Beaglebone without DAC (from Digital to Analog Converter)? - beagleboneblack

In the beaglebone there are many analog input, but are there any analog output?
It means, is there any DAC inside the beaglebone?
Are there alternatives?

i'm new in beaglebone, but see if there is something that worth for you....
tutorial here
Well, your question was too large in options to answer, to start, for a DAC CS4334, you can do the connection as follow:
MCLK (Master Clock) = pin P9_25
SDATA (Serial Audio Data Input) = P9_28
LRCK (Left/Right Clock) = P9_29
SCLK External Serial Clock Input = P9_30


Analog to digital sampling rate affected by String() function on ESP8266?

I'm using an ESP8266 NodeMCU 12-E development board to capture audio from a pre-amplified electret microphone, then I upload it to the web where it will be converted to a wav file. My first thought was to cast the integer values of analogRead(A0) on the ESP8266 as String type, then concatenate them into a longer string payload which I can publish to an MQTT broker.
My MQTT client subscribers didn't seem to be getting proper sound files, because all I heard were series of rhythmic pops.
I decided to investigate if my code on the ESP8266 board was even capturing things properly. I stripped the code down to these few lines which seem to cause problems:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
const char *ssid = "____"; // Change it
const char *pass = "____"; // Change it
void setup()
Serial.println(0); //start
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
void loop()
int analog = analogRead(A0);
if (analog > 255) {
analog = 255;
else if (analog < 0){
analog = 0;
Serial.print(" ");
Here's how I use the code above to produce a wav file to check if the sound is what I expect:
- I start up the ESP8266 development board
- I turn on the Serial Monitor and clear all previous output
- I power up my electret microphone and speak into it
- I power down my electret microphone
- I copy the contents of the Serial Monitor (which is a series of integers) into a text file called `audio.raw`
- I copy `audio.raw` to a linux machine that has ffmpeg installed
- I issue the command `ffmpeg -f u8 -ar 11111 -ac 1 -i audio.raw -y audio.wav` on the linux machine
When I listen to the audio.raw file, I hear my voice, but the speed is maybe 5-10 times faster than normal. (I also get a lot of noise and distortion, but that might be a separate issue with the input signal quality.)
I then tried changing this one line of code Serial.print(String(analog)) to Serial.print(analog). Then I repeated the steps above. But this time, my voice sounds like it is about 2 times faster than normal.
Why does changing this one line from Serial.print(String(analog)) to Serial.print(analog) make such a big difference?
Is it because the String() function is a very expensive operation that takes up a lot of time? And when the script needs more time to process each line of code, the script then has less time to capture enough analogRead(A0) data points? And if I run the same ffmpeg command using all the same flags, then ffmpeg will try to meet the -ar 11111 requirement by speeding up the audio play? Which would imply that my sampling rate is dependent on execution speed of my script? Which means I have to consider variable execution speeds across other boards of the same model due to variability in manufacturing precision, environmental temperature, etc...?
Your sampling rate is coupled to your loop implementation (as you have discovered). This will also cause jitter in your sampling rate as different code paths will take different amounts of time and interrupt service routines will also steal CPU cycles.
This jitter will be one of the causes of distortion in your output.
When I listen to the audio.raw file, I hear my voice, but the speed is maybe 5-10 times faster than normal.
The ESP8266 has a hardware UART so the code can potentially load the UART's FIFO buffer faster than it can output. This would be a source of the perceived faster sampling rate but also cause jitter or data loss when the buffer fills up. Depending on the implementation, when the buffer fills it will drop data or alternatively block (causing jitter).
Why does changing this one line from Serial.print(String(analog)) to Serial.print(analog) make such a big difference?
Is it because the String() function is a very expensive operation that takes up a lot of time? And when the script needs more time to process each line of code, the script then has less time to capture enough analogRead(A0) data points?
Yes, yes and yes.
One of the reasons for the performance difference is that String() involves allocating and managing memory on the heap to store the characters.
Serial.print(analog) uses a fixed size buffer on the stack as the code knows the maximum number of characters required to display an int.
And if I run the same ffmpeg command using all the same flags, then ffmpeg will try to meet the -ar 11111 requirement by speeding up the audio play?
Yes. ffmpeg assumes that the samples have a fixed sampling rate but this does not match the samples that are being printed out.
Which would imply that my sampling rate is dependent on execution speed of my script?
Which means I have to consider variable execution speeds across other boards of the same model due to variability in manufacturing precision, environmental temperature, etc...?
Yes. There will be a multitude of variables that affect execution speeds.
What can you do?
Decouple the sampling of data from the code execution.
This can be done by implementing an Interrupt Service Routine. Tie the ISR to a hardware timer so it executes at a fixed sampling rate and avoiding jitter.
The ISR can write to a buffer which the code in loop() transmits over the serial connection. The ISR and serial transmission code need to manage the buffer to ensure that neither overrun the other. One means of doing this is to use alternate buffers that the ISR and transmission code use.
Since you use Serial.begin(115200) ESP8266 Microcontroller will transfer 115200 bits per second through serial port. Which is 115200 / 8 = 14400 bytes per second and that means since you use u8 (unsigned 8 bit) format for audio, each sample consists of a single byte. Just change the ffmpeg -ar parameter to 14400.
I don't any have microphones which i can connect to MCU for testing but it should work properly this way. The other -ac parameter is correct since it is mono channel audio.
Edit : Also don't use String() constructor while printing out to Serial.
While using Serial() constructor sound speeds up about 5 times because String converts your 1 byte value to 3 bytes, example ; byte : 255 -> String : "2", "5", "5" , you don't have to consider execution speed of Microcontroller, it will output 115200 bits per second as if you defined. You just need to consider it's output.
Finally delete the line
Serial.print(" ");
Also change
int analog = analogRead(A0);
byte analog = (byte)analogRead(A0);
since int consists of 4 bytes, you would not want to send extra 3 bytes to serial.
And after changing int to byte you can get rid this code block
if (analog > 255) {
analog = 255;
else if (analog < 0){
analog = 0;
If you connect ESP8266 to linux device through usb which has ffmpeg on it you can use
ttylog -b 115200 -d /dev/ttyUSB0 | ffmpeg -f u8 -ar 14400 -ac 1 -i - -y audio.wav
to capture audio data in realtime from ESP8266.

How can i tell if a peripheral is connected to GPIO?

I want to be able to detect when a peripheral sensor is NOT connected to my Raspberry Pi 3.
For example, if I have a GPIO passive infrared sensor.
I can get all the GPIO ports like this:
PeripheralManagerService manager = new PeripheralManagerService();
List<String> portList = manager.getGpioList();
if (portList.isEmpty()) {
Log.i(TAG, "No GPIO port available on this device.");
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "List of available ports: " + portList);
Then I can connect to a port like this:
try {
Gpio pir = new PeripheralManagerService().openGpio("BCM4")
} catch (IOException e) {
// not thrown in the case of an empty pin
However even if the pin is empty I can still connect to it (which technically makes sense, as gpio is just binary on or off). There doesn't seem to be any api, and I can't legitimately think of logically how you can differentiate between a pin that has a peripheral sensor connected and one that is "empty".
Therefore at the moment, there is no way for me to assert programmatically that my sensors and circuit is setup correctly.
Any one have any ideas? Is it even possible from a electronics point of view?
Reference docs:
There are lots of ways to do "presence detection" electrically, but nothing that you will find intrinsically in the SoC. You wouldn’t normally ask a GPIO pin if something is attached—it would have no way to tell you that.
Extra GPIO pins are often used to detect if a peripheral is attached to a connector. The plug for some sensor could include a “detect” line that is shorted to ground and pulls the GPIO low when the sensor is attached, for example. USB and SDIO do something similar with some dedicated circuitry in the interface.
You could also build more elaborate detection circuits using things like current sensing, but they would inevitably have to put out a binary signal that you capture through a dedicated GPIO.
This is easier to achieve for serial peripherals, since you can usually send a basic command and verify that you get a response.
Detection using solely the input line can be tough. First, you'd want to narrow the scope of the problem. Treat as not-present the condition of a sensor not being connected, the sensor being connected but not responding, or the sensor responding in an uncharacteristic manner.
So, if it is a digital sensor, then communicating with the sensor may be enough to tell if it is present or not (especially if checksums or parity bits are involved).
Some analog sensors also have specific specs on how it behaves when triggered. You can utilize deviation from those specs to determine if the sensor is not present.
If you have a digital sensor w/o any error checking on it's output, where you clock out data (so all 0s or all 1s is valid) or it's just a binary 1 or 0 for output, then you'd need external help. Same for most analog sensors.
This external help would be something where you put the system in a known controlled state, press a button, and it then checks the sensors for output within a specific range. To be absolutely sure, you'd want at least two different states, to ensure your digital or analog inputs didn't happen to be stuck at the correct state for your test.
Just about any other method would be external to the system. Using additional IO to "detect" a sensor could help increase confidence the sensor is there, but you could get false positives where all you've learned is that "something" is there - not necessarily the sensor you expect.

Beaglebone Black multiple HC-SR04 - Sensor (Ultrasonic)

i am currently trying to use more than 1 HC-SR04 on my BeagleBone Black (Rev C.)
I tried the following script: And it is also working, but I have no idea, how I am able to change the used PINs and also how to use them in a serial way.
May someone help me please?
best regards
One possible solution with the current code is to add two fast enough multiplexer to the echo/trigger pins of the sensors (8:1 or 16:1 depending on how many sensors you want to connect). The first will be to switch between trigger connections and the second to switch between echo connections. To control the mux you'll have connect the select lines of the mux to any of the GPIO pins(easiest are P8_14, P8_15, P8_16 and P8_18 since P8_11 and P8_12 are being used by PRU).
You'll have to change the present code something like this
/* Execute code on PRU */
printf(">> Executing HCSR-04 code\n");
prussdrv_exec_program(0, "hcsr04.bin");
/*Add code here to set GPIO pins high/low to choose the sensor */
/* Get measurements */
mux generally have 5v inputs and outputs, make sure that you step it down to 3V else you'll blow your beaglebone!
basic cheap mux have 35ns max response time which is more that sufficient to match the requirements
Addition: Tie all the trigger pins together and mux only the echo pins so that you'll need only one mux instead of 2

Contiki OS CC2538: Reducing current / power consumption

I am trying to drive down the current consumption of the contiki os running on the CC2538 development kit.
I would like to operate the device from a CR2032 with a run life of 2 years. To achieve this I would need an average current less than 100uA.
However when I run the following at 3V, I get the following results:
contiki/examples/hello-world = 0.4mA - 2mA
contiki/examples/er-rest-example/er-example-client = 27mA
contiki/examples/er-rest-example/er-example-server = 27mA
thingsquare websocket example = 4mA
I have also designed my own target platform based on the cc2538 and get similar results.
I have read the guide at
and have ensured that in the contiki-conf.h file:
Can anyone give me some pointers as to how I can get the current down. It would be most appreciated.
How did you measure the current?
You have to be aware that using a basic ampere meter to measure the current consumption of contiki-os wouldn't give you relevant results. The system is turning on/off the radio at a relative high rate (8Hz by default) in order to perform the CCA. This might not be very easy to catch for an ampere meter.
To have an idea of the current consumption when the device is in deep sleep (and then make calculation to determine the averaged current consumption), I'd rather put the device in the PM state before the program reach the infinite while loop. I used the following code to do that:
do { asm("wfi"::); } while(0);
leds_on(LEDS_RED); // should not reach here
On the CC2538, the CCA check consumes about 10-15mA and last approximately 2ms. When the radio transmit a packet, it consume 25mA. Have a look at this post: Contiki UDP packet transmission duration with CC2538.
Furthermore, to save a little more current, turn off the serial com:
#define CC2538_CONF_QUIET 1
Are you using the SmartRF board? If you want to make proper current measurement with this board, you have to remove every jumpers: P486, P487, P411 and P408. Keep only the jumpers of BTN_SEL and the RESET signals.

portaudio video/audio sync

I use ffmpeg to decode video/audio stream and use portaudio to play audio. I encounter a sync problem with portaudio. I have a function like below,
double AudioPlayer::getPlaySec() const
double const latency = Pa_GetStreamInfo( mPaStream )->outputLatency;
double const bytesPerSec = mSampleRate * Pa_GetSampleSize( mSampleFormat ) * mChannel;
double const playtime = mConsumedBytes / bytesPerSec;
return playtime - latency;
mCousumeBytes is the byte count which written into audio device in the portaudio callback function. I thought I could have got the playing time according to the byte count. Actually, when I execute the other process ( like open firefox ) which make cpu busy, the audio become intermittent, but the callback doesn't stop so that mConsumeBytes is more than expected, and getPlaySec return a time which is larger than playing time.
I have no idea how this happened. Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks!
Latency, in PortAudio is defined a bit vaguely. Something like the average time between when you put data into the buffer and when you can expect it to play. That's not something you want to use for this purpose.
Instead, to find the current playback time of the device, you can actually poll the device using the Pa_GetStreamTime function.
You may want to see this document for more detailed info.
I know this is old. But still; PortAudio v19+ can provide you with its own sample rate. You should use that for audio sync, since actual sample rate playback can differ between different hardware. PortAudio might try to compensate (depending on implementation). If you have drift problems, try using that.
