Spring AMQP: How to dynamically adjust the concurrentConsumers? - spring-amqp

The Spring AMQP doc says
"Since version 1.3.0, you can now dynamically adjust the
concurrentConsumers property."
How do you do that? Thru environment variable or what? Elaborate? Thanks.

Call setConcurrentConsumers() on the listener container...
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Changing consumers from " + this.concurrentConsumers + " to " + concurrentConsumers);
The number of consumers will be increased or decreased as needed.


How to make a workaround for the keyword 'use' in Groovy in a Jenkins Pipeline?

I have groovy application, and I am using the following code to make some json validations work:
String method = "{\n" +
"\"method\":\"filesContentReplacer\"," +
"\"filesContentReplacer\":{\n" +
"\"files\":[" +
"{" +
"\"path\":\"pom.xml\"," +
"\"target\":\"1.9.0\"," +
"\"replacement\":\"STF_SomeNumber\"" +
"}" +
"]" +
"}" +
def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(method)
assert json instanceof Map
json.schema = (Map) executeReadJson([text: readFromResources('methods/filesContentReplacer.json')])
Log.instance.debug( "json.schema:${json.schema}")
assert json.conformsSchema()
That is pure groovy code, based from this git repo: https://github.com/alexdeleon/groovy-json-schema
The problem is when I run the code on a jenkins pipeline, it throws the following error:
expected to call org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GroovyCategorySupport.use but wound up catching org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2.call; see: https://jenkins.io/redirect/pipeline-cps-method-mismatches/
After some research, it turns out, that the guys who made this pipeline groovy language, have not made everything they should have, and the keyword 'use' is not supported.
Now I need somehow to make it work. Can you help me?
Also, if you need any more code, I will provide. But I basically just copied the 2 classes from the git into my project.
Thank you for your time.
don't have jenkins to test but here what you could try:
def myConformsSchema(String json, String schema){
...here put your code to validate json against schema
you could try to use static methods from https://github.com/alexdeleon/groovy-json-schema/blob/master/src/main/groovy/com/lumata/os/groovy/jsonschema/JsonSchema.groovy
like this:
def schema = executeReadJson(...)
assert JsonSchema.conformsSchema(json, schema)

anylogic agent communication and message sending

In my model, I have some agents;
"Demand" agent,
"EnergyProducer1" agent
"EnergyProducer2" agent.
When my hourly energy demands are created in the Main agent with a function, the priority for satisfying this demand is belongs to "EnergyProducer1" agent. In this agent, I have a function that calculate energy production based on some situtations. The some part of the inside of this function is following;
**" if (statechartA.isStateActive(Operating.busy)) && ( main.heatLoadDemandPerHour >= heatPowerNominal) {
producedHeatPower = heatPowerNominal;
naturalGasConsumptionA = naturalGasConsumptionNominal;
} else ..... "**
Here my question is related to 4th line of the code. If my agent1 fails to satisfy the hourly demand, I have to say agent2 that " to satisfy rest of demand". If I send this message to agent2, its statechart will be active and the function of agent2 will be working. My question is that this all situations will be realized at the same hour ??? İf it is not, is accessing variables and parameters of other agent2 more appropiaote way???
I hope I could explain my problem.
thanks for your help in advance...
**Edited question...
As a general comment on your question, within AnyLogic environment sending messages is alway preferable to directly accessing variable and parameters of another agent.
Specifically in the example presented the send() function will schedule message delivery the next instance after the completion of the current function.
Update: A message in AnyLogic can be any Java class. Sending strings such as "boilerWorking" used in the example is good for general control, however if more information needs to be shared (such as a double value) then it is good practice to create a new Java class (let's call is ModelMessage and follow these instructions) with at least two properties msgStr and msgVal. With this new class sending a message changes from this:
send("boilerWorking", boiler);
to this:
send(new ModelMessage("boilerWorking",42.0), boiler);
and firing transitions in the statechart has to be changed to use if expression is true with expression being msg.msgString == "boilerWorking".
More information about Agent communication is available here.

Quartz 2.2.1, JMX jobruntime always -1?

Is it normal that in Quartz, for the JMX Attribute CurrentlyExecutingJobs=> [item] => jobRunTime always is "-1" while it is currently running, or is there some setting in Quartz to ensure the jobRunTime is updated appropriately?
(confirmed via jconsole, Mission Control, and jmx code)
Usecase is to track/monitor long-running jobs, and thought jobRunTime would be the appropriate path. The alternative path is "fireTime" + CURRENT_NOW calculation, but wanted to avoid extra calculation if it was already occurring somewhere.
After chasing this around, this particular value is not updated without it being manually set. Reviewing tools that monitor Quartz jobs, such as Javamelody, they have to calculate it every time too:
elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis()- quartzAdapter.getContextFireTime(jobExecutionContext).getTime();
If you want to manually update the jobruntime value for long-running jobs to check the value rather than calculating it outside, you have to change every job you have to support this feature. Here is a rough example that can be modified for your needs sourced from: https://github.com/dhartford/quartz-snippets/blob/master/update_jobruntime_timer_innerclass
* inner class to handle scheduled updates of the Quartz jobruntime attribute
class UpdateJobTimer extends TimerTask{
private JobExecutionContextImpl jec;
/* usage example, such as at the start of the execute method of the Job interface:
* Timer timer = new Timer();
* //update every 10 seconds (in milliseconds), whatever poll timing you want
* timer.schedule(new UpdateJobTimer(jec), 0, 10000);
* ...
* timer.cancel(); //do cleanup in all appropriate spots
UpdateJobTimer(JobExecutionContextImpl jec){
this.jec = jec;
public void run() {
long runtimeinms = jec.getFireTime().getTime() - new java.util.Date().getTime();
System.out.println("DEBUG TIMERTASK on JOB: " + jec.getJobDetail().getKey().getName() + " triggered [" + jec.getFireTime() + "] updated [" + new java.util.Date() + "]" );

How can a jenkins plugin get the value of a configuration setting?

I'm creating a Jenkins plugin which is a post-build action. I want the plugin to read the value of the "Root POM" field in the job configuration page. I've been looking through the Javadocs for hudson.model.AbstractBuild and trying getBuildVariables(), getEnvironment() etc. but I don't see anything relevant.
I guess as a last resort I could configure my plugin to prompt the user for the root pom, but the problem is that management wants a plugin that can be deployed automatically on every build without any action on the user's part.
Do you mean you want a plugin to read the configuration of another plugin (the maven one)? If so, I believe you should use something like
Your required class might be hudson/maven/Maven3Builder depending on what you are trying to do.
I was wrong. This seems to work for me:
if (build instanceof hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild) {
try {
hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild b = (hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild) build;
hudson.EnvVars envVars = b.getEnvironment(listener);
String rootPOM = b.getProject().getRootPOM(envVars);
listener.getLogger().println("rootPOM: " + rootPOM);
} catch (Exception e) {
listener.getLogger().println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage());

Ant conditions - which comes first 'if' or 'unless'

If an ant target uses both if and unless, which is evaluated first?
What comes first, the chicken or the egg? . . .
<target name="prepare" if="chicken" unless="egg" >
<echo>Dinner time. Chicken is served!</echo>
Would ant evaluate the chicken property first? Or the egg property?
It isn't really a question of evaluation, since the properties either are or are not set before the target gets called.
EDIT: I looked at the 1.8.1 source and the logic is as follows:
if (!testIfAllows()) {
project.log(this, "Skipped because property '" + project.replaceProperties(ifCondition)
+ "' not set.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
if (!testUnlessAllows()) {
project.log(this, "Skipped because property '"
+ project.replaceProperties(unlessCondition) + "' set.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
So the unless won't matter unless the if passes. But keep in mind, these don't have anything to do with evaluating properties. It just looks them up to see if they are set.
