Customize UISearchController in TVOS - ios

i'm working with UISearchController in TVOS application. I'm facing few issues in that.
Basically, this controller is embedded in tabBarController, and i want:
1- Search bar to be placed below the tab bar. Is it possible? I don't want to make my tabBar translucant but to change the frame of search Bar. Is it possible
2- As shown in image, i want the color of alphabets and other keys to be pink (when in focused mode). The default color is black (for focus mode) & grey (for normal mode). How to update that?


Swift How do I stop the tab bar from changing background colors

I'm working on a project that requires a Tabbar. Currently I have my code set up so that after login or sign up I'm presented by the Explore tab (The third tab). The goal I'm trying to achieve is to have my project only show a translucent tab bar background. When I was originally working on my project I had no issue doing this. I ran in the problem after I incorporated a table view that allow for scrolling. Currently when ever I push on the tab 1-4 I get a translucent background. When tab 5 (includes the table view with scrolling) is pressed the background of the tab bar changes to a gray color. Even if I press out of the tab to a different one the gray tab bar background color doesn't change. The only way I found to dismiss the back ground color after the 5th tab has been selected is to scroll all the way down. After I'm scrolled down it allows the user to see the translucent background again. Then you can select different tab bars and you'll see the translucent background again. How do I only show a translucent color
You need to set Bar-Tint colour to Default. ScreenShot

Gray bar visible on iPhoneXS throughout app

Header image with gray bar on top
I am converting our app to fit correctly on newer iOS devices. We are using xib files for the UI. I added a launch screen storyboard to start off the new formatting. I noticed a gray bar across the top of every screen. It is not part of the view controller and I've tried removing the status bar but that only makes the text and icons disappear. I don't think it's the navigation bar either since we have that hidden as well. I have checked the Safe Area Layouts.
Any ideas on what this is and how I can remove it to extend my view all the way to the top? The blue in the image is the color I currently set the background of my view controller and we have a custom header view below that.
Using the View Hierarchy, as suggested, I was able to see the view behind my main view. I inspected the code for that initial view and found the previous developers had offset the Navigation Controller by 20. That is what created the bar on all the views. I have adjusted to remove the offset and it looks perfect now.

iOS 7 Translucent Tab Bar and Nav Bar

I am having an issue with the translucent UINavigationBar and UITabBar in iOS 7, whereby if I only have the UINavigationBar translucent it works as I would expect it to, however as soon as set the UITabBar to translucent I get a strange effect happening in one out the four tabs in the app. Let my explain with some images:
This image shows the interface where only the nav bar is set to translucent:
With this image showing the result of the user scrolling the content up and under the nav bar:
Now, this is how I would expect it to look, and when the user scrolls the content back from under the nav bar it looks as it did before. However if I also set the UINavigationBar to translucent, and scroll the content to under the nav bar, the result is different to the second image:
Event the tab bar doesn't look right to me. This next image shows that the look of the nav bar if now different to what it was before, when the content is scrolled back from underneath it:
Again, I also don't thing that the look of the tab bar is correct, as the next image shows a different tab with content underneath it, with only a subtle change to the look of the tab bar:
Has anyone else had similar issues to this? (This is all set up in a storyboard)
Well, this was an annoying one. I added a fifth tab which had a MKMapView in it. On running the app and selecting the fifth tab, the tint colour from the nav and tab bars was removed, so I did a search and came across MKMapView affecting UINavigationBar and UITabBar
The test device I was using had iOS 7.0.2 on it, which falls in line with the bug mentioned; so have therefore updated it to the 7.1, and low and behold everything looks as it should.

UISearchDisplayController search bar overlaps the label above in iOS 7

My view controller has a label on top that provides a description regarding the search to be performed. Below this label there is a UISearchDisplayController having a search bar that performs a search. This behaves normally without any issues in iOS 5 and 6. However in iOS 7, the search bar looks different. First of all, the search bar icon is placed in the centre of the search bar instead of being left aligned as it was in the case of iOS 5 and 6. Is this the default behaviour of search bar in iOS 7 ? This is my first question.
Now when I click inside the search bar, the search icon moves to the left, and the search bar enlarges itself, i.e an extra grey shaded view springs up above the search bar which overlaps the label above. Please observe the figure below to understand what I mean. My second question is this, Is this the default behaviour of search bar in iOS 7 ? Is there any way to get rid of this grey shaded view that comes above the search bar ? My opinion is this view is quiet unnecessary. Is there any property in search bar which I have to set in order to prevent this grey shade from appearing ? Or do I have to resize the search bar instead to avoid this ? Any suggestions from your side would be welcome. Thanks in advance.

Tab bar issue for iPad app

I'd like to display what looks like a vertical tab bar at left side as in, for example, Twitter app for iPad:
Is that a UISplitViewController with a UITabBar within its left side?
Is it a tab bar with vertical orientation (if that is possible, I couldn't find such property in UITabBar class...)?
Is it a custom tabBar-like control?
I've read some posts dealing with this (for instance, iOS vertical tab bar), that were written some time ago, does this issue remain the same?
Custom tabbar controls are available. I think this will fit with your requirements.
