The Memory has been Increasing in WKWebView - ios

In my app, I load the interactive meeting URL on wkWebView, but I've noticed that the allocated memory has been gradually increasing.
When the app starts, memory is around 22 MB, but memory increases by the second.
How can I stop my memory from gradually increasing over time?
Try running your app in Instruments with the Leaks or Allocations filter to see what is causing your issues. Hopefully, that will lead you to the source of your memory leak(s).


ios 7: Low memory & game crashes

I am developing a game which crashes due to low memory. I checked memory by profiling and saw that memory allocation was increasing while I was doing nothing in the game, then I run the project again - the issue was same: memory allocation was increasing with time while I wasn't tapping even a single button
After 5 mints live bytes was 36.15 MB
Can anyone please explain this behaviour?

Memory keeps growing but no leaks reported

I have an app that's very memory intensive...LOTS of image processing in Core Graphics routines and custom pixel processing routines.
I've been very careful with memory as far as I can tell, but the longer my app runs, I notice memory slowing rising in the Memory Report in Xcode 5. I've run it many times in Instruments and I don't see any leaks.
Any ideas on how to debug this or where I can look?
You can use instruments to see what is getting allocated and to look at the retain/release/autorelease lifecycle of an image and what the call stack is for each of them.
If you have memory growing without leaks you are still holding onto the memory somewhere.

How can an iOS app reduce its memory footprint while it's already in background?

I use instruments to trace memory usage of some iOS app, such as Path,Instagram,Facebook.
I find that while a foreground app take too much memory resulting very tight "Physical Memory Free". And while memory free reaches its lower boundary, maybe 10M, the system starts to reduce background app's memory size, for example Path drops memory from about 70M to 40M progressively.
I am wondering how this happened, and I found that my own app doesn't behavior this way while in background. What I should do to make my app able to reduce it's memory footprint in background if needed?

iPad: Allocations show 3 MB memory while dirty memory continuously increases ans reaches greater than 100 MB

I am working on an iPad app that includes lots of images, animations and videos. My app crashes after running 12 to 13 minutes. Allocations show me only 3 MB memory usage while in VM Tracker dirty memory continuously increases till it reaches 130 MB and then app crashes. But VM Tracker does not give me any insight about what is actually happening in the code and which piece of code is responsible for increasing dirty memory. I am badly stuck with it. Have tried every possible thing. I am not using [UIImage imageNamed:], have avoided autoreleased objects as long as I can, have used autorelease pools where some convenience constructor is used. I am using FTUtils for animations in most places while in some places I am using [UIView beginAnimation:] but I am unable to reach any conclusion. Any help will be highly appreciated because I am badly stuck.

fake call to applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning being triggered even if I have around 80 MB of RAM left

I have NSLog-ed the remaining memory in a timer repeating after 1 second. It just print the remaining memory.
The runtime requirement app is around 20 MB max. Log shows free memory 90 MB+ when I launch the app.
There is a tabBar in which one of the Tabs is having a Google Mapkit's Map.
Once the application comes in working state, RAM - 80 MB.
When I scroll through the zoomed map- BOOM!!! "applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning" logger still shows free memory counter around 75-80 MB.
This is causing my other views data to be released.
Anyways..even if the RAM is available and when app doesn't crash.. panning in Map drastically reduce the RAM to 3-4 MBs from 70-80 MB. With this case, if app claims for memory - lets say for a captured image - BOOM Again!!! "applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning"
Anyone have experienced this before...?? any helpful comments..?
if you've not experienced this - just try it out with Apple's weather map sample app or the Native Maps Application on ur phone!! - to see how map eats up runtime memory when we pan a zoomed map...!!
That's how it's supposed to work. Memory is there to be used. Any that is not used is being wasted. As long as you have no memory leaks and you're unloading/reloading your views and caches correctly, there is no problem here.
