Multiple Azure/ADFS/OpenConnect/oAuth Identity Framework options on single site - oauth

I have a Angular site that is multi-tenant. When they login they're linked to a specific organization that we keep track of using Web Api.
We're using the excellent articles written here: as our starting point to get everything going with webapi and angular for handling the identity framework through Web Api with Angular and that works well.
We have the ability to login as facebook, google etc. which is all straight forward.
The issue is that we want to be able to setup for organizations the ability for them to have their users login using their ADFS server, or their azure ad (or any other oAuth 2 compliant server.)
Basically we use a subdomain where xxx is unique to the organization. When they hit that subdomain we show them a button to login using their endpoint.
The problem I'm facing is that I can't find any documentation on how to set this up so that I can have multiple endpoints configured for wither oAuth over ADFS or oAuth over Azure (openconnect it looks like, can't tell if ADFS in Windows 2008 R2 supports openconnect, but it does support oAuth).
Can someone point me in the right direction of how to accomplish this? Do I need to setup a single app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication() and then intercept based on the request some how for all of them? Or is there different rules for ADFS versus Azure so I have to use something else.
Any details would be fantastic. Even an inkling of where to go with this without having to use something like Auth0 would be fantastic.

Have a look at IdentityServer3.
You'll see a number of connections as a general guide (albeit in C#!).
ADFS in Server 2008 R2 has zero OpenID Connect / Ouath2 support. ADFS Server 2012 R2 has zero OpenID Connect / some OAuth2 support (Web API). ADFS Server 2016 is pretty similar to Azure AD - supports both.
Note that you need to support the hybrid OAuth profile.
You could use other protocols for ADFS e.g. WS Federation / SAML (using the OWIN libraries).
Or go the ADAL route.


Okta secure web apps on Azure Virtual Machines

We have 2 web applications in production since several years. They are currently only accessible from the intranet of the company. Future changes in the company's organization require to make these applications accessible from the internet. It is planned to use Okta to reinforce security. I don't know nothing about Okta yet. As far as possible, the changes should have as little impact as possible.
Current situation:
Web App 1:
ASP.NET MVC solution secured with userid/password ASP.NET Membership with forms authentication. Userid is an internal user code like ADE465 for example.
Web App 2:
ASP.NET MVC solution secured with userid/password authentication through IdentityServer2 (Thinktecture). Userid is firstname dot lastname like john.doe for example.
All web apps are hosted on IIS on an Azure virtual machine named (let's say) FABVM03.
For the future Okta integration: no need to have SSO (Single Sign On). Would it be possible to simply secure with Okta everything accessed on the server FABVM03? Or everything accessed from a specific URL ?
For example, if someone tries to access Okta should comes up and ask for authentication (Okta verify) and if successful allow the user to access the requested url. In fact, the 'already in place' login/password should then be asked as it is already the case. I agree the user would have to enter credentials 2 times: first for Okta verify, next for login the specific web application. But that's okay. As you will have understood, no code modification in the web apps would be necessary in this scenario.
My question is to know if something like that is possible with Okta. If not what is the less impacting possible solution with Okta ?
Okta is not to enforce your policies (PEP), it's mainly SSO and Access Management solution.
Okta has a component, called OAG (Okta Access Gateway), which can be used to reverse-proxy your on-prem applications (which will work in your situation too, as your VPC is effectively equal to "on-prem in a cloud"). Which can do something like you want (protect your application and ask for authentication/authorization), but it's an additional package on top of basic Okta costs.
What you may need is a level of protection added on Azure Network layer, not sure if there is something like that though. I've seen some modules for nginx, capable of intercepting traffic and redirecting it to Okta, if not accompanied with a token. So try to dig into these 2 directions...
You need some proxy-based solution to talk to Okta and enforce the protection for your applications. There are open source tools:
Or you can checkout some commercial tools:

not able to get claims into access_token generated by ADFS 3.0 using OAuth 2.0

I have an Angular application(ex. https://localhost:44301) that is
using Web API(ex. https://localhost:44302) to interact with data.
I have an Identity Server 4 (ex. https://localhost:44303) for authentication in which we have even
configured external login with Azure AD.
Our Architecture is something like below :
Now I want to add ADFS 3.0 (even ADFS 4.0 i.e. multiple ADFS) as a external login provider
So as per my research I have to go for only OAuth 2.0 with
Authrization Code Grant.
For that what type of configuration should I add into ADFS server. I am mainly confused about:
what should add as relying party trust identifier ?
what should as a resource into authorization request ?
what configurations for custom claims ?
There are three ways you can do this.
You can add ADFS via:
WS Fed
OpenID Connect
SAML or you could use the Rock Solid Knowledge stack described in that blog
WS-Fed - use the built-in ASP.NET Core SP option
OIDC is doable but rather go with above
In both these cases, ADFS is a CP to idsrv4. idsrv4 is an SP to ADFS.
If you go with OIDC, it's an application group.

Does Ping Identity set any environment variable containing the username of the person logged in?

I am trying to use this username in my code but I do not know if it is provided in the environment variables. Thanks!
Additional information: I am using using PingFederate and Ping One.
My website is based on C sharp and it used to get the windows environment variable for username. now I want it changed to the user logged in through ping identity.Is it possible to do so and in that case which SDK should I get (I am assuming the .net integration kit right?)?
As a .NET hosted application on IIS, your application would be considered the Service Provider (SP). In this architecture PingFederate is the Identity Provider (IdP). This is a brokered authentication design pattern, or more commonly known as Single Sign-On (SSO). When PingFederate authenticates the user, a token is sent to your application that would contain the username. The code (or library) within your application would process the token and then read out the username.
Here’s a list of options that you could pursue to solve your problem:
WS-Federation protocol using the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) libraries. The config on the PingFederate side is very simple, and you just have to integrate the WIF libraries on your side. Once the WIF libraries and associated web.config configuration is established, you read the claims object passed to your application.
OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol using the OWIN middleware. This is also a native MS solution that leverages an open standard. It will require that you have some understanding of OWIN/Katana, as examples are not exactly exhaustive online. PingFedeate supports the OIDC protocol, which is also a very straight forward configuration.
PingFederate Agentless Integration Kit. The integration kit is installed on PingFederate and is easy to configure. It is essentially a REST interface between PingFederate and your application to provide a JSON object with the identity information including username. Your application would need to implement the REST APIs to PingFederate.
PingFederate .NET Integration Kit. This solution implements the PingFederate Opentoken solution for exchanging attributes between your app and PingFederate. The .NET code libraries for handling the Opentoken are provided to you by the integration kit, you just have to integrate them into your code baseline along with about 10 lines of code to read the OpenToken to get username. Configuration on PingFederate is simple.

How to use LDAP on window azure?

Am new to ADFS and LDAP, our project is mixed of technology mongoDb, nodeJS and rails. we are planning on deploying mongodb, Nodejs or Rails on Windows Azure, as LDAP is been used for active directory on LDAP used in window azure. is there any performance change in using ADFS in ruby compare to LDAP in ruby. if yes, how can i implement ADFS on RUBY
Is anyone know how its possible. thanks in advance.
Is your LDAP server going to stay on-premises? Just to be clear, ADFS is not equivalent to LDAP. ADFS is a "Security Token Service" (STS). LDAP is a Directory.
Since you mention ADFS, presumably your apps will authenticate users on (on-premises) Active Directory. ADFS can only authenticate users on AD, not on arbitrary directories.
To connect your node.js and ruby app to ADFS you would need to implement either WS-Federation or SAML Protocol. These are the 2 protocols supported by ADFS. You can read more about it here.
Alternatively, you can implement your own STS and connect it with whatever you want (ADFS or LDAP). If you do this, then you have more control on what kind of protocols to implement in your app (e.g. OAuth2 or something else). It seems there are more libraries you can leverage compared to WS-Fed / SAML.
There are many open source STSs you can look at. IdentityServer is one of them, and people have successfully built solutions on it. You will have to host this yourself.
Another alternative is to rely on a 3rd party service like Auth0 (which is available on the Windows Azure store). (Disclaimer: this is a product I'm working on). website wcf data service authentication

I am building a website using ASP.NET MVC 3 and have forms authetication setup correctly (user is able to register and login). I want to setup an OData WCF Data Services service so a Windows Phone 7 (Mango Beta 2 Refresh) client can authenticate and query the Odata service, with CRUD actions. This idea comes from the FullStack episodes here. They use OAuth login, but I wanted to use the user setup I already have, instead of an OAuth solution.
I do have this all working without auth currently (MVC app with Odata client on wp7), but am looking to make the Odata service secure. I guess I am looking for some articles or walkthroughs on how to get this working.
If forms authentication is not the correct choice, please let me know.
So lots of research done on this. There is an official how-to series on the blog for the WCF team here. Since forms auth is already configured on the web app, adding a check inside the QueryInterceptor provides the auth. However it uses a 'standard authentication endpoint' for client apps to actually 'login' that seems to use the base Membership providers, which I don't use. Is there a way to override this?
You could turn your custom forms authentication setup into a Claims based Federated Authentication Provider (STS) using Windows Identity Foundation. Then use that to authenticate your wp7 app with the STS provider and then send that claim (token) to your Odata service which will verify its an authentic claim. There is an example of this in the WIF training kit
