Navigatable link to Dropbox unshared file/folder - url

Is there any way to programmatically get/generate navigatable link to Dropbox file/folder which is not shared so user will first be asked to login and then navigate to the file/folder e.g. in browser?
I see the links in web-interface like but
how to programmatically get/generate correct _subject_uid
if the first part of the URL is stable or there is no such guarantee

Unfortunately, no, Dropbox doesn't offer an official/documented interface for linking to private items like this. We'll consider this a feature request though.


AutoCAD CUIX: Swapping my LISP routine’s mapped drive URL link in my Macro with the Google Share Drive web based link of the same file

My LISP routines are on the Google Share Drive at my work. I have buttons in my custom ribbon that calls my routines using a mapped drive letter URL link.
URL Link example in my custom Macro:
Trying to share this with the other CAD users in the office.
Various CAD Users have different mapped drive letters (Ex: H:\ or S:\ instead of G:).
Trying to avoid going around and manually changing the drive letter to match their mapping every time I updated the CUIX file (since path would be overwritten).
Would like to use the universal Google Share Drive web based link (by selecting the file and choose "get link" in Google Drive and copy the link).
The Swap:
Current URL Mapping in my Macro example (if image above not showing):
^C^C(load "G:\shardrive\CAD_Department\CAD_menu\LISP\My_routine.lsp");My_routine;
Example of swapping with the Google Share Drive link (not working):
^C^C(load "");My_routine;
Another method I tried
^C^C(command-s "_browser" "");My_routine;
Anyone know the proper syntax for the macro?
Thanks in advance!
Sounds like a more configurable approach is needed, where the users can map the drives with whatever path they want (G:, S:\ or whatever). But they can still use the tools that are inside said drive.
To do this there are three things that would help:
1.) start using AutoCAD profiles. It's possible write a setup script to create the profile for the user. This profile would contain a support file path entry for the location of your LISP code. The path would vary depending on where the user has google drive mapped to.
2.) load all LISP from the profile when AutoCAD starts up, this can be done with the acaddoc.lsp file.
3.) remove all hard-coded load statements from the CUI buttons
For the issue I mentioned in my comment above about opening a folder through the CUIX macro only (and not through a LISP routine), I found this possible solution:
^C^C(startapp "explorer" (vl-string-translate "/" (chr 92) "C:/TEMP"));
Credit to Paul_Gander and his comments located here:
More testing needed but so far so good...
Thank you Paul!

I want to produce Link with a path for sharing limages

I have a folder which have a construction below.
I want to upload these folders and get the link to access and I hope that the link has something like a relative path or absolute path.
(ex: https://〇〇//images_folder1/image01.png)
I already tried to use Github to accomplish this goal. Actually Github enables me to get the link with a path structure like "".
but the images should not be seen to other people except for those who know the link.(Github's private repository cannot do this. I have to get the repository "public") That's why Github is not suitable.
Also, I came up with the idea to get the link by using online storage services like "Box" but the link that I can get via Box seemed to be encrypted.(I mean there are no relationship between the folder structure and the link itself.)
Are there anyone who know the best websites or applications suitable for my requirements?
It is the first time to ask questions via stack overflow and I'm Japanese, so there might be some expressions hard to understand or sentences that don't contain sufficient explanations. Please let me know.
GitHub also gives you a relative or absolute path for your image other than url like Just make sure, the url path you have given is correct. As:
If your GitHub pages site is publised at then type
If your GitHub pages site is publised at then type
Note: Make sure that no "/" is used at the end of the image, or page, url. Such that should not be used instead of "" , otherwise it will throw an error.
Suppose your GitHub username is "abc".
And you create a repository named "tiger", and turn GitHub pages on from the setting.(If your repository is private then you will need to upgrade to a premium account to active GitHub Pages)
Then your GitHub Pages will be published at "",i.e.,
("") by default and the "index.html" file will work as your homepage.
And if you repository name is "" instead of only tiger, then your GitHub Pages will be published at "",i.e.,
But of you want to connect it to a custom top-level domain then you can do it from the settings.

Edge extension - how to create downloadable content?

My Edge extension creates PDF files. What's is the best approach to provide a download capability for these files in my extension? I tried:
create link dynamically and assign data URI to the HREF field
this approach:
None of these ways seem to work. The "Downloads" API is not available at the moment. Using the Flash script to download the file is not the best solution (it requires Flash to be enabled).
Ideal scenario is: user clicks a "Download" button, and a "Save as" dialog appears. So how do I do that in my Edge extension?

Free and easy way to dynamically update/send text to released app via internet?

I would like to be able to send text to/update a Label in my App that is already released whenever I want to via Internet. It really just needs to be a little text, like one or two sentances.
I was doing a lot of research on how to achieve this.
Twitter - use a Twitter Account to post the text and get the post from inside the app ? - Just found solutions to read the user Account that is currently using the app (but should be my own account where i can post, and that post should be shown in the app to everybody) and need to be locked in Twitter in System preferences. If you want to read "foreign" account you need to integrate fabric - sign there... very complicated... !?
Podcast ?
Just get text from anywhere via NSURLSession - I have no Website to put the text on... !?
Use Restful Service ? Is there any free web service I can just write two sentences and they could get loaded into my app?
So I am not asking about how to implement NSURLSession or so, I just wonder what would be the easiest and free way to provide text somewhere in some format from where my app could download the text and update a label? I don t really want to pay for a service or a website just to write two sentances from time to time, from where I could download it into my app...
Thanks for ideas
One option would be to put a text file in a Github repo. Github provides a link to the raw file, so your app could pull from that URL.
If you want to do this through the web interface, you can follow these steps:
Create an account on, and log in.
Click the plus (+) in the upper right to add a new repository.
Pick any name for "Repository name".
Check "Initialize this repository with a README". You need this to make it easy to edit online.
Click the green "Create repository" button.
Click "Create new file".
Fill in the file name.
Enter whatever text you want for your app in the body of the file.
Click the green "Commit" button at the bottom.
Whenever you want to edit the file, you can click on the file name and then click the pencil to edit it.
You can get the link to the file by clicking the "Raw" button (when viewing the file) and copying the URL from your URL bar. It should be something like<username>/<repo>/blob/master/<filename>.

iOS - import file from another app into my app

I want to import a document from another app into my app like it's done in MS Outlook iOS app when you click the paperclip in an email. Then you get a list of apps (dropbox, google drive etc) + recent documents and you can select a document.
How is this done / do I need to use the app-extensions for this ?
Frank van Vliet
this is the scope of App Extensions. To add an App Extension to your Project you have to navigate to File -> New -> Target and the App Extension you are looking for is called Document Provider. Please first check the WWDC Video on best practice for App Extensions and the App Extension Programming Guide. It will help you to develop the understanding of this Feature.
Maybe I set you on the wrong track, but within the App Extension Programming Guide you could have found the answer to your Question. I'm using Xcode 7.0 Beta 4, but most of the following screenshots should look exactly the same in Xcode 6.*. First of all I started a new SingleView-Application written in Swift and added the Document-Provider Extension as a target to the Project as outlined above.
After building the application with the new Document Provider target I ended up starring confused onto the Share-Menu realising that we talked at cross purposes. The Documentation on this target is slightly muddled but after a while of testing and searching I realised that the thing you are looking for is the Document Picker, not the Document Provider. On this Page you can find the Relevant Chapter: Accessing Documents Link, where you can get examples for the Document Picker.
Since this will hopefully solve your Problem, I would like to shortly refer to the Document Provider and the overvalue it could add to your Application.
The Document Provider extension consists of two separate parts: the Document
Picker View Controller extension and the File Provider extension. The Document Picker View Controller extension provides your document provider’s user interface. The system displays this interface when the host app presents a document picker view controller for your document provider. This interface should let users browse through and select documents and destinations from inside your document provider. This extension can also perform basic import and export operations without any additional support.
from the App Extension Programming Guide as mentioned above
So the Document Provider is kind of an Import Feature as seen from another app. If you would implement a Document Provider Target for your Application, other Apps can access designated data. For example you could attach Files from your App to an E-Mail (left screenshot) or Open a File in Pages (right Screenshot).
When working with Files, this could be a nice feature for your users.
Also I would recommend using either a Share or a Action Extension.
Share extensions give users a convenient way to share content with other entities, such as social sharing websites or upload services. For example, in an app that includes a Share button, users can choose a Share extension that represents a social sharing website and then use it to post a comment or other content.
That doesn't sound exactly like the thing you want to achieve, but at the moment even Apple uses the Share Extension for all kinds of things.
An Action extension helps users view or transform content originating in a host app. For example, an Action extension might help users edit an image in a document that they’re viewing in a text editor. Another type of Action extension might let users view a selected item in a different way, such as viewing an image in a different format or reading text in a different language.
You said you want to import a document from another app into your app. This sounds handy. Lets assume a user opens a Document "loremIpsum.txt" in the iCloudDrive Application and wants to share it to your new app.
Now, you have to write the code to handle imported files when opened by the Document Picker, you could reuse this code to easily add a Action Extension to the Share-/Action-Menu. I hope this will help you and solves more than one problem.
Best regards
