dynamic link on IOS.
1.Added .Plist file.
2.Added associated Domain in capabilities.(applinks:domain-link)
3.Added URL Types in info.
4.Added Team ID.
Seems like we are following the exact steps in the documentation. And yet Dynamic link is not working for us.
Can anyone help us in resolving this issue?
Apple Developer enable your Associated Domains from your app Identifiers
check AASA file team id and bundle id from https://{your set domain}.page.link/apple-app-site-association
AASA effective not real time
open your note app input https://xxx.page.link/ooo test (not on browser)
I hope I can help you
You need to update your AppDelegate.m file as well. Follow from steps 4 mentioned in the section Open Dynamic Links in your app here
please cross check associated domains : (it must not contain http or https e.g. applinks:myapp.page.link ) .and Dynamic link is easily work on iOS Simulator , I don't get any issues.
And if you creating dynamic link from firebase ios sdk then below code will be useful
guard let link = URL(string: "Write your link here and parameters") else { return }
let dynamicLinksDomainURIPrefix = "https://racematesios.page.link" //domain-link
let linkBuilder = DynamicLinkComponents(link: link, domainURIPrefix: dynamicLinksDomainURIPrefix )
linkBuilder!.iOSParameters = DynamicLinkIOSParameters(bundleID: "Bundle ID")
linkBuilder!.iOSParameters?.appStoreID = "App store ID"
guard let longDynamicLink = linkBuilder?.url else { return }
print("The long URL is: \(longDynamicLink)")
i'm using a Flutter App and on Android i can read internal link with custom parameter, however, on iOS i can not, the App is opened but onLink.listen is never called. I did all iOS platform configuration posted on documentation.
The link used to open the App looks like (Long Dynamic Link):
The idea is to use only one dynamic link and pass dynamic data as custom parameter. Did anyone face that problem?
How to Open an iOS App using Firebase Dynamic Links and Pass or get Parameters To an App Via Custom URL Scheme in iOS(swift)?
for eg :- https://q3tyj.app.goo.gl/abcd
My URL Scheme is ‘q3tyj.app.goo.gl’ in iOS app in Url Types.
If I type q3tyj.app.goo.gl in safari, I am able to open the application. But if I type q3tyj.app.goo.gl with some extra parameter like https://q3tyj.app.goo.gl/abcd in safari, , I am not able to open the application.
please also explain me how to get “link” parameter (which associated with dynamic link) from dynamic link in iOS app ( Swift ) .
I followed steps which were mentioned in Firebase.google.com for iOS ( Swift ).but its not working.
Nirav Virpara
It's hard to know exactly where your error is, but a few things to help you debug:
If you go to https://q3tyj.app.goo.gl/apple-app-site-association, you should see some JSON that points to your app. If you don't see this, make sure you've entered your team ID and your App Store ID in the project settings in the Firebase console
Make sure you're using your Bundle ID, not the shortlink domain, as your custom URL scheme in Xcode
Make sure you've enabled Associated Domains in the Capabilities tab of your Xcode project, and your domain looks like applinks:q3tyj.app.goo.gl
Universal Links (and, therefore, Dynamic Links) generally don't work if you type them directly into the Safari address bar. Instead, try typing the URL into an app like Notes and then clicking on them from there.
Good luck!
If you type https://q3tyj.app.goo.gl/apple-app-site-association this link in your browser and check, you will end up seeing a json, meaning your apple-app-site-association is correctly configured on your google website. However, you need to make sure that teamid in your google console or appid is correct.
I am building an application for use by my company that has a number of features. One thing I am interested in adding if at all possible is linking a specific format of internal ID to my application if it exists in an email, much the same way that UPS/USPS/FEDEX tracking numbers are converted into links in the email app.
Is it possible to build an app extension that would create a link from an ID that is in an email, and launch my application when it is clicked?
For example, if the following ID (1453833784.127410) is in the body or the subject of an email message, the end user could click it and have it launch the app.
My experience in app extensions is limited so any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you
No, this is not possible. There is no API that can hook into the Mail app (or any other app) such that text in a certain format gets translated into a URL for a 3rd party app.
If you have any control of the email generation, the creation of the original email should be updated to include the link.
You can use custom url schemes for example:
When user click the link yourapp://1453833784.127410 in the email if the app install it will open the app to handle the url via application:openURL:options: in app delegate
You can define custom url schemes in your app's Info.plist
URL types <Array>
Item 0 <Dictionary>
URL identifier <String> com.example.yourapp
URL Schemes <String> yourapp
This custom url schemes solution should work on Android app too.
I need to add a "share this app via text" button to my app. I am currently using Phonegap 3.3. I use this code
share via text
This works fine for Android, but on iOS devices it doesn't pass the subject or actual content of the message though.
No, it is not possible.
The sms scheme is used to launch the Messages app. The format for URLs
of this type is “sms:”, where is an optional parameter that specifies
the target phone number of the SMS message. This parameter can contain
the digits 0 through 9 and the plus (+), hyphen (-), and period (.)
characters. The URL string must not include any message text or other
Answer was taken from this Link.
It is possible, if you make a phonegap plugin that in turn uses this Native API to get the result you are looking for:
Here's a tutorial that helps too:
Is there any chance to get the app link(link from AppWorld) directly from the code?
It will be very helpful for me since I have more distributions of the same app and don't want to hard-code those links anymore. The link is used to open AppWorld at the app's page in order to update it.
I know that the application descriptor is edited after the app is published, and maybe the appWorld link is included into descriptor.
The App Id is a part of the application metadata. It has the name "RIM_APP_WORLD_ID".
// If you are targeting 4.3+, use this:
String myAppName = "My Amazing App"; //Name of your app
CodeModuleGroup group = CodeModuleGroupManager.load( myAppName );
String appid = group.getProperty("RIM_APP_WORLD_ID");
Check out this sample code Getting Info from the App World