DNX design time error - System cannot find file specified - asp.net-mvc

When i try to run the ASP NET 5 solution, i get below error.
Microsoft Visual Studio Error
The following error occurred attempting to run the DNX design time process (dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta8).
The system cannot find the file specified.
The DNX design time process provides intellisense, build, and reference information to Visual Studio and without it your experience will be very limited. Please try closing and reopening Visual Studio to see if that corrects the problem. Alternatively, check that the DNX version is properly installed or try changing to a different installed DNX version using the project property pages.

The project is not finding DNX SDK (if you look at the project properties you may see an empty drop-list next to 'Solution DNX SDK version').
If you are on windows 7, I suspect you may have an old version of powershell installed. You need at least version 3.0.
See this answer on a similar issue:


Error while trying to add docker support : Value cannot be null ... netCoreVersion

I had a very simple .Net Core console app that I was using to try experiment with docker/containers. I had heard that Visual Studio had great docker support and wanted to see if I could leverage it. After creating the .Net Core from the Visual Studio Templates, I right-clicked the Project to add "Docker Support...", then when prompted for Linux vs Windows, I selected Windows and then got the following error:
An error occurred while adding Docker file support to this project.
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: netCoreVersion
I've tried various things and nothing seems to be working.
After much troubleshooting, this is what solved my problem. The TargetFramework I was using was not being recognized by Visual Studio. I wanted to test using a Windows only build because that is my primary use case.
Right-clicking the Project Properties, the TargetFramework was .NET 6.0 but the Target OS was Windows and NOT (None).
Those 2 settings combine the csproj file to have a setting of
instead of
The Fix
Essentially get your TargetFramework to be net6.0. You can edit raw, or just select (None) as your Target OS. You can then add the Docker File, and then reset your project back to your Target OS.

Package installation error when new blank application in nanoframework is created

When i try create new blank application in nanoframework, i get package installation error.
error message
It seems some problem in nanoframework visual studio extension, my version is NET nanoFramework VS2019 Extension v2019.5.0.8.vsix, but i also tried another versions with same problem.
I have visual studio 2019 community edition and i have installed almost all components.
When i press ok, project is loaded, but is not possible compile it, because there are missing all assemblies. When i try add assembly, theres nothing to add and add nuget packages from nanoframework store leads to error.
when i try this:
pm> Install-Package nanoFramework.CoreLibrary.NoReflection -Version
I get this error:
NU1202: Package nanoFramework.CoreLibrary.NoReflection
1.10.1-preview.9 is not compatible with netnanoframework10 (.NETna noFramework,Version=v1.0). Package
nanoFramework.CoreLibrary.NoReflection 1.10.1-preview.9 supports: net
similiar when i try another package versions.
So the extensions is installed incorectly, but i cant find why. i tried it more times. uninstall and install again. from extenstion store, and from disc. nothing successfull.
The webserver NuGet released today fixes the issues with the version mismatches.
The issue with VS2019 16.9 remains. Reported to VS Developer Community here. Please up vote to help increase priority.
What is the Community version you're using?
After a little test, there seems to be an issue with the latest release of VS2019. A work around would be to:
Use V16.8.X
use an already created solution that you can edit.
add the required nuget to the project once it has been loaded (after the error):
Update: now fixed! it was due to a change to fix nuget, but caused an unintended consequence with nanoFramework.

Cannot create Q# Quantum Application in Visual Studio

I'm going to create Q# application for the first time. I installed the "Microsoft Quantum Development Kit" and I have .not core 3.1.301 (the latest)
I use VS 2019 Community Edition.
In VS, I see the Q# Application when creating new solution but when I try to create , I get below error:
The project file cannot be opened by the project system, because it is
missing some critical imports or the referenced SDK cannot be found.
Detailed Information: The SDK resolver "NuGetSdkResolver" failed to
run. Unable to find fallback package folder
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.301\Sdks\Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk\Sdk not
found. Check that a recent enough .NET Core SDK is installed and/or
increase the version specified in global.json.
I could not find any solution over the web.
The Quantum.SDK is not distributed with the extension, instead is downloaded the first time you try to build/create the Q# application.
Looks like Visual Studio is having problems downloading it using NuGet. I can think of two reasons:
1. You are not connected to the internet, so it can't connect to nuget.org to download the package
2. The error points to a missing "C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\NuGet\", I would suggest creating this folder.

Can't open or create projects: The type initializer for 'MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild.MSBuildEvaluationContext' threw an exception

This morning, I found I was unable to create or open any projects on Visual Studio Community for macOS v8.1.1 (build 27) without getting the error...
The project could not be created
The type initializer for 'MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild.MSBuildEvaluationContext' threw an exception.
This install of VS has been working for quite some time on this Mac. VS had found and installed some updates recently. This is not a box where I work routinely; it may have last worked successfully a week or so ago.
Here is a screencapture when trying to create a Console app project, for instance. The error occurs when I hit the "Create" button.
I've found a very similar error on a now defunct Bugzilla for the old Xamarin Studio here, which links me to this resolved GitHub issue on MonoDevelop, which is now Visual Studio, from 2017, which is marked Closed and Merged.
I've also found a very similar error report raised as another GitHub issue for MonoDevelop here. No clear resolution there; just a reply that, "Seems like MSBuild is not installed?"
They both suggest MSBuild isn't in the right place, but I'm not sure how I'd fix that.
I have tried uninstalling Visual Studio (by trashing) and removing .NET using sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/dotnet. This removed .NET, but on reinstall of VS and .NET, the error returns.
Is there a better way to perform a clean install? Is there another way to resolve this issue?
Round 2
Since the issue was MonoDevelop specific, I did a find to find any file with mono in it. I found some stuff like this...
... in the Frameworks folder, and that looked promising. I've messed with MonoDevelop in the past (remember icsharpcode?), know that it used to be its own, independent, OSS C# IDE, and blasted that Mono.framework folder away.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/
I also deleted Visual Studio and removed /usr/local/share/dotnet again, then reinstalled .NET and VS with the VS installer.
When I tried to open Visual Studio, I got a different message.
Now we're getting somewhere. I clicked the "Download Mono Framework" button in that dialog and initially tried installing the "Visual Studio" release from the page the button opened, tried reopening VS, and got the same error as before. Strangely, the VS release is, and the error message, above, says I need :thinking-face:
I tried downloading the latest "Stable" release of the mono framework instead, which is version
Visual Studio opens and creates new projects without error, but...
EDIT: That was short lived. I now get a /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.700/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.targets(5,5): Error MSB4018: The "GenerateDepsFile" task failed unexpectedly.
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'Microsoft.NET.Build.Tasks.DependencyContextBuilder:_filteredPackages' (12) due to: Could not resolve type with token 01000025 from typeref ...
error when I try to build the stock console app.
NOTE: There is an official process for deleting Mono I missed, and is better than the quick & dirty rm -rf I tried, above.

Umbraco: Could not load type 'Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication'

I've downloaded Umbraco, connected to a database and installed a sample site but when I try to run in Visual Studio, I get this error:
Could not load type 'Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication'.
Any ideas?
I usually follow this guide to get Umbraco up and running with Visual Studio: Setting up Umbraco 7 in Visual Studio 2013 for MVC 4 development
You are possibly missing a reference. Also - I found this happens in my version 7.2.4 too.
Check that the install completes - especially if you installed with NuGet. Sometimes powershell doesn't work and the installation is not completed. Look for yellow text during installation. If this fails, try an older version.
